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Liquid thermolysis products of various types of immature kerogen from sedimentary lacustrine rocks from the Valjevo-Mionica basin in Serbia were studied to evaluate the generation potential of kerogen contained in the organic matter (OM) of the rocks, determine the composition of the biomarkers and alkylaromatics in the liquid thermolysis products, and elucidate the effect of Pt4+ and Ru3+ ions (which were added in the form of inorganic salts) on the yield and hydrocarbon composition of the liquid thermolysis products. For this purpose, representative bitumen-free samples A and B of the sedimentary rocks were subjected to thermolysis under various conditions. Rock A contains high amount of immature organic matter, which is dominated by kerogen type I/II and was generated under strongly reduced sedimentation conditions at a high salinity. Sample B is poorer in immature OM than sample A, and the OM of the former contains kerogen type II/III and was generated predominantly in a reduced environment. The content of the liquid products and the concentrations of hydrocarbons obtained in the course of thermolysis of bitumen-free sample A and the typical oil distribution of the biomarkers and alkylaromatics in the thermolysis products confirm a high generation potential of OM in this rock. In all of our experiments on the thermolysis of bitumen-free sample B, the yield of liquid products and hydrocarbons is low. According to the kerogen type, the thermolysis of this rock generates much gases. The Pt4+ and Ru3+ ions (added in the form of simple inorganic salts) increased the yield of liquid (kerogen type I/II) and gaseous (kerogen type II/III) products. During the thermolysis of various type of immature kerogen in the lacustrine sedimentary rocks at a temperature of 400°C, the OM attained maturation corresponding to the early catagenesis level. Saturated biomarkers and alkylaomatics in the thermolysis products of both samples display typical oil distributions. The type of the source OM most strongly affects the composition of n-alkanes and alkylnaphthalenes. The metal ions used in this research served as catalysts for the methylation process during the thermolysis of immature kerogen, regardless of its type. The effect of the Pt4+ and Ru3+ ions on other transformations of the hydrocarbons, for example, the destruction of high-molecular n-alkanes to low-molecular ones and on isomerization reactions in molecules of polycyclic biomarkers and alkylaromatics to thermodynamically more stable isomers in the thermolysis products is controlled, first of all, by the type of the source OM.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal analysis of global seismological data 1964–2005 reveals a distinct teleseismic earthquake activity producing a columnar-like formation in the continental wedge between the Krakatau volcano at the surface and the subducting slab of the Indo-Australian plate. These earthquakes occur continuously in time, are in the body-wave (m b) magnitude range 4.5–5.3 and in the depth range 1–100 km. The Krakatau earthquake cluster is vertical and elongated in the azimuth N30°E, suggesting existence of a deep-rooted fault zone cutting the Sunda Strait in the SSW-NNE direction. Possible continuation of the fault zone in the SW direction was activated by an intensive 2002/2003 aftershock sequence, elongated in the azimuth of N55°E. Beneath the Krakatau earthquake cluster, an aseismic gap exists in the Wadati-Benioff zone of the subducting plate at the depths 100–120 km. We interpret this aseismic gap as a consequence of partial melting inhibiting stress concentration necessary to generate stronger earthquakes, whereas the numerous earthquakes observed in the overlying lithospheric wedge beneath the volcano probably reflect magma ascent in the recent plumbing system of the Krakatau volcano. Focal depth of the deepest events (~100 km) of the Krakatau cluster constrains the location of the primary magma generation to greater depths. The ascending magmatic fluids stress fault segments within the Sunda Strait fault zone and change their friction parameters inducing the observed tectonic earthquakes beneath Krakatau.  相似文献   
This paper describes the implementation of process-based models reflecting relative groundwater nitrate vulnerability of the shallow alluvial Lower Savinja Valley (LSV) aquifer in Slovenia. A spatially explicit identification of the potentially vulnerable priority areas within groundwater bodies at risk from a chemical point of view is being required for cost-effective measures and monitoring planning. The shallow LSV unconfined aquifer system consists of high-permeable Holocene and middle- to low-permeable Pleistocene gravel and sand, with a maximum thickness of about 30 m, mainly covered by shallow eutric fluvisoils or variously deep eutric cambisoil. The hydrogeological parameters, e.g. the depth to the groundwater, hydrological role of the topographic slope, etc. usually used in different point count schemes are, in the case of the lowland aquifer and shallow groundwater, spatially very uniform with low variability. Furthermore, the parametric point count methods are generally not able to illustrate and analyze important physical processes, and validation of the results is difficult and expensive. Instead of a parametric point count scheme, we experimentally used the Arc-WofE extension for weights-of-evidence (WofE) modelling. All measurement locations with a concentration higher than the value of 20 mg NO3 per litre of groundwater have been considered as training points (173), and the three process-based models generalized output layers of groundwater recharge (GROWA), nitrate leached from the soil profile (SWAT) and groundwater flow velocity (FEFLOW), served as evidential themes. The technique is based on the Bayesian idea of phenomena occurrences probability before (prior probability) and after consideration of any evidential themes (posterior probability), which were measured by positive and negative weights as an indication of the association between a phenomena and a prediction pattern. The response theme values describe the relative probability that a 100 × 100 m spatial unit will have a groundwater nitrate concentration higher than the training points’ limit values with regard to prior probability value. The lowest probability of groundwater nitrate occurrence is in the parts of the LSV aquifer, which are known as anoxic condition areas with very likely denitrification processes. The cross-validation of the dissolved oxygen and dissolved nitrate response theme confirmed the accuracy of the groundwater nitrate prediction. The WofE model results very clearly indicate regional groundwater nitrate distribution and enable spatial prediction of the probability for increased groundwater nitrate concentration in order to plan the groundwater nitrate reduction measures and optimize the programme for monitoring the effects of these measures.  相似文献   
Summary The core waves recorded at four seismograph stations in Central Europe were investigated with the aim to find the most suitable set of travel-time curves and a fitting model of the core structure. Another travel-time curve was constructed by means of time differences between the core phases. The differences in the features of the travel-time curves were studied using records of shallow, intermediate and deep shocks from the same focal region (Tonga).  相似文献   
Résumé On donne les résultats de l'analyse de la dérive des pendules horizontaux de la station Píbram-Bezové Hory au cours des années 1927–1938. Différemment aux résultats publiés déjà antérieurement[2], on a tout d'abord séparé par la méthode des moindres carrés la dérive linéaire et le terme à période de durée d'un an exactement et ce n'est que le reste qu'on a analysé par la méthode de l'analyse spectrale spéciale[4, 6]. On a trouvé dans les deux éléments une période de 222, respectivement 223 jours, non considérée jusqu'alors et ne pouvant pas être interprétée jusqu'à présent du point de vue physique. Les autres résultats sont en bon accord avec ceux reçus à l'origine. On peut conclure de la comparaison des phases des composantes annuelles des pendules horizontaux et du mouvement du pôle[5] que les deux événements sont du même origine.  相似文献   
Summary The paper deals with the magnetic properties of the natural minerals haematite, ilmenite and pyrrhotite. The natural remanent magnetization Jn, the volume susceptibility , the specific magnetization of saturation so, the Curie temperature , the A.C. demagnetization of natural remanent magnetization, the thermal demagnetization Jn, the temperature dependence of the specific magnetization of saturation, and several other parameters were determined for the individual sets of minerals. Since natural minerals can and do contain various heterogeneous and isomorphic admixtures, their magnetic properties may change depending on the content and type of these admixtures. Therefore, all the investigations of the magnetic properties described in this paper were carried out with extensive sets of minerals, representing various Czechoslovak and world localities. A number of interesting results were obtained from the executed experiments, e.g., the different stability of the natural remanent magnetization of haematite with respect to A.C. demagnetization, the presence and type of heterogeneous inclusions in ilmenite, the phase changes connected with the -transition in natural pyrrhotites, etc. The types of distributions of the investigated values of the magnetic properties were also determined.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein einfaches Modell des zykolnalen Wirbels vorgeschlagen und die Beziehung zwischen seiner Intensität, der Form der Stromlinien und der Deformation der frontalen Grenzoberfläche in seiner Nähe diskutiert. Die Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, die Kriterien der sogenannten dynamischen Klassifikation der aus den meteorologischen Satelliten photographierten Bewölkung zu finden.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Methode für experimentelle Untersuchung der Frequenzkennlinien von Induktionsvariometern mit Aufnahmeschleifen nichttraditioneller Ausmasse beschrieben. Die Grundlage des beschriebenen Verfahrens bildet eine genaue Bestimmung jenes Teils des magnetischen Kraftflusses, der durch die Aufnahmeschleife durchgeht.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify the main mesoscale features and mechanisms responsible for the generation of an extreme precipitation event as a contribution to improving the modelling of processes that produce HPEs. The event occurred during the morning hours on 22 November 2010 over the Dubrovnik coast in Croatia and the hinterland mountain range of the southern Dinaric Alps and caused severe flash floods and landslides and consequent interruption of traffic and electricity supply as well as other infrastructural damage. The analysis is geographically focused on the southern portion of the eastern Adriatic region, which is prone to relatively frequent heavy precipitation events that occur mostly in autumn. This area is one of the rainiest in Europe with expected annual amounts of precipitation greater than 5,000 mm in the mountainous hinterland. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of convection were analysed using synop measurements, satellite data and numerical experiments performed with the WRF model, which was set up at the convection-permitting resolution in the innermost domain. Satellite data were used to identify the precipitation systems and to estimate the intensity of the precipitation during the period of interest. The development of the precipitation system was connected to a strong large-scale ascent over the southern Italy and southern Adriatic due to the advection of warm air and cyclonic vorticity advection, which increases with height. The numerical simulations highlighted the essential role of a southerly low-level jet stream in the transport of warm and moist air towards the affected area. The convergence of two branches of low-level marine air favoured convection triggered over the coast and sea. Furthermore, numerical sensitivity experiments suggested that the orography of the Dinaric Alps plays an essential role in the precipitation maximum over the mountainous hinterland, but also that the orography was not the crucial factor in the heavy precipitation near Dubrovnik. This study highlights the need for a dense network of observations, especially radar measurements, to validate the simulated mechanisms and improve numerical forecasts via data assimilation.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of bøgvadite, Na2SrBa2Al4F20, has been solved and refined to a R1 factor of 4.4 % from single-crystal data (MoKα X-ray diffraction, CCD area detector) on a sample from the cryolite deposit at Ivittuut, SW Greenland. Bøgvadite is monoclinic, P21/n space group, with unit cell parameters a?=?7.134(1), b?=?19.996(3) and c?=?5.3440(8) Å, β?=?90.02(1)o. A close proximity of the crystal structure to an orthorhombic symmetry and the presence of the two twin components in a nearly 1:1 ratio suggest that the investigated bøgvadite crystal has originally formed as a high-temperature orthorhombic polymorph which on cooling transformed to the stable low temperature monoclinic structure. The bøgvadite crystal structure has groupings of cation-fluoride coordination polyhedra similar to those found in the crystal structures of the genetically closely associated minerals jarlite and jørgensenite. However, its structure type is different from the latter two. The fluoridoaluminate framework of bøgvadite consists of infinite zig-zag chains of cis-connected AlF6 coordination octahedra. The 1 [AlF5] chains are interconnected by infinite chains of Na-F coordination polyhedra which extend in the same direction. Na is coordinated by nine F atoms if its full surrounding is taken in consideration, but makes significant chemical bonds only to closest five. The chains of AlF6 and NaF9 coordination polyhedra form double layers. In the centre of layers, relatively large voids in the form of pentagonal antiprisms are occupied by Sr atoms which make chemical bonds with the closest six F atoms. Between the SrF10 coordinations in the centre of layers run empty channels. The double layers are interconnected by Ba atoms which are coordinated by eight F atoms and fill the spaces between the layers. Bøgvadite belongs to the group of fluoridoaluminates with infinite chains of cis-connected AlF6 coordination octahedra, alike those found in the crystal structures of Ba-fluoridoaluminates.  相似文献   
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