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塔里木河下游植物调查最小取样面积分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李霞  唐金  万红梅 《中国沙漠》2011,31(5):1221-1225
采用巢式样方法,对塔里木河下游两个断面6条样带38块64 m×64 m样地进行调查,选用线性和非线性种-面积模型,对调查区不同比例因子植物调查最小取样面积、最小取样面积与不同地下水条件的关系进行了分析。根据种-面积曲线的最优模型,当比例因子取值包括群落50%、60%、70%、80%和90%的植物种类时,最小调查样地面积分别为418 m2、707 m2、1 138 m2、1 702 m2和2 656 m2;随着离河距离增加,物种数减少,植物的生长势降低。当比例因子取值包括群落50%植物种类、地下水埋深由离河50 m的1.57 m到离河1 500 m的7.53 m变化时,离河不同距离各级最小取样面积变化较大,地下水条件是植物种类调查最小取样面积变化的关键因素。  相似文献   
By using two-dimensional dynamical equations in x-z plane with Boussinesq approximation,the effects of the second-order vertical shear of the basic flow uzz and the horizontal gradient of temperature (M) on the gravity wave and the isolated gravity wave are discussed.The magnitudes of uzz and M corresponding to the linear and nonlinear stabilities of the gravity waves are worked out,respectively.The results show that amplitude and width of the isolate dgravity wave are closely related to uzz and M.It is indicated that the isolated gravity wave with a width of about 10 km can be motivated by the disturbance of sub-synoptic scale in the certain ranges of flow field shear and temperature gradient,while the motivated waves may be associated with the cold surge ahead of a cold front and the other mesoscale synoptic systems.  相似文献   
By using the low-spectral model simplified from quasi-geostrophic approximation two-levelmodel,we obtained the result that the equivalent barotropic state is an equilibrium state of theatmosphere in that model,and discussed the conditions needed for existing the Rossby wavepossessing the equivalent barotropic structure.And then we derived the oscillation equation reflectingthe phase change of Rossby wave between higher and lower levels from the basic state of equivalentbarotropic stationary Rossby wave,indicating the relations between the change of difference of phaseat higher and lower levels and the disturbance of vertical shear,the amplitude disturbance of the partof waves of stream function and thermal wind stream function on the average level (A′ and B′).It isconcluded that the inter-transformation exists between Rossby waves possessing the equivalentbarotropic and baroclinic structure.  相似文献   
采用赤道平衡模式及低阶谱方法,考虑基本气流,一次切变流和二次切变流的影响,给出了描写南亚冬夏季风的非线性方程,重点讨论了基本气流和一、二次切变流对南亚季风形成,转换和强度的影响,并指出一次切变流对南亚季风影响与基本流及二切变流对南亚季风的影响明显不同。  相似文献   

Vector-based cellular automata (VCA) models have been applied in land use change simulations at fine scales. However, the neighborhood effects of the driving factors are rarely considered in the exploration of the transition suitability of cells, leading to lower simulation accuracy. This study proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN)-VCA model that adopts the CNN to extract the high-level features of the driving factors within a neighborhood of an irregularly shaped cell and discover the relationships between multiple land use changes and driving factors at the neighborhood level. The proposed model was applied to simulate urban land use changes in Shenzhen, China. Compared with several VCA models using other machine learning methods, the proposed CNN-VCA model obtained the highest simulation accuracy (figure-of-merit = 0.361). The results indicated that the CNN-VCA model can effectively uncover the neighborhood effects of multiple driving factors on the developmental potential of land parcels and obtain more details on the morphological characteristics of land parcels. Moreover, the land use patterns of 2020 and 2025 under an ecological control strategy were simulated to provide decision support for urban planning.  相似文献   
汪侠  顾朝林  刘晋媛  梅虎 《地理研究》2007,26(3):625-635
旅游资源开发潜力评价,是对旅游资源是否具备发展旅游业的条件并进而获取经济、社会和环境效益的能力的衡量。其评价不仅着眼于旅游资源的本体价值,还关注对旅游资源开发不可或缺的环境条件和开发效益等。文章在旅游资源开发潜力评价方法上进行创新,将灰色理论和层次分析法相结合,以洪泽县老子山风景区为例,对其六个景区的旅游资源开发潜力进行了评价和排序。研究表明,旅游资源开发潜力的多层次灰色评价方法所需样本量小,灰色评价过程有助于解决层次分析法评价中出现的信息不完备和不确切问题,使评价结果更加客观可信。与传统的旅游资源评价方法相比,此方法能够有效解决旅游资源等级与开发潜力之间的错位问题,从而对旅游开发实践更具科学指导意义。  相似文献   
土地利用/ 土地覆被变化(LUCC) 是当前研究全球变化的重要内容, 而区域土地利用 格局模拟是LUCC 研究的核心内容之一。以张家界市永定区为研究单元, 根据由2005 年土地 利用现状图和数字高程模型数据源得到的土地利用、地形、河流以及道路等空间数据, 对区 域土地利用类型空间格局的空间自相关性特征进行了建模研究, 并通过在传统Logistic 模型 中引入描述空间自相关性的成份, 实现了能够考虑自相关性因素的回归分析模型 (AutoLogistic 模型), 同时应用该模型对区域土地利用格局进行了模拟和分析。结果显示, 通 过与没有考虑空间自相关性的回归模型(传统Logistic 模型) 相比较, 该模型显示了更好的拟 合优度和更高的拟合准确率(耕地、林地、建设用地及未利用地的ROC 值分别从0.851、 0.913、0.877 和0.852 提高到0.893、0.940、0.907 和0.863)。研究结果说明了基于 AutoLogistic 方法的土地利用格局的相关性建模在一定意义上是合理的。同时研究结果也可以 为永定区及其相似地区的土地利用规划决策提供更为科学的依据。  相似文献   
The study of global climate change for the last 2000 years is very important for predicting climate evolution in the future. In order to explore the evidence of climate change for that period, the Chinese scientists made convincing statements using high-resolution substitution data such as tree-ring, coral and ice core. Continuous accumulated peat sediment is the better substitution data to provide climate information. Selecting the peatlands with a certain area and less human interference, th…  相似文献   
Marine sediments were dissolved by HNO3-HF-HCIO4 in a sealed container at low pressure; I-IF was evaporated in an open container and salts were dissolved in HCl by heating, then transferred to 2% HNO3 solution. A total of 45 elements, including Li, Be, So, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, In, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, TI, Pb, Bi, Th and U, were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Condi-tions and sample experiments showed that this procedure defines a good experimental method which has the advantages of clear interference, easy operation and reliable results. The concentrations of the 45 elements could be used for resource exploration, envi-ronmental assessment and academic research.  相似文献   
雷暴电活动对冰雹增长影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用三维强风暴动力-电耦合模式,数值模拟了风暴演变过程 中电活动对冰雹增长及地面降雹的影响. 结果指出,带电冰雹与云内强电场作用使地面降雹 量增加约50[HTK]髎[HTSS],雹块直径增大0.7mm,降雹时间滞后约3min. 文中还讨论了强电 场通过对水成物降落速度的调制来影响冰雹微观增长过程,即主要是影响碰并过程和冰雹融 化过程. 电活动使冰雹源、汇总量都减少,但汇总量减少更多,总体效果使冰雹总量增加, 数目减少,冰雹长得更大,更易降落到地面.  相似文献   
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