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Polders are one of the most common artificial hydrological entities in the plain river network regions of China. Due to enclosed dikes, manual drainage, and irrigation intake operations, polders have had a significant impact on the hydrological processes of these areas. Distributed hydrological models are effective tools to understand and reproduce the hydrological processes of a watershed. To date, however, few models are able to simulate the drainage and irrigation intake interactions of polders at a watershed scale. This study develops a modified version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, which is designed to better represent polders (SWATpld). The SWATpld model simulates drainage and irrigation intake processes by calculating the excess‐water storage in the inner rivers and irrigation schedule for paddy rice in the polder. Both SWAT and SWATpld models were tested for the Liyang watershed. SWATpld outperformed SWAT in simulating the daily discharge and intake of the experimental polder and predicting the monthly peak flow at the outlet of the Liyang watershed, which suggests that the modified model simulates the hydrological responses of the study watershed with polder operations more realistically than the original SWAT model does. Further evaluation at various locations and in various climate conditions would increase the confidence of this model.  相似文献   
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下庄铀矿田构造特征及与热液铀矿化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
下庄热液铀矿田位于贵东印支-燕山复式花岗岩体的东部,主要有北西西、北北东和北东-北东东向3组断裂。在前人工作的基础上,论文着重对断裂构造进行了野外考察和显微构造分析,初步查明了不同方向断裂自印支期以来的活动历史、性质以及所反映的区域应力场。运用花岗岩的原地重熔原理,提出了下庄铀矿田构造控矿规律。北西西向断裂由晚侏罗世剪切发展成早白垩世追踪张性活动,主要控制辉绿岩浆侵入,晚白垩世时转化为压性,形成北西西向挤压破碎带。北北东向断裂由晚侏罗世剪切发展成早白垩世张剪性活动,控制了粗、细晶石英脉及多种蚀变分布,早白垩世晚期发生了韧性剪切变形,晚白垩世时部分北北东向断裂控制了辉绿岩浆侵入。北东-北东东向构造侏罗纪主要发生褶皱、逆冲,早白垩世主要为左旋压剪活动,晚白垩世转化为拉张,控制了晚白垩世红盆发育。早、晚白垩世之交,主压应力方向由北西 南东转化为北东 南西。贵东岩体经印支、燕山早、中期的多次重熔,为铀的活化迁移及富集成矿准备了良好的前提条件。早、晚白垩世两次铀矿化,与花岗岩层的两次重熔相关。重熔界面上升时,花岗岩层熔化,断裂切割深度小,构成了岩浆热液的通道;重熔界面下降时,花岗岩层固结,断裂深切至重熔层下方,成为基性岩浆上侵的通道。北西西向断裂拉张强度大,是基性岩浆的主要通道,北东-北东东向断裂规模较小,构成容矿构造,而北北东向断裂规模较大,在早、晚白垩世主要作张剪性活动,构成含矿热液主要运移通道,是下庄矿田重要的导矿构造。沿北北东向断裂向上运移的含矿热液遇到北西西向基性岩脉时,铀被还原而富集,含矿热液进入北东-北东东向断裂时,铀被“拥堵”而滞留,两者均是成矿的有利部位。层状花岗岩+“成矿壳层”+断裂构造,是下庄铀矿田下一步“攻深找盲”的思路。  相似文献   
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Products of contrasting mingled magmas are widespread in volcanoes and intrusions. Subvolcanic trachyte intrusions hosting mafic enclaves crop out in the Manori–Gorai area of Mumbai in the Deccan Traps. The petrogenetic processes that produced these rocks are investigated here with field data, petrography, mineral chemistry, and whole rock major, trace, and Pb isotope chemistry. Local hybridization has occurred and has produced intermediate rocks such as a trachyandesitic dyke. Feldspar crystals have complex textures and an unusually wide range in chemical composition. Crystals from the trachytes cover the alkali feldspar compositional range and include plagioclase crystals with anorthite contents up to An47. Crystals from the mafic enclaves are dominated by plagioclase An72–90, but contain inclusions of orthoclase and other feldspars covering the entire compositional range sampled in the trachytes. Feldspars from the hybridized trachyandesitic dyke yield mineral compositions of An80–86, An47–54, Ab94–99, Or45–60, and Or96–98, all sampled within individual phenocrysts. We show that these compositional features are consistent with partial melting of granitoid rocks by influx of mafic magmas, followed by magma mixing and hybridization of the partial melts with the mafic melts, which broadly explains the observed bulk rock major and trace element variations. However, heterogeneities in Pb isotopic compositions of trachytes are observed on the scale of individual outcrops, likely reflecting initial variations in the isotopic compositions of the involved source rocks. The combined data point to one or more shallow-level trachytic magma chambers disturbed by multiple injections of trachytic, porphyritic alkali basaltic, and variably hybridized magmas.  相似文献   
FVCOM model estimate of the location of Air France 447   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On June 1, 2009, Air France AF447 disappeared in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. On June 6–19, 2009, bodies and debris from the aircraft were recovered floating in the equatorial ocean. This paper describes efforts on using the global–local nested finite volume community ocean model (FVCOM) to model reversely the tracks of bodies and debris back to the time of the crash and to help searchers locate the cockpit voice and flight data recorders and learn why this tragic accident occurred. To validate the reliability and reality of FVCOM, eight surface drifters were deployed by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses pour la sécurité de l’aviation civile (BEA) near the last known position in early June 2010 for a period of 3?weeks. These drifter data were used to optimize the spatial and temporal correlation scales of the adaptive sampling data assimilation method of FVCOM. Applying an optimized FVCOM system to assimilate all available drifter- and float-tracking-derived currents in May–June 2009 under three different wind conditions, we reproduced the June 2009 current fields in the area near the LKP and used these fields to reversely track bodies and debris from locations where they were found to the time when the crash occurred. Possible locations for the crashed plane were suggested based on our model results and were made available to the French investigators and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle Operations Group who successfully located the aircraft debris field in April 2011 on the seafloor at a depth of 3,900?m.  相似文献   
Recent observations of thermally emitting isolated neutron stars revealed spectral features that could be interpreted as radiative transitions of He in a magnetized neutron star atmosphere. We present Hartree–Fock calculations of the polarization-dependent photoionization cross-sections of the He atom in strong magnetic fields ranging from 1012 to 1014 G. Convenient fitting formulae for the cross-sections are given along with the related oscillator strengths for various bound–bound transitions. The effects of finite nucleus mass on the radiative absorption cross-sections are examined using perturbation theory.  相似文献   
The Gubbio basin in Central Italy is a intermountain basin of extensional tectonic origin, typical of Central and Southern Apennines, characterized by moderate seismicity. The strongest recorded event within the area is a magnitude 5.7 earthquake which occurred on 29 April 1984 along the Gubbio fault, bordering the eastern side of the basin. The main objective of this study is to analyze the features of earthquake ground motion as related to basin-edge effects, by performing physics-based numerical simulations of the 1984 earthquake through a high-performance spectral element code. The simulated ground motions are found in reasonable agreement with the recorded motions when using the kinematic source model developed by Ameri et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 99:647–663, 2009), with a rise-time equal to 1 s and a nucleation point located in the middle of the fault. Pronounced differences were noted between records from the basin and adjacent sites at outcropping bedrock, owing to both the strong impedance contrast between soft alluvial sites and bedrock formations (lithostratigraphic amplification), as well as lateral discontinuities related to the 2D/3D geometry of the basin (generation of surface waves). Since the fault was located beneath the basin, 1D amplification effects were found to be more relevant than those associated with the generation of surface waves from the basin edge. Finally, an envelope delay spectrum was computed for the simulated ground motions, showing that surface waves are excited in the frequency band of 0.2–0.8 Hz with a significant increase of ground motion duration within the basin.  相似文献   
强降雨作用下强风化泥岩降雨入渗特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土体降雨入渗特性是实施坡面泥石流和土体滑坡发育过程研究的重要因素。研制了人工降雨土柱入渗试验装置,实施了10、20、30、40、50、60 mm/h共6种降雨强度下强风化泥岩的入渗试验,最长降雨历时105 min。试验结果表明:可将土体入渗过程可分为无压入渗、有压入渗和饱和入渗3阶段,其中土体的入渗率在无压入渗阶段和饱和入渗阶段均随降雨历时增长近似为常数,在有压入渗阶段则快速降低;通过定义降雨作用下土体入渗锋,包括初始入渗锋和终止入渗锋,分析了入渗锋所处位置随降雨强度的变化关系,初始入渗锋和终止入渗锋之间的幅值随降雨强度的增大而变宽;提出了可表征重庆地区侏罗系强风化泥岩入渗过程的土体降雨入渗公式。研究成果对于构建重庆地区降雨诱发型滑坡及坡面泥石流的预测预报模型有积极意义。  相似文献   
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