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The ordinary kriging method, a geostatistical interpolation technique, was applied for developing contour maps of design storm depth in northern Taiwan using intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) data. Results of variogram modelling on design storm depths indicate that the design storms can be categorized into two distinct storm types: (i) storms of short duration and high spatial variation and (ii) storms of long duration and less spatial variation. For storms of the first category, the influence range of rainfall depth decreases when the recurrence interval increases, owing to the increasing degree of their spatial independence. However, for storms of the second category, the influence range of rainfall depth does not change significantly and has an average of approximately 72 km. For very extreme events, such as events of short duration and long recurrence interval, we do not recommend usage of the established design storm contours, because most of the interstation distances exceed the influence ranges. Our study concludes that the influence range of the design storm depth is dependent on the design duration and recurrence interval and is a key factor in developing design storm contours. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对红宝石的天然、合成、优化处理成因已有许多研究,其中有不少争议[1]。争议的焦点在于对其内含物(包裹体)的认识。因此,在鉴定工作中思路要宽,对内含物的一切可能成因要作全方位推断,然后一一甄别。1 测试样品及其一般宝石学特征1-1 测试样品本文测试样品为一条红宝石伴钻石手链,来自于广州市对一家有信誉的国营大公司的市场抽查。样品重7-54g,由10粒规格为5-1×4-2mm的椭圆形刻面红宝石及18粒圆形钻石组成,工艺精美,商家称为“镶嵌红宝石手链”。1-2 一般宝石学特征10粒红宝石颜色统一,为较均…  相似文献   
2005年10月巴基斯坦MW7.6地震对余震的触发研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万永革  沈正康  尚丹 《中国地震》2006,22(3):277-286
本文研究分析了2005年10月8日巴基斯坦主震产生的库仑破裂应力变化对余震的影响。计算时考虑了以下因素:(1)断层泥区域的孔隙流体压力和介质弹性常数与周围介质中的不同;(2)地震震源区的构造应力场方向;(3)将震源区构造应力和主震破裂产生的应力叠加计算得到余震破裂机制。该研究考虑了多种因素,计算结果与余震的分布比较吻合。结果表明2005年10月8日巴基斯坦主震对大部分余震有触发作用。  相似文献   
本文把地质作用中元素间的相关性划分为曲线相关、准线性相关和线性相关三种类型;并在建立反映岩浆、沉积作用过程中元素间相关关系的数学模型及其它工作的基础上,详细讨论分配系数、源区成分和作用过程等方面对地质作用中元素间相关关系的制约作用。进而获得批式熔融、结晶分异、岩浆混合、化学沉积、碎屑沉积等过程中元素间呈线性和(?)线性关系的一般特征和应用前景。最后还给出La/Ce相关性的应用实例。  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical analyses including the basic statistics of chemical components, Piper??s trilinear diagram, and Mazor??s compositional bivariate diagram revealed that the main source and origin of groundwater contamination was seawater intrusion in the study area. However, the other sources and origins of groundwater contamination could be found by the combined analyses of chemometrics and kriging. Cluster analysis was helpful for the classification on the basis of the contamination characteristics of groundwater quality; however, it was not sufficient for the apportionment of groundwater contamination sources. Factor analysis (FA) determined three factors with 81.07% in total variance: Factor 1 for seawater contamination, Factor 2 for nitrate contamination, and Factor 3 for iron contamination. Factor analysis determined the sources of groundwater contamination; however, it could not discover the origins of contaminants except Factor 1. In backward stepwise mode, discriminant analysis decreased the number of parameters from 18 to 6 in discriminating the contaminant type with 96.2% correctness. TDS, Ca, NO3, Mn, Fe, and Br were the most significant parameters for the discrimination of contaminants. Kriging analysis was very useful for the understanding of correlation and similarity between contaminants and factors of FA, and for the investigation of contaminant origins. It also showed that the similarity between factor scores and contaminant concentrations was proportional to the magnitudes of factor loadings for contaminants. This study represented that the combined analyses of chemometrics and kriging were very indispensable to the identification of groundwater contamination sources and origins, as well as for the spatial classification and assessment of groundwater quality.  相似文献   
A 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey is presented in this paper. The objective was to investigate an underground wastewater system at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Apparent resistivity data were collected along ten parallel lines using a Wenner-Schlumberger configuration; electrode cables were oriented in the x-direction with 3 m spacing. Roll-along measurements using a line spacing of 3 m were carried out covering a grid of 20 × 10 electrodes. All data sets were merged into a single data file in order to perform a 3D inversion. Two different 3D least squares algorithms, based on the robust inversion method and the smoothness-constrained technique, were used for the inversion of the apparent resistivity data. Both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones found by inversion are displayed. The results indicate the superiority of the robust inversion method over the smoothness-constrained technique at this site. The results are in sufficient accordance with previously known information about the investigation area. The results show that 3D electrical resistivity imaging surveys, in combination with an appropriate 3D inversion method, can be highly useful for engineering and archaeological investigations as well as for environmental applications.  相似文献   
For a Hamiltonian that can be separated into N+1(N\geq 2) integrable parts, four algorithms can be built for a symplectic integrator. This research compares these algorithms for the first and second order integrators. We found that they have similar local truncation errors represented by error Hamiltonian but rather different numerical stability. When the computation of the main part of the Hamiltonian, H 0, is not expensive, we recommend to use S * type algorithm, which cuts the calculation of the H 0 system into several small time steps as Malhotra(1991) did. As to the order of the N+1 parts in one step calculation, we found that from the large to small would get a slower error accumulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
云南程海现代沉积物环境记录研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈敬安  万国江 《矿物学报》2000,20(2):112-116
本文通过对程海沉积物C、H、N等元素含量及其比值的综合分析,辨识了程海沉积物有机质H/C及C/N值的环境指示意义,发现它们增可作为程海水位波动及区域气候干湿变迁的替代性指标。研究结果表明:程海的水位和区域气候干湿主为化明显以历了两个不同的阶段,但整体上程海水位一直呈下降趋势,反映区域气候整体上向干旱化方向发展。  相似文献   
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