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Local glaciers and ice caps (GICs) comprise only ~5.4% of the total ice volume, but account for ~14–20% of the current ice loss in Greenland. The glacial history of GICs is not well constrained, however, and little is known about how they reacted to Holocene climate changes. Specifically, in North Greenland, there is limited knowledge about past GIC fluctuations and whether they survived the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM, ~8 to 5 ka). In this study, we use proglacial lake records to constrain the ice‐marginal fluctuations of three local ice caps in North Greenland including Flade Isblink, the largest ice cap in Greenland. Additionally, we have radiocarbon dated reworked marine molluscs in Little Ice Age (LIA) moraines adjacent to the Flade Isblink, which reveal when the ice cap was smaller than present. We found that outlet glaciers from Flade Isblink retreated inland of their present extent from ~9.4 to 0.2 cal. ka BP. The proglacial lake records, however, demonstrate that the lakes continued to receive glacial meltwater throughout the entire Holocene. This implies that GICs in Finderup Land survived the HTM. Our results are consistent with other observations from North Greenland but differ from locations in southern Greenland where all records show that the local ice caps at low and intermediate elevations disappeared completely during the HTM. We explain the north–south gradient in glacier response as a result of sensitivity to increased temperature and precipitation. While the increased temperatures during the HTM led to a complete melting of GICs in southern Greenland, GICs remained in North Greenland probably because the melting was counterbalanced by increased precipitation due to a reduction in Arctic sea‐ice extent and/or increased poleward moisture transport.  相似文献   
Concentrations of total recoverable inorganic tin (TRISn), monomethyltin (MeSn3+), dimethyltin (Me2Sn2+), trimethyltin (Me3Sn+) and (3-dimethylsulphonio)propionate (DMSP) were determined in leaves of Spartina alterniflora from three sites in the Great Bay estuary (NH) from 8 May to 15 September 1989. Total methyltin concentration increased from 8·9 ng g−1 (fresh weight) on 8 May to 472 ng g−1 on 23 May, decreased to 52 ng g−1 on 7 June and 16ng g−1 on 20 June, and remained low until the last sample on 18 September. Statistical calculations showed that methyltin concentrations varied significantly with sampling week, but not with site. DMSP concentrations showed very different behaviour. During the same sampling period DMSP concentrations varied only from 7·5 to 26 μmol g−1 (fresh weight). DMSP concentrations varied significantly for site, but not sampling week.  相似文献   
The burrowing and emergence behavior of sand worms, Nereis (Neanthes) virens Sars, in sediment contaminated with sublethal concentrations of Prudhoe Bay crude oil ranging from 74 to 5222 ppm, was studied in the laboratory. Initial burrowing in oiled sediment did not differ from that observed in unoiled sediment. Emergence of exposed worms was related to the oil concentration and the extent of weathering of oiled sediment. Sand worms buried in unoiled sediment did not emerge. Worms dug from oiled sediment after 12 hours' exposure and placed on unoiled sediment were impaired, resulting in a significant increase in time to burrow. However, after 12h, they recovered and burrowed at normal rates. Worms held in oiled sediment for 96 h also recovered. Possible causes for recovery are discussed. Results suggest that oil-induced aberrations may increase vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   
We use a simple approach to estimate the present-day thermal regime along the northwestern part of the Western Indian Passive Margin, offshore Pakistan. A compilation of bottom borehole temperatures and geothermal gradients derived from new observations of bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) allows us to constrain the relationship between the thermal regime and the known tectonic and sedimentary framework along this margin. Effects of basin and crustal structure on the estimation of thermal gradients and heat flow are discussed. A hydrate system is located within the sedimentary deep marine setting and compared to other provinces on other continental margins. We calculate the potential radiogenic contribution to the surface heat flow along a profile across the margin. Measurements across the continental shelf show intermediate thermal gradients of 38–44 °C/km. The onshore Indus Basin shows a lower range of values spanning 18–31 °C/km. The Indus Fan slope and continental rise show an increasing gradient from 37 to 55 °C/km, with higher values associated with the thick depocenter. The gradient drops to 33 °C/km along the Somnath Ridge, which is a syn-rift volcanic construct located in a landward position relative to the latest spreading center around the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition.  相似文献   
Lunar meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 5744 is a granulitic breccia with an anorthositic troctolite composition that may represent a distinct crustal lithology not previously described. This meteorite is the namesake and first‐discovered stone of its pairing group. Bulk rock major element abundances show the greatest affinity to Mg‐suite rocks, yet trace element abundances are more consistent with those of ferroan anorthosites. The relatively low abundances of incompatible trace elements (including K, P, Th, U, and rare earth elements) in NWA 5744 could indicate derivation from a highlands crustal lithology or mixture of lithologies that are distinct from the Procellarum KREEP terrane on the lunar nearside. Impact‐related thermal and shock metamorphism of NWA 5744 was intense enough to recrystallize mafic minerals in the matrix, but not intense enough to chemically equilibrate the constituent minerals. Thus, we infer that NWA 5744 was likely metamorphosed near the lunar surface, either as a lithic component within an impact melt sheet or from impact‐induced shock.  相似文献   
Abstract— Elephant Moraine (EET) A79001 is the only Martian meteorite that consists of both an olivine‐phyric shergottite (lithology A) and a basaltic shergottite (lithology B). The presence of these lithologies in one rock has previously been ascribed to mixing processes (either magmatic or impact‐induced). Here we present data regarding phase changes across the contact between the lithologies. These data show that the contact is gradational and suggest that it is a primary igneous feature consistent with crystallization of a single cooling magma. We present a model to establish a petrogenetic connection between an olivine‐phyric and a basaltic shergottite through differentiation. The model involves the shallow or surface emplacement of a magma that contained pre‐eruptive solids (phenocrysts and minor xenocrysts). Subsequent differentiation via crystal settling and in situ crystallization (Langmuir 1989) resulted in a layered sequence of lithology A overlain by lithology B, with gradations in modal abundance of maskelynite (increasing from A to B) and pigeonite/maskelynite (decreasing from A to B), and a gradational change in pattern of pyroxene zonation (zones of magnesian augite separating magnesian and ferroan pigeonite appear and thicken into B) across the contact. A pigeonite phenocryst‐bearing zone near the contact in lithology B appears to be intermediate between lithology A and the bulk of lithology B (which resembles basaltic shergottite Queen Alexandra Range [QUE] 94201). Re‐examination of Sr isotopic compositions in lithology A and across the contact is required to test and constrain the model.  相似文献   
A wealth of information on the properties of jets in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be derived from total flux density observations at high radio frequencies. This includes, for example, the Doppler factor, the Lorentz factor, and the viewing angle of the jet. We have earlier calculated these parameters for a sample of ~80 sources of different AGN types using almost 20 years of 22 and 37 GHz data from Metsähovi Radio Observatory. We have now gathered data for an additional ten years, and studied the long term characteristic variability time scales of a large sample of AGNs using the first order structure function, the discrete autocorrelation function and the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Some of the results will be presented in this paper. We also stress the importance of long term observations of AGNs, the main reason for this being misinterpretations of source properties due to insufficient time coverage. Only a few observing epochs will too easily lead to incorrect conclusions about variability, continuum spectra, and the general detectability of the source, not to mention the exclusion of interesting objects from further studies. This is particularly important when considering, for example, the Planck satellite for which the quality of the main mission product, the accurate cosmic microwave background anisotropy maps, depends heavily on the elimination of foreground sources such as AGNs.  相似文献   
The copepods Neocalanus plumchrus, N. flemingeri, N. cristatus, and Eucalanus bungii dominate the net zooplankton throughout the subarctic Pacific Ocean. All four species have an extensive seasonal ontogenetic vertical migration, completing most or all of their feeding and somatic growth in spring and early summer. We used stratified tows with MOCNESS and BIONESS instrumented net systems to resolve their upper ocean vertical distributions in May and June of 1984, 1987 and 1988. In each year the feeding copepodite stages of all four species were concentrated above the permanent halocline (roughly from 0 to 150m). However, the four species showed strong vertical species zonation and segregation within this layer. We consistently found a near-surface pair (N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri) and a subsurface pair (N. cristatus and E. bungii). The boundary between these groups shifts vertically, but was sharply defined and was very often coincident with a weak and transient thermocline marking the base of the layer actively mixed by surface wind and wave energy. Diel vertical migration was very limited during our sampling periods.The data suggest that the vertical distribution patterns of the copepods could be set by responses to the local intensity of turbulent mixing in the watercolumn. N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri occupied a stratum characterized by strong turbulence. N. cristatus and E. bungii occupied a stratum that was a local minimum in turbulence profiles. The depth of the boundary between the species pairs was deeper when winds and surface energy inputs were strong. The vertical partition pattern may also be determined by a difference in feeding strategy between the species pairs. N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri may feed on the enhanced protozoan population of the mixed layer, while N. cristatus and E. bungii feed on particle aggregates settling from above.  相似文献   
Six tourmaline samples were investigated as potential reference materials (RMs) for boron isotope measurement by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The tourmaline samples are chemically homogeneous and cover a compositional range of tourmaline supergroup minerals (primarily Fe, Mg and Li end‐members). Additionally, they have homogeneous boron delta values with intermediate precision values during SIMS analyses of less than 0.6‰ (2s). These samples were compared with four established tourmaline RMs, that is, schorl IAEA‐B‐4 and three Harvard tourmalines (schorl HS#112566, dravite HS#108796 and elbaite HS#98144). They were re‐evaluated for their major element and boron delta values using the same measurement procedure as the new tourmaline samples investigated. A discrepancy of about 1.5‰ in δ11B was found between the previously published reference values for established RMs and the values determined in this study. Significant instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of up to 8‰ in δ11B was observed for schorl–dravite–elbaite solid solutions during SIMS analysis. Using the new reference values determined in this study, the IMF of the ten tourmaline samples can be modelled by a linear combination of the chemical parameters FeO + MnO, SiO2 and F. The new tourmaline RMs, together with the four established RMs, extend the boron isotope analysis of tourmaline towards the Mg‐ and Al‐rich compositional range. Consequently, the in situ boron isotope ratio of many natural tourmalines can now be determined with an uncertainty of less than 0.8‰ (2s).  相似文献   
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