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Dynamic positioning configuration and its first-order optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional geodetic network optimization deals with static and discrete control points. The modern space geodetic network is, on the other hand, composed of moving control points in space (satellites) and on the Earth (ground stations). The network configuration composed of these facilities is essentially dynamic and continuous. Moreover, besides the position parameter which needs to be estimated, other geophysical information or signals can also be extracted from the continuous observations. The dynamic (continuous) configuration of the space network determines whether a particular frequency of signals can be identified by this system. In this paper, we employ the functional analysis and graph theory to study the dynamic configuration of space geodetic networks, and mainly focus on the optimal estimation of the position and clock-offset parameters. The principle of the D-optimization is introduced in the Hilbert space after the concept of the traditional discrete configuration is generalized from the finite space to the infinite space. It shows that the D-optimization developed in the discrete optimization is still valid in the dynamic configuration optimization, and this is attributed to the natural generalization of least squares from the Euclidean space to the Hilbert space. Then, we introduce the principle of D-optimality invariance under the combination operation and rotation operation, and propose some D-optimal simplex dynamic configurations: (1) (Semi) circular configuration in 2-dimensional space; (2) the D-optimal cone configuration and D-optimal helical configuration which is close to the GPS constellation in 3-dimensional space. The initial design of GPS constellation can be approximately treated as a combination of 24 D-optimal helixes by properly adjusting the ascending node of different satellites to realize a so-called Walker constellation. In the case of estimating the receiver clock-offset parameter, we show that the circular configuration, the symmetrical cone configuration and helical curve configuration are still D-optimal. It shows that the given total observation time determines the optimal frequency (repeatability) of moving known points and vice versa, and one way to improve the repeatability is to increase the rotational speed. Under the Newton’s law of motion, the frequency of satellite motion determines the orbital altitude. Furthermore, we study three kinds of complex dynamic configurations, one of which is the combination of D-optimal cone configurations and a so-called Walker constellation composed of D-optimal helical configuration, the other is the nested cone configuration composed of n cones, and the last is the nested helical configuration composed of n orbital planes. It shows that an effective way to achieve high coverage is to employ the configuration composed of a certain number of moving known points instead of the simplex configuration (such as D-optimal helical configuration), and one can use the D-optimal simplex solutions or D-optimal complex configurations in any combination to achieve powerful configurations with flexile coverage and flexile repeatability. Alternately, how to optimally generate and assess the discrete configurations sampled from the continuous one is discussed. The proposed configuration optimization framework has taken the well-known regular polygons (such as equilateral triangle and quadrangular) in two-dimensional space and regular polyhedrons (regular tetrahedron, cube, regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, or regular dodecahedron) into account. It shows that the conclusions made by the proposed technique are more general and no longer limited by different sampling schemes. By the conditional equation of D-optimal nested helical configuration, the relevance issues of GNSS constellation optimization are solved and some examples are performed by GPS constellation to verify the validation of the newly proposed optimization technique. The proposed technique is potentially helpful in maintenance and quadratic optimization of single GNSS of which the orbital inclination and the orbital altitude change under the precession, as well as in optimally nesting GNSSs to perform global homogeneous coverage of the Earth.  相似文献   
Around hundred landslides were triggered by the Kumamoto earthquakes in April 2016, causing fatalities and serious damage to properties in Minamiaso village, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. The landslides included many rapid and long-runout landslides which were responsible for much of the damage. To understand the mechanism of these earthquake-triggered landslides, we carried out field investigations with an unmanned aerial vehicle to obtain DSM and took samples from two major landslides (Takanodai landslide and Aso-ohashi landslide) to measure parameters of the initiation and the motion of landslides. A series of ring-shear tests and computer simulations were conducted using a measured Kumamoto earthquake acceleration record from KNet station KMM005, 10 km west of Aso-ohashi landslide. The research results supported our assumed mechanism of sliding-surface liquefaction for the rapid and long-runout motion of these landslides.  相似文献   

在充分结合前人研究成果的基础上,通过16个柱状样粒度数据对莱州湾西南部表层以下1~3 m厚度范围内积环境进行了研究。对比前人发表的该地区表层沉积物类型、沉积环境分类等资料,运用系统聚类分析方法,将莱州湾西南部划分为5个沉积区域。通过对莱州湾西南部沉积速率的数据进行系统概况,同时通过比对不同区域沉积厚度,结合岸线变化、河流年代和沉积相特征,对沉积速率缺失区域沉积年代进行了初步标定。研究结果表明:黄河是塑造莱州湾沉积环境的主要动力,由于黄河河口在历史时期内不断变动,沉积环境在沿岸短源河流和海水动力作用下,产生了区域差异。总体而言,受黄河影响程度由北向南减小。现代黄河口南侧主要形成于1976~1996年黄河入海时期,即使黄河1996年后改道向北,现代黄河对沉积环境塑造作用依然明显。废弃黄河水下三角洲沉积环境在不同外力作用改造下,在近岸和中部浅海区形成不同沉积环境。近岸广利河口北潮滩,广利河水系对沉积环境改造作用有限,仅限于表层以下有限范围,1934年以来的沉积厚度不足1 m,因此可以有效反应黄河废弃三角洲沉积物本底。中部浅海区受沿岸河流和海水动力综合影响,原有沉积环境发生变化,形成了新的沉积物质。小清河口及附近海域属于黄河水下三角洲和潍河-弥河水下三角洲过渡区域,主要受小清河入海泥沙影响,但沉积物中的细粒组分,与黄河关系密切。莱州湾南岸基本不受黄河影响,在沿岸一系列短源河流作用下,形成了多河流集群水下三角洲沉积环境,沉积物多是短时间快速沉积的粗颗粒物质。

雷达资料在江淮流域暴雨数值模拟中的应用   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
将雷达资料计入PSU/NCAR中尺度模式,对江淮流域暴雨实例进行了模拟实验、在工作中,雷达资料经过处理加入到模式中,改变初始湿度场分析,然后作24小时数值模拟,并与控制试验作比较。结果表明:加入雷达资料后的数值模拟预报,由于增强了暴雨区及其邻近区域对流层中低层水汽和辐合上升运动,雨区位置和雨量中心值比控制试验更接近实况。  相似文献   
在前文采用半地转近似和行波法来研究层结大气中的非线性波动的基础上,进一步探讨非线性方程及其级数近似方程的解的稳定性,波动解的存在条件和波动的一些特征。研究指出,在平衡点附近,将非线性方程用其级数近似方程代替是可行的、合理的。在初始拟能满足一定的条件下,椭圆余弦波和孤立波是存在的。文中还求得了椭圆余弦波解的周期、x向波长和振幅以及孤立波的宽度和振幅。并指出,孤立波的宽度和振幅不但与波速有关,还与β因子和层结稳定度有关,而且在相同的某条件下,西行的混合Rossby-重力孤立波比起东行的惯性重力孤立波来,宽度要小但振幅却大。  相似文献   
景观生态系统的空间结构:概念、指标与案例   总被引:96,自引:1,他引:95  
空间结构分析是景观生态学研究的重要内容和基本特色之一。讨论了景观生态系统的空间结构概念,提出斑,廓,基,缘是空间结构的四个主要元素。认为对景观生态系统空间结构的分析,可以分三个不同的等级层次进行,一是宏观尺度的整体空间构架,二是中观尺度几种典型的空间组合型;三是空间元素的基本形态特征。  相似文献   
石英的电子顺磁共振波谱在金矿评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究的是昔遍存在于石英样品中的O--AI空穴心和E心。根据石英中O--AI心和E心的电子顺磁共振波谱随石英脉形成温度变化的特征,可间接地推测主成矿阶段。石英的O--AI心强度与矿石含金量呈正相关关系,相关系数γ=0.61(a=0.01)。在4个钻孔中,石英的O--AI心强度与含金量具有相同的变化趋势。石英的O--AI心强度与含金量的这种正相关关系可作为金矿床成矿预测及找矿评价的标志之一。  相似文献   
雨量器(计)是降水量的主要观测仪器,为保证其测量结果的准确性,对其进行检定或现场校准是非常必要的。文章主要研制既能对雨量器(计)进行室内检定、又能在户外进行现场校准的雨量器(计)检定仪。检定仪采用能够溯源的计量标准球作为标准器,利用蠕动泵对降雨强度进行流速恒定控制,用电源控制器和蓄电池供电,可实现无交流电的户外降水仪器的现场校准。经过试验和应用分析,其性能优于国内同类产品,符合作为量值溯源计量标准的条件,对雨量器(计)的检定和现场校准具有实用性,可用于自动气象站雨量传感器的现场校准。  相似文献   
Engineering research has shown that the surrounding rock of deep roadways experienced many times of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading. So studying on rock mechanical characteristics of post-peak loading and unloading is helpful to control the deep surrounding rocks. The test using RMT-150B rock mechanics testing system, to experiment on the mechanical properties of sandstone of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading. The results show that: the stress–strain curves of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading have significant plastic hysteretic loops. The area of plastic hysteretic loops gloss back. The enveloping outer enclosure of cycle loading curve is the similar as the stress–strain curves of strain softening stage when the samples failure, which shows that post-peak failure of rocks have significant memory. With the increase of cycles, the cumulative deterioration parameters are gradually increased, and the ultimate bearing capacity, elastic of loading section of samples and cumulative deterioration parameters conform with the exponential attenuation function with constant term. With the increase of surrounding pressure, the total energy, dissipated energy and elastic energy of samples are gradually increased. With the increase of cycles, the total energy, dissipated energy and elastic energy of samples all are gradually decreasing, the rate of reduction decreases gradually. The samples exist in vertical splitting and transverse shear combination failure under the post-peak uniaxial cycles, or exist in shear failure under the post-peak triaxial cycles. The shear plane exists slip traces.  相似文献   
This article describes GIS-based models successfully developed for predicting the coverage of Cityphone cellular network, visualizing the predicted signal strength, and analyzing the field strength coverage. In order to predict the signal coverage strength of communication network more accurately, the spatial and nonspatial databases of a mobile cellular network are combined by GIS and produce the necessary parameters. A GIS model named COST-231-Walfisch–Ikegami model (WIM) is developed for signal coverage prediction in Ho Chi Minh City. Radio-line-of-sight and nonradio-line-of-sight conditions can be determined by this model. In addition, in case of nonradio-line-of-sight conditions, average building height, building separation, building width, incident radio path, and road orientation with respect to the direct radio path were obtained using GIS. Road orientation loss, multiscreen diffraction loss, and shadowing gain were predicted more accurate by this model. The scale of maps in the experiment was 1:2000 and the average of floor height was 3?m because there were no exact building height measurements. Statistical results show that the path loss predicted by the COST 231 WIM overcame the real path loss of each cell station. And this method can be used for signal coverage prediction of mobile cellular network in urban areas. Compared to the current situation with the Ho Chi Minh City Posts and Telecommunications system, this model can be effectively applied to improve the Cityphone mobile network quality as well as capability. Developed GIS models can help designers in predicting cell station coverage using real spatial maps that make the results more reliable. This research can help network operators improve the network quality and capability with the best investment efficiently.  相似文献   
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