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Correlation of heavy metals in the tissues of typical organisms (i.e., fishes and crabs) and those in their living environments (i.e., surface water, bottom water, and sediment) in Yangtze River Estuary has been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Metal levels followed the trend: sediments > Eriocheir sinensis > Eriocheir leptognathus > benthic fish > pelagic fish > bottom water > surface water. Tissues in fishes and crabs of different species and sizes had diverse metal bioaccumulation characteristics, which was significantly affected by environment factors and their living habits. Metal levels in legs of crabs, and heads and skins of fishes showed significant correlations with those in their living environments. Collichthys lucidus is an effective bioindicator for assessing metal levels in water. No significant health risk was identified by the estimated daily intake and target hazard quotients analyses.  相似文献   
刘影  沈月霞  牛小军 《地震学报》2012,34(1):97-104
回顾了城市活断层探测现状,指出了采用二维地震探测在活断层精确定位中存在中浅层小构造控制程度较差,在地层倾角较大地区断层归位不够准确,受建筑物和其它障碍物限制致使测线布设与断层走向斜交造成断层定位不准,以及由于测网密度限制造成的断层交汇处、断层分段点、端点位置控制程度较差等主要问题.从理论上分析了三维地震勘探的优势,认为三维地震勘探可以较好地解决由于二维地震勘探本身的技术缺陷和地表环境、地质条件影响所造成的断层定位不准的问题.通过实例剖析,从野外采集难点, 仪器选择, 观测系统定义, 优化施工设计, 野外质量监控, 特殊数据处理手段, 以及取得的良好地质效果等方面进行详细阐述,论证了利用三维地震探测在城市进行活断层精确定位中的可行性及其意义.   相似文献   
This paper investigates the geopositioning accuracy achievable from integrating IKONOS and QuickBird satellite stereo image pairs with aerial images acquired over a region at Tampa Bay, Florida. The results showed that the accuracy is related to a few factors of imaging geometry. For example, the geopositioning accuracy of a stereo pair of IKONOS or QuickBird images can be improved by integrating a set of aerial images, even just a single aerial image or a stereo pair of aerial images. Shorelines derived from the IKONOS and QuickBird stereo images, particularly the vertical positions, are compared with the corresponding observations of water-penetrating LiDAR and water gauge stations and proved that differences are within the limit of the geopositioning uncertainty of the satellite images.  相似文献   
断层强度是孕震带的一个基本性质,它随时间的变化特性可以增加或减小断层破坏的可能性并最终触发地震。虽然断层强度变化可以用来解释诸如地震活动的远程触发(Hilland Prejean,2007)等多种现象,但至今还没有切实的方法对这个重要性质进行现场监测。文中我们认为,通过对圣安德烈斯断层帕克菲尔德地区近20年(1987~2008)的观测,揭示了一种监测断层强度的方法。  相似文献   
基于均匀的、各向同性的半无限弹性体的点状载荷模型引起周边垂向位移场变化的解析解,本文推导了水平倾斜场的解析解计算方法,给出了二维、三维不规则形状载荷对地面或地下某点的垂直位移和水平倾斜的解析解计算方法。并对比分析了质点简化模型和不规则模型的差异性。最后给出了据不规则形状载荷模型得到的近场垂直位移以及水平倾斜场的展布特征。研究结果表明,相对质点简化模型,不规则载荷模型对近场的刻画具有一定优势;二维不规则形状载荷模型的建立可将载荷散点化后将矢量叠加进行计算;三维不规则形状载荷模型在载荷散点化后,通过赋予散点的不同权重进行载荷重新分配,然后用矢量计算法获取位移场的变化;在二维和三维不规则载荷散点化后的矢量叠加过程中都存在着较明显的收敛过程,表明该计算方法的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
The linear and nonlinear stabilities of the single degree of freedom spring-slider system which accords to the revised rate- and state-dependent friction law (RSF) (Nagata et al. J Geophys Res 117 (B2):B2314, 2012) are analyzed. The revised ageing law obtained by Nagata et al. (J Geophys Res 117 (B2):B2314, 2012) incorporates the effects of changes in shear stress. Numerical simulations on the cyclic stick–slip motions of the system are developed and compared with the results of the systems according to the original ageing law or the slip law. From the insight of the stability analyses and numerical simulations, it is found that the revised ageing law integrates the “healing effect” feature of the original ageing law and the dynamic slip features of the slip law. In the stick–slip cycles, the velocity decreases with non-constant states during the dynamic overshoot for the revised ageing law, which is different from both the original ageing law and the slip law. Although the revised ageing law concluded from the low velocity friction experiments cannot account for the earthquake-like high velocity friction experiments, it can be used in earthquake nucleation with low velocity. The stability analyses and the results of numerical simulations are helpful to understanding the implications of the revised ageing law.  相似文献   
牛赟  刘贤德  李新  张学龙  赵维俊 《中国沙漠》2014,34(6):1685-1691
林分空间结构及其水源涵养功能关系一直是森林生态水文学研究的热点.我们在祁连山大野口流域选取林分空间结构、林冠截留和河川径流等监测样地,采用特征参数统计分析、多度分析和相关系数分析等方法,研究了林分空间结构因子及其水源涵养功能之间的关系.结果表明:(1)祁连山大野口流域49块样地的2 819株青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)的胸径、树高、冠长、冠幅、冠幅面积的分布曲线比正态分布平缓,树龄、胸径断面的分布曲线比正态分布剧烈;径级从1~5 cm到26~30 cm、高度级从2~4 m到18~20 m、冠长级从2~4 m到12~14 m、冠幅级从2~4 m到4~6 m,其多度分别为89.4%、94.4%、77.8%和82.7%.(2)林冠截留年总量和平均截留率分别为139.1 mm和35.28%;(3)从相关系数分析来看,海拔对树高影响较大,对冠长影响较小,与其他因子不相关;坡向对冠幅影响最大,对冠长、树高影响较小;坡度对这些因子几乎没有影响.径级与多度、冠长与多度均符合三次多项式关系;胸径与树高、冠长、冠幅、树龄符合线性多元回归函数;雨量级与林冠截留率呈反比.本文可为流域林分空间结构特征与水源涵养功能之间的机理研究提供基础数据和参考资料.  相似文献   
金字塔沙丘近地表流场及其对月牙泉影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对月牙泉景区气象站点资料和积沙量统计分析以及月牙泉北侧金字塔沙丘近地表流场野外观测表明:受地形影响,月牙泉景区和金字塔沙丘各点起沙风玫瑰和输沙势玫瑰在监测期内差别较大。在金字塔沙丘影响下,不同风向下气流发生多次分离和汇集,沙丘近地表气流发生明显变化,携沙气流行进方向发生改变。金字塔沙丘坡面上各点合成输沙势和起沙风与坡面走向呈垂直角度,气流沿坡面爬越沙丘时,动能发生损耗,携沙能力减弱,减少了进入月牙泉的风沙量,减弱了月牙泉的风沙灾害。  相似文献   
随着气象业务领域进一步深入拓展,嘉兴市气象局从2006年起,增加了紫外线、下垫面温度等特种要素观测,并与江苏省无线电科学研究所合作研发了地面自动气象观测集成系统。该系统基于CAN总线,由中心站计算机,综合观测系统业务软件及各种分采集器组成,具备积木式扩充特点,能根据需求扩充气象要素,系统采用Microsoft VB 60作为开发工具,后台数据支持MS SQL Server2000专业版,采用C/S架构,适合多点多要素方式监测。该自动气象观测集成系统集数据查询、统计计算、报警监控等一体,具有可扩性好、稳定性高、信号衰减小、功能完备、运行稳定、界面友好等特点,能满足气象业务日益拓展的需要,适合在全国气象业务部门推广使用。  相似文献   
甘肃-内蒙古交界处的北山盆地群侏罗系是我国西北地区潜在的油气勘探新领域。为加深对该盆地群资源潜力的认识,以有机地球化学分析数据为基础,探讨了其中煤系烃源岩的沉积环境、有机质来源,建立了该烃源岩生烃潜力评价标准。研究结果表明,中口子盆地侏罗系烃源岩干酪根类型以Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2型为主,生烃母质主要是陆生植物,含少量的藻类和水生生物,主要形成于三角洲平原沼泽或湖侵期的间湾湖泊等氧气量适中的弱氧化-弱还原沉积环境。生烃潜量和氢指数是衡量煤系源岩有机质丰度、生烃潜力和生油潜力最有效的指标,根据生烃潜力评价标准:黑帐房凹陷侏罗系暗色泥岩多属于中-差烃源岩,南泉凹陷暗色泥岩生烃潜力级别优于黑帐房凹陷,主要为中-好烃源岩;南泉凹陷炭质泥岩大多数属于中等-好油源岩,煤岩大多属于差油源岩。  相似文献   
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