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Norian crinoidal/brachiopod limestones and cephalopod limestones of the Hallstatt-type occur as blocks in a Hettangian(?) calcareous breccia of the Haliw Formation in the Oman Mountains. Crinoidal and brachiopod packstones, up to 12 m thick, prevail in the lower part of the sequence and were deposited on a substrate of Norian forereef breccia. The overlying cephalopod wackestones, up to 4.9 m thick, have a basal white bed followed by red limestones with abundant planar and scalloped, corroded surfaces and local stromatolites. Upward, red, nodular wackestones and, finally, slumped grey wackestones follow. The analysis of geopetal fabrics in orientated samples shows that bedding of these facies is, in fact, inclined bedding. Inclinations varied between 15 and 29°. In addition, the restored dip directions demonstrate rotation, indicating deposition on a gliding block. The preferred orientation of orthoconic cephalopods and imbrication of discoidal ammonoids coincide with the dip direction measured from geopetal fabrics. Such features, generally interpreted as current-induced, are here interpreted as gravity-induced. The overall mud-supported rock fabric thus indicates deposition under very low-energy conditions. The common mud-supported texture of the rocks contrasts with evidence for current activity found in the scalloped surfaces and shell lags, particularly in the crinoidal/brachiopod facies and the lower, stratigraphically condensed, cephalopod limestones. This indicates that deposition of lime mud alternated with periods of elevated current strength. A comparison of the Hallstatt-type limestones and current-influenced sediments on the northern slope of the Little Bahama Bank suggests that condensed sequences of the Hallstatt-type are restricted to relatively shallow depths with strong fluctuation of contour-following currents undersaturated with respect to aragonite along carbonate shelf margins facing the open ocean. On steep slopes, sediment bypassing may be an additional factor for stratigraphic condensation.  相似文献   
Combined investigations of isotopes, pollen, and molliisc shells were carried out on a Latc Glacial limnic high-resolution sediment sequence from the Geiseltal open-cast mine in Central Gcrmany. The dala confirm thc division of the Late Glacial biozones into two colder (Older and Younger Dryas) and two warmer periods (Bølling, Allcrød), which have already bccn cstablishcd lor the Central and Northern German area. Radiocarbon data, mainly based on wood material, cover a time span between c , 10 800 BP and 12 760 BP, indicating a mean sedimentation rate of c . 2 mm/yr. The stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) reflect the transition periods between the climatic phases as changes in relative air humidity (transition from dry, cold to warmer. more humid conditions). The dominance of evaporation effects, however, is superimposed on any ternpcratiirc aignal throughout the profile. Repeated conversions of the hydrologic regime (silting-up phases. lake-level variations) characterize the specific history of the lake development.  相似文献   
Coincident observations made over the Moroccan desert during the Sahara mineral dust experiment (SAMUM) 2006 field campaign are used both to validate aerosol amount and type retrieved from multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) observations, and to place the suborbital aerosol measurements into the satellite's larger regional context. On three moderately dusty days during which coincident observations were made, MISR mid-visible aerosol optical thickness (AOT) agrees with field measurements point-by-point to within 0.05–0.1. This is about as well as can be expected given spatial sampling differences; the space-based observations capture AOT trends and variability over an extended region. The field data also validate MISR's ability to distinguish and to map aerosol air masses, from the combination of retrieved constraints on particle size, shape and single-scattering albedo. For the three study days, the satellite observations (1) highlight regional gradients in the mix of dust and background spherical particles, (2) identify a dust plume most likely part of a density flow and (3) show an aerosol air mass containing a higher proportion of small, spherical particles than the surroundings, that appears to be aerosol pollution transported from several thousand kilometres away.  相似文献   
The Puklen complex of the Mid-Proterozoic Gardar Province, SouthGreenland, consists of various silica-saturated to quartz-bearingsyenites, which are intruded by a peralkaline granite. The primarymafic minerals in the syenites are augite ± olivine +Fe–Ti oxide + amphibole. Ternary feldspar thermometryand phase equilibria among mafic silicates yield T = 950–750°C,aSiO2 = 0·7–1 and an fO2 of 1–3 log unitsbelow the fayalite–magnetite–quartz (FMQ) bufferat 1 kbar. In the granites, the primary mafic minerals are ilmeniteand Li-bearing arfvedsonite, which crystallized at temperaturesbelow 750°C and at fO2 values around the FMQ buffer. Inboth rock types, a secondary post-magmatic assemblage overprintsthe primary magmatic phases. In syenites, primary Ca-bearingminerals are replaced by Na-rich minerals such as aegirine–augiteand albite, resulting in the release of Ca. Accordingly, secondaryminerals include ferro-actinolite, (calcite–siderite)ss,titanite and andradite in equilibrium with the Na-rich minerals.Phase equilibria indicate that formation of these minerals tookplace over a long temperature interval from near-magmatic temperaturesdown to  相似文献   
The Vikinghøgda Formation (250 m) is defined with a stratotype in Deltadalen-Vikinghøgda in central Spitsbergen. The Vikinghøgda Formation replaces the Vardebukta and Sticky Keep Formations of Buchan et al. (1965) and the lower part of the Barentsøya Formation of Lock et al. (1978) as extended geographically by Mørk, Knarud et al. (1982) in central Spitsbergen, Barentsøya and Edgeøya. The formation consists of three member: the Deltadalen Member (composed of mudstones with sandstones and siltstones), the Lusitaniadalen Member (dominated by mudstones with thin siltstone beds and some limestone concretions) and the Vendomdalen Member (composed of dark shales with dolomite interbeds and nodules). The Lusitaniadalen and Vendomdalen members replace the former Sticky Keep Formation/ Member in the siirne areu. The Vikinghøda Formation can be followed through central and eastern Spitsbergen to Barentøya and Edgeøya and includes all sediments between the chert-rich Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) and the organic-rich shales of the Botneheia Formation (Middle Triassic). The subdivision into three members is also reflected in the organic carbon content and palynofacies. Upwards. each succeeding member becomes more distal, organic-rich and oil-prone than the one below.
The Vikinghøda Formation is well-dated by six ammonoid zones. although the transitional beds between the Deltadalen and Lusitaniadalen members lack age diagnostic macrofossils. Corresponding palynozonation and magnetustratigraphy have also been determined. The overall stratigraphical development correlates well with other key Triassic areas in the Arctic, although intervals in the late Dienerian and early Smithian may be condensed or missing.  相似文献   
Chemical kinetics, speleothem growth and climate   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The morphology and stratigraphy of speleothems are controlled by parameters that depend on climate. These are the water supply rates feeding the speleothem, e.g. a stalagmite, the growth rates dependent on the chemical kinetics of calcite precipitation and the supersaturation of the solution from which calcite is precipitated. To elucidate the basic principles of speleothem growth, a physical-chemical model of calcite precipitation is used to estimate growth rates under various geologically relevant conditions. Furthermore, we present a model that allows the computation of the growth history of stalagmites, i.e. their morphology and stratigraphy under varying climatic conditions. This enables us to see how climatic signals are inscribed into stalagmites. Owing to the counter-balancing effects of some parameters, it is not possible to read climatic conditions backwards from the morphology and stratigraphy of a speleothem in a simple way, but a basic understanding of the growth of speleothems can be a helpful supporting tool in the interpretation of palaeoclimatic records.  相似文献   
SWAT模型在斯里兰卡河流径流预测中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用SWAT模型和新安江模型对斯里兰卡卡鲁河流域上游地区日径流进行了预测.卡鲁河是斯里兰卡的第二大河,由于流域的降雨量很大,上游地区河流沿峡谷流下,中下游平原地区河床平坦.卡鲁河流域的洪水变的很正常.应用SWAT模型来对卡鲁河的日径流量进行预测,并同应用新安江模型所得到的结果做对比.研究表明,新安江模型要比SWAT (分布式水文模型)模型在卡鲁河日径流量预测上稍微好一些.实际上,或许数据质量不高或不恰当是部分原因,因为SWAT的输出成果严格取决于其输入的数据质量.此外,在斯里兰卡,许多人的日常用水是靠井水.当把流域看作一个整体,通常都是一个很大的范围,那样的话就不可能详尽的记录所有各个小规模的水利用,例如:小灌溉、小规模的家畜管理和工业水利用.这些水利用累积起来或许就很可观.这些数据的缺失对分布式水文模型在水平衡的应用有着独特的影响.但是概念水文模型(如新安江模型)可以根据实际情况在校正中调节它的参数,因为这些参数并没有实质的物理含义.因此,在流域特征和模型输入数据有限或不完整的情况下,概念水文模型比分布式水文模型更具优势.  相似文献   
During the early Upper Jurassic, widespread deep-sea radiolarites were deposited in most parts of the Northern Limestone Alps. In the formation described (Tauglboden-Schichten), these pelagic sediments interfinger with local-source clastic material. Depending on the topography and the kind of material, either slides and slumps, mudflows, grain flows or turbidity currents operated and formed slump-folded beds, mud-flow breccias, fluxoturbidites or turbidites. A breccia had been traced over an area of 20 km2. Its variation is described in terms of lithological columns, bed thicknesses, maximum grain sizes and grain orientations. It forms a tongue-shaped body, which was probably a part of a submarine fan. The fluxoturbidites of the proximal area grade distally on three sides into turbidites within 3–5 km. The clastic material consists of marls and limestones of Rhaetian and Jurassic age. It was probably derived from a tectonically uplifted palaeo-high by an interplay of tectonics and gravity. The clastics were deposited on submarine fans bordering this high. In its lithology the formation closely resembles certain marginal facies of flysch troughs.  相似文献   
We have analysed 18 samples of komatiite from five consecutivelava flows of the Komati Formation at Spinifex Creek, BarbertonMountain Land. Our samples include massive komatiite, varioustypes of spinifex-textured komatiite, and flow-top breccias.The rocks have low platinum-group element (PGE) contents andPd/Ir ratios relative to komatiites from elsewhere, at 0·45–2ppb Os, 1–1·4 ppb Ir, <1–5 ppb Ru, 0·33–0·79ppb Rh, 1·7–6 ppb Pt, 1·6–6·1ppb Pd, and Pd/Ir 3·3. Pt/Pd ratios are c. 1·1.Platinum-group elements are depleted relative to Cu (Cu/Pd =15 300). They display a tendency to increase in the less magnesiansamples, suggesting that the magmas were S-undersaturated uponeruption and that all PGE were incompatible with respect tocrystallizing olivine. Komatiites from the Westonaria Formationof the Ventersdorp Supergroup and the Roodekrans Complex nearJohannesburg have broadly similar PGE patterns and concentrationsto the Komati rocks, suggesting that the PGE contents of SouthAfrican ultrabasic magmas are controlled by similar processesduring partial mantle melting and low-P magmatic crystallization.Most workers believe that the Barberton komatiites formed byrelatively moderate-degree batch melting of the mantle at highpressure. Based on the concentration of Zr in the Komati samples,we estimate that the degree of partial melting was between 26and 33%. We suggest that the low PGE contents and Pd/Ir ratiosof all analysed South African komatiites are the result of sulphideshaving been retained in the mantle source during partial melting.The difference in Pd/Ir between our samples and Al-undepletedkomatiites from elsewhere further suggests that the PGE arefractionated during progressive partial melting of the mantle.Thus, our data are in agreement with other recent studies showingthat the PGE are hosted by different phases in the mantle, withPd being concentrated by interstitial Cu-rich sulphide, andthe IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) and Rh resting in monosulphide solid solutionincluded within silicates. Pt is possibly controlled by a discreterefractory phase, as Pt/Pd ratios of most komatiites worldwideare sub-chondritic. KEY WORDS: platinum-group elements; komatiites; Barberton; mantle melting; South Africa  相似文献   
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