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陈严飞  张娟  张宏  李昕  周晶  曹静 《海洋工程》2016,(2):231-241
Based on Hencky’s total strain theory of plasticity, ultimate bending capacity of steel pipes can be determined analytically assuming an elastic-linear strain hardening material, the simplified analytical solution is proposed as well. Good agreement is observed when ultimate bending capacities obtained from analytical solutions are compared with experimental results from full-size tests of steel pipes. Parametric study conducted as part of this paper indicates that the strain hardening effect has significant influence on the ultimate bending capacity of steel pipes. It is shown that pipe considering strain hardening yields higher bending capacity than that of pipe assumed as elastic-perfectly plastic material. Thus, the ignorance of strain hardening effect, as commonly assumed in current codes, may underestimate the ultimate bending capacity of steel pipes. The solutions proposed in this paper are applicable in the design of offshore/onshore steel pipes, supports of offshore platforms and other tubular structural steel members.  相似文献   
多主体建模作为研究"人类与自然耦合系统"等复杂适应性系统的重要工具,已经被广泛地应用于水资源管理领域.在调研国内外重要研究的基础上,回顾了多主体建模的基础理论、建模工具和框架,并对多主体建模在城市水资源管理、农业水资源管理和流域水资源综合管理3个方面的研究和应用进行了阶段性总结.针对当前研究的不足和难点,结合我国水资源管理的研究现状,提出以下4个研究重点:①加强主体行为决策规则刻画;②加强模型验证和评估研究;③开展代表性流域多主体建模研究;④推动学科交叉和综合集成研究.多主体建模能够揭示人类活动—水文循环的互馈机制,为水资源及水环境的可持续利用和管理提供政策建议,加强多主体建模在水资源管理领域的研究可为水资源管理提供新的思路,推动我国水资源的可持续发展.  相似文献   
生态地质学是研究生态系统与地质环境之间关系的一门交叉学科,对国土空间生态保护修复工作有重要理论支撑作用。我国生态地质研究工作虽然经过了多年的发展与积淀,但时至今日生态地质学仍然处于研究和探索阶段。鉴于此,基于前人的大量研究,总结了国内外生态地质研究进展: 国际上,俄罗斯建立了生态地质学研究体系,美国发起的地球关键带研究是与生态地质研究十分契合的主题; 在国内,生态地质研究主要着眼于”生态-地质”相互作用过程与机理以及地质环境影响下的系统性生态修复研究。在此基础上,提出了生态地质学涵义及其研究内容、方法技术创新及学科体系构建思路,以期为服务山水林田湖草沙整体保护、系统修复、综合治理和生态地质系统深化研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
杨鑫  彭飞  张琦琦  胡伟 《世界地理研究》2020,29(6):1102-1112
全球化背景下对外贸易活动是特定地域外向联系强度的重要表现,是边境城市区域功能的重要组成部分。运用位序-规模法则、分形理论及核密度等方法,以中国边境各城市的进出口贸易额为主要指标,剖析了中国边境地区对外贸易的规模分布特征及其影响因素。结果发现:①不同阶段的中国边境对外贸易位序-规模特征明显,位序结构内部城市次序变化较大;②位序-规模分布的无标度区变化显著,在18年内出现了4段分形表现,外贸活动的规模波动性、区域化特征明显;③影响因素表现为经济地理禀赋约束下核心城市支配效应明显、邻接地缘环境影响显著、政策导向与口岸推动、内部竞争反推空间结构协调演化四个方面;④不平衡性、集聚性在中国边境地区外贸活动中凸显,空间分布呈现为“核心-边缘”结构,当前国家层级应重点支持对外贸易优势城市,省级尺度协调域内城市对外贸易层次组织与区间联系。  相似文献   
农户的非农就业如何影响中国的土地流转?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To clarify the impact of non-agricultural employment on rural land circulation in China,we built logit models using the Chinese Household Income Project 2013 dataset,which includes 18,948 household samples over 15 provinces,126 cities and 234 counties of China in 2013.We use the proportion of non-agricultural income,the proportion of non-agricultural laborers and non-agricultural fixed operating assets to reflect the degree of the households’dependence on agriculture,the degree of the households’laborers committed to non-agricultural employment and the stability of non-agricultural employment,respectively.The results show that the stability of non-agricultural employment is an important reason for farmers to transfer out their land,and an increase in non-agricultural income is the fundamental reason.The proportion of non-agricultural assets has the greatest impact on the decision to transfer land,followed by the proportion of non-agricultural income.Per unit increase in the non-agricultural income ratio has a stronger effect on the transfer-out decision than it does on the transfer-in decision,which is a 0.09 increase of the probability of transfer-out the land and a 0.07 decrease of the probability of transfer-in the land.In terms of regional differences,when considering the impact of non-agricultural employment on the land transfer-out decision,the impacts of non-agricultural income and labor force are the greatest in the Central region.The impact of non-agricultural assets is the greatest in the Eastern region.For the Eastern region,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets and the non-agricultural labor force,and the decision to transfer in land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets.In the Central and Western regions,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural income and the non-agricultural labor force,in that order.The decision to transfer in land in the Central region is not significantly affected by non-agricultural employment.The decision to transfer in land in the Western region is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural labor force and non-agricultural income,in that order.We note that non-agricultural assets have a prominent impact on land transfer,which shows that the stability of non-agricultural employment has an important impact on land transfer decision-making.Vocational training for rural labor forces may be an effective means to promote stable non-agricultural employment and simultaneously facilitate rural land circulation,especially in Central and Western China.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of different salinities(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30) on the growth performance and energy budget of juveniles of two different ecotypes of Oncorhynchus mykiss, landlocked rainbow trout and anadromous steelhead trout. In the 42 d experiment, fish were cultured in three replicate tanks per salinity treatment(eight fish per tank). At the end of the experiment, the growth of rainbow and steelhead trouts was significantly higher at salinities of 5 and 10, respectively, than at all other salinities. The protein, lipid and energy content of both ecotypes declined with the increase of salinity. Based on their energy budgets, the percentage of energy consumed for growth by rainbow and steelhead trouts were significantly higher at salinities of 5(34.00% ±1.69%) and 10(43.76% ± 1.29%), respectively, than at all other salinities. The percentage of energy consumed for respiration by rainbow and steelhead trouts was lower at salinities of 5(54.90% ± 1.77%) and 10(46.73% ± 0.62%), respectively, than at all other salinities. Our results indicated that the salinity adaptation ability of juvenile steelhead trout was slightly better than that of juvenile rainbow trout, and salinities of 10 and 5, respectively, were most suitable for growth of these two fishes.  相似文献   
张戬  陈佳  黄馨  王子侨 《中国沙漠》2019,39(1):203-211
城市经济脆弱性作为当前脆弱性研究中的重要领域,为人-地系统耦合研究提供了新的视角,并为城市可持续健康发展提供有益的决策支持和管理方法。依据城市经济脆弱性内涵,基于暴露度、敏感性、适应能力构建了城市经济脆弱性评价指标体系,运用熵权TOPSIS法评价河西走廊地区及区域内五市的城市经济脆弱性,并采用障碍度模型识别影响区域城市经济脆弱性变化的因素。结果显示:(1)2006—2015年,河西走廊地区城市经济脆弱性呈现出先曲折下降(2006—2011年)再波动上升趋势(2012—2015年);(2)河西走廊地区的城市经济脆弱性具有明显的空间特征,经历了东西高、中部低到整体较高的演变过程;(3)阻碍河西走廊地区城市经济脆弱性降低的障碍因子由适应能力逐步转变为暴露度。针对河西走廊地区各市主要障碍因子,提出针对性优化措施。  相似文献   
本文以一种新型波浪能发电平台为研究对象,分别采用基于三维势流理论的软件Sesam和基于有限体积法的Flow3D软件,对平台和发电浮子进行水动力分析。应用Sesam-HydroD模块计算了平台和发电浮子在频域内的运动响应,将平台和发电浮子的垂荡运动响应进行对比分析,结果表明,在正常海况下,平台与发电浮子垂荡运动相对幅值满足捕能系统的发电需求。应用Flow3D软件对平台整体进行水动力分析,结果表明,平台与发电浮子相对运动振幅在0.3~0.4m间,可满足发电需求。在此基础之上,应用Orcaflex软件,通过时域耦合动力分析的方法,计算了平台在自存工况和作业工况下的运动响应和系泊缆动张力响应,结果表明:在自存工况下,平台锚泊线的安全系数符合规范要求,平台具有良好的安全性能,能够适应恶劣的海洋环境;在作业工况下,平台的垂荡运动响应对波浪方向变化并不敏感,捕能系统不受波浪方向变化的影响,满足发电需求。另外,本文的研究结果能为类似的海洋平台的研究提供建议和参考。  相似文献   
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