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通过对内蒙古保龙南沟-老敖沟银铅锌矿成矿地质特征的分析研究,认为该区矿体严格受构造蚀变带控制,属于典型的热液型银铅锌矿床,且矿区深部及周边地区尚有较大的找矿远景。  相似文献   
In this study, a statistical model is developed to predict the frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) that influence Taiwan in boreal summer. Predictors are derived from large-scale environments from February to May in six regions, including four atmospheric circulation predictors over the western sea and eastern sea of Australia, the subtropical western North Pacific (SWNP), and the eastern sea of North America, and two sea surface temperature predictors in the Southeast Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic. The statistical model is verified based on statistical cross-validation tests and by contrasting the differences in the large-scale environments between high and low TC frequency years hindcasted by the model. The results show the relationships of two atmospheric circulation predictors and one SST predictor around Australia with Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) pattern, as well as the relationships of those in the SWNP and around eastern sea of North America with Pacific/North American teleconnection (PNA) pattern. When the anomalous anticyclone around Australia (positive AAO pattern) and the one over the region from eastern sea of North America and the Aleutian Islands to the SWNP (negative PNA pattern) are both strengthened from February, the trade wind in the equatorial Pacific is intensified and consequently plays an important role in steering TCs towards Taiwan during boreal summer.  相似文献   
Doo Yong Choi  Chin H. Wu   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(5-6):587-609
A new three-dimensional, non-hydrostatic free surface flow model is presented. For simulating water wave motions over uneven bottoms, the model employs an explicit project method on a Cartesian the staggered gird system to solve the complete three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. A bi-conjugated gradient method with a pre-conditioning procedure is used to solve the resulting matrix system. The model is capable of resolving non-hydrostatic pressure by incorporating the integral method of the top-layer pressure treatment, and predicting wave propagation and interaction over irregular bottom by including a partial bottom-cell treatment. Four examples of surface wave propagation are used to demonstrate the capability of the model. Using a small of vertical layers (e.g. 2–3 layers), it is shown that the model could effectively and accurately resolve wave shoaling, non-linearity, dispersion, fission, refraction, and diffraction phenomena.  相似文献   
李芳  吴凤平  陈柳鑫  许霞  赵越 《地理科学》2021,41(4):728-736
基于公平合理利用视角,将多准则决策模型与破产理论相结合探讨跨境水资源分配问题.通过梳理国际水法,设计了跨境流域水资源公平合理分配的指标体系,采用投影法解决这一多准则决策问题,并依此加权调整流域国用水需求.在加权调整用水需求和考虑议价能力的基础上,基于破产博弈模型探讨跨境流域水资源分配问题,以提高分配方案的公平合理性和可...  相似文献   
鄱阳湖沙地是亚热带湿润区典型风沙化土地,土地沙化问题严峻。鄱阳湖沙地研究多在小范围开展,研究意义有限,应在多处进行沙地粒度比对研究。选取庐山市、都昌县、永修县和南昌市新建区等沙地样品57个,分析其粒度特征。结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖沙地主要由中沙、细沙和粗沙组成,三者总含量超90%;Mz均值为1.79Φ,分选较差,呈正偏和尖锐分布;(2)鄱阳湖沙地不同土地类型沉积物表层(0-5 cm)与20-40 cm深度粒度特征存在一定差异,固定沙丘、半固定沙丘、流动沙丘和河滩表层比20-40 cm深度粒径大,但流动沙丘和湿地草滩表层分选优于20-40 cm深度;湿地草滩和河滩优势粒级含量和粒度参数有别于沙丘;(3)鄱阳湖沙地固定沙丘、半固定沙丘和流动沙丘为风成沉积;河滩以河流作用为主,风蚀为辅;湿地草滩是在风力和水动力共同作用下形成的。鄱阳湖沙地沿盛行风向从南到北S、SK、K依次减小,风沙运动多以两跳一悬式为主,以就地起沙为主,河滩湖滩作为补充。  相似文献   
Organic geochemical record of environmental changes in Lake Dianchi,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the natural ecosystem of Lake Dianchi and to assess its anthropogenic impacts, a stratigraphic study of bulk and molecular compositions of organic matter was conducted using a 63-cm long sediment core. The results show that two apparent environmental changes occurred during the evolution of Lake Dianchi: (1) the first change occurred in the 43–63 cm sediment depth, and was revealed by the amount and the composition of organic matter in the stage. Natural changes were possibly major factors responsible for triggering the environmental change, but the influence of human activities could not be excluded. Subsequently, the lake entered into a relatively stable and oligotrophic stage, which maintained until 20-cm sediment depth. (2) Eutrophication started in the upper 20 cm depth. Human activities became a major factor influencing environmental changes in this stage. Vertical profiles of various organic geochemical variables in the upper 20-cm sediments show evidence that primary productivity of the lake increased progressively and that the lake started eutrophic. Especially in the uppermost 10 cm, notable excursions to less negative δ13Corg and δ15Ntotal and high TOC concentrations have recorded an abrupt change in the lacustrine environment, suggesting that the lake entered a hypereutrophic stage. In addition, enhancement of αβ-hopanes reflects the contribution of fossil fuels to the lake sediments.  相似文献   
于1987年4—5月在南沙群岛进行综合考察,采集环节动物多毛类样品,经鉴定表明,系多齿鳞虫科1新属,定为新多齿鳞虫属Neopolyodontes,模式种为秀丽新多齿鳞虫Neopolyodontes lepidus gen.sp.nov.,以及新斑鳞虫属Neopanthalis的1新种,命为刺须新斑鳞虫Neopanthalis muricatus sp.nov.。  相似文献   
通过耦合布设海底表面和孔内水合物观测系统获取物理、化学、微生物等数据是了解掌握海洋水合物环境动态变化、碳循环规律和资源开发技术的有效手段,据此初步提出了一套海底孔内水合物观测系统,并指出了系统的关键技术难点。而在钻井布设该孔内观测系统时,要注意防止井内安全事故的发生,充分评估安放位置处含水合物地层的地质力学稳定性并采取适当的钻井和完井方式稳定或强化含水合物地层以支撑孔内观察仪器,实现孔内长期监测。最后讨论了在我国南海实施孔内水合物观测系统的必要性,并提出了初步想法。  相似文献   
前陆盆地类型及其沉积动力学研究综述   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
从前陆盆地的特点及类型入手,综述了前陆盆地研究的热点内容,最新方法及其沉积动力学进展状况,揭示了前陆背景下盆地充填序列的构成及内部演化特征,指出了盆地的沉积-地层格架与冲断造山带的幕式活动之间的响应关系。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONEnrichment of3He and heavy ions(i.e.,Ne,Mg,Si and Fe),characteristic of impulsive?ares,have beenstudied for more than three decades.It is found that they are generally associated with nonthermal energeticelectron-rich events(Reames et al.1988;Reames1999and references therein;Ho et al.2001;Wang et al.2006)and are related to the peculiar ratio of charge to mass(Mazur et al.1996;Reames1999).Althoughthe abundance of3He ions is not correlated with the abundance of heavy ions,s…  相似文献   
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