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In the 1990s, some median-large gold deposits have been discovered in several lead-zinc metalloge-netic belts (e.g. the Qinling lead-zinc metallogenetic belt, Shanxi Province and Gansu Province and the Qingchengzi lead-zinc ore field, Liaoning Province) in China. Gold deposits and lead-zinc deposits spatially co-exist in the same tectonic setting; lead-zinc orebodies are commonly located below gold ore bodies. The host rocks of lead-zinc ore-bodies are conformably overlain by those of gold ore bodies. The age of gold mineralization is obviously younger than that of lead-zinc mineralization. Preliminary geochemical research has demonstrated the following: lead-zinc mineralization took place in a marine sedimentary-exhalative system, which had the characteristics of a high fluid/rock ratio, a high salinity and a high halide activity; meanwhile, most of gold was transported into the low-temperature hydrothermal plume and primarily enriched in sediments. During later (magmatism-) metamorphism-tectonism, gol  相似文献   
王宁  杨学斌  杨成芳 《气象科技》2023,51(4):562-572
利用气象观测资料、雷电定位资料、ERA5再分析资料和双偏振雷达资料,分析了2021年11月6—7日发生在山东西北部一次极端“雷打雪”天气过程。结果表明:(1)雷暴和降雪出现在冷锋后部150 km以外,属于冬季冷锋型高架对流。雷电维持时间和出现频数与降雪量有较好的对应关系。(2)环流形势具有下冷上暖的特点,低层为冷锋后的冷层,800 hPa附近为西南暖湿气流形成的暖层。西南低空急流和东北风超低空急流异常强盛,不仅提供了有利于对流产生的充足水汽,也使得深层垂直风切变达到6.7×10-3 s-1。(3)“雷打雪”发生前,鲁西北地区上空大气具有对流不稳定,随着冷空气侵入,冷垫逐渐增厚,鲁西北上空锋面附近具有条件对称不稳定,800 hPa中尺度低涡在逆温层之上触发了对流,产生雷电。(4)通过双偏振雷达产品可以看到,雷打雪发生时,站点周围存在明显的2层回波,-10℃层高度(约为600 hPa)冰相粒子浓度较大,可能是雷电机制之一。  相似文献   
柳琳  徐鹏  王哲奇 《北京测绘》2022,36(2):156-161
为了探究不同估产模型对冬小麦估产的精度和适用性,提高像元级和地块级冬小麦估产精度。利用机器学习方法支持向量机(SVM)模型、随机森林(RF)模型和深度学习方法长短期记忆(LSTM)模型,对冬小麦进行产量预估。结果表明:在像元级上,LSTM模型、RF模型估产精度高于SVM模型,LSTM模型不仅能够表征作物在生育期的生长变化,还能降低人为因素干扰,估产结果更加客观真实,而SVM模型、RF模型易受到特征共线性和过拟合的影响,因此SVM模型、RF模型更适用于区域性小范围估产。在地块级上,SVM模型、RF模型和LSTM模型地块级估产精度比像元级估产精度均有提高,且LSTM模型估产精度明显高于SVM模型和RF模型,因此LSTM模型更适用于地块级估产,且LSTM模型泛化能力强、普适性高,适用于大范围农作物估产。  相似文献   
数字滑坡技术及其典型应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了改变传统滑坡遥感技术方法效率低、调查精度难以提高的状况,经多年实践与探索,笔者于1999年提出了“数字滑坡”概念。该概念使传统的“地学滑坡”拓展为能以数字形式表达的,具有三维空间、“多维”时间信息的,由“多元”要素组成的“数字滑坡”。数字滑坡技术系统由滑坡解译基础技术、遥感识辨滑坡技术、滑坡数据库及滑坡模型4部分构成。多年来,数字滑坡技术已成功应用于我国大型水电站建设、山区交通线建设、区域开发环境治理以及抗震减灾等领域,也用于大规模个体滑坡调查研究,并取得了显著的经济和社会效益,有效服务于国家防灾减灾战略。该文主要以西藏帕里河及川东天台乡2个典型滑坡调查为例,阐述数字滑坡技术的创新应用。  相似文献   
用多层感知器模型由吸收光谱反演浮游植物色素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浮游植物吸收光谱已逐渐成为高光谱水色遥感的可获取参量。文章采用了多层感知器模型, 由珠江口担杆群岛附近水体的浮游植物吸收光谱进行了色素浓度的反演, 感知器的输入量是浮游植物吸收光谱, 输出量分别对应叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素c、光保护类胡萝卜素和非光保护类胡萝卜素五大类主要色素的浓度。分析结果表明, 叶绿素a和叶绿素c估算结果的平均相对偏差比较低, 在测试数据集中两者的偏差分别为19.06%和15.90%; 光保护类胡萝卜素和非光保护类胡萝卜素的估算浓度的相对偏差比较高, 对于测试数据而言, 分别为37.62%和36.96%; 叶绿素b浓度在测试数据集中的估算相对偏差约为27.47%。五大类色素在测试数据集和训练数据集的估算偏差比较接近, 已训练好的多层感知器可用于担杆岛水体中色素信息的反演。同时, 此色素反演方法也为遥感监测水体浮游植物种群动态提供了重要的手段。  相似文献   
The ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) is applied to the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) with the ability to assimilate the along-track sea level anomaly (TSLA). This system is tested with an eddy-resolving system of the South China Sea (SCS). Background errors are derived from a running seasonal ensemble to account for the seasonal variability within the SCS. A fifth-order localization function with a 250 km localization radius is chosen to reduce the negative effects of sampling errors. The data assimilation system is tested from January 2004 to December 2006. The results show that the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sea level anomaly decreased from 10.57 to 6.70 cm, which represents a 36.6% reduction of error. The data assimilation reduces error for temperature within the upper 800 m and for salinity within the upper 200 m, although error degrades slightly at deeper depths. Surface currents are in better agreement with trajectories of surface drifters after data assimilation. The variance of sea level improves significantly in terms of both the amplitude and position of the strong and weak variance regions after assimilating TSLA. Results with AGE error (AGE) perform better than no AGE error (NoAGE) when considering the improvements of the temperature and the salinity. Furthermore, reasons for the extremely strong variability in the northern SCS in high resolution models are investigated. The results demonstrate that the strong variability of sea level in the high resolution model is caused by an extremely strong Kuroshio intrusion. Therefore, it is demonstrated that it is necessary to assimilate the TSLA in order to better simulate the SCS with high resolution models.  相似文献   
蓬莱市蝎子顶金矿容矿构造为NW向断裂,具NW向成串分布的特点。NW向压扭性断裂与其派生的断裂裂隙系统是该区金矿床赋存空间的重要构造标志,构造破碎带中的钾化、硅化、黄铁绢英岩化等蚀变是一种直接找矿标志。通过对矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床属岩浆低中温热液充填交代蚀变岩型金矿床。  相似文献   
Born近似快速三维反演井地电法数据   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本篇研究了井中电偶极激发地面接收的井地电法的快速反演成像问题.我们采用了Born近似方法和重加权正则化共轭梯度法(RRCG)算法.数值计算的结果表明Born近似是一种有效的井地电法三维快速反演方法,同时也说明井地电法监测油水前驱和储层边界预测的观测数据可以用该方法进行快速三维反演成像.  相似文献   
渭河盆地前新生界分布的物探特征及油气成藏条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渭河盆地是新生代断陷盆地,由地质露头剖面及钻井揭示,盆地基底为太古界及元古界深变质岩系;沉积盖层以新生界为主,局部钻遇古生界地层,沉积岩最厚超过7000 m.以往油气勘探程度较低,以新生界新近系和古近系为目的层,但未获重大发现;对古生界分布及油气成藏条件的研究尤为薄弱,因而制约了渭河盆地的油气勘探.依据区域重力、航磁资料,结合近年完成的电法及地震勘探成果,划分出盆地内前新生界分布区域,初步确定在宝鸡-咸阳断裂以北地区存在古生界,并提出盆地北部斜坡地区古生界的油气成藏模式,以利于今后的油气勘探.  相似文献   
To reveal the effect of shale reservoir characteristics on the movability of shale oil and its action mechanism in the lower third member of the Shahejie Formation(Es3l), samples with different features were selected and analyzed using N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure(MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), high-speed centrifugation, and displacement image techniques. The results show that shale pore structure characteristics control shale oil movability directly. Movable oil saturation has a positive relationship with pore volume for radius > 2 μm, as larger pores often have higher movable oil saturation, indicating that movable oil is present in relatively larger pores. The main reasons for this are as follows. The relatively smaller pores often have oil-wetting properties because of organic matter, which has an unfavorable effect on the flow of oil, while the relatively larger pores are often wetted by water, which is helpful to shale oil movability. The rich surface provided by the relatively smaller pores is beneficial to the adsorption of immovable oil. Meanwhile, the relatively larger pores create significant pore volume for movable oil. Moreover, the larger pores often have good pore connectivity. Pores and fractures are interconnected to form a complex fracture network, which provides a good permeability channel for shale oil flow. The smaller pores are mostly distributed separately;thus, they are not conducive to the flow of shale oil. The mineral composition and fabric macroscopically affect the movability of shale oil. Calcite plays an active role in shale oil movability by increasing the brittleness of shale and is more likely to form micro-cracks under the same stress background. Clay does not utilize shale oil flow because of its large specific surface area and its block effect. The bedding structure increases the large-scale storage space and improves the connectivity of pores at different scales, which is conducive to the movability of shale oil.  相似文献   
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