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为研究顺应式海洋平台慢漂运动的影响因素,以截断圆柱和漂浮方箱为例进行了不规则波作用下的慢漂运动模型试验。测量了不同系泊刚度条件下的漂浮方箱以及相同系泊刚度条件下的截断圆柱和漂浮方箱在静水中自由衰减运动和在不规则波中的运动响应,并将运动响应分解成一阶波频运动响应和二阶低频运动响应,分析了系泊刚度和浮体形状对浮体运动的影响。通过物理模型试验发现了系泊刚度及浮体形状对顺应式系泊浮体一阶运动标准差和二阶低频运动平均漂移值和标准差的关系。结果表明由于顺应式浮体的固有周期远离波浪谱峰周期时,系泊刚度以及浮体形状对慢漂运动的一阶运动响应影响不大;二阶低频运动相对偏离平衡位置的平均值和标准差均随系泊刚度增大而减小,浮体形状同样对慢漂运动的二阶低频纵荡运动响应影响较大。试验结果为实际海洋工程的外形选择和系泊刚度选择提供数据支持。  相似文献   
The volumes of formed volcanoes are an important indicator of the formation intensity of the ocean floor volcanogenic morphostructure under different geodynamic conditions. The distribution of the volumes of volcanoes that formed within the oceanic lithosphere of different geological ages is considered to analyze the spatial and time dynamics of the scopes of the seamount formation. The greatest volumes of effused rocks concentrate in volcanoes of different heights on the different-age segments of the lithosphere. The total volumes of volcanogenic substance growing with increasing age and thickness of the lithosphere is caused by the increasing range of the heights of the formed volcanoes and the growing number of big seamounts. Despite that the volcanic seamounts formed within the mid-oceanic ridges, on the divergent boundaries of the lithospheric plates and in the transform faults most often, half of the volcanogenic material was emitted to the earth’s surface during the spreading of the intraplate volcanism. A leading part in the formation of the volcanogenic morphostructure of the ocean floor belongs to the formation of big seamounts with heights of 4–6 km and volumes from 1500 to 5100 km3, respectively, in the provinces with ages from 60 to 90 mln years.  相似文献   
Results obtained from simulating the propagation of infrasonic waves from the Chelyabinsk meteoroid explosion observed on February 15, 2013, are given. The pseudodifferential parabolic equation (PDPE) method has been used for calculations. Data on infrasonic waves recorded at the IS31 station (Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan), located 542.7 km from the likely location of the explosion, have been analyzed. Six infrasonic arrivals (isolated clearly defined pulse signals) were recorded. It is shown that the first “fast” arrival (F) corresponds to the propagation of infrasound in a surface acoustic waveguide. The rest of the arrivals (T1–T5) are thermospheric. The agreement between the results of calculations based on the PDPE method and experimental data is satisfactory. The energy E of the explosion has been estimated using two methods. One of these methods is based on the law of conservation of the acoustic pulse I, which is a product of the wave profile area S/2 of the signal under analysis and the distance to its source E I [kt] = 1.38 × 10–10 (I [kg/s])1.482. The other method is based on the relation between the energy of explosion and the dominant period T of recorded signal E T [kt] = 1.02 × (T [s]2/σ)3/2, where σ is the dimensionless distance determining the degree of nonlinear effects during the propagation of sound along ray trajectories. According to the data, the explosion energy E I,T ranges from 1.87 to 32 kt TNT.  相似文献   
采用浮游植物计数法、高效液相色谱串联质谱法、分光光度法等分析方法,探索了微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium minutum)在批次培养过程中氮磷吸收、产毒、生物量、p H等参数的动态变化关系。结果表明,微小亚历山大藻对磷的吸收迅速,可以将磷储存于体内,待生长使用。该藻对氮的吸收相对缓慢,环境中氮缺乏时,产毒量不再增加,说明氮对产毒有着重要的调控作用。在第二对数期中出现了碳限制环境,导致叶绿素a在碳限制条件下无法表征藻的生物量,相反,叶绿素a和生物量呈负线性关系,可能是叶绿素转化成其它含碳物质,用于生长。毒素不仅存在于细胞体内,培养液中(胞外)也含有毒素,并且胞外毒素从稳定期开始逐渐升高。胞内毒素的组成中GTX1/4占据绝对优势,GTX2/3含量相对较少。生长延缓期和第一对数期,各种毒素组成比例相对稳定,而在随后的生长期内,GTX1/4在总毒素中的占比逐渐上升,GTX2/3占比逐渐下降,表明微小亚历山大藻毒素组成会随着生长周期的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   
基于SMAP卫星雷达资料的海冰密集度反演技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SMAP是美国于2015年初发射的一颗卫星,搭载了L波段的雷达。它采用圆锥扫描方式,具有固定的入射角、较大的幅宽和千米级的分辨率,在海冰监测方面具有独特的优势。本文利用SMAP卫星雷达资料分别与德国Bremen大学海冰密集度产品和美国国家冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)海冰密集度产品建立3.125 km和25 km匹配数据集,分析了L波段雷达后向散射系数、极化比和归一化极化差与海冰密集度之间相关性,建立基于人工神经网络的海冰密集度反演算法。为了验证SMAP卫星雷达资料反演海冰密集度的精度,本文选择德国Bremen大学和美国冰雪数据中心发布的海冰密集度产品分别与SMAP海冰密集度产品进行对比分析,SMAP海冰密集度与Bremen海冰密集度的偏差为0.07、均方根误差为0.14;与NSIDC海冰密集度的偏差为0.04、均方根误差为0.18,这表明SMAP海冰密集度产品与现有业务化海冰密集度产品具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源与混合行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口碳的生物地球化学过程是全球碳循环的重要组成。通过测定溶解无机碳(DIC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CDIC),溶解有机碳(DOC),有色溶解有机物(CDOM),颗粒有机碳(POC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CPOC)与元素比值(N/C)及相关指标,研究了2014年7月长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源和混合行为。结果表明,DIC浓度、DOC浓度、POC含量分别为1 583.2~1 739.6 μmol/L,128.4~369.4 μmol/L和51.2~530.8 μmol/L,这些不同形态碳及CDOM的荧光组分的分布模式相似,均是从口内到口外,整体呈现先增大后减小的趋势,并与盐度呈现非保守混合行为。添加作用主要发生在在口门处最大浑浊带附近。与含量相反,从口内到口外,δ13CDIC和δ13CPOC均呈现逐渐减小再增大的趋势,在口门附近达到最低值,分别为-9.7‰和-26.7‰。在口门附近不同形态碳含量上升及δ13CDIC、δ13CPOC的降低可能主要与沉积物再悬浮及微生物作用有关。基于蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型的结果显示,河口内外POC来源变化明显,口内POC以陆源有机碳贡献为主,平均为62.3%,口外海源贡献逐渐增加。CDOM相关参数结果表明长江口CDOM主要来自陆源输入,海源及人类活动等也对其产生影响。  相似文献   
楚科奇海盆M04柱晚更新世以来沉积古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对"中国第五次北极科考"采自楚科奇海盆的M04柱进行粒度、冰筏碎屑、黏土矿物、岩心XRF扫描、沉积物颜色分析,初步建立了楚科奇海盆晚更新世MIS4期以来的沉积地层框架。MIS4期以来,楚科奇海盆M04柱沉积物粒度和黏土矿物组成具有明显的冰期/间冰期变化特征,冰期沉积物粒度分布以双峰态为主,由洋流搬运和海冰搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量高、高岭石含量低;间冰期沉积物具有三峰态粒度分布特征,由海冰搬运、洋流搬运和冰山搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量低、高岭石含量高。通过M04柱黏土矿物组合类型与北冰洋边缘海盆的表层沉积物黏土矿物组合类型对比表明,晚更新世以来楚科奇海盆沉积环境发生显著变化:温暖的间冰期受波弗特涡流驱动,波弗特海为研究区的物源输入提供了主要贡献;寒冷的冰期表层环流呈反向输运,细颗粒物源碎屑以东西伯利亚海的输入为主。  相似文献   
Tensile stiffness analysis on ocean dynamic power umbilical   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tensile stiffness of ocean dynamic power umbilical is an important design parameter for functional implementation and structural safety. A column with radial stiffness which is wound by helical steel wires is constructed to predict the tensile stiffness value of umbilicals in the paper. The relationship between the tension and axial deformation is expressed analytically so the radial contraction of the column is achieved in the relationship by use of a simple finite element method. With an agreement between the theoretical prediction and the tension test results, the method is proved to be simple and efficient for the estimation of tensile stiffness of the ocean dynamic power umbilical.  相似文献   
为建立一种简单快捷的水产品中多氯联苯(PCBs)检测方法,本研究应用电子鼻对青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)软组织中富集的多氯联苯进行检测,并采用HS-SPME-GC-MS(顶空固相微萃取-气质联用)对结果进行了验证。首先利用电子鼻制作PCB15浓度梯度模版,检测PCB15处理72h以及144h的青蛤软组织中残留量,采用LDA和PCA两种方法统计并同模板的浓度进行比较。结论:青蛤软组织中PCB15浓度能明显分开,并随着处理时间的延长,区分效果愈加明显,区分度愈大。PCA的分辨效果明显优于LDA。运用欧氏距离、马氏距离、判别函数法和相关性对含有PCB15的样品浓度分别进行鉴别和验证,四种方法总的鉴别率均达到90%以上,能够较准确地对样品进行验证。电子鼻检测青蛤软组织中的多氯联苯的最低检测限为0.05μg/L,GC-MS为0.5μg/L。  相似文献   
应用三维地震资料设计水平井的轨迹,用人工合成记录标定层位和岩性并进行精细的构造解释和储层横向预测,对测区速度场进行研究,利用Geoquest 人机联作解释系统编绘层拉平图、转弯测线剖面图,不整合面构造图,各套油层顶面构造图,沿地层倾向设计水平井的轨迹.经两口井钻探,钻遇不整合面的误差0.19%—0.39%,一口井平均钻遇油层204m,相当9口直井的效益.用地震资料设计巷道水平井的关键是油层标定、深度标定和确定油层走向,用人机联作系统绘制水平切片图、反射波振幅图、油层顶构造图,设计了在油层内钻探的巷道井.经钻探,钻遇不整合面的误差0.07%,在真厚度8.23m 的油层内钻进563m.  相似文献   
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