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Continuous magnetotelluric (MT) measurements were conducted from May 2008 to July 2009 at Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. Two observation sites were established at locations 3.3 km east and 3 km west–northwest of the summit crater. At both observation sites, the high-quality component of the impedance tensor (Zyx) showed variations in apparent resistivity of approximately ± 20% and phase change of ± 2°, which continued for 20–180 days in the frequency range between 320 and 4 Hz. The start of the period of changes in apparent resistivity approximately coincided with the start of uplift in the direction of the summit crater, as observed by a tiltmeter, which is one of the most reliable pieces of equipment with which to detect magma intrusion beneath a volcano. A 2D inversion of MT impedance suggests that the resistivity change occurred at a depth around sea level. One of the possible implications of the present finding is that the degassed volatiles migrated not only vertically through the conduit but also laterally through a fracture network, mixing with shallow groundwater beneath sea level and thereby causing the observed resistivity change.  相似文献   
We investigate pure luminosity evolution models for early-type (elliptical and S0) galaxies (i.e. no number density change or morphological transition), and examine whether these models are consistent with observed number counts in the B , I and K bands, and redshift distributions of two samples of faint galaxies selected in the I and K bands. The models are characterized by the star formation time-scale τ SF and the time t gw when the galactic wind starts to blow, in addition to several other conventional parameters. We find that the single-burst model ( τ SF=0.1 Gyr and t gw=0.353 Gyr), which is known to reproduce the photometric properties of early-type galaxies in clusters, is inconsistent with the redshift distributions of early-type galaxies in the field environment, owing to overpredictions of the number of galaxies at z ≳1.4 even with strong extinction which is at work until t gw. In order for dust extinction to be more effective, we treat τ SF and t gw as free parameters, and find that models with τ SF≳0.5 Gyr and t gw>1.0 Gyr can be made consistent with both the observed redshift distributions and the number counts, if we introduce strong extinction [ E ( B − V )≥1 as a peak value]. These results suggest that early-type galaxies in the field environment do not have the same evolutionary history as described by the single-burst model.  相似文献   
Non-metamorphosed, autochthonous Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS), which are correlated to the Kuncha and Naudanda Formations, were found in a narrow belt between the Main Boundary Thrust and the Lesser Himalayan Thrust at the base of the Kuncha nappe in southeastern Nepal. The autochthonous Naudanda Formation is comprised of cross-bedded and rippled orthoquartzite and yielded a maximum depositional age of 1795.1 Ma ±5.1 Ma using detrital zircons. Low-grade metamorphosed quartzite in the Kuncha nappe yielded a maximum depositional age of 1867.4 Ma ±3.4 Ma, although it is totally recrystallized. These ages and age distribution patterns of detrital zircon grains indicate that the meta-quartzite of the nappe is originally Naudanda Formation. A zircon fission-track age of the autochthonous Naudanda Formation shows partially annealed age of 864 Ma ±56 Ma, in contrast, that of the Kuncha nappe shows a totally annealed age of 11.9 Ma ±1.6 Ma. These results suggest that the autochthonous LHS have never undergone metamorphism during the Himalayan orogeny. We also discovered a non-metamorphosed Heklang Formation that rests on the Naudanda Formation, and designated it as a sub-type section on the basis of detailed lithostratigraphic study. It is characterized by black and light green slate with dolerite sills and ill-sorted quartzose sandstone, and correlated to the metamorphosed Dandagaon Phyllites in the Kathmandu area. Non-metamorphosed autochthonous formations distributed to the south of the nappe front suggest that they escaped from thermal metamorphism by hot nappe.  相似文献   
We have installed a laser strainmeter system in a deep tunnel about 1,000 m below the ground surface at Kamioka, Gifu, Japan. The system consists of three types of independent interferometers: (1) an EW linear strainmeter of the Michelson type with unequal arms, (2) an NS-EW differential strainmeter of the Michelson type with equal arms and (3) a NS absolute strainmeter of the Fabry–Perot type. These are configured in L-shaped vacuum pipes, each of which has a length of 100 m. (1) and (2) are highly sensitive (order of 10−13 strain) and have wide dynamical range (10−13–10−6). Observations with strainmeters (1) and (2) started on June 11, 2003. (3) is a new device for absolute-length measurements of the order of 10−9 of a long-baseline (100 m) Fabry–Perot cavity by the use of phase-modulated light. This third strainmeter will be ready for operation before the end of 2004. The laser source of strainmeters (1) and (2) is a frequency-doubled YAG laser with a wavelength of 532 nm. The laser frequency is locked onto an iodine absorption line and a stability of 2 × 10−13 is attained. The light paths of the laser strainmeter system are enclosed in SUS304 stainless steel pipes. The inside pressure is kept to be 10−4 Pa. Consequently, quantitative measurement of crustal strains of the order of 10−13 can be attained by employing the laser strainmeter system of (1) and (2) at Kamioka. This resolving power corresponds to that of a superconducting gravimeter. Using the laser strainmeter system, we expect to determine parameters related to fluid core resonance, core modes and core undertone as well as other geodynamic signals such as slow strain changes caused by silent earthquakes or slow earthquakes.  相似文献   
Tidal flat ecosystem simulators are used to clarify the effects of stranded fuel oil on tidal flat ecosystems. Results show that oil spills increase the periphyton on sediment by decreasing the predation stress caused by deposit feeders. About a month after an oil spill, the total population density of the macrobenthos recovered. The oxidation-reduction potential in the surface sediment drops to a negative value after the oil spill, and the anaerobic condition throughout the sediment seems to be responsible for the decrease in the population density of the macrobenthos. The infiltration volume of seawater into the oil-stranded sediment decreases to a third of that without the oil spill. The recovery of infiltration volume after about a month coincides with the recovery of the population density of the macrobenthos. This result suggests that the macrobenthic population is highly dependent on the infiltration of seawater.  相似文献   
To investigate the physical property anisotropies of foliated fault rocks in subduction zones, the hanging wall phyllites and footwall cataclasites exhumed along the Nobeoka Thrust, a fossilized out‐of‐sequence‐thrust in the Shimanto Belt, Japan, was focused. Discrete physical property (electric resistivity, P‐ and S‐wave velocities, and porosity) measurements were conducted employing geologic coordinates (depth‐parallel direction, strike direction, and maximum dip direction of foliation), using the core samples obtained from the Nobeoka Thrust Drilling Project and compared the data to borehole geophysical logs. A higher sample P‐wave velocity (Vp), lower S‐wave velocity (Vs), higher Vp/Vs, and lower sample porosity and resistivity compared to the logs, are inferred to have been caused by the larger sampling scale of the logs and lower fluid saturation of the borehole. The phyllites and cataclasites exhibited substantial vertical and horizontal anisotropy of Vp (0.4–17.3 % and 2.7–13.8 %, respectively), Vs (0.5–56 % and 7.7–43 %, respectively), and resistivity (0.9–119 % and 2.0–65.9 %, respectively). The physical property anisotropies are primarily affected by the dip angles of foliation. The fault rocks that have gentler dip angles exhibit a higher Vp in the strike and maximum dip direction and a lower Vp in the depth‐parallel direction. In contrast, the fault rocks that have steeply dipping structures show a higher Vp in the strike and depth‐parallel directions with a lower velocity in the maximum dip direction. Resistivity anisotropy show a trend opposite to that of the Vp in relation to the dip angles. Our results show lower Vp anisotropy than those obtained in previous studies, which measured wave speeds perpendicular or parallel to foliation under confining pressure. This study highlights the significance of dip angles on vertical properties in geophysical surveys across foliated fault rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract— Small particles 200 μm in diameter from the hydrous carbonaceous chondrites Orgueil CI, Murchison CM2, and Tagish Lake were experimentally heated for short durations at subsolidus temperatures under controlled ambient pressures in order to examine the bulk mineralogical changes of hydrous micrometeorites during atmospheric entry. The three primitive meteorites consist mainly of various phyllosilicates and carbonates that are subject to decomposition at low temperatures, and thus the brief heating up to 1000 °C drastically changed the mineralogy. Changes included shrinkage of interlayer spacing of saponite due to loss of molecular water at 400–600 °C, serpentine and saponite decomposition to amorphous phases at 600 and 700 °C, respectively, decomposition of Mg‐Fe carbonate at 600 °C, recrystallization of secondary olivine and Fe oxide or metal at 700–800 °C, and recrystallization of secondary low‐Ca pyroxene at 800 °C. The ambient atmospheric pressures controlled species of secondary Fe phase: taenite at pressures lower than 10?2 torr, magnesiowüstite from 10?3 to 10?1 torr, and magnetite from 10?2 to 1 torr. The abundance of secondary low‐Ca pyroxene increases in the order of Murchison, Orgueil, and Tagish Lake, and the order corresponds to saponite abundance in samples prior to heating. Mineralogy of the three unmelted micrometeorites F96CI024, kw740052, and kw740054 were investigated in detail in order to estimate heating conditions. The results showed that they might have come from different parental objects, carbonaterich Tagish Lake type, carbonate‐poor Tagish Lake or CI type, and CM type, respectively, and experienced different peak temperatures, 600, 700, and 800?900 °C, respectively, at 60–80 km altitude upon atmospheric entry.  相似文献   
We measured the methane flux of a forest canopy throughout a year using a relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method. This sampling system was carefully validated against heat and CO2 fluxes measured by the eddy covariance method. Although the sampling system was robust, there were large uncertainties in the measured methane fluxes because of the limited precision of the methane gas analyzer. Based on the spectral characteristics of signals from the methane analyzer and the diurnal variations in the standard deviation of the vertical wind velocity, we found the daytime and nighttime precision of half-hourly methane flux measurements to be approximately 1.2 and 0.7?μg?CH4?m?2?s?1, respectively. Additional uncertainties caused by the dilution effect were estimated to affect the accuracy by as much as 0.21?μg?CH4?m?2?s?1 on a half-hourly basis. Diurnal and seasonal variations were observed in the measured fluxes. The biological emission from plant leaves was not observed in our studies, and thus could be negligible at the canopy-scale exchange. The annual methane sink was 835?±?175?mg?CH4?m?2?year?1 (8.35?kg?CH4?ha?1?year?1), which was comparable to the flux range of 379–2,478?mg?CH4?m?2?year?1 previously measured in other Japanese forest soils. This study indicated that the REA method could be a promising technique to measure canopy scale methane fluxes over forests, but further improvement of precision of the analyzer will be required.  相似文献   
Survival of transplanted Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) and environmental conditions (water quality, bottom sediments, sedimentation on leaves and flow regime) were studied concurrently in the center, edge, and at the outside of a eelgrass meadow located in a eutrophic coastal zone in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Eelgrass transplants at the outside of the meadow declined significantly, whereas those at the center were consistently well established. Silt content in the bottom sediments at the outside was higher than that at the center. The sediment was oxic from the surface to 2 cm deep at the center, whereas those at the edge and the outside were reductive almost from the surface. The sediment characteristics typical in eutrophic water seemed to be a factor responsible for the deterioration of eelgrass meadows. Although suspended solid concentrations in the water columns were almost the same, the amount of sediments deposited on leaves of eelgrass at the outside was higher than that at the center of the meadow. The amount of the deposition at the outside seems to be enough to inhibit photosynthesis; i.e. photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) available for eelgrass was only 36% of that without any deposition. The deposition in the center, however, was small enough to allow 84% of the original PPFD. Flow rates, determined at 30 cm above the bottom, a half height of average eelgrass, suggested that the rate at the outside was not enough to remove deposited sediments from the surface of eelgrass leaves. Thus, the large amount of sediment deposition caused by water pollution and/or eutrophication seemed to be another factor to inhibit the survival of eelgrass at the outside edge of the meadow.  相似文献   
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