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We evaluate the potential of imaging for the first time, the near-earth space plasma environment seamlessly from the ionosphere through the magnetosphere by remotely sensing Thomson scattering of solar visible light by geospace electrons. Using state of the art first principles models of the magnetosphere/ionosphere system, we show that the column emission rates are weak, generally less than 10 Rayleighs, but detectable with currently available instrument technology recently deployed for heliospheric imaging. We demonstrate that distinct features such as the bow shock, magnetosheath and magnetopause are detectable in synthetic images simulated using modified solar coronagraphs and white light imagers, providing that the large background signals are properly quantified. The availability of global geospace images of the electron concentration will enable major advances in our understanding of how Earth's near-space environment responds as a coupled system to changing solar forcings. Such images are expected to play a central role in space weather assessment and forecasting, from which significant capabilities will accrue, much as the imaging of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere has advanced understanding and forecasting of tropospheric weather.  相似文献   
New data collected along the slopes of Little and Great Bahama Bank and the abyssal plain of the Bahama Escarpment provides new insights about contour current‐related erosive structures and associated deposits. The Bahamian slope shows abundant evidence of bottom current activity such as furrows, comet‐like structures, sediment waves and drifts. At a seismic scale, large erosion surfaces and main periods of drift growth resulted from current acceleration related to plate tectonic processes and progressive opening and closure of gateways and long‐term palaeoclimate evolution. At present‐day, erosion features and contourite drifts are either related to relatively shallow currents (<1000 m water depth) or to deep currents (>2500 m water depth). It appears that the carbonate nature of the drifts does not impact the drift morphology at the resolution addressed in the present study. Classical drift morphologies defined in siliciclastic environments are found, such as mounded, plastered and separated drifts. In core, contourite sequences show a bi‐gradational trend that resembles classical contourite sequences in siliciclastic deposits showing a direct relationship with a change in current velocity at the sea floor. However, in a carbonate system the peak in grain size is associated with increased winnowing rather than increased sediment supply as in siliciclastic environments. In addition, the carbonate contourite sequence is usually thinner than in siliciclastics because of lower sediment supply rates. Little Bahama Bank and Great Bahama Bank contourites contain open‐ocean input and slope‐derived debris from glacial episodes. Inner platform, platform edge and open ocean pelagic input characterize the classical periplatform ooze during interglacials. In all studied examples, the drift composition depends on the sea floor topography surrounding the drift location and the type of sediment supply. Carbonate particles are derived from either the slope or the platform in slope and toe of slope drifts, very deep contourites have distant siliciclastic sources of sediment supply. The recent discovery of the importance of a large downslope gravitary system along Bahamian slopes suggests frequent interactions between downslope and along‐slope (contour currents) processes. The interlayering of mass flow deposits and contourites at a seismic scale or the presence of surface structures associated with both contour currents and mass flow processes shows that both processes act at the same location. Finally, contour currents have an important impact on the repartition of deep‐water coral mounds. Currents can actively interact with mounds as a nutrient and oxygen supplier or have a passive interaction, with mounds solely being obstacles orienting erosion and deposition.  相似文献   
The volcanic crater lake of Dziani Dzaha in Mayotte is studied to constrain the geochemical settings and the diagenetic processes at the origin of Mg‐phyllosilicates associated with carbonate rocks. The Dziani Dzaha is characterized by intense primary productivity, volcanic gases bubbling in three locations and a volcanic catchment of phonolitic/alkaline composition. The lake water has an alkalinity of ca 0·2 mol l?1 and pH values of ca 9·3. Cores of the lake sediments reaching up to one metre in length were collected and studied by means of carbon–hydrogen–nitrogen elemental analyzer, X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry and X‐ray powder diffraction. In surface sediments, the content of total organic carbon reaches up to 20 weight %. The mineral content consists of aragonite and hydromagnesite with minor amounts of alkaline feldspar and clinopyroxene from the volcanic catchment. Below 30 cm depth, X‐ray diffraction analyses of the <2 μm clay fraction indicate the presence of a saponite‐like mineral, a Mg‐rich smectite. The saponite‐like mineral accumulates at depth to reach up to ca 30 weight %, concurrent with a decrease of the contents of hydromagnesite and organic matter. Thermodynamic considerations and mineral assemblages suggest that the evolution of the sediment composition resulted from early diagenetic reactions. The formation of the saponite‐like mineral instead of Al‐free Mg‐silicates resulted from high aluminum availability, which is favoured in restricted lacustrine environments hosted in alkaline volcanic terrains commonly emplaced during early stages of continental rifting. Supersaturation of the lake water relative to saponite is especially due to high pH values, themselves derived from high primary productivity. This suggests that a genetic link may exist between saponite and the development of organic‐rich carbonate rocks, which may be fuelled by the input of CO2‐rich volcanic gases. This provides novel insights into the composition and formation of saponite‐rich deposits under a specific geodynamic context such as the Cretaceous South Atlantic carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   
This article deals with sensitivity of the response of pounding buildings with respect to structural and earthquake excitation parameters. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis is carried out by means of Monte Carlo simulations of adjacent single degree of freedom impacting oscillators. This sensitivity analysis, based on Sobol's method, computes sensitivity indexes which provide a consistent measure of the relative importance of parameters such as the dimensionless main excitation frequency, the mass and frequency ratios of the structures, and the coefficient of restitution. Moreover, the influence of nonlinear behavior of the impacting structures is also considered. The consequences of pounding on the structures themselves are analyzed in terms of maximum force and nonlinear demand amplification compared with the case without pounding. As for the influence of pounding on the floor response spectra, the quantity of interest is the maximum impact impulse. The overall conclusions of this analysis are that the frequency ratio is the most important parameter as far as the maximum force and nonlinear demand are concerned. Regarding the maximum impact impulse, the mass and frequency ratios are, in general, the most influential parameters, the mass ratio being predominant for low frequencies of the oscillator of interest.  相似文献   
In this study, FLAC finite difference software has been adopted to simulate the performance of the ground improved using prefabricated vertical drains assisted preloading, considering smear zone characteristics. The numerical code has been applied to predict smear zone properties employing a back calculation procedure using the results of several case studies. The construction of a trial embankment is proposed as a reliable method to predict the smear zone characteristics. The proposed back calculation method is applied to estimate the minimum required degree of consolidation and consequently the minimum required preloading time, resulting in a reliable estimation of the smear zone permeability and extent. Three preloading case studies considering both conventional preloading and vacuum assisted preloading have been simulated to verify the numerical code and to conduct the parametric study using the back calculation procedure. According to the results, the properties of the smear zone can be back-calculated reliably, when at least 33 % degree of consolidation due to trial embankment construction is achieved.  相似文献   
In this study the chemical composition of seston, transported by tidal water between an estuarine salt marsh and the adjacent water system, was assessed. The analytical techniques used are Pyrolysis in combination with Gas Chromatography and/or Mass Spectrometry. Interpretation of the Py-MS data was aided by discriminant analysis.The presented results indicate that throughout the year a dominant refractory fraction is present in the seston, but that seasonal additions can be distinguished. Apart from this seasonal pattern, differences between ebb and flood can be visualized by the use of discriminant analysis. During summertime, flood seston is enriched with lipids and recently synthesized polysaccharides, while during the rest of the year the flood tide samples contain more (remains of) lignin and polysaccharides than their ebb tide counterparts. The lignin markers comprise only fragments with extremely altered (reduced) character.These results, which highlight the molecular composition of the exchanged seston but do not offer exact quantitative budget estimations, provide no evidence for export of lignin-rich particulate halophytic material from the marsh to the water system. On the contrary, based on seston compositions, the water system seems to supply lignin-rich particles to the marsh during a considerable part of the year.  相似文献   
The Tartoq Group, located in SW Greenland, consists of supracrustal rocks of mainly tholeiitic basaltic composition, including pillow lavas, sills/dykes and gabbros, as well as ultramafic rocks. Metamorphic grade ranges from greenschist facies to granulite facies. The Tartoq Group crops out as a series of blocks and slivers that are imbricated with originally intrusive Mesoarchaean TTG orthogneisses. The supracrustal rocks form part of a SE vergent fold and thrust belt consistent with the imbrication of TTG gneisses and supracrustal rocks along a convergent margin. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating of an intrusive TTG sheet yields a minimum age of 2986 ± 4 Ma for the Tartoq Group. This age is consistent with MC-ICP-MS Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotopic whole-rock data for mafic samples from different blocks of the Tartoq Group, which yield errorchron ages of 3189 ± 65 Ma and 3068 ± 220 Ma, respectively. The mafic supracrustal rocks of the Tartoq Group have chondrite-normalized REE patterns with LaCN/SmCN of 0.67–1.96 and rather flat primitive mantle-normalized multi-element patterns, except for scattered LILE contents, and generally negative Nb-anomalies with Nb/Nb* of 0.26–1.31. Th/Yb varies between 0.06 and 0.47 and Nb/Yb between 0.45 and 4.4 indicative of an arc affinity when compared to rocks from modern settings. The similar geochemistry of the different lithological units, together with their coeval formation, as evident from trace element geochemical trends, supports a co-magmatic origin for the rock assemblage and their formation as imbricated relics of oceanic crust. Accordingly, we propose that the Tartoq Group represents remnants of Mesoarchaean oceanic crust, which formed in a suprasubduction zone geodynamic environment.  相似文献   
The Early Palaeozoic Orogen of SE China consists of three litho-tectonic elements, from top to bottom: a sedimentary Upper Unit, a metamorphic Lower Unit and a gneissic basement. The boundaries between these units are flat lying, south directed, ductile decollements. The lower one is coeval with an amphibolite facies metamorphism (M1). The belt is reworked by migmatite–granite domes, high-temperature metamorphism (M2) and granitic plutons related to post-orogenic crustal melting. We date here the syn-M1 ductile shearing at 453 ± 7 Ma by U-Th/Pb method on monazite. Previous ages and our new 40Ar/39Ar ages of biotites and muscovites show that the metamorphic rocks experienced syn-M2 exhumation from 440 to 400 Ma. The Early Palaeozoic Orogen of SE China is an intracontinental belt in which decollements accommodated the north-directed subduction of the Cathaysian continent. This orogen is an example of intracontinental subduction that was not preceded by oceanic subduction.  相似文献   
Lynchets are ridges formed by erosion and sediment accumulation downstream of agricultural plots and offer valuable insights into past agricultural activity. These microtopographies cover vast areas and serve as indicators of historical changes in land use. As a result, their ubiquity across Europe makes them particularly interesting. In this study, we propose a geoarchaeological approach to analyze six lynchets, four in the Vosges Mountains and two on the Lorraine Plateau (France). The lynchets can be considered soil archives with no stratigraphic organization or chronological sequence from bottom to top, making it difficult to determine the age of the lynchets and identify changes in land use over time. To this end, we propose the analysis of historical and geo-historical archives combined with the “pedosedimentary” archives of lynchets through charcoal identification and dating combined with near-infrared spectroscopy to determine the age, vegetation, and past land use changes associated with lynchet landscapes. By combining these multiple data sources, we are better able to show the chronological development of these ancient agricultural systems and uncover valuable information on landscape history. Charcoal dating suggests a higher frequency of fires from the Middle Ages. The dating aligns with the regional dynamics of anthropogenic fires, indicating a potential use of fire for cultural purposes. We also demonstrate the difficulty of extrapolating the dating of a lynchet to the entire lynchet system. Our results highlight the difficulties of interpreting the formation and dating of lynchets and the lynchet system on the sole basis of charcoal analysis. However, we highlight the value of applying pedoanthracology to lynchets to determine the dynamics of land use change in former fields.  相似文献   
Near-infrared adaptive optics as well as fringe tracking for coherent beam combination in optical interferometry require the development of high-speed sensors. Because of the high speed, a large analog bandwidth is required. The short exposure times result in small signal levels which require noiseless detection. Both requirements cannot be met by state-of-the-art conventional CMOS technology of near-infrared arrays as has been attempted previously. A total of five near-infrared SAPHIRA 320 × 256 pixel HgCdTe eAPD arrays have been deployed in the wavefront sensors and in the fringe tracker of the VLTI instrument GRAVITY. The current limiting magnitude for coherent exposures with GRAVITY is mk = 19, which is made possible with ADP technology. New avalanche photo-diode array (APD) developments since GRAVITY include the extension of the spectral sensitivity to the wavelength range from 0.8 to 2.5 μm. After GRAVITY a larger format array with 512 × 512 pixels has been developed for both AO applications at the ELT and for long integration times. Since dark currents of <10−3 e/s have been demonstrated with 1Kx1K eAPD arrays and 2Kx2K eAPD arrays have already been developed, the possibilities and adaptations of eAPD technology to provide noiseless large-format science-grade arrays for long integration times are also discussed.  相似文献   
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