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在开展“青海省河南县托叶玛地区I47E007023、I47E008023、I47E009023、1I47E009024四幅1:5万区域地质矿产调查”时,为验证该地区三叠系变质情况,针对三叠系中泥岩(页岩)的伊利石结晶度做了分析测试。30件样品的实验结果表明: 北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.312~0.537,晶胞参数b0为0.898 0~0.903 2 nm,判断其变质温度小于350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和沸石相; 南部西倾山地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)的伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.21~0.318,b0为0.898 1~0.901 4 nm,变质温度主要分布在200~350 ℃,局部>350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和绿片岩相。研究认为青海省河南县地区区域变质程度较低,为极低级变质作用或者未发生区域变质作用,且南部西倾山地层分区的变质程度略高于北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区变质程度。这一变质相带研究结论与前人认为的“区域低温动力变质作用及低绿片岩相变质带”不一致,变质程度相对更低。该研究证实了在青海省河南县地区三叠系地层中不存在大面积区域变质作用,仅存在极低级区域变质作用。  相似文献   
枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征与成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在已有研究成果的基础上并通过现场调研,系统总结出了枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征,即岩溶塌陷的形成与分布在空间上具有方向性,在时间上具有阶段性与集中爆发期。岩溶洞隙发育情况、覆盖层条件和水文动态资料综合分析结果表明,枣庄十里泉地区岩溶塌陷的形成原因主要是真空吸蚀作用。   相似文献   
广泛分布于赣北地区的中元古界双桥山群,以低级区域变质作用、强烈构造变形、具陆内造山带构造变形特征;其成果系在华夏古陆与扬子古陆的碰撞拼接过程中,其应力向陆内传递的结果;时间大致在1100-800Ma,与全球格林威尔期造山作用相当。  相似文献   
岩背斑岩锡矿特征和成因   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冉背斑岩锡矿为Sn-F型,不同于玻利维亚斑岩锡矿(Sn-B型)。含矿的火山-侵入杂岩属陆壳重熔型(S型)。矿体赋存于流纹斑岩和花岗斑岩的内外接触带,物质成分较为复杂;围岩蚀变的分带现象较明显,自内向外依次为黄英岩化带、绿泥石化带和绢云母化带。根据同位素资料,成矿热液以岩浆水为主,成矿物质主要来自岩浆。成矿作用在时间、空间和物质来源上与岩浆活动有着密切的成因联系。  相似文献   
This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model to simulate morphological changes in alluvial channels due to bank erosion. A method for the simulation of bank erosion is established. This is incorporated into a 3-D mathematical model for turbulent flow and non-uniform, non-equilibrium sediment transport. This model is applied to simulate morphological changes in the Shishou bend of the middle Yangtze River in China, where serious bank erosions occurred during the last two decades. The double-layer sediment structure of the riverbank on the middle Yangtze River is taken into account in the bank erosion module. Both cohesive and non-cohesive bank material in the different layers are considered. The bank erosion module also includes other factors affecting the rate of bank erosion, such as the longitudinal length of failed bank, the thickness of each layer in the double-layer structure, and the erosion-resisting effect of cohesive material from the top layer of failed bank. A locally-adaptive grid system is proposed to efficiently simulate the lateral migration of alluvial channel due to bank erosion. The predictive capability of the 3-D model is examined by laboratory data. Simulated processes of bank erosion agree with field observations in the Shishou bend during the period of October 1996–October 1998, and the bank erosion module plays a significant role in simulating morphological changes of the study reach. In addition, the equivalent channel-forming discharge, which is defined as a constant discharge that can create the same amount of bank erosion in an alluvial channel as that created by natural runoff processes during the same period of time, is proposed to improve calculation efficiency for feasibility studies.  相似文献   
洞中拉铅锌矿床是念青唐古拉山地区扎雪—亚贵拉成矿带内新发现的矿床,矿区出露的花岗斑岩侵入体与洞中拉铅锌多金属矿床的形成密切相关。为精确限定其形成时代,笔者对洞中花岗斑岩进行单颗粒锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年,结果显示其206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(124.4±1.9)Ma(MSWD=5.09),该年龄对应于冈底斯—念青唐古拉火山岩浆岩带东段的早白垩世岩浆活动事件(介于109~130Ma),与扎雪—金达铅锌多金属矿成矿带内出露的花岗类岩体年龄(120~130Ma)一致。结合区域资料,洞中拉花岗斑岩是早白垩世弧间裂谷伸展作用下地壳挤压增厚局部熔融的产物。为念青唐古拉地区早白垩世岩浆侵位活动以及铅锌铜钼多金属矿产找矿方向研究提供了重要证据。  相似文献   
通过对鱼苗时期鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物、饵料及鱼粪等样品总有机碳(TOC)含量、总氮(TN)含量、碳氮比(C/N)、δ^13 C及δ^15 N的测定,分析探讨了鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物有机质来源,量化了网箱养殖废物对养殖区沉积物有机质的贡献.结果表明,网箱养殖区沉积物的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-27.67‰~-25.65‰和5.19‰~7.27‰,饵料的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-24.73‰和10.28‰,鱼粪的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-26.30‰和15.54‰.网箱养殖区沉积物有机质来源主要有残饵、浮游生物及其他来源,其贡献率分别为48.3%±11.4%、25.6%±11.3%及26.0%±5.8%,而鱼粪的贡献几乎可以忽略不计.在水动力平流引起的扩散及沉积物的再悬浮的影响下,网箱养殖源有机质的扩散距离达1500 m.在鱼苗时期,鱼类网箱养殖的残饵是鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物有机质的主要来源.  相似文献   
田宵  汪明军  张雄  张伟  周立 《中国地震》2021,37(2):452-462
微地震事件的空间分布可以用来监测水力压裂过程中裂缝的发育情况.因此,震源定位是微震监测中重要的环节.震源定位依赖准确的速度模型,而震源位置和速度模型的耦合易导致线性迭代的同时反演方法陷入局部极小值.邻近算法作为一种非线性全局优化算法,能够最大程度地避免陷入局部最优解.本文将邻近算法应用于单井监测的微震定位和一维速度模型...  相似文献   
Epithermal deposits in North Xinjiang, NW China   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The North Xinjiang region (NW China) is an important part of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt, situated at the junction of Siberia, Tarim and Kazakhstan plates. It is an area characterized by multiple stages of Phanerozoic continental growth, during which several porphyry and epithermal systems were formed. The relationship of these mineral systems to the geodynamic evolution of the region has not yet been well understood. In this paper, we list the main geological characteristics of 21 significant epithermal precious and base metal deposits in North Xinjiang, and classify them into high-sulfidation and low-sulfidation styles, with the latter being predominant. We have selected seven epithermal deposits representing different styles formed under different tectonic regimes and discuss their geology and geochemistry in some detail. The deposit-scale geology and geochemistry of epithermal systems in North Xinjiang are essentially similar to those in other parts of the world. All epithermal deposits in North Xinjiang are hosted in volcanic rocks with ages ranging from Devonian to Triassic, with the Early Carboniferous volcanic sequences being the most important, followed by the Permian and Triassic. The Devonian–Early Carboniferous host rocks belong to the calc-alkaline series that developed in pre-collisional arc-back-arc basin systems; whereas the Permian–Triassic host volcanic rocks of shoshonite series formed in post-subduction regimes. Available isotopic ages of these epithermal systems cluster in two periods: Early Carboniferous (>320?Ma) and Late Carboniferous–Triassic (320–220?Ma), reflecting two metallogenic episodes that occurred during subduction-related accretion and post-subduction collision regimes, respectively. Accordingly, three groups of epithermal deposits in North Xinjiang can be recognized as (1) pre-collisional deposits without or with negligible collisional-related modification, (2) deposits formed in collision regime and (3) ore systems strongly overprinted by fluid flow in post-subduction collision regime.  相似文献   
劳雄  张肇新 《地球学报》1996,17(1):78-84
折腰山矿床的筒状矿体,产于折腰山火山一沉积形成的层状矿体中。经实地调查并与邻区的构造对比研究,作者认为,形成该筒状矿体是地壳运动对一层状矿体改造变形的结果。  相似文献   
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