Using Altera's Quartus Ⅱ, Nios Ⅱ IDE and Sopc Builder development tools, the proton precession magnetometer principle host hardware platform is designed in a cyclone Ⅱ series FPGA chip (EP2C35). The proton precession magnetometer principle host core circuit's single-chip system-logic design is achieved by building and configuring the Nios Ⅱ soft-core processor, developing the IO interface and sensor control circuits, programming some hardware units' VHDL code, for example the equal precision cymometer and the DPLL. Through researching the embedded operating system configuration technology and building the NIOS Ⅱ soft-core processor's μClinux cross-compile environment, the μClinux system is transplanted to the NIOS Ⅱ environment. Another important task is writing the device drivers' and user programs' code. Through these work, the design realize the host function and achieve the expected target.
This paper briefly presents the West African Monsoon (WAM) Modeling and Evaluation Project (WAMME) and evaluates WAMME general circulation models’ (GCM) performances in simulating variability of WAM precipitation, surface temperature, and major circulation features at seasonal and intraseasonal scales in the first WAMME experiment. The analyses indicate that models with specified sea surface temperature generally have reasonable simulations of the pattern of spatial distribution of WAM seasonal mean precipitation and surface temperature as well as the averaged zonal wind in latitude-height cross-section and low level circulation. But there are large differences among models in simulating spatial correlation, intensity, and variance of precipitation compared with observations. Furthermore, the majority of models fail to produce proper intensities of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ) and the tropical easterly jet. AMMA Land Surface Model Intercomparison Project (ALMIP) data are used to analyze the association between simulated surface processes and the WAM and to investigate the WAM mechanism. It has been identified that the spatial distributions of surface sensible heat flux, surface temperature, and moisture convergence are closely associated with the simulated spatial distribution of precipitation; while surface latent heat flux is closely associated with the AEJ and contributes to divergence in AEJ simulation. Common empirical orthogonal functions (CEOF) analysis is applied to characterize the WAM precipitation evolution and has identified a major WAM precipitation mode and two temperature modes (Sahara mode and Sahel mode). Results indicate that the WAMME models produce reasonable temporal evolutions of major CEOF modes but have deficiencies/uncertainties in producing variances explained by major modes. Furthermore, the CEOF analysis shows that WAM precipitation evolution is closely related to the enhanced Sahara mode and the weakened Sahel mode, supporting the evidence revealed in the analysis using ALMIP data. An analysis of variability of CEOF modes suggests that the Sahara mode leads the WAM evolution, and divergence in simulating this mode contributes to discrepancies in the precipitation simulation. 相似文献
Growth and energy budget of marine amphipod juvenile Eogammarus possjeticus at different temperatures(20°C,24°C, 26°C, 28°C, 30°C, 32°C and 34°C) were investigated in this study. The results showed that the cumulative mortality rate increased significantly with rising temperature(p0.01), and exceeded 50% after 24 h when temperature was above 30°C. With the temperature increasing from 20°C to 26°C, the ingestion rate and absorption rate increased, but decreased significantly above 28°C(p0.01), indicating a decline in feeding ability at high temperatures. The specific growth rate increased with rising temperature, but decreased significantly(p0.01) after reaching the maximum value at 24°C. Similarly, the oxygen consumption and ammonia emission rates also showed a trend of first increase and then decrease. However, the O:N ratio decreased first and then increased with rising temperature, indicating that the energy demand of E. possjeticus juvenile transferred from metabolism of carbohydrate and lipid to protein. In the energy distribution of amphipods, the proportion of each energy is different. With rising temperature, the ratio of the energy deposited for growth accounted for ingested gross energy showing a trend of decrease, while the energy lost to respiration, ammonia excretion, and feces accounted for ingested gross energy being showed a trend of increase. It seemed that rising temperature increased the metabolism and energy consumption of the amphipods and, meanwhile, decreased the energy used for growth, which may be an important reason for the slow growth and small body size of the amphipods during the summer high-temperature period. 相似文献