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Understanding the water salinisation mechanism is the basis for regional salt management. Mineral dissolution, evaporation and transpiration are the main factors controlling natural water salinity in arid inland basins; however, the two are difficult to differentiate. Because deuterium excess decreases during evaporation and is unrelated to the isotopic composition of the initial water, it is a potential tool for determining the contribution of the evapoconcentration of a given water body using the relationship between deuterium excess and salinity rather than between δ18O (or δ2H) and salinity. In this paper, the relationship between the residual water fraction and deuterium excess was derived from the Rayleigh distillation equation. The contribution of evapoconcentration and mineral dissolution and/or transpiration for a given water body can be determined by comparing the residual water fraction and salinity between the initial water and the evapoconcentrated water. The extremely arid Tarim River Basin in NW China is taken as an example to demonstrate deuterium excess and salinity evolution from the source stream to river water, lake/reservoir water and groundwater. The results show that mineral dissolution contributes most of the salinity (67–77%) for Boston Lake and the Kongque and Tarim rivers relative to the source stream. Mineral dissolution and/or transpiration contribute greater salinity (73–99.6%) to the groundwater recharged by the river water in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River. The study provides a method for determining the salinisation mechanism and is important for salt movement and management.  相似文献   
820及820G型热敏绘图仪是数控测井系统中比较常用的一种现场绘图设备。本文根据多年的使用及维修经验,总结了电-驱-板-头4步维修法,对一些常见的故障的判断和维修提供了方法和思路。  相似文献   
对月牙泉外围沙山表面沉积物进行系统采样,结合区域风况,分析了沙山典型部位的粒度分布及其参数特征。月牙泉北侧金字塔沙丘沙粒较粗,分选性较差,正偏趋势显著;月牙泉南侧线形沙丘以细沙为主,分选性较好,分布属正偏态。北侧金字塔沙丘从西南和西北两个坡面到东侧坡面,粗颗粒减少、分选性变好,但趋势不明显,说明金字塔沙丘未发生明显移动;而南侧线形沙丘自南侧坡面向北侧坡面沙粒粒径变小、分选变好,较细的沙粒被搬运并沉积北侧坡面,搬运作用十分明显,即线形沙丘向月牙泉方向发生明显移动。通过粒度分析风沙动力环境表明,月牙泉风沙危害主要来自南侧沙山北移。  相似文献   
对陕西丹凤县茶房村黄土剖面的地层学、沉积学特征以及常量元素、磁化率、粒度等进行了研究。结果表明:茶房村剖面具有表土(MS)→全新世黄土(L0)→古土壤(S0)→过渡黄土(Lt)→马兰黄土(L1)的地层序列;化学风化过程中元素Ca、Na、Mg、K和Si表现为迁移特征,Fe则相对富集,呈现Na>Si>Mg>K>Ca>Al>Fe的迁移序列;剖面总体风化程度处于初等向中等过渡的阶段,不同地层的风化强弱顺序为S0>Lt>L1>L0。化学风化强度的变化表明该区自晚更新世以来气候经历了气候干冷→气候回暖→温暖湿润→气候转凉的变化过程。  相似文献   
Land use issue is an important constraining force to limit economic sustainable development of China. Urban and rural rapid expansion depletes valued land resources under the background of rapid urbanization. An extensive use pattern might cause a serious waste of land resources. The study on influencing mechanism of land intensive use (LIU) in China at the county level is a key tool for effective LIU practice and policy-making. This paper uses OLS model, Spatial Panel Lagged model and Spatial Panel Error model to quantitatively analyze the influencing mechanisms of five class factors and 17 variables supported by GIS (Geographic Information System) and MATLAB. And a comprehensive data set was devel- oped including physical geography and socio-economic information of 2286 counties. Meanwhile, the spatiotemporal pattern of LIU has discussed by means of GIS. The results show that Spatial Panel Data models are slightly superior to OLS model in terms of signifi- cance and confidence level. Regression results of these models indicate that industrialization, urbanization, economic development level, location, transportation and policy have significant impact on LIU of counties. The variables of physical geography are less significant than socio-economic variables. An ignored variable of historical factor, however, became the best significant factor. In the future, the LIU at the county level should take advantage of the new situation by enhancing favorable factors and reducing disadvantageous ones, which can be acquired by improving the entire level and quality of industrialization and urbanization. We argued that an efficient and complete land market and operating system should be built to reflect market-oriented activities at the first place, then, differential LIU regulation policies and measurements should be optimized according to regional differences. In the meantime, we should pay close attention to the carrying capacity of local resources and environments when conducting LIU practices.  相似文献   
火的使用在人类进化过程中发挥了非常重要的作用。学术界对于人类使用火的历史与过程做了大量的研究,检验古人类遗址区域是否发生过燃烧事件的技术手段也在不断地进步。通过对南非开普敦Wonderwerk洞穴、以色列Qesem洞穴、北京周口店猿人洞以及湖北黄龙洞等地古人类用火相关文献的系统调研和归纳总结,认为探讨一个遗址是否存在古人类主动用火时,首先要获取该遗址的文化考古和地层资料,确定是否曾发生过燃烧事件,然后分析是何物质发生燃烧,以及与人类活动的联系。分析表明,目前还没有任何单一的方法可以确定更新世早期的古人类用火信息,多种方法的结合才可能得到比较准确的结论。选择宏观形态分析初步判断有火活动的区域,利用傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)、元素碳含量分析等地球化学手段确定火事件发生的确切证据,再利微观形态及微地层分析对完整沉积物进行系统研究以揭示其就地用火的可能性,从而形成古人类用火的完整证据链。由于碳稳定同位素在植被、气候与人类活动相互联系方面的广泛应用,在古人类用火研究引入这一技术手段,可为该领域提供新的研究方法和思路。  相似文献   
为研究东北七鳃鳗和日本七鳃鳗形态性状对体质量的影响,测量314尾东北七鳃鳗和302尾日本七鳃鳗成体的体质量(Y)和全长(X_1)、躯干长(X_2)、尾长(X_3)、头长(X_4)、吻长(X_5)、眼径(X_6)、背鳍前长(X_7)、眼后头长(X_8)8个形态性状,运用相关分析、通径分析和回归分析方法,确定影响体质量的主要形态性状,建立体质量和形态性状的多元回归方程。分析结果显示:东北七鳃鳗和日本七鳃鳗体质量服从正态分布,体质量的变异系数最大,全长、躯干长、尾长、头长、吻长、眼径、背鳍前长和眼后头长8个形态性状均与体质量呈正相关(P0.01)。经偏回归系数检验,东北七鳃鳗全长、头长、眼径和眼后头长呈显著性水平(P0.05),其通径系数分别为0.636、0.202、0.060和0.105;日本七鳃鳗全长、吻长和眼后头长呈极显著性水平(P0.01),其通径系数分别为0.730、0.098和0.153。单个性状对体质量的决定系数中,东北七鳃鳗和日本七鳃鳗全长对体质量的决定系数最大。东北七鳃鳗和日本七鳃鳗形态性状的单独决定系数和两个共同决定系数的总和分别为0.855和0.857。建立以东北七鳃鳗全长、头长、眼径和眼后头长4个形态性状为自变量,体质量为因变量的多元回归方程:Y=1.502X_1+2.699X_4+8.554X_6+1.915X_8-41.547;日本七鳃鳗全长、吻长和眼后头长3个形态性状为自变量,体质量为因变量的多元回归方程:Y=4.895X_1+9.688X_5+6.973 X_8-157.460。东北七鳃鳗和日本七鳃鳗成体形态性状对体质量的分析为七鳃鳗优良亲本的人工选育以及其形态学研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   
As the most important source rocks in the eastern Junggar Basin, the middle Permian Pingdiquan (P2p) source rocks have attracted increasing attention after the discovery of tight oil in the Shazhang uplift. The P2p source rocks are widely distributed (up to 7546 km2) and have an elevated thickness in the eastern Junggar Basin. To explore the P2p tight oil resource in the eastern Junggar Basin, 113 core samples from 34 exploration wells were analysed geochemically and re-examined for their organic matter abundance, type and thermal maturity, hydrocarbon potential and sedimentary environment. Geochemical analysis results indicate that the P2p source rocks are fair to good source rocks dominated by Type II kerogen, presently in a low mature–mature stage, and biomarkers and trace elements indicate deposition in a terrestrial to coastal environment under oxic to dysoxic, and fresh to brackish conditions, with possible intermittent seawater influence, implying proximity to the open sea. Based on hydrocarbon expulsion modelling, hydrocarbon expulsion began at 0.87% Ro, and the peak expulsion occurred at 1.1% Ro. Hydrocarbon generation intensities in the Shazhang uplift and the Wucaiwan sag are relatively large, with values centred at 4–6.5 million t/km2 and 4–6 million t/km2, respectively, with total hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the P2p source rocks approximately 4.56 × 109 t and 1.44 × 109 t, respectively, indicating significant tight oil exploration potential in the eastern Junggar Basin. The Shazhang uplift and the Wucaiwan sag are two hydrocarbon expulsion centres in the study area with the largest hydrocarbon expulsion intensity centred around the Shazhang uplift, exceeding 3 × 106 t/km2. We suggest that the area with high hydrocarbon expulsion intensities is a favourable target for tight oil accumulation and exploration.  相似文献   
The unique natural environment of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau has led to the development of widespread permafrost and desertification. However, the relationship between desertification and permafrost is rarely explored. Here we study the interaction between desertification and permafrost using a combination of simulations, experiments, and field observations in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Results show the cohesion values of the test samples that experienced 1, 3, and 6 freeze–thaw cycle times decreased by 65.9, 46.0, and 35.5 %, respectively, and the compressive strength of the test samples decreased by 69.6, 39.6, and 34.7 %, respectively, compared to the test samples that did not experience freeze–thaw cycles. The wind erosion rate of the test block eroded by sand-bearing wind was far larger than that by clean wind under the same conditions; the maximum value was 50 times higher than that by clean wind. The wind erosion rate increased with an increasing number of freeze–thaw cycles, water content, and freeze–thaw temperature difference. The ground temperature below the sand layer was decreased, compared to the natural ground surface that without sand layer covering, the drop amplitude of yearly average temperature was roughly maintained at 0.2 °C below the thick sand layer (1.2 m), and the maximum drop of yearly average temperature was 0.7 °C below the thin sand layer (0.1 m). Therefore, with the presence of water, the destruction of surface soil structure caused by repeated and fierce freeze–thaw actions is the main cause of wind erosion desertification in the permafrost region of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, and sand-bearing wind is the main dynamic force. The development of eolian sand deposits after the desertification emerges. As a result, the properties of the underlying surface are altered. Due to the high reflectivity and poor heat conductivity of the sand layer, the heat exchange of the land–atmosphere system is impeded, causing a drop in the ground temperature of the underlying permafrost that subsequently preserves the permafrost.  相似文献   
地电阻率观测各类干扰源的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地电阻率观测是我国地震前兆监测的重要手段之一,目前已积累了大量的观测资料和强震震例。但随着农村经济的发展和城市现代化轨道交通设施的建设,使得部分地电台站观测环境发生较大变化,导致地电阻率前兆观测资料受到较强的干扰。本文通过对国内现有地电阻率观测资料的分析、干扰源的调研,研究了各类干扰产生的原因及识别方法。并根据已有的研究成果,对地电阻率观测抑制干扰的技术和方法及数据使用与处理提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
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