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Pampus minor is an important commercial fish. Due to the similarity of external morphological characteristics among the genus Pampus species, P. minor has often been identified as the juvenile group of both P. cinereus and P. argenteus. While little genetic background on this species is known, this study was based on control region sequences and provided the first evaluation of the genetic signature of 264 individuals of P. minor from 11 populations along the coasts of China and Malaysia. The results indicate high genetic haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity in this species. Additionally, two differentiated haplotype lineages were identified in the P.minor populations. However, phylogenetic structures corresponding to the geographical locations were unable to be established. Analysis of molecular variance identified a vast majority of the genetic variation occurring within populations. F-statistic test value(FST) of pairwise indicated that great differences existed between the Chinese and Malaysian P. minor populations. For the Chinese populations, the genetic differences were insignificant with the exception of the Xiamen population, which is a marginal population. During the late Pleistocene, a population expansion of P. minor occurred. These expanded populations originated from the glacial refugium in the South China Sea and then rapidly occupied and adapted to their new habitat. The results of this study provide genetic information for ensuring the protection and management of P. minor resources.  相似文献   
北方黄土研究中磁化率分析已越来越多运用到第四纪风尘堆积研究中。采用古地磁极性柱结合磁化率曲线比对定年的方法,初步确定江苏金坛和尚墩遗址750cm厚的地层年龄为330kaBP,对应磁化率曲线判断该区域分别经历了24kaBP左右、110kaBP左右、190—240kaBP左右、300kaBP左右的4个暖湿期,其中间隔有3个干冷时期,具有完整的3个气候旋回。对应地层发育的4个古土壤层、3个黄土层的风尘堆积—古土壤序列。研究表明,虽然古地磁极性定年的方法有一定的局限性,但在以磁化率信息为辅助的条件下,可在一定程度上消除这些局限,获得较为准确的地层年代,多种证据表明这种方法是可靠的。  相似文献   
程叶青  翟梦潇  王莹  张金萍 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1902-1909
在中国社会经济转型过程中,快速的城镇化导致城镇人口剧增、基础服务设施滞后、城乡差距拉大等系列问题,新型城镇化战略为解决这些问题提供新的思路和方向,为建设可持续城市和城乡一体化发展提供美好蓝图。以城镇化和城乡统筹发展等理论为指导,分析了海南省琼海市城镇化建设过程及成效,并以潭门镇、博鳌镇和龙寿洋国家农业公园为案例,提炼出3种不同类型区域的新型城镇化发展模式,并分析其特征及驱动力,为海南省其他类似地区新型城镇化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The maximum normal impact resultant force(NIRF)is usually regarded as the sum of the static earth pressure of the dead zone and the dynamic impact pressure of the flowing layer.The influence of the interaction between the flowing layer and dead zone on the impact force is ignored.In this study,we classified two impact models with respect to the pileup characteristics of the dead zone.Then,we employed the discrete element method to investigate the influences of the pileup characteristics on the impact force of dry granular flow on a tilted rigid wall.If the final pileup height is equal to the critical value,the maximum NIRF can be estimated using a hydrostatic model,because the main contribution to the maximum NIRF is the static earth pressure of the dead zone.If the final pileup height is less than the critical value,however,the particles in the dead zone are squeezed along the slope surface by the impact ofthe flowing layer on the dead zone,and because of shear effects,the flowing layer causes an entrainment in the dead zone.This results in a decrease in the volume of the dead zone at the moment of maximum NIRF with increases in the slope angle.As such,the maximum NIRF mainly comprises the instant impact force of the flowing layer,so hydro-dynamic models are effective for estimating the maximum NIRF.Impact models will benefit from further study of the components and distribution of the impact force of dry granular flow.  相似文献   
目的:观察四步联合疗法治疗膝骨关节炎的临床疗效。方法:选取膝骨关节炎患者60例,随机分为2组,每组各30例。治疗组采用四步联合疗法治疗,对照组采用关节腔灌洗疗法治疗。结果:总有效率治疗组为96.7%,对照组为80.0%,2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2组WOMAC评分、Lequesne评分治疗前后组内比较及治疗后组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:四步联合疗法治疗膝骨关节炎有较好疗效,能改善关节功能状态,提高患者生活质量。  相似文献   
Radio observation is one of important methods in solar physics and space science. Sometimes, it is almost the sole approach to observe the physical processes such as the acceleration, emission, and propagation of non-thermal energetic particles, etc. So far, more than 100 solar radio telescopes have been built in the world, including solar radiometers, dynamic spectrometers, and radioheliographs. Some of them have been closed after the fulfillment of their primary scientific objectives, or for their malfunctions, and thus replaced by other advanced instruments. At the same time, based on some new technologies and scientific ideas, various kinds of new and much more complicated solar radio telescopes are being constructed by solar radio astronomers and space scientists, such as the American E-OVSA and the solar radio observing system under the framework of Chinese Meridian Project II, etc. When we plan to develop a new solar radio telescope, it is crucial to design the most suitable technical parameters, e.g., the observing frequency range and bandwidth, temporal resolution, frequency resolution, spatial resolution, polarization degree, and dynamic range. Then, how do we select a rational set of these parameters? The long-term observation and study revealed that a large strong solar radio burst is frequently composed of a series of small bursts with different time scales. Among them, the radio spike burst is the smallest one with the shortest lifetime, the narrowest bandwidth, and the smallest source region. Solar radio spikes are considered to be related to a single magnetic energy release process, and can be regarded as an elementary burst in solar flares. It is a basic requirement for the new solar radio telescope to observe and discriminate these solar radio spike bursts, even though the temporal and spatial scales of radio spike bursts actually vary with the observing frequency. This paper presents the scaling laws of the lifetime and bandwidth of solar radio spike bursts with respect to the observing frequency, which provide some constraints for the new solar radio telescopes, and help us to select the rational telescope parameters. Besides, we propose a spectrum-image combination mode as the best observation mode for the next-generation solar radio telescopes with high temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions, which may have an important significance for revealing the physical essence of the various non-thermal processes in violent solar eruptions.  相似文献   
旋翼无人机测算风速风向技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前大部分民用无人机没有准确测量风速、风向和预警风场的功能,然而森林火灾扑救等多种场景需要无人机可以提供准确的风速。本文提出了一种基于旋翼无人机坐标数据测算风速风向的技术,通过无人机主机RTK坐标信息及方位角、倾角数据精准获取螺旋桨点相对坐标信息,选择不同负载条件下无人机以1~16 m/s的不同速度分别飞行30 s以上,根据螺旋桨坐标信息变化数值,结合风洞测试数据及风场动力学原理,研究风速与旋翼无人机倾角关系,并通过风洞试验检验该方法精度;并可根据无人机RTK推算出的螺旋桨坐标变化信息判断风向。结果表明,无人机风速与旋翼无人机倾角呈正相关关系;无人机负载加重时,对应受风速干扰的倾角会相对减小;无人机飞行受阵风干扰出现噪点的概率,高海拔区域大于低海拔区域;并建立六旋翼无人机飞行倾角的风速估算模型y=-1.043 5+1.150 1x,该模型测算风速的中误差值为0.966,绝对值小于1,满足应急指挥现场对无人机测量风速精度要求。该方法得到风速测算精度高,可以为旋翼无人机实时获取风速风向提供一种可行方法,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
乡村人居环境是一复杂巨系统,其可持续发展力是各子系统间物质、信息与能量相互流通与交换的结果,本文从经济发展、生产生活、生态环境3个子系统入手构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力的评价指标体系,以1997—2015年重庆市37个区县的面板数据为数据源,运用发展水平(衡量乡村人居环境可持续发展态势)、发展效率(反映乡村人居环境发展趋向可持续的快慢程度)和协调指数(反映各子系统发展水平均衡程度)构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力测度模型,分析了乡村人居环境可持续力并探究其时空分异特征,为因地制宜践行《农村人居环境整治三年行动方案》提供策略支持。结果表明:1997—2015年,乡村人居环境可持续发展力时序上总体态势向好,其中发展水平逐步上升,发展效率波动剧烈,协调性稳步提高,各子系统间可持续发展力差异性较大;乡村人居环境可持续发展力在空间上总体呈现西高东低、“中心-边缘”的分异格局,区县间差异性明显,其中经济发展子系统呈“多级核心-外围”辐射圈层式差异化增长格局、生产生活子系统呈自西向东扩散式增长格局,生态环境子系统总体上先降后升,呈波浪式不均衡增长格局;从政府“制导引导”、城乡“双轮”联动、“点-极-核”整治模式等方面提出了相关整治策略。  相似文献   
潘峰华  方成 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1473-1481
全球化带来的新国际劳动分工使全球生产网络(Global Production Network, GPN)成为研究全球经济与区域发展的重要框架。与此同时,金融在现代社会经济运行中的地位日益提升,经济金融化在全球不同尺度下深刻影响着经济活动的空间分布和网络。因此,金融已经成为GPN研究不能忽略的重要环节。更重要的是,金融化带来的逻辑也日益深刻地影响到GPN的演化和运行。尽管GPN研究日益重视金融的作用,并开始研究金融业的全球生产网络,但是随着越来越多的企业通过获得国际股权投资或者在境外资本市场上市等方式融入全球资本市场,主要从生产角度理解地方经济融入全球过程的GPN难以对该现象深入分析。全球金融网络(Global Financial Network, GFN)为刻画和分析这个过程提供了新的框架。在这个分析框架中,地方经济体通过高级商业服务业(Advanced Business Service, ABS)企业与世界城市(国际金融中心)和离岸管辖区产生联系,从而融入GFN。论文介绍了GFN的基本结构,探讨了地方经济融入GFN的主要方式及其产生的影响。最后,提出GFN未来在理论和实证方面可继续深入研究的方向。  相似文献   
乡村生产空间系统要素构成及运行机制研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
周明茗  王成 《地理科学进展》2019,38(11):1655-1664
乡村生产空间系统是一个客观存在的、典型的人地关系地域系统,具有耗散结构特征。论文以系统论为指导,遵循系统科学的基本思维方法,从学理上对乡村生产空间系统的内涵及要素构成进行辨析,并围绕农村生产关系变革划分了乡村生产空间系统的演进历程,在此基础上对乡村生产空间系统的运行机制进行阐释。研究发现,乡村生产空间系统主要由基础要素(资源环境和基础设施)、核心要素(多元经营主体和乡村文化)、驱动要素(资本、技术、信息和市场)和管理要素(制度和政策)4种要素构成;依据乡村生产关系变革、经济体制变迁、城乡关系转变等规律,将新中国成立后乡村生产空间系统的演进历程划分为土地改革运动时期、农业互助合作运动时期、人民公社化运动时期和家庭联产承包责任制时期4个时期,不同时期乡村生产空间系统的要素构成、要素间的联系方式不同,乡村生产空间系统特征表现各异;乡村生产空间系统通过支撑与约束机制、竞争与合作机制以及调控与反馈机制推动自身运行发展。从要素功能、结构关系、协同等视角去审视乡村生产空间系统的运行状态、诊断系统运行的动力机制或障碍因素等,将成为未来乡村生产空间系统研究的重点。  相似文献   
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