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Supported by MSS images in the mid and late 1970s, TM images in the early 1990s and TM/ETM images in 2004, grassland degradation in the “Three-River Headwaters” region (TRH region) was interpreted through analysis on RS images in two time series, then the spatial and temporal characteristics of grassland degradation in the TRH region were ana-lyzed since the 1970s. The results showed that grassland degradation in the TRH region was a continuous change process which had large affected area and long time scale, and rapidly strengthen phenomenon did not exist in the 1990s as a whole. Grassland degradation pattern in the TRH region took shape initially in the mid and late 1970s. Since the 1970s, this deg-radation process has taken place continuously, obviously characterizing different rules in different regions. In humid and semi-humid meadow region, grassland firstly fragmentized, then vegetation coverage decreased continuously, and finally “black-soil-patch” degraded grassland was formed. But in semi-arid and arid steppe region, the vegetation coverage de-creased continuously, and finally desertification was formed. Because grassland degradation had obviously regional differences in the TRH region, it could be regionalized into 7 zones, and each zone had different characteristics in type, grade, scale and time process of grass-land degradation.  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Engine的地理信息数据库管理系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,空间信息在国土、规划等各领域的应用越来越广泛,且其容量也呈几何级增长,如何安全高效地管理、分发空间数据,成为深入应用地理信息系统功能的必要前提。本文以作者实际工作为基础,介绍了利用ESRI公司最新产品ArcGIS Engine开发包设计实现地理信息数据库管理系统的具体方法。  相似文献   
Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical analytical results are presented for the volcanic rocks of the Naozhigou, Ergulazi, and Sidaogou Formations in the Linjiang area, southeastern Jilin Province to constrain the nature of magma source and their tectonic settings. The Naozhigou Formation is composed mainly of andesite and rhyolite and its weighted mean 206Pb/238U age for 13 zircon grains is 222±1 Ma. The Ergulazi Formation consists of basaltic andesite, basaltic trachyandesite, and andesite, and six grains give a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 131±4 Ma. The Sidaogou Formation consists mainly of trachyandesite and rhyolite, and six zircon grains yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 113±4 Ma. The volcanic rocks have SiO2=60.24%–77.46%, MgO=0.36%–1.29% (Mg#=0.32–0.40) for the Naozhigou Formation, SiO2=51.60%–59.32%, MgO=3.70%–5.54% (Mg#=0.50–0.60) for the Ergulazi Formation, and SiO2=58.28%–76.32%, MgO=0.07%–1.20% (Mg#=0.14–0.46) for the Sidaogou Formation. The trace element analytical results indicate that these volcanic rocks are characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), relative depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) and high field strength elements (HFSEs, Nb, Ta, and Ti), and negative Eu anomalies. Compared with the primitive mantle, the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Linjiang area have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7053-0.7083) and low εNd(t) values (?8.38 to ?2.43), and display an EMII trend. The late Triassic magma for the Naozhigou Formation could be derived from partial melting of a newly accretional crust with the minor involvement of the North China Craton basement and formed under an extensional environment after the collision of the Yangtze Craton and the North China Craton. The Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks for the Ergulazi and Sidaogou Formations could be formed under the tectonic setting of an active continental margin related to the westward subduction of the Izanagi plate.  相似文献   
通过对青藏铁路清水河试验段片石护坡、无片石护坡的冻土路堤和地基的温度进行的全面监测,对比分析了路堤体内及基底的地温、积温及温度场中最大融化深度的变化情况,结果表明,采用片石护坡措施的试验路堤,与对比段(普通路堤)相比,降温效果明显。负积温量值大于对比段,最大融化深度抬升幅度较大。因此,片石护坡能够有效发挥降低地温、保护多年冻土的作用,并有利于坡面防护,是一种施作方便,既能用于新建,又能用于补强的多年冻土主动保护措施。  相似文献   
新疆玛纳斯河年径流时序特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌红波  徐海量  张青青  史薇 《中国沙漠》2011,31(6):1639-1646
基于肯斯瓦特水文站54 a的逐月径流实测资料,运用参数、非参数检验和R/S分析探讨了玛纳斯河径流量的趋势、跃变及未来的变化趋势,并利用径流量年内分配特征指数描述了径流量年内分配状况。结果表明,玛纳斯河径流量在1995年发生跳跃式的突变,并达到极显著水平,这也与径流量累积距平显示的结果一致;径流量的赫斯特指数大于0.5,具有持续性,预示其未来变化仍将保持增加走势;计算表明,玛纳斯河肯斯瓦特站径流量高度集中于夏季(6、7、8月),年内分配指数中的集中度比不均匀系数具有更强的分辨能力与灵敏性,集中期所对应的最大径流量出现时间与实际月份相同,并且各特征指数间存在关联性。  相似文献   
通过对艾勒格庙地区成矿的地质背景及构造、围岩、岩浆岩条件的初步分析,结合土壤地球化学异常信息及矿化点的信息的分析判断,得出结论:在艾勒格庙地区找寻矽卡岩型矿床的前景较好;同时指出了可能的矿体赋存部位、可能的含矿构造及可能的热液矿床或者矽卡岩型矿床的产出部位;还指出,在该区有望沿槽、台断裂带寻找低温热液矿化带,以至寻找低温热液矿床。  相似文献   
东昆仑野马泉地区矽卡岩矿床地质特征及控矿条件   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
野马泉地区蕴藏有丰富的矽卡岩型铁、铜、铅、锌、银矿床等,是东昆仑地区重要的多金属矿产地之一。对野马泉多金属矿床的产状、矿物共生组合、矿石结构构造、围岩蚀变类型等进行了研究,查明矿床主要产于花岗岩与围岩的接触面及其附近的断裂带中,其形成与区域晚古生代-早中生代构造岩浆旋回末期的岩浆活动关系密切,属岩浆矽卡岩型矿床。  相似文献   
根据GenBank中已知的条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis)SSU和LSU r RNA基因序列分别设计引物,分别以混合个体和单个个体的基因组DNA以及c DNA为模板进行扩增,测序分析后推测SSU r RNA基因中的内含子转录后加工可能仍被保留,而在LSU r RNA基因上游序列中没有发现内含子。长511bp的内含子位于SSU r RNA基因序列的上游,其插入位点为TCTGGTG-CCAGCAGCC,内含子5′和3′端的核苷酸序列分别为AAC-和-ATGG。该内含子的剪接位点以及保守区P,Q,R,S与I型内含子是不同的。研究发现,在同种紫菜中,不同个体SSU基因中内含子的有无、分布及结构特征是不同的,说明内含子对于分类是不太适合的。但是内含子的长度以及核苷酸序列在种间又具有一定的特异性,可以为红藻种间以及种内亲缘关系较远的亚种和不同地理群的区分和鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   
辽河油田稠油中贵金属分布和赋存状态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辽河油田稠油为研究对象,通过原子吸收光谱、实沸点蒸馏等手段,研究了辽河油田稠油中Au、Ag、Pt和Pb等贵金属在不同馏分中的分布特征.结果表明,经过实沸点蒸馏后,贵金属不同沸程温度的原油馏分中含量和分布存在很大差异,Au、Ag、Pt、Pd主要集中在渣油馏分中,在沸点》508℃的渣油馏分中Au、Ag、Pt、Pd的比例分别是93.4%、76.9%、73.4%和68.0%;采用选择性萃取的方法对金在稠油中的存在形态的初步研究发现,金在稠油中主要以有机配合物和少量无机配合物形式存在.  相似文献   
江西省是我国铀资源大省,同时也是我国重要的铀生产基地。从江西铀资源类型及空间分布特征入手,总结了依据江西铀资源自然禀赋特性的铀矿采冶工艺及资源开发利用现状。基于我国目前的能源消费结构及战略资源立足国内的指导思想,提出了江西铀资源开发利用对策,以实现资源优势转化为经济优势及资源的可持续开发。  相似文献   
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