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浙江八面山萤石矿床流体包裹体地球化学研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
八面山萤石矿床流体包裹体可分为三大类型:Ⅰ气液包裹体,Ⅱ气体包裹体,Ⅲ含子矿物的多相包裹体;矿床成矿温度变化不大,主要集中在120~240°C之间。细粒条带状萤石矿石包裹体温度变化在115~250℃之间;巨晶块状萤石矿石和石英脉型萤石矿石包裹体温度集中在135~170℃之间。萤石矿床流体包裹体以低盐度成矿流体为主。成矿过程中起作用的成矿流体为KCl-H2O体系和CO2-CaF2-H2O体系,成矿溶液的离子类型属K+-Ca2+-HCO--F-型,KCl-H2O体系反映岩浆期后热液作用的结果,而CO2-CaF2-H2O体系可能反映了寒武纪矿源层成矿体系。通过包裹体研究,认为八面山萤石矿床是受地层-岩体-层间断裂共同控制三位一体的热液成因矿床。 相似文献
利用2002年10月~2003年8月的中分辨率成像光谱数据MODIS(ModerateResolutionImagingSpectrora-diometer)和华南沿海及海上能见度观测数据,对华南海域连续的、长时间序列的能见度遥感监测和定量反演进行了试验。将MODIS影像分为:晴空(Ⅰ);雾和低云(Ⅱ);有降水积云(Ⅲ)和其它(Ⅳ)4类,并按照通道间相关性最小和与大气水平能见度相关最大的原则进行通道筛选。初步分析表明,水平能见度确实与MODIS卫星表观反照率存在一定的函数关系。在此基础上,对每一类进行通道筛选和特征因子提取,建立分类的反演经验模型进行大气水平能见度的遥感反演,并与观测结果进行了比较。结果表明,在Ⅰ和Ⅲ类大气状况条件下,能见度的反演结果较好(相关系数分别达到0.6和0.9,远大于95%信度检验水平),而大气状况较为复杂的II类反演精度较低,相关系数只有0.5(仅达94.2%显著性检验水平)。由此可见,对于海上下垫面均一、而大气状况复杂的遥感反演问题,根据大气状况分类简化的统计反演是较为有效的1种方法。同时,对大气的辐射消光特性的了解和MODIS通道特性的分析,也是决定反演结果的重要因素。 相似文献
将方差分量估计(VCE)方法应用于ERS-2卫星的精密定轨,用SLR和PRARE资料计算了1998年前3个月的23个长度为5天的弧段(除了调整轨道的时段外,相邻弧段有两天的重叠),从观测值残差分析和重叠弧段比较两个方面,考察VCE方法对定轨计算的影响,并给出了各组观测值的平均验后均方差,对观测值残差的分析表明,使用VCE方法明显地改善了观测值的拟合程度,但从阿卑(Abbey)标准对观测值残差的检验结果来看,使用VCE方法不能消除轨道中由力学模型和几何模型误差引入的系统差,重叠弧段比较的结果表明:(1)使用VCE方法缩小了重叠弧段的平均距离差,并改善了一部分权段明显不合理的偏离,使最后得到的轨道具有更均匀的精度,(2)相比较而言,VCE方法使相邻弧段靠拢的趋势在轨道切向体现得较为明显,由各组观测值的平均验后方差可见,说单个标准点观测值而言,部分SLR台站的观测资料在定轨计算中占有比其他观测资料更重的地位,纵观全文,使用VCE后得到的观测值的平衡验后均方差来确定资料的双重将比使用均方差更为合理。 相似文献
According to the connotation and structure of science and technology resources and some relevant data of more than 286 cities at prefecture level and above during 2001–2010, using modified method—Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), science and technology(ST) resource allocation efficiency of different cities in different periods has been figured out, which, uncovers the distributional difference and change law of ST resource allocation efficiency from the time-space dimension. Based on that, this paper has analyzed and discussed the spatial distribution pattern and evolution trend of ST resource allocation efficiency in different cities by virtue of the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA). It turned out that:(1) the average of ST resource allocation efficiency in cities at prefecture level and above has always stayed at low levels, moreover, with repeated fluctuations between high and low, which shows a decreasing trend year by year. Besides, the gap between the East and the West is widening.(2) The asymmetrical distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency presents a spatial pattern of successively decreasing from Eastern China, Central China to Western China. The cities whose ST resource allocation efficiency are at higher level and high level take on a cluster distribution, which fits well with the 23 forming urban agglomerations in China.(3) The coupling degree between ST resource allocation efficiency and economic environment assumes a certain positive correlation, but not completely the same. The differentiation of ST resource allocation efficiency is common in regional development, whose existence and evolution are directly or indirectly influenced by and regarded as the reflection of many elements, such as geographical location, the natural endowment and environment of ST resources and so on.(4) In the perspective of the evolution of spatial structure, ST resource allocation efficiency of the cities at prefecture level and above shows a notable spatial autocorrelation, which in every period presents a positive correlation. The spatial distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency in neighboring cities seems to be similar in group, which tends to escalate stepwise. Meanwhile, the whole differentiation of geographical space has a diminishing tendency.(5) Viewed from LISA agglomeration map ofST resource allocation efficiency in different periods, four agglomeration types have changed differently in spatial location and the range of spatial agglomeration. And the continuity of ST resource allocation efficiency in geographical space is gradually increasing. 相似文献
敖包吐萤石矿床是内蒙古北部苏莫查干地区单一萤石矿集区中的一个代表性矿床,产于早二叠世大石寨组火山-沉积岩与早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩的接触带上。文章通过分析该矿床岩、矿石的微量元素和稀土元素,揭示出萤石的成矿作用可分为2个阶段,即交代作用和充填作用。交代作用过程中大石寨组的结晶灰岩可能为萤石的形成提供了部分Ca来源,萤石矿石的稀土元素配分模式与海水基本类似,具有Ce负异常;成矿作用后期主要表现为充填作用,形成颗粒粗大的萤石,表现为重稀土元素富集的特征,并随着萤石的沉淀析出,稀土元素总量逐渐下降,反映出成矿流体经历了较长期的演化过程。各地层单元、花岗岩体和萤石矿石的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素研究表明,萤石的放射性同位素组成具有壳、幔源混合的特点,成矿物质来源具有多源性。早白垩世敖包吐花岗岩可能是萤石中F的主要来源,而大石寨组的结晶灰岩则可能提供了Ca。另外,Pb、Nd同位素的极大不均一性,有可能是成矿流体在运移过程中对艾力格庙群放射性组分的选择性吸收的结果。萤石成矿作用与钾玄岩的时空关系暗示了萤石的成矿过程可能是中国东部岩石圈减薄和下地壳的置换地质事件的结果。在构造转型的过程中,燕山中期富碱的酸性花岗岩浆的活动分异出富含F的成矿流体,与幔源流体混合,沿区域重新活化的深大断裂和大石寨组的层间破碎带上升,交代其间的灰岩透镜体,从而形成敖包吐中型萤石矿床。 相似文献
提出采用半参数模型解算大高差短基线,削弱残余对流层误差的影响。算例表明,与常规最小二乘法相比,采用半参数模型处理基线能很好地分离GPS残余对流层误差,提高基线解算精度。 相似文献