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Riassunto L'A. dimostra ed illustra le seguenti deduzioni: 1) La propagazione delle onde hertziane attraverso formazioni geologiche è dipendente dall'estinzione che provocano le stesse formazioni e dalla frequenza delle onde emesse. 2) L'effetto determinato dalla frequenza viene illustrata dalla cosìdetta curva radiogeologica, la quale manifesta una forma complessa per onde inferiori ai 100 m. 3) I campi elettromagnetici penetranti nel suolo risultano fortemente smorzati per effetto degli strati vegetali (humus) superficiali; con notevoli ricoprimenti di tal tipo la ricezione in profondità non è in generale possibile; il limite per il quale ciò si verifica si ha all'incirca per uno spessore di 2 metri dello strato vegetale. 4) Allorquando la stazione transmittente e quella ricevente sono ambedue sotterranee la portata di ricezione può raggiungere i 500 m. con possibilità di riuscire notevolmente più grande nelle formazioni aride e compatte. Infine, la propagazione delle onde hertziane in profondità è particolarmente dipendente dalle condizioni tettoniche, oltre da altri fattori.
Zusammenfassung 1) Die Reichweite der Hertzschen Wellen im Gebirge ist von der Extinktion des Gebirges und der Betriebsfrequenz abhängig. 2) Der Einfluss der Frequenz wird durch die sogenannte funkgeologische Kurve dargestellt; diese zeigt im Bereich der Wellen unter 100 m einen ziemlich komplizierten Verlauf. 3) Von aussen her eindringende Felder werden durch die oberste Humusschichte stark gedämpft. Bei starker Ueberdeckung ist im allgemeinen Empfang unter Tage nicht möglich. Die Grenze liegt bei ungefähr 2 m Mächtigkeit der Deckschichte. 4) Stehen Sender und Empfänger unter Tags, so sind auch grössere Reichweiten möglich. Bisher wurden solche bis zu ungefähr 500 m erzielt. Im Die Ausbreitung unter Tags wird insbesondere durch die Tektonik und durch andere trockenen, festen Gebirge sind indessen weit grössere Reichweiten noch durchaus möglich. Faktoren stark beeinflusst.
Investigations of fluid inclusions in granulitefacies metapelites of southern Calabria enable characterization of the fluid composition of these lower crustal rocks, and constrain the petrologically deduced retrograde P-T path characterized by isothermal uplift prior to isobaric cooling in middle crustal levels. Fluid inclusions in cordierite, garnet and sillimanite have a CO2-rich composition. Inclusions in cordierite rarely contain minor amounts of N2 and H2O, and in garnets some CO2–CH4–N2 inclusions have been analyzed by Raman microprobe. Quartz reveals the most complex fluid melusion compositions (1) CO2-rich, (2) CO2–CH4–N2, (3) CH4–N2, (4) H2O–MgCl2–CaCl2–NaCl, (5) H2O–NaCl and (6) H2O–CO2. The earliest fluid inclusions after peak metamorphism are rich in CO2 with minor amounts of N2 and H2O. An early CO2–(H2O–N2) fluid composition has been confirmed by detection of CO2, H2O and N2 in the channels of the cordierite structure. Most of the early CO2-rich fluid inclusions were modified during the uplift from the lower to the middle crustal level, resulting in a density decrease with CO2 still dominant. The subsequent isobaric cooling led to further modifications of the fluid inclusions. High-density inclusions around implosion textures or scattered amongst lower-density ones must have formed during this cooling episode. Aqueous inclusions in quartz are mostly formed late and are consistent with trapping during retrograde rehydration.This project has been supported by the DFG as contribution to the special program Continental Lower Crust  相似文献   
We have investigated the potential of hübnerite for U-Pb dating. Hübnerite forms typically at medium to low-temperatures in a wide range of pneumatolytic-hydrothermal mineral deposits, particularly porphyry molybdenum and Sn-specialized granites. Hübnerite from the Sweet Home Mine (Alma, Colorado) formed in a Pb-rich, U-poor environment, but still developed relatively radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions. The low Pbcommon contents in hübnerite (0.075 to 0.155 ppm) demonstrate that Pb is efficiently excluded from the crystal lattice. In contrast, U may substitute for Mn. The U-Pb data of hübnerite scatter. Most of the scatter originates from samples with 206Pb/204Pb values below 50, where Pbblank contributes up to 30% to Pbtotal. Using the least radiogenic galena Pb, samples with 206Pb/204Pb values above 70 have overlapping 206Pb∗/238U and 207Pb∗/235U values and yield a 206Pb/238U age of 25.7 ± 0.3 Ma (2σ). Late stage apatite from the Sweet Home Mine yields a 206Pb/204Pb-238U/204Pb isochron corresponding to an age of 24.8 ± 0.5 Ma (2σ). A comparison of the U-Pb hübnerite ages with literature 40Ar/39Ar ages on earlier sericite and the U-Pb age on later apatite suggests that (i) hübnerite yields accurate U-Pb ages and (ii) the evolution of the Sweet Home mineralization from greisen-type mineralization to medium-temperature hydrothermal vein mineralization took place in a few hundred thousand years at most. Aqueous low-N2-bearing and aqueous inclusions in the dated hübnerite have homogenization temperatures between 325 and 356 °C and moderate salinity (up to 6.7 wt% NaCl equiv.). Thus, hübnerite represents one of the rare examples of a mineral that can be dated accurately and carries petrological information.  相似文献   
We present a new and completely general technique for calculating the fine-grained phase-space structure of dark matter (DM) throughout the Galactic halo. Our goal is to understand this structure on the scales relevant for direct and indirect detection experiments. Our method is based on evaluating the geodesic deviation equation along the trajectories of individual DM particles. It requires no assumptions about the symmetry or stationarity of the halo formation process. In this paper we study general static potentials which exhibit more complex behaviour than the separable potentials studied previously. For ellipsoidal logarithmic potentials with a core, phase mixing is sensitive to the resonance structure, as indicated by the number of independent orbital frequencies. Regions of chaotic mixing can be identified by the very rapid decrease in the real-space density of the associated DM streams. We also study the evolution of stream-density in ellipsoidal NFW haloes with radially varying isopotential shape, showing that if such a model is applied to the Galactic halo, at least 105 streams are expected near the Sun. The most novel aspect of our approach is that general non-static systems can be studied through implementation in a cosmological N -body code. Such an implementation allows a robust and accurate evaluation of the enhancements in annihilation radiation due to fine-scale structure such as caustics. We embed the scheme in the current state-of-the-art code gadget -3 and present tests which demonstrate that N -body discreteness effects can be kept under control in realistic configurations.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of zooplankton are highly variable in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System. We studied the distribution of zooplankton (size class ≥ 0.33 mm) and used field data from four cruises that took place between March 2008 and February 2011, as well as simulation results of a regional ecosystem model. Remotely sensed sea surface temperatures (SST) and surface chlorophyll concentrations were analysed to investigate environmental influences on zooplankton biomass. The Intense Benguela Upwelling Index showed a distinct seasonal signal throughout the years and the highest upwelling peaks in August/September. Even though surface chlorophyll concentrations were very variable throughout the year, the highest concentrations were always detected in September, following the upwelling of nutrient‐rich water. In field catches, zooplankton biomass concentration in the upper 200 m was highest above the outer shelf and shelf‐break in December 2010 and February 2011, i.e. 6 months after the upwelling peaks. In contrast, zooplankton biomass simulated by the model in the surface water was highest in September. In March/April, biomass maxima were typically measured in the field at intermediate water depths, but the vertical distribution was also affected by extensive oxygen minimum zones. The ecosystem model reproduced this vertical pattern. Although general trends were similar, simulation data of zooplankton standing stocks overestimated the field data by a factor of 3. In upwelling systems, food webs are generally considered to be short and dominated by large cells. However, our field data indicate more small‐sized zooplankton organisms above the shelf than offshore.  相似文献   
The process of organomineralization is increasingly well understood with respect to modern carbonate sediments accumulating adjacent to tropical reef atolls and reef caves. Mineralization related to non-living organic substrates results in autochthonous micrite production (‘automicrites’). ‘Automicrites’ are the main constructive element of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate mud mounds in northern Spain. These slope mud mounds occur within transgressive and early highstand system tracts encompassing several macrobenthic ecological zones. They are clearly separated from the biocalcifying carbonate factory (Urgonian carbonate platforms), in both space and time. Within these build-ups, most ‘automicrites’ were initially indurated and accreted to form a medium-relief growth framework. ‘Automicrites’ have a uniform, presumably high-Mg-calcite precursor mineralogy. They show an inorganic stable-isotope signature (?13C around +3·3‰) within the range of early marine cements, and skeletal compounds lacking major vital effects. Epifluorescence microscopy shows that they have facies-specific fluorescence, which is similar to skeletal compounds of Acanthochaetetes, but clearly different from allomicritic sediment and cements, which are mostly non-fluorescent. The EDTA-soluble intracrystalline organic fraction (SIOF) of Albian automicrites shows an amino acid spectrum that is similar to shallow subsurface samples from their modern counterparts. Gel electrophoresis of the SIOF demonstrates an exclusively acidic character, and a mean molecular size range between 20 and 30 kDa. Experiments in vitro (inhibition tests) indicate that the SIOF has a significant Ca2+-binding capacity. Fluorescence and chemical characteristics of SIOF point to a main substance class, such as humic and fulvic acids, compounds that form from pristine organic matter during early diagenesis. Biomarker analyses provide evidence for the crucial role of biodegradation by heterotrophic microorganisms, but no biomarker for cyanobacteria has been found. Primary sources of organic material should have been manifold, including major contributions by metazoans such as sponges. It is concluded that many carbonate mud mounds are essentially organomineralic in origin and that the resulting fabric of polygenetic muds (‘polymuds’) may represent ancestral metazoan reef ecosystems, which possibly originated during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
The removal of chemicals in solution by overland flow from agricultural land has the potential to be a significant source of chemical loss where chemicals are applied to the soil surface, as in zero tillage and surface‐mulched farming systems. Currently, we lack detailed understanding of the transfer mechanism between the soil solution and overland flow, particularly under field conditions. A model of solute transfer from soil solution to overland flow was developed. The model is based on the hypothesis that a solute is initially distributed uniformly throughout the soil pore space in a thin layer at the soil surface. A fundamental assumption of the model is that at the time runoff commences, any solute at the soil surface that could be transported into the soil with the infiltrating water will already have been convected away from the area of potential exchange. Solute remaining at the soil surface is therefore not subject to further infiltration and may be approximated as a layer of tracer on a plane impermeable surface. The model fitted experimental data very well in all but one trial. The model in its present form focuses on the exchange of solute between the soil solution and surface water after the commencement of runoff. Future model development requires the relationship between the mass transfer parameters of the model and the time to runoff to be defined. This would enable the model to be used for extrapolation beyond the specific experimental results of this study. The close agreement between experimental results and model simulations shows that the simple transfer equation proposed in this study has promise for estimating solute loss to surface runoff. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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