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Adeline Marinho Maciel Gilberto Camara Lubia Vinhas Michelle Cristina Araújo Picoli Rodrigo Anzolin Begotti Luiz Fernando Ferreira Gomes de Assis 《International journal of geographical information science》2019,33(1):176-192
Earth observation images are a powerful source of data about changes in our planet. Given the magnitude of global environmental changes taking place, it is important that Earth Science researchers have access to spatiotemporal reasoning tools. One area of particular interest is land-use change. Using data obtained from images, researchers would like to express abstractions such as ‘land abandonment’, ‘forest regrowth’, and ‘agricultural intensification’. These abstractions are specific types of land-use trajectories, defined as multi-year paths from one land cover into another. Given this need, this paper introduces a spatiotemporal calculus for reasoning about land-use trajectories. Using Allen’s interval logic as a basis, we introduce new predicates that express cases of recurrence, conversion and evolution in land-use change. The proposed predicates are sufficient and necessary to express different kinds of land-use trajectories. Users can build expressions that describe how humans modify Earth’s terrestrial surface. In this way, scientists can better understand the environmental and economic effects of land-use change. 相似文献
U.?A.?GlasmacherEmail author W.?Bauer N.?Clauer V.?N.?Puchkov 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2004,93(5):921-944
The eastern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) has a long lasting geological record of Precambrian age. Archaean and Proterozoic strata are exposed in the western fold-and-thrust belt of the Uralides and are known from drill cores and geophysical data below the Palaeozoic cover in the Uralides and its western foredeep. In the southern Uralides, sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks of Riphean and Vendian age occur in the Bashkirian Mega-anticlinorium (BMA) and the Beloretzk Terrane. In the eastern part of the BMA (Yamantau anticlinorium) and the Beloretzk Terrane, K-Ar ages of the <2-µm-size fraction of phyllites (potassic white mica) and slates (illite) give evidence for a complex pre-Uralian metamorphic and deformational history of the Precambrian basement at the southeastern margin of the EEC. Interpretation of the K-Ar ages considered the variation of secondary foliation and the diagenetic to metamorphic grade. In the Yamantau anticlinorium, the greenschist-facies metamorphism of the Mesoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks is of Early Neoproterozoic origin (about 970 Ma) and the S1 cleavage formation of Late Neoproterozoic (about 550 Ma). The second wide-spaced cleavage is of Uralian origin. In the central and western part of the BMA, the diagenetic to incipient metamorphic grade developed in Late Neoproterozoic time. In post-Uralian time, Proterozoic siliciclastic rocks with a cleavage of Uralian age have not been exhumed to the surface of the BMA. Late Neoproterozoic thrusts and faults within the eastern margin of the EEC are reactivated during the Uralian deformation. 相似文献
Par A.Lacroix 《地质学报》1928,7(1):13-59
Au cours d'un voyage en Chine, effectue en decembre 1927, j'al eu I'honneur et le plaisir d'etre recu a Peking par la Societe geologique de Chine et d'etre ainsi le temoin de sa grande activite scientifique. Aussi, je tiens a lui offrir le resultat de l'etude mineralogique et chimique des roches que j'ai 相似文献
白刺不同果实性状的遗传力估计及优良亲本选择 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
亲子回归法研究白刺果实不同性状遗传力的结果表明,果径、果形、果色、果味、核形和果实出肉率等性状指标的遗传力较高,说明这些性状变异的遗传贡献较大,可作为白刺果实类型划分的主要指标,其中果径、果味和出肉率可作为白刺果实品质评价和优良亲本选择的主要依据。以果径和出肉率为指标,用家系选择法选择优良亲本可获得较大的遗传增益,且两指标选择的亲本一致,选择效果满意。 相似文献
Fedor Baart Gerben de Boer Wim de Haas Gennadii Donchyts Marc Philippart Mark van Koningsveld Maarten Plieger 《Transactions in GIS》2012,16(2):249-265
Numerical models produce output with a large number of variables, grid cells and time steps. The same applies to algorithms that produce gridded datasets from sparse or abundant raw data. Further use of the resulting data products has been challenging, especially for dissemination outside the institute of origin. Due to the gradually increasing size of data products, simply downloading copies of them is becoming impossible. A gradual transition from traditional download methods to web services is therefore observed. Web services allow for on‐the‐fly access to subsets of data that were hitherto considered as indivisible granules. Here we compare the most mature candidates to serve gridded data through the web: the Open‐source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocols. In the framework of the new Dutch National Model and Data Centre (NMDC.eu) a distributed data storage has been created by coupling OPeNDAP servers. A WCS service layer is provided for the same data. This allows us to compare OPeNDAP and WCS. Using several use cases, we compare the usability, performance and features of the two protocols. 相似文献
Strategies to mitigate aliasing of loading signals while estimating GPS frame parameters 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
Xavier?CollilieuxEmail author Tonie?van?Dam Jim?Ray David?Coulot Laurent?Métivier Zuheir?Altamimi 《Journal of Geodesy》2012,86(1):1-14
Although GNSS techniques are theoretically sensitive to the Earth center of mass, it is often preferable to remove intrinsic
origin and scale information from the estimated station positions since they are known to be affected by systematic errors.
This is usually done by estimating the parameters of a linearized similarity transformation which relates the quasi-instantaneous
frames to a long-term frame such as the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). It is well known that non-linear
station motions can partially alias into these parameters. We discuss in this paper some procedures that may allow reducing
these aliasing effects in the case of the GPS techniques. The options include the use of well-distributed sub-networks for
the frame transformation estimation, the use of site loading corrections, a modification of the stochastic model by downweighting
heights, or the joint estimation of the low degrees of the deformation field. We confirm that the standard approach consisting
of estimating the transformation over the whole network is particularly harmful for the loading signals if the network is
not well distributed. Downweighting the height component, using a uniform sub-network, or estimating the deformation field
perform similarly in drastically reducing the amplitude of the aliasing effect. The application of these methods to reprocessed
GPS terrestrial frames permits an assessment of the level of agreement between GPS and our loading model, which is found to
be about 1.5 mm WRMS in height and 0.8 mm WRMS in the horizontal at the annual frequency. Aliased loading signals are not
the main source of discrepancies between loading displacement models and GPS position time series. 相似文献
融多颗卫星数据、地面重力值和其它资料一起的地球重力模型EGM 96 ,为研究中国大陆的重力场及相关问题提供了一个高精度 36 0阶的球谐系数。在分析EGM 96的基础上 ,计算并简单解释了中国大陆的自由空气异常和布格重力异常。计算所得重力场的精度和分辨率大大高于常用的1∶140 0 0 0 0 0自由空气异常图及布格重力图 相似文献
Jean Delteil Jean-François Stéphan Bernard Mercier de Lépinay Étienne Ruellan 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(9):743-750
In eastern North Island New Zealand, oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australian Plate is associated with strain partitioning. Dextral along-strike component of displacement occurred first at Early Miocene major faults within the eastern fore-arc domain. These faults were active from Early Miocene to Pliocene times. Since Pliocene times, most of the movement occurs at western faults such as the Wellington Fault. The latter joins the back-arc domain to the north. The jump of wrench faulting is related to the oblique opening of the back-arc domain. Both phenomena are impeded southwards by the Hikurangi oceanic plateau entering the subduction zone. To cite this article: J. Delteil et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003). 相似文献
Atholl Anderson Richard Roberts William Dickinson Geoffrey Clark David Burley Antoine de Biran Geoffrey Hope Patrick Nunn 《Geoarchaeology》2006,21(2):131-154
The orthodox archaeological sequence at the Sigatoka Dunes site (VL 16/1) in Fiji proposes three phases of occupation spanning Fijian prehistory, each associated with a period of dune stability. It has been taken as the standard model of Fijian prehistory for more than 30 years. Recently, however, it has been argued that there is no stratigraphic support for three discrete levels and that the occupation history was fragmented, complex, and continuous within a volatile dune system. We present new data, from optical and radiocarbon dating, to argue that a three‐phase model, although somewhat more complex in detail, remains the most robust interpretation of site history. The longest stable phase (Level 2) began 2500–2300 cal yr B.P. and is possibly associated with relatively low ENSO frequency. Substantial sand dune accumulation began after ˜1300 cal yr B.P. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献