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论文在分析川藏公路的自然与地质环境、水文地质、工程地质条件的基础上,研究了川藏公路沿线地质灾害形或发育的规律。提出地质灾害危险性评估有助于预防地质灾害。建设、设计、施工及监理等单位必须充分重视评估报告提出的防治建议.在公路基本建设各阶段,采取切实可行的措施防治地质灾害。在新构造运动频繁.河流下切强烈,地震活动强度及频度很高的地质背景下,川藏公路地质灾害的发生不可避免。利用计算机技术和信息高速公路.建立川藏公路统一的多功能信息处理与传递和灾害管理信息系统,是地质灾害防治的重要手段之一,也是一种趋势.只有达到信息快速传递,应急方案迅速启动,才能将地质灾害的损失降到最低。  相似文献   
为研究超长灌注桩桩侧与土体接触界面的剪切力学行为,采用大型界面剪切仪,开展混凝土与粉质黏土、粉细砂土接触界面剪切试验。针对钻孔灌注桩泥浆护壁施工特点及后注浆工艺的应用,在混凝土与粉细砂土界面设置膨润土泥皮或膨润土泥皮与水泥浆,以研究泥皮及存在泥皮时注浆对界面剪切性状的影响。试验结果表明:界面剪切应力随剪切位移增加逐步达到极限值,之后,剪切应力保持基本不变或出现软化现象;土体类型及法向应力大小对界面剪切力学行为具有较大的影响;粉细砂土-混凝土界面摩擦角与土体有效内摩擦角相近,存在泥皮时,界面摩擦角降低达40%,泥皮的润滑作用较大地削弱了界面的剪切性能;存在泥皮情况下,注浆后界面摩擦角较泥皮界面提高近1倍,水泥浆的注入不仅消除了泥皮产生的不利影响,也有利于进一步改善界面剪切性能,提高其抗剪强度;泥皮及注浆对界面剪切应力与剪切位移关系亦有较大的影响;界面剪切作用对土体具有一定的影响范围,并在接触界面附近土体中逐渐形成剪切破坏带,剪切过程中界面呈现出由剪切位移阶段逐步过渡至剪切滑移阶段;此外,在剪切过程中,不同界面类型的土体变形存在较大差异。  相似文献   
海洋环境观测技术研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
回顾了近年来海洋观测技术发展的基本情况和主要成果,同时指出了海洋观测技术的局限性,与数值模拟技术相结合的必要性,以及加强发展海啸、风暴潮和孤立内波等灾害性强海洋动力过程的监测技术和预警研究的迫切性。  相似文献   
A class of El Nino atmospheric physics oscillation model is considered. The El Nino atmospheric physics oscillation is an abnormal phenomenon involved in the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere interactions. The conceptual oscillator model should consider the variations of both the eastern and westem Pacific anomaly patterns. An El Nino atmospheric physics model is proposed using a method for the variational iteration theory. Using the variational iteration method, the approximate expansions of the solution of corresponding problem are constructed. That is, firstly, introducing a set of functional and accounting their variationals, the Lagrange multiplicators are counted, and then the variational iteration is defined, finally, the approximate solution is obtained. From approximate expansions of the solution, the zonal sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific and the thermocline depth anomaly of the seaair oscillation for El Nino atmospheric physics model can be analyzed. El Nino is a very complicated natural phenomenon. Hence basic models need to be reduced for the sea-air oscillator and are solved. The variational iteration is a simple and valid approximate method.  相似文献   
上黑龙江断陷火山岩特征及岩金找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究区处于上黑龙江断陷盆地中段,中生代火山岩出露面积广泛,区内12处岩金矿床(点)均与中生代火山活动有关,塔木兰沟期和上库力期火山岩是成矿的岩体标志,3期火山岩均属碱性系列,以富Zr,Ti,Cr,P及轻稀土富集型为特征。硅化,绢云母化,绿泥石化,黄铁矿化,黄铜矿化。方铅矿化和褐铁矿化是找矿的蚀变标志,断陷盆地边缘和推覆构造边缘,火山带交汇部位,NE或NNE向断裂与其他方向断裂交汇部位以及火山机构周围的环状,放射状断裂是成矿的有利部位。  相似文献   
Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities and traffic exhaust, may affect urban topsoil via atmospheric contamination and solid waste. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on 21 urban topsoil samples from the city of Xuzhou, China. High intensities of magnetic susceptibility were detected in the majority of the samples. SEM analysis shows that magnetic minerals are in the form of spherules and mainly due to anthropogenic inputs. The heavy metals Pb, Cu, Zn, Se, Sc, Mo, Fe, and Bi show strong correlations with magnetic susceptibility, and Ag, Ba, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sb, and Sn, on the other hand, show a weak correlation with magnetic susceptibility. Whereas, of these metals studied, only Hg has no significant correlation with the susceptibility. The Tomlinson pollution load index (PLI) also shows significant correlation with the susceptibility (χ). The present study shows that magnetic susceptibility is a fast, inexpensive, and non-destructive method for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   
为了研究考虑节点区组合效应后高层钢框架节点的抗震性能,根据钢框架节点在低周反复荷载作用下足尺模型试验研究成果,总结了各试验节点试件的滞回性能,包括节点的延性、耗能能力等指标.在试验滞回曲线的基础上,考虑试件强度、刚度退化等影响,建立了考虑组合效应的梁柱节点的恢复力模型,所建立的模型可以用于结构弹塑性时程反应分析和钢框架节点抗震设计.  相似文献   
"西边界潜流(WBUC)"是海洋环流中的重要现象,与表层环流相比,对次表层潜流的结构认识不足。本文利用SODA、OFES和ARGO资料,分析了北太平洋中的棉兰老潜流(MUC)和吕宋潜流(LUC)、南太平洋中的大堡礁潜流(GBRUC)和东澳大利亚潜流(EAUC)及南印度洋中的阿加勒斯潜流(AUC)的气候态空间分布特征,并且根据地转流反向的判据,分析WBUC的发生条件。  相似文献   
基于三角网渐进式简化的等高线多尺度综合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种基于三角网渐进式简化的等高线多尺度综合方法,实验结果表明,其不仅可以较好地保留地形特征,而且可以完全避免等高线相交现象的产生.  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of vulnerability is a core aspect of wetland vulnerability research. Taking Baiyangdian (BYD) wetlands in the North China Plain as a study area and using the ‘cause-result’ model, 23 representative indicators from natural, social, sci-tech and economic elements were selected to construct an indicator system. A weight matrix was obtained by using the entropy weight method to calculate the weight value for each indicator. Based on the membership function in the fuzzy evaluation model, the membership degrees were determined to form a fuzzy relation matrix. Finally, the ecological vulnerability was quantitatively assessed based on the comprehensive evaluation index calculated by using a composite operator to combine the entropy weight matrix with the fuzzy relation matrix. The results showed that the ecological vulnerability levels of the BYD wetlands were comprehensively evaluated as Grade II, Grade Ⅲ, Grade IV, and Grade Ⅲ in 2010, 2011-2013, 2014, and 2015-2017, respectively. The ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands increased from low fragility in 2010 to general fragility in 2011-2013, and to high fragility in 2014, reflecting the fact that the wetland ecological condition was degenerating from 2010 to 2014. The ecological vulnerability status then turned back into general fragility during 2015-2017, indicating that the ecological situation of the BYD wetlands was starting to improve. However, the ecological status of the BYD wetlands on the whole is relatively less optimistic. The major factors affecting the ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands were found to be industrial smoke and dust emission, wetland water area, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, rate of industrial solid wastes disposed, GDP per capita, etc. This illustrates that it is a systematic project to regulate wetland vulnerability and to protect regional ecological security, which may offer researchers and policy-makers specific clues for concrete interventions.  相似文献   
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