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北极河流径流量变化及影响因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最新的北极径流资料(R-arcticNET V3.0和Arctic RIMS),对进入北冰洋的4条主要河流的季节及年代际变化进行诊断分析。结果表明:入海径流在4-6月的大幅增加主要是由气温达到融点后积雪融化造成的,降水的作用次之。总的来说,欧亚区域在过去的70年里入海径流量是增加的,而北美区域在近30年里入海径流量是减小的,但注入北冰洋的径流总量是增大的。值得注意的是入海径流的年代际变化在不同季节增减趋势显著不同,夏季和秋季径流量减小,而其他两个季节径流量增大。进一步分析了影响入海径流变化的一些气候因子,结果表明:北大西洋涛动(北太平洋指数)与欧亚(北美)区域的冬、春季径流量存在正相关。春季气温与春季径流量呈正相关,而与夏季径流量呈负相关。降水与径流量基本上为同步正相关。春季积雪覆盖面积与春季径流量为负相关,而与夏季径流量为正相关,夏季积雪覆盖面积与夏季的径流量为正相关。  相似文献   
大型海底热液硫化物矿体的形成机制是涉及多种控制因素的复杂地质过程,其中热液流体同海水的混合扮演着重要角色。大洋钻探计划(ODP)资料表明在大西洋TAG区热液硫化物矿体内部,热液流体同经过改造的海水之间发生着广泛的混合作用,这个过程在很大程度上控制着海底热液硫化物矿体的内部结构和化学组成。以TAG热液硫化物矿体为例,利用数值模拟方法模拟了热液流体与经过不同程度改造的海水的混合过程,试图探讨海水与热液流体混合在热液硫化物矿体形成中的作用。模拟计算结果表明:(1)来自矿体深部的热液流体与经围岩加热的下渗海水的混合是造成TAG热液活动区硬石膏大量沉淀的重要原因;(2)在热液流体与海水的混合过程中,混合流体的化学性质和矿物沉淀情况在330~310℃上下发生了较大变化,330~310℃是一个特殊的温度区域;(3)利用数值计算结果探讨了TAG热液活动区不同区块(TAG-1,TAG-2和TAG-5等)的流体混合作用和热液活动过程。  相似文献   
秋季南黄海网采浮游生物的生物量谱   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对2006年9月南黄海浮游生物网(孔径为70,160,505μm)采集样品内的浮游生物个体大小的粒径分布进行研究,确定各粒级大小的功能群组成,建立2006年秋季调查水域网采浮游生物的生物量谱,比较分析三个特征水域(黄海近岸、黄海中部及黄海和东海交汇区)的浮游生物生物量谱特征参数的异质性。结果表明:三种网采浮游生物粒级范围主要包括100 pg/个~70 ng/个的浮游植物和70 ng/个~62 mg/个的浮游动物。Sheldon型生物量谱为近似连续的波动曲线,标准型生物量谱为线型。总测区的标准生物量谱斜率和截距为-0.74和18.64,各个特征水域,黄海中部为-0.67和15.60、黄海近岸为-0.64和14.34、黄海、东海交汇区为-0.73和18.03。浮游动物种类多样性对标准生物量谱的特征参数具有较显著的影响。  相似文献   
红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,遭受海水周期性浸淹,因而在结构与功能上具有既不同于陆地生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统的特性。红树林作为初级生产者,为林区动物、微生物提供食物与营养,为鸟类、昆虫、鱼虾等提供栖息、繁衍场所。因此,红树植物对维护生态平衡、保护海岸生态系统起着重要的作用[1-2]。近年来由于工农业的发展,沿海城市人口与经济的增长,大量的污染物汇集于河口、海湾区,使这些地区的重金属污染日趋严重,特别是在直接向红树林区倾污排废的地区更是如此。  相似文献   
利用机载GNSS反射信号反演海面风速的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王迎强  严卫  符养  李萍 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):51-59
全球卫星导航定位系统的反射信号(GNSS-R)遥感技术作为一种新型的、低成本的、高机动性的海面微波遥感测风技术,与其他测风手段优势互补,可以增加测风手段的多样性,弥补局部测风手段不足的状况。研究了接收机在机载高度时,GPS反射信号功率理论模型四部分函数的性质,在此基础之上,数值模拟了机载高度下理论相关功率波形,基于海面风速对波形峰值与后沿的影响,提出了一种能够兼顾所有理论波形信息的二维插值风速反演方法。利用该方法,结合实测机载数据对海面风速进行反演,反演的风速均值与附近测站风速均值相差为1.4 m/s,与浮标数据相一致。  相似文献   
The major elements, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of four basalt samples from central and western Pacific ferro- manganese crust provinces have been analyzed using chemical methods and ICP - MS, respectively. The results indicate that the samples have been extensively altered and that the contents of their major elements have changed significantly. However, the similarity of REE partition patterns and trace element contents of basalt samples to those of fresh oceanic island basalts (OIB) indicate that the basalt samples originated as OIB. Because of low-temperature alteration, the contents of A1203 , Fe203 , MnO, K20 and P205 increased, while MgO and FeO decreased. Active components, such as magnesium and iron, were leached from OIB resulting in the relative enrichment of SiO2. The leaching of active components can cause the relative enrichment of REE, while the precipitation of LREE-rich ferromanganese oxides in vesicles and fissures not only causes an increase of REE contents, but also induces "fractionation" of LREE and HREE. Based on the enrichment mechanism of REE contents, the theoretical quantities of precipitated ferromanganese oxides and the depleted quantities of active components are calculated : the depleted quantities of active components for the unit mass of fresh basalts vary in the range of 0.15 ~ 0. 657, and the precipitated quantities of ferromanganese oxides for the unit mass of fresh basahs vary in the range of 0. 006 ~ 0. 042. Of the major elements, the two most depleted are iron, and magnesium, with 18.28% ~ 70.95% of iron and 44.50% ~ 93.94% of magnesium in the fresh basalts was leached out. Theoretical calculation and geochemistry results both indicate that low-temperature alteration of basalts can supply abundant amount of metals to seawater, and may play an important role in ocean metal circulation.  相似文献   
Foraminiferal shells from two piston cores separately located at the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Bengal Fan of the Indian Ocean were selected and purified for measurements of natural thermoluminescence (NTL) intensity by a high precision thermoluminescence meter (RGD-3). Variations of the NTL intensity along the two core sequences both spanning the last two glacial--interglacial cycles displayed a strong, identical signal of the global ice volume cycles, which matched well with their corresponding oxygen isotope data. As higher NTL intensity occurred within interglacial periods and changes in an NTL signal were most likely influenced by the temperature of ambient seawater in which the planktonic foraminiferal shells long existed, the NTL signal could be considered as a potential proxy for orbital scale temperature changes of bottom seawater in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate thorium-234, particulate organic carbon in the upper 150 m of water columns from five stations in the Prydz Bay, the Southern Ocean were determined during the 22nd Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (from November 2005 to March 2006 ). The disequilibria between thorium-234 and its parent uranium-238 in upper layer was used to derive the averaged residence time of thorium-234, which decreased along with the latitude to the south and a minimum value, 1 - 8 d for particulate thorium-234 and 29 - 48 d for dissolved thorium-234, appeared at the medium latitude station, and the export fluxes of thorium-234 were calculated too and 'a maximum value, 0. 35 -0. 63 Bq/(m^3 · d) for the particulate thorium-234 and 0. 44 -0. 65 Bq/ (m^3 ·d) for the dissolved thorium-234, appeared at the same station. The export fluxes of particulate organic carbon at different water columns were derived by two methods with irreversible scavenging model, and the averaged values were 104. 7 mmol/ ( m2 · d ) ( E method) and 120. 6 mmol/( m2·d ) ( B method ), respectively, indicating that a relatively high new production would exist in summer in the Prydz Bay where it will play a potential significant role in sequestering the absorption CO2 to deeper ocean.  相似文献   
Analysis of Argo float trajectories at 1 000 m and temperature at 950 m in the North Atlantic between November 2003 and January 2005 demonstrates the existence of two different circulation modes with fast transition between them. Each mode has a pair of cyclonic - anticyclonic gyres. The difference is the location of the cyclonic gyre. The cyclonic gyre stretches from southeast to northwest in the first mode and from the southwest to the northeast in the second mode. The observed modes strongly affect the heat and salt transport in the North Atlantic. In particular, the second mode slows down the westward transport of the warm and saline water from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
中国海高分辨率业务化风暴潮模式的业务化预报检验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家海洋环境预报中心建立了中国海高分辨率风暴潮数值预报模式,模式在水平分辨率和网格的嵌套方面都较以往的业务化模式有改进和提高.自2003年起将模式投入业务化运行以来,连续三年共对11个台风风暴潮过程进行了跟踪预报,并将数值预报结果与实测资料相对比.本文将对预报模式三年来的预报结果进行检验.  相似文献   
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