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The in vivo effects of 4-nonylphenol (NP) on functional responses of haemocytes from the cockle Cerastoderma glaucum were investigated after 7 days exposure to sublethal NP concentrations (0, 0+acetone, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 mg/l NP). Haemocytes from both controls and exposed cockles were collected, and the effects of NP on total haemocyte count (THC) and volume of circulating cells, intracellular superoxide anion () levels, acid phosphatase and lysozyme-like activities in both haemocyte lysate (HL) and cell-free haemolymph (CFH) were evaluated. Exposure of cockles to 0.1 mg/l NP significantly increased THC (p < 0.05) with respect to controls. Analysis of haemocyte size frequency distribution showed that the haemocyte fraction of about 7–8 μm in diameter and 250 femtolitres in volume increased markedly in cockles exposed to the highest NP concentration tested. Apoptosis resulting in cell volume reduction in NP-exposed animals cannot be excluded. No statistically significant variation in intracellular levels was observed. Conversely, significant increases (p < 0.05) in acid phosphatase activity were observed in CFH from 0.05 and 0.1 mg/l NP-exposed animals; no significant differences in enzyme activity were recorded in HL. Lysozyme-like activity also increased significantly in CFH from cockles exposed to 0.05 mg/l NP (p < 0.05) and 0.1 mg/l NP (p < 0.001). Instead, lysozyme-like activity decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the HL of animals exposed to 0.05 mg/l NP. Our results suggest that NP induces variations in the functional responses of haemocytes of C. glaucum, mainly by reducing cell membrane stability and promoting cell degranulation.  相似文献   
Flank instability and collapse are observed at many volcanoes. Among these, Mt. Etna is characterized by the spreading of its eastern and southern flanks. The eastern spreading area is bordered to the north by the E–W-trending Pernicana Fault System (PFS). During the 2002–2003 Etna eruption, ground fracturing along the PFS migrated eastward from the NE Rift, to as far as the 18 km distant coastline. The deformation consisted of dextral en-echelon segments, with sinistral and normal kinematics. Both of these components of displacement were one order of magnitude larger (~1 m) in the western, previously known, portion of the PFS with respect to the newly surveyed (~9 km long) eastern section (~0.1 m). This eastern section is located along a pre-existing, but previously unknown, fault, where displaced man-made structures give overall slip rates (1–1.9 cm/year), only slightly lower than those calculated for the western portion (1.4–2.3 cm/year). After an initial rapid motion during the first days of the 2002–2003 eruption, movement of the western portion of the PFS decreased dramatically, while parts of the eastern portion continued to move. These data suggest a model of spreading of the eastern flank of Etna along the PFS, characterized by eruptions along the NE Rift, instantaneous, short-lived, meter-scale displacements along the western PFS and more long-lived centimeter-scale displacements along the eastern PFS. The surface deformation then migrated southwards, reactivating, one after the other, the NNW–SSE-trending Timpe and Trecastagni faults, with displacements of ~0.1 and ~0.04 m, respectively. These structures, along with the PFS, mark the boundaries of two adjacent blocks, moving at different times and rates. The new extent of the PFS and previous activity over its full length indicate that the sliding eastern flank extends well below the Ionian Sea. The clustering of seismic activity above 4 km b.s.l. during the eruption suggests a deep décollement for the moving mass. The collected data thus suggests a significant movement (volume >1,100 km3) of the eastern flank of Etna, both on-shore and off-shore.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   
Understanding the relationships between sedimentation, tectonics and magmatism is crucial to defining the evolution of orogens and convergent plate boundaries. Here, we consider the lithostratigraphy, clastic provenance, syndepositional deformation and volcanism of the Almagro‐El Toro basin of NW Argentina (24°30′ S, 65°50′ W), which experienced eruptive and depositional episodes between 14.3 and 6.4 Ma. Our aims were to elucidate the spatial and temporal record of the onset and style of the shortening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera in the frame of the Miocene evolution of the Central Andes foreland basin. The volcano‐sedimentary sequence of the Almagro‐El Toro basin consists of lower red floodplain sandstones and siltstones, medial non‐volcanogenic conglomerates with localised volcanic centres and upper volcanogenic coarse conglomerates and breccia. Coarse, gravity flow‐dominated (debris‐flow and sheet‐flow) alluvial fan systems developed proximal to the source area in the upper and medial sequence. Growing frontal and intrabasinal structures suggest that the Almagro‐El Toro portion of the foreland basin accumulated on top of the eastward‐propagating active thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera. Synorogenic deposits indicate that the shortening of the foreland deposits was occurring by 11.1 Ma, but conglomerates derived from the erosion of western sources suggest that the uplift and erosion of this portion of the Eastern Cordillera has occurred since ca.12.5 Ma. An unroofing reconstruction suggests that 6.5 km of rocks were exhumed. A tectono‐sedimentary model of an episodically evolving thick‐skinned foreland basin is proposed. In this frame, the NW‐trending, transtensive Calama–Olacapato–El Toro (COT) structures interacted with the orogen, influencing the deposition and deformation of synorogenic conglomerates, the location of volcanic centres and the differential tilt and exhumation of the foreland.  相似文献   
The effects of 4-nonylphenol on anti-oxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and catalase) activity in both gills and digestive gland and re-burrowing capability of the clam Tapes philippinarum were investigated after 7 days' exposure to various sublethal concentrations of nonylphenol (NP). NP caused a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase activity in both tissues from the lowest concentration tested, whereas no significant alteration with respect to controls was observed in catalase activity. NP effects on re-burrowing of clams were evaluated in two experiments. In the first, clams exposed to the highest NP concentrations showed a marked delay in re-burrowing 48 h after the end of exposure. Modifications in normal burrowing behaviour were also observed, suggesting that NP acts via narcosis and/or neurotoxic mechanisms. In the second experiment, the elapsed time for 50% of the exposed clams to re-burrow into the sediment (RT(50)) was also calculated in a 24-h re-burrowing response test. At the highest NP concentrations, it was not possible to estimate RT(50) values, as the percentage of clams showing complete burial was less than 50%. The present study demonstrates that NP causes oxidative stress by inhibiting superoxide dismutase activity and greatly affects the re-burrowing capability of T. philippinarum, even at environmentally realistic concentrations.  相似文献   
Magnesite, siderite and ferromagnesites Mg1?x Fe x CO3 (x = 0.05, 0.09, 0.2, 0.4) were characterized using in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 55 GPa. For the Mg–Fe-carbonates, the Raman peak positions of six modes (T, L, ν4, ν1, ν3 and 2ν2) in the dependence of iron content in the carbonates at ambient conditions are presented. High-pressure Raman spectroscopy shows that siderite undergoes a spin transition at ~40 GPa. The examination of the solid solutions with compositions Mg0.6Fe0.4CO3, Mg0.8Fe0.2CO3, Mg0.91Fe0.09CO3 and Mg0.95Fe0.05CO3 indicates that with increase in the amount of the Fe spin transition pressure increases up to ~45 GPa.  相似文献   
A new seismic hazard model for Cairo, the capital city of Egypt is developed herein based on comprehensive consideration of uncertainties in various components of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The proposed seismic hazard model is developed from an updated catalogue of historical and instrumental seismicity, geodetic strain rates derived from GPS-based velocity-field of the crust, and the geologic slip rates of active faults. The seismic source model consists of area sources and active faults characterised to forecast the seismic productivity in the region. Ground motion prediction models are selected to describe the expected ground motion at the sites of interest. The model accounts for inherent epistemic uncertainties of statistical earthquake recurrence; maximum magnitude; ground motion prediction models, and their propagation toward the obtained results. The proposed model is applied to a site-specific hazard analysis for Kottamiya, Rehab City and Zahraa-Madinat-Nasr (hereinafter referred to as Zahraa) to the East of Cairo (Egypt). The site-specific analysis accounts for the site response, through the parameterization of the sites in terms of average 30-m shear-wave velocity (Vs30). The present seismic hazard model can be considered as a reference model for earthquake risk mitigation and proper resilience planning.  相似文献   
The paper is focused on the estimate of the impact of the non-gravitational perturbations on the orbit of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two spacecrafts that will be placed in orbit around the innermost planet of the solar system by the BepiColombo space mission. The key rôle of the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA), that has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to fly on-board the MPO, is outlined. In the first part of the paper, through a numerical simulation and analysis we have estimated, over a time span of several years, the long-period behaviours of the disturbing accelerations produced by the incoming direct solar radiation pressure, and the indirect effects produced by Mercury’s albedo. The variations in the orbital parameters of the spacecraft, together with their spectral contents, have been estimated over the analysed period. The direct solar radiation pressure represents the strongest non-gravitational perturbation on the MPO in the very complex radiation environment of Mercury. The order-of-magnitude of this acceleration is quite high, about 10?6 m/s2, because of the proximity to the Sun and the large area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft. In the second part of the paper, we concentrated upon the short-period effects of direct solar radiation pressure and Mercury’s albedo. In particular, the disturbing accelerations have been compared with the ISA measurement error and the advantages of an on-board accelerometer are highlighted with respect to the best modelling of the non-gravitational perturbations in the strong radiation environment of Mercury. The readings from ISA, with an intrinsic noise level of about $10^{-9}\,m/s^{2}/\sqrt{Hz}The paper is focused on the estimate of the impact of the non-gravitational perturbations on the orbit of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two spacecrafts that will be placed in orbit around the innermost planet of the solar system by the BepiColombo space mission. The key r?le of the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA), that has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to fly on-board the MPO, is outlined. In the first part of the paper, through a numerical simulation and analysis we have estimated, over a time span of several years, the long-period behaviours of the disturbing accelerations produced by the incoming direct solar radiation pressure, and the indirect effects produced by Mercury’s albedo. The variations in the orbital parameters of the spacecraft, together with their spectral contents, have been estimated over the analysed period. The direct solar radiation pressure represents the strongest non-gravitational perturbation on the MPO in the very complex radiation environment of Mercury. The order-of-magnitude of this acceleration is quite high, about 10−6 m/s2, because of the proximity to the Sun and the large area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft. In the second part of the paper, we concentrated upon the short-period effects of direct solar radiation pressure and Mercury’s albedo. In particular, the disturbing accelerations have been compared with the ISA measurement error and the advantages of an on-board accelerometer are highlighted with respect to the best modelling of the non-gravitational perturbations in the strong radiation environment of Mercury. The readings from ISA, with an intrinsic noise level of about in the frequency band of 3·10−5–10−1 Hz, guarantees a very significant reduction of the non-gravitational accelerations impact on the space mission accuracy, especially of the dominant direct solar radiation pressure.  相似文献   
Natural hazards and disasters can cause major accidents in chemical and process installations. These so-called Natech accidents can result in hazardous-materials releases due to damage to process and storage units, or pipes. In order to understand the dynamics of Natech events, accidents triggered by earthquakes, floods and lightning recorded in industrial accident databases were analysed. This allowed the identification of the most vulnerable equipment types, their modes of failure due to natural-event impact and the final accident scenarios. Moreover, lessons learned for future accident prevention and mitigation were derived. The analysis showed that pipes and storage tanks are the most vulnerable equipment for earthquakes, floods and lightning, calling for more research of equipment behaviour under natural-event loading. The damage modes and states are strongly dependent on the characteristics of the impacting natural event. Toxic dispersion, fires and explosions were observed as a consequence of all three types of analysed natural events. In the case of floods, two additional scenarios were identified. These are water contamination and the formation of toxic and/or flammable vapours upon reaction of the released chemicals with the floodwaters. The overall number of recorded Natech accidents was found to range from 2 to 5% of all reported accidents in the analysed databases.  相似文献   
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