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The research activity described in this report is a comprehensive regional assessment of the impacts of climate change on water resources and options for adaptation in the Okanagan Basin. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop integrated climate change and water resource scenarios to stimulate a multistakeholder discussion on the implications of climate change for water management in the region. The paper describes two main objectives: (a) providing a set of research products that will be of relevance to regional interests in the Okanagan, and (b) establishing a methodology for participatory integrated assessment of regional climate change impacts and adaptation that could be applied to climate-related concerns in Canada and other countries. This collaborative study has relied on field research, computer-based models, and dialogue exercises to generate an assessment of future implications, and to learn about regional views on the prospects for adaptation. Along the way, it has benefited from strong partnerships with governments, researchers, local water practitioners, and user groups. Building on the scenario-based study components, and a series of interviews and surveys undertaken for the water management and adaptation case study components, a set of stakeholder dialogue sessions were organized which focused on identifying preferred adaptation options and processes for their implementation. Rather than seeking consensus on the “best” option or process, regional interests were asked to consider a range of available options as part of an adaptation portfolio that could address both supply side and demand side aspects of water resources management in the Okanagan. The Canadian Crown reserves the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright.  相似文献   
Hawaiian eruptions are characterized by fountains of gas and ejecta, sustained for hours to days that reach tens to hundreds of meters in height. Quantitative analysis of the pyroclastic products from the 1959 eruption of Kīlauea Iki, Kīlauea volcano, Hawai‘i, provides insights into the processes occurring during typical Hawaiian fountaining activity. This short-lived but powerful eruption contained 17 fountaining episodes and produced a cone and tephra blanket as well as a lava lake that interacted with the vent and fountain during all but the first episode of the eruption, the focus of this paper. Microtextural analysis of Hawaiian fountaining products from this opening episode is used to infer vesiculation processes within the fountain and shallow conduit. Vesicle number densities for all clasts are high (106–107 cm−3). Post-fragmentation expansion of bubbles within the thermally-insulated fountain overprints the pre-fragmentation bubble populations, leading to a reduction in vesicle number density and increase in mean vesicle size. However, early quenched rims of some clasts, with vesicle number densities approaching 107 cm−3, are probably a valid approximation to magma conditions near fragmentation. The extent of clast evolution from low vesicle-to-melt ratio and corresponding high vesicle number density to higher vesicle-to-melt ratio and lower vesicle-number density corresponds to the length of residence time within the fountain.  相似文献   
As part of an integrated study of the hydrology, meltwater quality and dynamics of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, the glacier's drainage network structure was determined from patterns of dye recovery in 342 injection experiments conducted from 47 moulins distributed widely across the glacier. This structure was compared with theoretical predictions based upon reconstructed patterns of water flow governed by (a) the subglacial hydraulic potential surface, and (b) the subglacial bedrock surface. These reconstructions were based on measurements of ice surface and bedrock topography obtained by a combination of ground survey and radio-echo sounding techniques. The two reconstructions simulate the drainage system structures expected for (a) closed channels, in which water is pressurized by the overlying ice, and (b) gravity-driven, open-channel flow. The closed-channel model provides the best fit to the observed structure, even though theoretical calculations suggest that, under summer discharge conditions, open-channel flow may be widespread beneath the glacier. Possible reasons for this apparent discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   
Li  Zhong  Huang  Guohe  Huang  Wendy  Lin  Qianguo  Liao  Renfei  Fan  Yurui 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,132(3-4):1029-1038
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Apparent changes in the temperature patterns in recent years brought many challenges to the province of Ontario, Canada. As the need for adapting to climate...  相似文献   
In groundwater of the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas, unexpectedly high levels of nitrate (NO3 ?) are documented in four basins: Red Light Draw, Eagle Flats, Wild Horse and Michigan Flats, and Lobo and Ryan Flats. NO3 ? concentrations are changing over time in the majority (82.8 %) of wells and are increasing in most (69.8 %). The temporal change raises questions about the potential sources of NO3 ? and about flow dynamics in these basins. Presence of NO3 ? and temporal variability in concentration has implications beyond contamination risk because it indicates relatively rapid recharge (<60 years) to the basin groundwaters which was not expected based on previous estimates from chloride mass balance models and groundwater age-dating techniques. This research combines existing data ranging back to the 1940s with data collected in 2011 to document a multi-decadal trend of overall increasing NO3 ? concentration in deep basin groundwaters. Chlorofluorocarbon analyses of groundwater collected during 2011 indicate the presence of young (<70 years) water in the basins. The authors infer from these data that there are mechanism(s) by which relatively rapid and widespread recharge occurs on the basin floors; that recharge is spatially and temporally variable and that it results from both anthropogenic (irrigated agriculture) and natural (precipitation) sources. In light of these observations, fundamental conceptual models of flow in these basins should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Mapping variable stream buffers in a vector environment in which buffer width values are delineated often yields inaccurate results. Possible vector solutions are either ineffective or inefficient, An alternate raster approach is presented here in which a buffer effectiveness-achievement function (b-function) is introduced to map desirable buffer zones at an individual cell level based upon areal differentiations in physical and ecological conditions. The implementation of b-function is made feasible by a GIS procedure devised in this article. This tested method can be extended to a variety of variable buffer studies, such as visual buffers, noise buffers, greenways, and urban natural buffers.

‘A robe can never be made of the fur from one fox's axillae’ (A Chinese idiom).  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Emergency evacuation is the immediate escape of people away from a place of an imminent threat to a place of safety. The ability of the households to evacuate is a crucial...  相似文献   
Rare dunite and 2-pyroxene gabbro xenoliths occur in banded trachyte at Puu Waawaa on Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii. Mineral compositions suggest that these xenoliths formed as cumulates of tholeiitic basalt at shallow depth in a subcaldera magma reservoir. Subsequently, the minerals in the xenoliths underwent subsolidus reequilibration that particularly affected chromite compositions by decreasing their Mg numbers. In addition, olivine lost CaO and plagioclase lost MgO and Fe2O3 during subsolidus reequilibration. The xenoliths also reacted with the host trachyte to form secondary mica, amphibole, and orthopyroxene, and to further modify the compositions of some olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel grains. The reaction products indicate that the host trachyte melt was hydrous. Clinopyroxene in one dunite sample and olivine in most dunite samples have undergone partial melting, apparently in response to addition of water to the xenolith. These xenoliths do not contain CO2 fluid inclusions, so common in xenoliths from other localities on Hualalai, which suggests that CO2 was introduced from alkalic basalt magma between the time CO2-inclusion-free xenoliths erupted at 106±6 ka and the time CO2-inclusion-rich xenoliths erupted within the last 15 ka.  相似文献   
The molecular weight distributions and hydrolysable neutral sugar composition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was investigated in four maritime Antarctic lakes on Signy Island of different trophic status; Heywood Lake (eutrophic), Light Lake (oligo-mesotrophic), Sombre Lake and Moss Lake (both oligotrophic). Tangential flow ultra-filtration (TFU) was used to separate DOC into high molecular weight (HMW; >1000 Da) and low molecular weight (LMW; < 1000 Da) size fractions. Pulsed amperometric detection-high performance liquid chromatography (PAD-HPLC) was used to determine the hydrolysable neutral sugar molecular composition of each size fraction. Total DOC concentrations defined the trophic trend in the four lakes and ranged from 8 to 303 μM. The <1000 Da fraction of all the lakes dominated the DOC distribution, comprising 76% in Light Lake which also had the highest chl-a concentrations. Heywood Lake was relatively enriched in >1000 Da total organic carbon and had extremely high concentrations of total hydrolysable neutral sugars (11 μM) corresponding to 43% of total DOC. However, no clear pattern was apparent with regard to lake trophic status and potential sources of DOC, and the measured variations in individual aldose concentration, composition and their various molecular weight fractions.  相似文献   
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