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In this note, two different approaches are used to estimate the entrainment-flux to surface-flux ratio for a sheared convective boundary layer (CBL); both are derived under the framework of the first-order jump model (FOM). That suggested by Sun and Wang (SW approach) has the advantage that there is no empirical constant included, though the dynamics are described in an implicit manner. The second, which was proposed by Kim et al. and Pino et al. (KP approach), explicitly characterizes the dynamics of the sheared entrainment, but uncertainties are induced through the empirical constants. Their performances in parameterizing the CBL growth rate are compared and discussed, and a new value of the parameter A 3 in the KP approach is suggested. Large-eddy simulation (LES) data are employed to test both approaches: simulations are conducted for the CBL growing under varying conditions of surface roughness, free-atmospheric stratification, and wind shear, and data used when the turbulence is in steady state. The predicted entrainment rates in each case are tested against the LES data. The results show that the SW approach describes the evolution of the sheared CBL quite well, and the KP approach also reproduces the growth of the CBL reasonably, so long as the value of A 3 is modified to 0.6.  相似文献   
深海沉积物分类与命名的参数指标和主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于南海中部(118个表层沉积物样,水深82~4 420 m)、东部(106个表层沉积物样,水深700~4 508 m)海域的表层沉积物的粒度资料按小于200 m,200~2 000 m,大于2 000 m水深段对水深、平均粒径、黏土含量进行统计分析,结果表明从陆架到陆坡再到深海,平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加呈非常有规律的变化;把大于2 000 m水深区域再细分为大于2 500 m,大于3 000 m,大于3 500 m,结果表明平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加几乎无变化,在南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.39~3.54μm,黏土平均含量为54.91%~55.47%;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.25~3.37μm,黏土平均含量为53.91%~54.56%。研究表明2 000 m水深具有划分深海沉积物的指示意义。南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为55.19%,平均粒径为3.39μm;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为53.91%,平均粒径为3.37μm;在南海中部、东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径均小于4μm,黏土平均含量均大于50%,表明深海沉积物粒度特征是平均粒径小于4μm和黏土平均含量大于50%。黏土含量是非生物组分的代表和划分深海沉积物类型的一个独立参数,钙质生物和硅质生物组分是另外两个独立参数。南海东部海域表层沉积物中55种元素总含量为47.50%,硅、铝、钛、钠、钾、磷、钙、镁、铁、锰十种主元素含量为47.03%,其他45种元素含量为0.47%,虽然沉积物来源复杂、成因不同,但沉积物化学主成分并不复杂,主要由前10种主元素和氧元素组成。沉积物主元素铝、钙、硅分别富集于黏土、钙质沉积、硅质沉积中。通过建立沉积物生源组分与碳酸钙、三氧化二铝、二氧化硅的量化关系,可把碳酸钙、生物二氧化硅作为钙质生物和硅质生物的两个替代参数。  相似文献   
通渝隧道围岩变形的神经网络预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
隧道新奥法施工中 ,常以围岩变形量作为评判围岩稳定性和支护结构经济合理性的重要指标。公路隧道围岩变形量是随时间而变化的数据序列 ,因而可以建立一些实时跟踪预测模型和方法。根据通渝隧道围岩拱顶下沉位移变形的特性 ,采用神经网络技术来预测其变形量 ,结果表明该方法简易、有效  相似文献   
The Mount Raymond transverse zone (MRTZ) forms the east-west-trending boundary between the Wyoming salient of the Sevier fold-thrust belt and the Uinta/Cottonwood arch in north-central Utah. Major faults in the zone dip 40° to 45° north. Our structural analysis indicates that the MRTZ contains both contractional and extensional structures. The contractional structures (thrusts and related folds) initially formed as part of a southeast-verging, northeast-trending thrust system. This system gradually curved and merged to the north with the east-verging Absaroka thrust system in the apex of the Wyoming salient. The contrast in trend between structures in the MRTZ and those in the apex of the Wyoming salient reflects the initial curvature of the salient. This curve formed because the stratigraphic sequence involved in thrusting thinned gradually southward, toward the axis of a proto-Uinta arch. The present east-west trend of the MRTZ developed during Laramide uplift of the Unita/Cottonwood arch, an event which tilted the faults into their present position. Cenozoic crustal extension subsequently reactivated segments of the MRTZ. In sum, the evolution of the MRTZ illustrates how post-thrusting processes can affect the map-view geometry of thrust belts to create transverse zones.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Understandinghillslopedevelopmentremainsanelusivegoalforearthscientists.Theoriesbaseduponobservation,logic,andsp...  相似文献   
东塔尔别克金矿区位于西天山吐拉苏盆地内阿希金矿区南侧,构造上属于伊犁-中天山微板块与准噶尔板块之间的博罗科努早古生代岛弧带西段。东塔尔别克矿区出露有一些安山岩,这些岩石具有典型高镁安山岩特征,如高硅(SiO2=58.94%~63.85%),具有较高的MgO含量(3.75%~6.59%)和Mg#(58~69)、高的Cr(94.2×10-6~241×10-6)、和Ni(54.5×10-6~126 ×10-6)含量,以及低的FeOT/MgO比值。除了Sr含量略微偏低(235×10-6~696×10-6)之外,这些岩石基本显示了埃达克岩的地球化学特征:高的Al2O3(15.39%~16.65%),低Y(9.86×10-6~14.9×10-6)含量,以及高的Sr/Y比值(23.8~48.1),无Eu异常,Nb、Ta、Ti亏损等。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示安山岩的年龄为347.2±1.6Ma,为早石炭世。安山岩富集Rb、Th、U 等大离子亲石元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,轻重稀土元素分馏明显,具有俯冲带岛弧岩浆的特征。东塔尔别克安山岩可能形成于岛弧环境中,并可能由俯冲的晚古生代北天山洋洋壳以及少量上覆沉积物熔融形成,产生的熔体在上升过程中与地幔橄榄岩发生了相互作用. 熔体-地幔相互作用对区内金矿的形成具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The properties and tectonic significance of the fault bound zone on the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt are key issues to understand the tectonic framework and evolutionary history of the Tianshan Orogenic Belt. Based on the geological and geochemical studies in the Tianshan orogenic belt, it is suggested that the ophiolitic slices found in the Bingdaban area represent the remaining oceanic crust of the Early Paleozoic ocean between the Hazakstan and Zhungaer blocks. Mainly composed of basalts, gabbros and diabases, the ophiolites were overthrust onto the boundary fault between the Northern Tianshan and Central Tianshan belts. The major element geochemistry is characterized by high TiO2 (1.50%–2.25%) and MgO (6.64%–9.35%), low K2O (0.06%–0.41%) and P2O5 (0.1%–0.2%), and Na2O>K2O as well. Low ΣREE and depletion in LREE indicate that the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source. Compared with a primitive mantle, the geochemistry of the basalts from the Bingdaban area is featureded by depletion in Th, U, Nb, La, Ce and Pr, and unfractionated in HFS elements. The ratios of Zr/Nb, Nb/La, Hf/Ta, Th/Yb and Hf/Th are similar to those of the typical N-MORB. It can be interpreted that the basalts in the Bingdaban area were derived from a depleted mantle source, and formed in a matured mid-oceanic ridge setting during the matured evolutionary stage of the Northern Tianshan ocean. In comparison with the basalts, the diabases from the Bingdaban area show higher contents of Al2O3, ΣREE and HFS elements as well as unfractionated incompatible elements except Cs, Rb and Ba, and about 10 times the values of the primitive mantle. Thus, the diabases are thought to be derived from a primitive mantle and similar to the typical E-MORB. The diabases also have slight Nb depletion accompanying no apparent Th enrichment compared with N-MORB. From studies of the regional geology and all above evidence, it can be suggested that the diabases from the Bingdaban area were formed in the mid-oceanic ridge of the Northern Tianshan ocean during the initial spreading stage. Supported by the Major State Research Program of PRC (Grant No. 2001CB409801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40472115 and 40234041) and the State Research Program of China Geological Survey (Grant No. 2001130000-22)  相似文献   
Stepwise Conditional Transformation for Simulation of Multiple Variables   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Most geostatistical studies consider multiple-related variables. These relationships often show complex features such as nonlinearity, heteroscedasticity, and mineralogical or other constraints. These features are not handled by the well-established Gaussian simulation techniques. Earth science variables are rarely Gaussian. Transformation or anamorphosis techniques make each variable univariate Gaussian, but do not enforce bivariate or higher order Gaussianity. The stepwise conditional transformation technique is proposed to transform multiple variables to be univariate Gaussian and multivariate Gaussian with no cross correlation. This makes it remarkably easy to simulate multiple variables with arbitrarily complex relationships: (1) transform the multiple variables, (2) perform independent Gaussian simulation on the transformed variables, and (3) back transform to the original variables. The back transformation enforces reproduction of the original complex features. The methodology and underlying assumptions are explained. Several petroleum and mining examples are used to show features of the transformation and implementation details.  相似文献   
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