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A regional coupled atmosphere–ocean model was developed to study the role of air–sea interactions in the simulation of the Indian summer monsoon. The coupled model includes the regional climate model (RegCM3) as atmospheric component and the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) as oceanic component. The two-way coupled model system exchanges sea surface temperature (SST) from the ocean to the atmospheric model and surface wind stress and energy fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean model. The coupled model is run for four years 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2003 and the results are compared with observations and atmosphere-only model runs employing Reynolds SSTs as lower boundary condition. It is found that the coupled model captures the main features of the Indian monsoon and simulates a substantially more realistic spatial and temporal distribution of monsoon rainfall compared to the uncoupled atmosphere-only model. The intraseasonal oscillations are also better simulated in the coupled model compared to the atmosphere-only model. These improvements are due to a better representation of the feedbacks between the SST and convection and highlight the importance of air–sea coupling in the simulation of the Indian monsoon.  相似文献   
Study of bathymetric data for the distal Bengal Fan reveals the presence of positive topographic features resembling seamounts. These features exhibit a relief of about 800 m above the surrounding seafloor at 4,400 m and are associated with large‐amplitude magnetic and gravity anomalies. Magnetic model studies suggest that one of the seamounts evolved along with the oceanic crust represented by the magnetic isochron A32 (~ 72 My), while the other seamount was emplaced over the Cretaceous Quiet Zone Crust with reversed polarity. The seamounts studied provide an environment for possible locations of polymetallic encrustations. Morphology of the seamounts depends on several factors, including physical and chemical composition of the magma, eruption style, sediment thickness, maturity of underlying crust, and time of origin. Studying the seamounts together with integrated geophysical and physical data gave useful indications of their evolution and the existence of possible mineral deposits.  相似文献   
Hydrogeomorphological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations were carried out in the Pageru River basin of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, to delineate potential zones for future groundwater exploration. The study area is underlain by Proterozoic formations of the Indian Peninsula comprising limestones and shales as the sedimentary cover. Limestone and shale formations of the Cuddapah Super group that are later overlain by the Kurnool group (shale, limestone and quartzite) are exposed extensively. The high drainage density (2.61 km/km2) in the western region also suggests that the area is characterized by low permeable zones compared with low drainage density (1.04 km/km2) of the flood plains, which form the potential aquifers in the east. The hydro-geomorphological data are further supported from evidence of the water-table fluctuation in wells and resistivity of the saturated formations. The results indicate that the favourable, moderately favourable and poor zones characterized geomorphologically, have water-level fluctuations in the range of 0–2, 2–6 and above 6 m, respectively. The resistivities of these zones are also in the range of 1–26, 40–466, and >1,900 ohm-m. A few pumping tests have also been conducted to assess the broad range in the values of aquifer parameters. Based on these data, good to poor potential zones for obtaining groundwater have been delineated in the study area.
Resumen Se llevaron a cabo investigaciones hidrogeomorfológicas, hidrogeológicas y geofísicas en la cuenca del Río Pageru del distrito Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, con objeto de delimitar zonas potenciales para exploración futura de aguas subterráneas. El área de estudio consiste de formaciones Proterozoicas de la Península India con calizas y lutitas como cubierta sedimentaria. Las formaciones de caliza y lutita del Grupo Cuddapah Superior afloran extensamente y están cubiertas por el Grupo Kurnool (lutita, caliza, y cuarcita). La alta densidad de drenaje (2.61 km/km2) en la región occidental también indica que el área se caracteriza por zonas de baja permeabilidad en comparación con las planicies de inundación de baja densidad (1.04 km/km2) que forman los acuíferos potenciales del oriente. Los datos hidrogeomorfológicos tienen apoyo adicional a partir de evidencia proveniente de la fluctuación del nivel freático en pozos y resistividad de las formaciones saturadas. Los resultados indican que las zonas caracterizadas geomorfológicamente como zonas favorables, moderadamente favorables, y pobres tienen fluctuaciones de niveles de agua en el rango de 0–2, 2–6, y mayor de 6 m, respectivamente. Las resistividades de estas zonas también se encuentran en el rango de 1–26, 40–466, y mayores de 1,900 ohm-m. Se realizaron algunas pruebas de bombeo para evaluar los amplios rangos que tienen los valores de los parámetros de los acuíferos. Basado en esta información se delimitaron zonas con potencial bueno a pobre para obtener agua subterránea en la zona de estudio.

Résumé Des investigations hydrogéomorphologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été menées sur le bassin de la rivière Pageru du district de Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, pour délimiter les zones potentielles dans la future recherche deaux souterraines. La zone étudiée est, à la base, constituée par les formations protérozoïques de la péninsule indienne comprenant les calcaires et les shales de la couverture sédimentaire. Les calcaires et les shales du Super Groupe Cuddapah qui sont recouverts par le Groupe Kurnool (shale, calcire, quartzite) sont exposés de manière extensive. La densité importante de drainage (2.61 km/km2) dans la région ouest montre également que la zone est caractérisée par des perméabilités faibles par comparaison avec les plaines dinondation (densité de drainage: 1.04 km/km2), formant les aquifères potentiels de lEst. Les données hydrogéomorphologiques vont également dans le sens des données de fluctuation de la nappe et de résistivité des formations saturées. Les résultats indiquent que les zones caractérisées géomorphologiquement comme favorables, moyennement favorables et pauvres, possèdent des fluctuations respectives de lordre de 0 à 2, 2 à 6 et de plus de 6 m. La résistivité de ces zones est également de lordre de 1 à 26, 40 à 466 et de plus de 1900 ohm-m. Quelques pompages dessais ont également été conduits pour déterminer les valeurs moyennes des paramètres de laquifère. En se basant sur ces données, des zones potentielles bonnes à pauvres pour lexploitation des eaux souterraines ont été délimitées.
A technique has been developed to evaluate the dynamic pressures on cylindrical structures due to irregular waves based on McCamy and Fuchs linear diffraction theory and principle of superposition. Experiments have been conducted in Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras to examine the dynamic pressures excited by irregular waves on circular cylinders of large diameter. The pressures around the cylinder at representative locations were measured and compared with calculated pressures. The spectral density functions computed from pressure time series measured in the laboratory agree well with the calculated pressure spectral densities. The agreement is good and encouraging.  相似文献   
Systematic hydrogeochemical survey has been carried out for understanding the sources of dissolved ions in the groundwaters of the area occupied by Sarada river basin, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Khondalites, charnockites and granite gneisses and calc-granulites of Precambrians and alluvial deposits of Quaternaries underlie the study area. Groundwaters are both fresh and brackish; the latter waters being a dominant. Most groundwaters are characterized by Na+:HCO3 facies due to chemical weathering of the rocks. Enrichment of Na+, K+, Cl, SO42−, NO3 and F in some groundwater samples is caused by seawater intrusion, locally accompanied by ion-exchange, and anthropogenic activities, resulting in an increase of brackish in the groundwaters. Based on the results of this hydrogeochemical study, suitable management measures are recommended to solve the water quality problems.  相似文献   
There is a need for timely information about changes in the air pollution levels in cities for adopting precautionary measures. Keeping this in view, an attempt has been made to develop a model which will be useful to obtain air quality information directly from remotely sensed data easily and quickly. For this study pixel values, vegetation indices and urbanization index from IRS P6 LISS IV and Landsat ETM+ images were used to develop regression based models with Air Pollution Index (API), which were calculated from in-situ air pollutant information. It was found that among the 12 parameters of IRS, highest correlation exists between pixel values in NIR (Near Infra-Red) band (Pearson correlation ?0.77) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Pearson correlation ?0.68) and both have inverse relationship with API. In case of Landsat, the highest correlation was observed in SWIR (Short Wave Infra-Red) band (Pearson correlation ?0.83) and NIR (Pearson correlation ?0.78). Both single and multivariate regression models were calibrated from best correlated variables from IRS and Landsat. Among all the models, multivariate regression model from Landsat with four most correlated variables gave the most accurate air pollution image. On comparison between the API modeled and API interpolated images, 90.5 % accuracy was obtained.  相似文献   
Oxidative decomposition of dilute benzene in air was carried out in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor with inner metal fiber electrode that was later modified with transition metal oxides. Typical results indicated the best performance of the designed reactor for the removal of dilute benzene, where conventional techniques may not be efficient. The introduction of transition metal oxides in the discharge zone increased the conversion of benzene and shifted the product distribution to total oxidation. The performance of the reactor was further improved on humidification of air stream. The better performance of MnOx/SMF over CoOx and SMF may be due to in situ decomposition of ozone that may lead to the formation of strong oxidant atomic oxygen, whereas the best performance with TiO2/MnOx/SMF may be assigned due to the synergy between ozone decomposition on MnOx surface and photocatalytic action on TiO2.  相似文献   
Competitive sorption of estriol (E3) and 17α‐ethinylestradiol (EE2) was studied on activated charcoal. Better sorption of E3 (88.9%) and EE2 (69.5%) was observed with single‐solute sorption system than with bi‐solute sorption system. Single‐solute sorption kinetics of E3 and EE2 were evaluated with two (Langmuir and Freundlich) and three (dual mode and Song) parameter models. Freundlich model (R2, 0.9915 (E3); 0.9875 (EE2)) showed good prediction compared to other models for single‐solute sorption. Adsorption capacity documented reduced efficacy (86.4% (E3); 65.9% (EE2)) due to induced competitive behavior between the estrogens in aqueous phase. Bi‐solute adsorption kinetics of E3 and EE2 were described by IAST with two and three parameter models. Among these models, IAST‐Freundlich model (R2, 0.9765 (E3); 0.9985 (EE2)) was best in predicting bi‐solute sorption of E3 and EE2 by activated charcoal. All these models showed favorable representation of both single‐ and bi‐solute sorption behaviors.  相似文献   
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