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综合找矿模型在甲基卡隐伏区稀有锂金属找矿中的 应用   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
锂金属是重要的战略新兴关键矿产之一。寻找超大型稀有锂金属隐伏矿是中国矿床学界的一大难题。甲基卡广为第四系覆盖,以往的找矿和勘查工作主要局限在南部"就脉找矿"。笔者通过对超大型X03锂矿床的找矿实践,建立了"岩浆-变形-变质-成矿"四位一体控矿要素和成矿模式,归纳总结了地质-地球物理-地球化学异常的内在关联,从远景区分析、找矿靶区圈定、矿床(矿)预测定位的层次与流程,建立的第四系掩盖区隐伏稀有锂金属的综合找矿模型,在指导稀有金属找矿中取得了快速突破,是一个典型的成功实例。建议继续加强该矿田花岗岩基的深部延伸及岩石组合特征、伟晶岩(矿)脉的形成富集规律等研究,注重隐伏花岗岩株(枝)与伟晶岩(矿)脉的找矿相连部位的找矿,开展深部锂等稀有金属的资源潜力预测。  相似文献   
孟令涛 《现代测绘》2009,32(4):34-34,40
主要阐述利用QBASIC语言开发城市导线测量一体化程序设计的编程思想和实现过程(含程序主模块).  相似文献   
通过大量的实验分析,揭示了Coniopteris simplex的原位孢子特征,甘肃窑街盆地中侏罗世Coniopteris simplex 原位孢子的基本特征可以概括为:孢子为四面体形,极面观为三角形至圆三角形,顶角钝圆,三边线内凹; 体积小,极面观直径为25~38 μm,平均约30 μm; 三射线平直或微弯,其长度为半径的2/3~3/4,宽度较窄,具唇状边缘。外壁近于光滑,但具多条不规则的褶皱; 无周壁; 孢子的颜色以黄褐色为主。明确了Cyathidites minor可能是Coniopteris simplex孢子,后者为前者的母体植物。  相似文献   
Bulk mineral resources of iron ores, copper ores, bauxite, lead ores, zinc ores and potassium salt play a pivotal role on the world’s and China’s economic development. This study analyzed and predicted their resources base and potential, development and utilization and their world’s and China’s supply and demand situation in the future 20 years. The supply and demand of these six bulk mineral products are generally balanced, with a slight surplus, which will guarantee the stability of the international mineral commodity market supply. The six mineral resources(especially iron ores and copper ores) are abundant and have a great potential, and their development and utilization scale will gradually increase. Till the end of 2014, the reserveproduction ratio of iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc ores and potassium salt was 95 years, 42 years, 100 years, 17 years, 37 years and 170 years, respectively. Except lead ores, the other five types all have reserve-production ratio exceeding 20 years, indicative of a high resources guarantee degree. If the utilization of recycled metals is counted in, the supply of the world’s six mineral products will exceed the demand in the future twenty years. In 2015–2035, the supply of iron ores, refined copper, primary aluminum, refined lead, zinc and potassium salt will exceed their demand by 0.4–0.7 billion tons(Gt), 5.0–6.0 million tons(Mt), 1.1–8.9 Mt, 1.0–2.0 Mt, 1.2–2.0 Mt and 4.8–5.6 Mt, respectively. It is predicted that there is no problem with the supply side of bulk mineral products such as iron ores, but local or structural shortage may occur because of geopolitics, monopoly control, resources nationalism and trade friction. Affected by China’s compressed industrialized development model, the demand of iron ores(crude steel), potassium salt, refined lead, refined copper, bauxite(primary aluminum) and zinc will gradually reach their peak in advance. The demand peak of iron ores(crude steel) will reach around 2015, 2016 for potassium salt, 2020 for refined lead, 2021 for bauxite(primary aluminum), 2022 for refined copper and 2023 for zinc. China’s demand for iron ores(crude steel), bauxite(primary aluminum) and zinc in the future 20 years will decline among the world’s demand, while that for refined copper, refined lead and potassium salt will slightly increase. The demand for bulk mineral products still remains high. In 2015–2035, China’s accumulative demand for iron ores(crude steel) will be 20.313 Gt(13.429 Gt), 0.304 Gt for refined copper, 2.466 Gt(0.616 Gt) of bauxite(primary aluminum), 0.102 Gt of refined lead, 0.138 Gt of zinc and 0.157 Gt of potassium salt, and they account for the world’s YOY(YOY) accumulative demand of 35.17%, 51.09%, 48.47%, 46.62%, 43.95% and 21.84%, respectively. This proportion is 49.40%, 102.52%, 87.44%, 105.65%, 93.62% and 106.49% of that in 2014, respectively. From the supply side of China’s bulk mineral resources, it is forecasted that the accumulative supply of primary(mine) mineral products in 2015–2035 is 4.046 Gt of iron ores, 0.591 Gt of copper,1.129 Gt of bauxite, 63.661 Mt of(mine) lead, 0.109 Gt of(mine) zinc and 0.128 Gt of potassium salt, which accounts for 8.82%, 13.92%, 26.67%, 47.09%, 33.04% and 15.56% of the world’s predicted YOY production, respectively. With the rapid increase in the smelting capacity of iron and steel and alumina, the rate of capacity utilization for crude steel, refined copper, alumina, primary aluminum and refined lead in 2014 was 72.13%, 83.63%, 74.45%, 70.76% and 72.22%, respectively. During 2000–2014, the rate of capacity utilization for China’s crude steel and refined copper showed a generally fluctuating decrease, which leads to an insufficient supply of primary mineral products. It is forecasted that the supply insufficiency of iron ores in 2015–2035 is 17.44 Gt, 0.245 Gt of copper in copper concentrates, 1.337 Gt of bauxite, 38.44 Mt of lead in lead concentrates and 29.19 Mt of zinc in zinc concentrates. China has gradually raised the utilization of recycled metals, which has mitigated the insufficient supply of primary metal products to some extent. It is forecasted that in 2015–2035 the accumulative utilization amount of steel scrap(iron ores) is 3.27 Gt(5.08 Gt), 70.312 Mt of recycled copper, 0.2 Gt of recycled aluminum, 48 Mt of recycled lead and 7.7 Mt of recycled zinc. The analysis on the supply and demand situation of China’s bulk mineral resources in 2015–2035 suggests that the supply-demand contradiction for these six types of mineral products will decrease, indicative of a generally declining external dependency. If the use of recycled metal amount is counted in, the external dependency of China’s iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc and potassium salt will be 79%, 65%, 26%, 8%, 16% and 18% in 2014, respectively. It is predicted that this external dependency will decrease to 62%, 64%, 20%,-0.93%, 16% and 14% in 2020, respectively, showing an overall decreasing trend. We propose the following suggestions correspondingly.(1) The demand peak of China’s crude steel and potassium salt will reach during 2015–2023 in succession. Mining transformation should be planned and deployed in advance to deal with the arrival of this demand peak.(2) The supply-demand contradiction of China’s bulk mineral resources will mitigate in the future 20 years, and the external dependency will decrease accordingly. It is suggested to adjust the mineral resources management policies according to different minerals and regions, and regulate the exploration and development activities.(3) China should further establish and improve the forced mechanism of resolving the smelting overcapacity of steel, refined copper, primary aluminum, lead and zinc to really achieve the goal of "reducing excess production capacity".(4) In accordance with the national strategic deployment of "One Belt One Road", China should encourage the excess capacity of steel, copper, alumina and primary aluminum enterprises to transfer to those countries or areas with abundant resources, high energy matching degree and relatively excellent infrastructure. Based on the national conditions, mining condition and geopolitics of the resources countries, we will gradually build steel, copper, aluminum and lead-zinc smelting bases, and potash processing and production bases, which will promote the excess capacity to transfer to the overseas orderly.(5) It is proposed to strengthen the planning and management of renewable resources recycling and to construct industrial base of renewable metal recycling.(6) China should promote the comprehensive development and utilization of paragenetic and associated mineral species to further improve the comprehensive utilization of bulk mineral resources.  相似文献   

考古遗址出土骨制品的研究对于揭示古代社会的动物资源获取和利用、手工业生产、社会组织结构等问题具有重要意义。国内骨制品研究目前多集中在农业区域,这些研究为探讨新石器时代至青铜时代的动物使用及其与社会发展、早期国家形成的关系等问题作出了重要贡献。然而,针对牧业社会骨制品的考察十分缺乏。新疆哈密地区巴里坤草原分布有大量古代牧业文化遗址,石人子沟遗址(43°31'12.8"~43°34'28.9"N,93°13'44.8"~93°16'49.1"E)是其中一处青铜时代晚期至铁器时代早期的大型聚落。本文从动物考古学视角研究该遗址2006年至2011年发掘出土的426件骨制品。结果显示,石人子沟遗址骨制品的原料主要为以羊(Ovis aries/Capra hircus)、马(Equus caballus)为主的家养动物和以鹿(Cervidae)为主的野生动物,其中羊的比例最高(69.7%),鹿(13.8%)、马(2.3%)次之,这与中原地区青铜时代农业文化遗址的骨制品多以牛为原料的情况明显不同。羊在骨制品原料中占绝对多数且大量使用羊距骨制品的现象是对石人子沟遗址以牧业为主的生业经济方式的直接反映。石人子沟遗址不同类型骨制品的制作各具特点,但整体表现出"省时省力"的特点,即对使用部位细致打磨,对非使用部位仅做简单处理。与中原地区商周时期大型制骨作坊规范化、规模化、产业化的骨器生产不同,石人子沟遗址未见专门的制骨场所,骨制品生产的操作链条也并不完整。遗址的骨制品生产可能是以家庭为单元进行的,产品的专业化、精细化程度也相对较低。该研究填补了我国古代牧业文化遗址出土骨制品动物考古学专门研究的空白,为进一步探究我国古代不同区域、不同生业经济基础下的制骨手工业面貌提供了重要资料。

严丽  李萌 《测绘科学》2013,38(3):59-62
利用切比雪夫多项式拟合卫星轨道,用经验统计法确定轨道不同弧段数据的满足精度要求的拟合阶数区间,发现非最佳拟合阶数会引入较大的拟合噪声,因此在精密计算时应选择最佳拟合阶数。本文用此多项式拟合卫星钟差,能达到内插钟差同等的精度,而且与拉格朗日滑动内插相比,拟合残差序列分布更好,计算效率更高;提出利用残差自相关进行精度评定的方法,当精度变化微小时相比一般的精度评定方法具有明显优势。  相似文献   
柳永清  孟祥化 《地质科学》1999,34(4):442-450
华北地台中寒武世鲕滩碳酸盐沉积序列中具有特征的低频(级)和高频(级-级)旋回层序叠加样式和规律。旋回层序内部的沉积构成、微相组构、成岩特点以及高频旋回的复合、叠加严格受复合海平面变动的控制。巨厚鲕滩形成于低频海平面变化的回落时期,但复合叠加于低频海平面变化中的级海平面变化更直接地控制着鲕滩建造的时空发育、进积迁移。鲕滩微相中鲕粒组构特征则主要与高频海平面变化相关。鲕滩高频海平面变化旋回层序的厚度频率分布、不同级次旋回叠加比率和样式以及大范围空间上的连续可比性规律可能说明它们受地球轨道参数周期性变动的控制。轨道旋回层序具有的特定变化时间周期和频率使得旋回地层学具有了年代学意义,可以对重要地层段、事件层及生物带高精度测年。应用旋回地层学的研究得到了中寒武世毛庄\徐庄\张夏期的界线(面)年龄,即毛庄(期)\徐庄(期)为530.50Ma、徐庄(期)\张夏(期)为526.90Ma,与前人应用生物年代地层学等方法得到的年龄值极为一致。  相似文献   
A CE-5T1 spacecraft completed a high-speed skip re-entry to the earth after a circumlunar flight on October 31, 2014. In addition to the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS), a lightweight GPS receiver with rapid acquisition was developed as a navigation sensor in the re-entry capsule. The GPS receiver effectively solved the poor accuracy problem of long-term navigation using only the SINS. In contrast to ground users and low-earth-orbit spacecraft, numerous factors, including high altitude and kinetic characteristics in high-speed skip re-entry, are important for GPS positioning feasibility and were presented in accordance with the flight data. GPS solutions started at nearly 4900 km orbital altitude during the phases of re-entry process. These solutions were combined by an inertial measurement unit in a loosely coupled integrated navigation method and SINS navigation initialization. A simplified GPS/SINS navigation filter for limited resources was effectively developed and implemented on board for spacecraft application. Flight data estimation analyses, including trajectory, attitude, position distribution of GPS satellite, and navigation accuracy, were presented. The estimated accuracy of position was better than 42 m, and the accuracy of velocity was better than 0.1 m/s.  相似文献   
1997—2006年我国雷电灾情特征   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
该文建立了全国雷电灾害 (简称雷灾) 数据库, 对1997—2006年气象部门收集的雷灾资料进行统计分析, 给出了我国雷电灾情的时空分布特征、受损财物情况、受伤害人员情况等。资料包括32071例雷灾事件, 其中4287例雷灾造成了4488人死亡, 4320人受伤, 估计我国每年每一百万人中大约有0.53人死于雷击, 高于美国、英国。我国雷灾多发生在东部沿海地区和南部地区, 广东省最为严重, 总计上报8770例雷灾事件, 造成772人死亡和662人受伤; 当考虑人口权重时海南省、西藏自治区的雷灾人员死伤率最高。我国雷灾全年都可以发生, 夏季占全年的65%以上, 7月最高。人员伤亡雷灾和财产损失雷灾发生在13:00— 20:00(北京时) 的分别占总数的73%和62%, 16:00为峰顶。雷灾中受伤害的农民占总死伤人数的93%, 城市人员仅占7%。统计人员伤亡雷灾中的雷击地点, 最多的发生在农田, 为32%, 其次为建构筑物, 为23%, 以下依次为开阔地、水域、树下、山地等。此外还分析了雷灾中受损行业、财物等信息。  相似文献   
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