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Shear-flocculation/flotation and carrier flotation are methods by which fine mineral values are aggregated and then recovered by flotation. The aggregates formed have better floatabilities. Without prior treatment ahead of flotation, significant quantities of fines are lost in tailings. An overview of the problems associated with fine particles is presented. Like froth flotation, the mechanisms of shear-flocculation and carrier flotation are governed by physical, chemical and geometrical variables. The present paper deals with the effects of these variables on shear-flocculation and carrier flotation, based on a detailed literature review.  相似文献   
Characteristic curves are presented for interpreting vertical and total components of the anomalous magnetic field caused by spherical ore bodies. The curves use characteristic distances which are easy to measure on an anomaly profile. The method is fast, and does not require prior knowledge of the base level or the origin. Inversion with the characteristic curves is demonstrated on two field examples and the curves computed for the estimated parameters match well the field curves.  相似文献   
Bentonite clays are proven to be attractive as buffer and backfill material in high-level nuclear waste repositories around the world. A quick estimation of swelling pressures of the compacted bentonites for different clay–water–electrolyte interactions is essential in the design of buffer and backfill materials. The theoretical studies on the swelling behavior of bentonites are based on diffuse double layer (DDL) theory. To establish theoretical relationship between void ratio and swelling pressure (e versus P), evaluation of elliptic integral and inverse analysis are unavoidable. In this paper, a novel procedure is presented to establish theoretical relationship of e versus P based on the Gouy–Chapman method. The proposed procedure establishes a unique relationship between electric potentials of interacting and non-interacting diffuse clay–water–electrolyte systems. A procedure is, thus, proposed to deduce the relation between swelling pressures and void ratio from the established relation between electric potentials. This approach is simple and alleviates the need for elliptic integral evaluation and also the inverse analysis. Further, application of the proposed approach to estimate swelling pressures of four compacted bentonites, for example, MX 80, Febex, Montigel and Kunigel V1, at different dry densities, shows that the method is very simple and predicts solutions with very good accuracy. Moreover, the proposed procedure provides continuous distributions of e versus P and thus it is computationally efficient when compared with the existing techniques.  相似文献   
Strong cases of the tropical temperate troughs (TTT) that are responsible for the most of the summer rainfall over subtropical southern Africa are analyzed. An index for identifying the TTT is introduced for the first time using anomalies of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the wind. The TTT is associated with a ridge-trough-ridge wave-like structure in the lower troposphere over southern Africa and the adjoining Indian Ocean. Therefore, the index considers physical processes that occur over southern Africa, adjoining the Atlantic and Indian Oceans to depict the variability of the TTT events. Unusually strong TTT events are identified when the standard deviations of the TTT indices defined by the OLR and wind anomalies in the selected regions are above 1.5 and 0.5 respectively. After applying this criterion and filtering out consecutive events, 55 TTT events are identified during the study period of December–January–February seasons from 1980–1981 to 2009–2010. From the composite analyses of those 55 events, it is found that the TTTs evolve with suppressed (enhanced) convection over the southwest Indian Ocean adjacent to Madagascar (southern Africa). The suppressed convection is, in turn, found to be associated with the enhanced convection around Sumatra in the southeast tropical Indian Ocean. This may explain why more TTT events occur in La Niña years as compared to El Niño years. Time evolution of the canonical TTT event shows that it starts 3 days prior to the mature phase of the event, suggesting possible predictability. After reaching a matured state, the system moves east toward the Indian Ocean and decays within the subsequent couple of days. In addition, the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) structure changes over Southern Africa/Madagascar during the TTT event and remains similar to climatology over other regions. The results indicate that the continental part of the ITCZ intensifies prior to the TTT event and then spreads southward following the mid-latitude influence during and after the event.  相似文献   
The ground based observations of the coronal emission lines using a coronagraph are affected by the short duration of clear sky and varying sky transparency. These conditions do not permit to study small amplitude variations in the coronal emission reliably necessary to investigate the process or processes involved in heating the coronal plasma and dynamics of solar corona. The proposed Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) over comes these limitations and will provide continuous observation 24 h a day needed for detailed studies of solar corona and drivers for space weather predictions. VELC payload onboard India’s Aditya-L1 space mission is an internally occulted solar coronagraph for studying the temperature, velocity, density and heating of solar corona. To achieve the proposed science goals, an instrument which is capable of carrying out simultaneous imaging, spectroscopy and spectro-polarimetric observations of the solar corona close to the solar limb is required. VELC is designed with salient features of (a) Imaging solar corona at 500 nm with an angular resolution of 5 arcsec over a FOV of 1.05Ro to 3Ro (Ro:Solar radius) (b) Simultaneous multi-slit spectroscopy at 530.3 nm [Fe XIV],789.2 nm [Fe XI] and 1074.7 nm [Fe XIII] with spectral dispersion of 28mÅ, 31mÅ and 202mÅ per pixel respectively, over a FOV of 1.05Ro to 1.5Ro. (c) Multi-slit dual beam spectro-polarimetry at 1074.7 nm. All the components of instrument have been optimized in view of the scientific objectives and requirements of space payloads. In this paper we present the details of optical configuration and the expected performance of the payload.  相似文献   
Zero relative velocity surfaces in the orbital plane are computed for close pairs of spherical and disk galaxies.  相似文献   
Abstract. The discharge in pumping tests conducted on large-diameter wells declines with the fall of water level. This violates the basic requirement of pumping tests that the discharge should remain constant. A simple device to keep the discharge constant has therefore been developed. This device is also useful in keeping the discharge much lower than the rated capacity of the farmer's pump, and thus in increasing the total test period.
The discharge from the farmer's pump is released in a barrel having a V-notch at the top and an arrangement for returning a part of the discharge to the well. The return flow is gradually reduced through a control valve, and thus the net outflow is kept constant.
This device has been used for conducting pumping tests on several dug wells.  相似文献   
Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras to the continental slope off Andaman Island in water depths of 525 m to 3350 m and across the Western Basin (bounded by foot of the continental slope of Madras and 85° E Ridge), the 85° E Ridge, the Central Basin (between the 85° E Ridge and the Ninetyeast Ridge), the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda Arc. The study revealed eight seismic sequences, H1 to H8 of parallel continuous to discontinuous reflectors. Considering especially depth to the horizons, nature of reflection and on comparison with the published seismic reflection results of Currayet al. (1982), the early Eocene (P) and Miocene (M) unconformities and the base of the Quaternary sediments (Q) are identified on the seismic section. Marked changes in velocities also occur at their boundaries.In the Western Basin the acoustic basement deepening landward is inferred as a crystalline basement overlain by about 6.7 km of sediment. In the Central Basin possibly thicker sediments than in the Western Basin are estimated. The sediments in the Sunda Arc area are relatively thick and appears to have no distinct horizons. But the entire sedimentary section appears to be consisting of folded and possibly faulted layers.The comparatively broader wavelength magnetic anomalies of the Central Basin also indicate deeper depth of their origin. Very prominent double humped feature of the 85° E Ridge and broad basement swell of the Ninetyeast Ridge are buried under about 2.8 km thick sediments except over the prominent basement high near 92° E longitude. The positive structural relief of the buried 85° E Ridge in the area is reflected in magnetic signature of about 450 nT amplitude. Flexural bulge of the 85° E Ridge and subsidence of the Ninetyeast Ridge about 24 cm my–1 rate since early Eocene period have been inferred from the seismic sequence analysis.  相似文献   
 Magnetic data over the eastern continental margin of India and adjacent Bengal fan demarcate two major lineaments. A high amplitude N–S-trending lineation of the Cauvery offshore Basin corresponds to the offshore fragment of the 80°E lineament recorded onland. A N–S lineation of very high amplitude anomaly off Chilka lake considered as the possible northward extension of the 85°E ridge delineated, hitherto in Bengal Fan. A subdued magnetic anomaly zone is demarcated seaward of the continent–ocean boundary (COB) in the Bengal Fan. Over the northern Bengal Fan this zone is delineated east of 85°E lineation. This quiet zone might have evolved during the Early Cretaceous period of normal magnetic polarity between M0 and 34 (120–84 Ma) anomalies. Received: 6 April 1995 / Revision received: 3 September 1996  相似文献   
Along the western continental margin of India (WCMI), several bottom simulating reflectors were identified on analogue single-channel seismic records, some of these located in areas where slumping and mass wasting were observed. The causes, consequences and degree of geographic variation of these geomorphic processes are assessed in terms of possible gas-hydrate dissociation during Pleistocene sea-level changes, high sedimentation resulting in underconsolidation, and seismotectonic activity prevailing along the WCMI margin. One consequence of possible gas-hydrate dissociation along the continental slope could be sediment failure and mass transport down the slope. By contrast, in the flat deep-sea areas, gas-hydrate dissociation may have led to gas seepage and the development of pockmarks at the seafloor.  相似文献   
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