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Responses of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes to nutrients and trace elements were examined in a series of experimental estuarine food webs of increasing trophic complexity using twenty 1-m3 mesocosms. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and trace elements (a mix of arsenic, copper, cadmium) were added alone and in combination during four experimental runs spanning from spring 1997 to spring 1998. Diel changes in dissolved oxygen were used to examine whole system gross primary production (WS-GPP), respiration (WS-RESP), and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM). Nutrient and trace element additions had the greatest effect on WS-GPP, WS-RESP, and NEM; trophic complexity did not significantly affect any of these parameters (p>0.3). Effects of trophic complexity were detected in nutrient tanks where bivalves significantly (p=0.03) reduced WS-GPP. Nutrient additions significantly enhanced WS-GPP and to a lesser extent WS-RESP during most mesocosm runs. The system shifted from net heterotrophy (−17.2±1.8 mmol C m−3 d−1) in the controls to net autotrophy (29.1±7.6 mmol C m−3 d−1) in the nutrient tanks. The addition of trace elements alone did not affect WS-GPP and WS-RESP to the same extent as nutrients, and their effects were more variable. Additions of trace elements alone consistently made the system more net heterotrophic (−24.9±1.4 mmol C m−3 d−1) than the controls. When trace elements were added in combination with nutrients, the nutrient-enriched system became less autotrophic (1.6±3.1 mmol C m−3 d−1). The effects of trace elements on NEM occurred primarily through reductions in WS-GPP rather than increases in WS-RESP. Our results suggest that autotrophic and heterotrophic processes respond differently to these stressors.  相似文献   

Surrogate models are becoming increasingly popular for storm surge predictions. Using existing databases of storm simulations, developed typically during regional flood studies, these models provide fast-to-compute, data-driven approximations quantifying the expected storm surge for any new storm (not included in the training database). This paper considers the development of such a surrogate model for Delaware Bay, using a database of 156 simulations driven by synthetic tropical cyclones and offering predictions for a grid that includes close to 300,000 computational nodes within the geographical domain of interest. Kriging (Gaussian Process regression) is adopted as the surrogate modeling technique, and various relevant advancements are established. The appropriate parameterization of the synthetic storm database is examined. For this, instead of the storm features at landfall, the features when the storm is at closest distance to some representative point of the domain of interest are investigated as an alternative parametrization, and are found to produce a better surrogate. For nodes that remained dry for some of the database storms, imputation of the surge using a weighted k nearest neighbor (kNN) interpolation is considered to fill in the missing data. The use of a secondary, classification surrogate model, combining logistic principal component analysis and Kriging, is examined to address instances for which the imputed surge leads to misclassification of the node condition. Finally, concerns related to overfitting for the surrogate model are discussed, stemming from the small size of the available database. These concerns extend to both the calibration of the surrogate model hyper-parameters, as well as to the validation approaches adopted. During this process, the benefits from the use of principal component analysis as a dimensionality reduction technique, and the appropriate transformation and scaling of the surge output are examined in detail.

Pelitic schists from contact aureoles surrounding mafic–ultramafic plutons in Westchester County, NY record a high‐P (~0.8 GPa) high‐T (~790 °C) contact overprint on a Taconic regional metamorphic assemblage (~0.5 GPa). The contact metamorphic assemblage of a pelitic sample in the innermost aureole of the Croton Falls pluton, a small (<10 km2) gabbroic body, consists of quartz–plagioclase–biotite–garnet–sillimanite–ilmenite–graphite–Zn‐rich Al‐spinel. Both K‐feldspar and muscovite are absent, and abundant biotite, plagioclase, sillimanite, quartz and ilmenite inclusions are found within subhedral garnet crystals. Unusually low bulk‐rock Na and K contents imply depletion of alkalic components and silica through anatexis and melt extraction during contact heating relative to typical metapelites outside the aureole. Thermobarometry on nearby samples lacking a contact overprint yields 620–640 °C and 0.5–0.6 GPa. In the aureole sample, WDS X‐ray chemical maps show distinct Ca‐enriched rims on both garnet and matrix plagioclase. Furthermore, biotite inclusions within garnet have significantly higher Mg concentration than matrix biotite. Thermobarometry using GASP and garnet–biotite Mg–Fe exchange equilibria on inclusions and adjacent garnet host interior to the high‐Ca rim zone yield ~0.5 ± 0.1 GPa and ~620 ± 50 °C. Pairs in the modified garnet rim zone yield ~0.9 ± 0.1 GPa and ~790 ± 50 °C. Thermocalc average P–T calculations yield similar results for core (~0.5 ± ~0.1 GPa, ~640 ± ~80 °C) and rim (~0.9 ± ~0.1 GPa, ~800 ± ~90 °C) equilibria. The core assemblages are interpreted to record the P–T conditions of peak metamorphism during the Taconic regional event whereas the rim compositions and matrix assemblages are interpreted to record the P–T conditions during the contact event. The high pressures deduced for this later event are interpreted to reflect loading due to the emplacement of Taconic allochthons in the northern Appalachians during the waning stages of regional metamorphism (after c. 465 Ma) and before contact metamorphism (c. 435 Ma). In the absence of contact metamorphism‐induced recrystallization, it is likely that this regional‐scale loading would remain cryptic or unrecorded.  相似文献   
Along the mid- and north Atlantic coasts of the USA, over 90 % of salt marshes have been ditched. Ditching was largely abandoned by the mid-twentieth century; however, techniques that create permanent shallow water pools for mosquito control and bird habitat are increasingly being applied to marshes of the USA and elsewhere. Salt marshes in Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts, and Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, were used to examine differences between areas that have been ditched and those altered to increase the density of shallow pools in water table dynamics, salinity, soil and porewater chemistry, as well as short-term sedimentation, accretion, and elevation change rates. We found that the area with plugged ditches, berms, and pools in Plum Island had less drainage, higher salinity and porewater sulfide and ammonium concentrations, and higher soil organic matter than the adjacent ditched area. Despite averaging 8 cm lower in elevation, the Plum Island ditched area had less sediment deposition and was composed of higher elevation plant species than the area with plugged ditches, berms, and shallow pools. Elevation increased in the ditched area at a rate of 3.2 ± 0.5 mm/year, but elevation change was variable in the area with pools. In Barnegat Bay, the marsh area with pools and ditches had less sediment deposition and surface accretion than the ditch-only area, associated, in part, with the higher elevation. An average elevation difference of 4.5 cm was associated with a sixfold difference in mineral sediment deposition. Temporal sediment deposition and surface accretion was important in the ditch-only area but was absent or muted in the area with numerous pools. Elevation increased in both marsh areas at an average rate of 1.8 ± 0.8 mm/year, less than half the long-term average local rate of sea-level rise. Our results illustrate how physical manipulations including changes to tidal hydrology and surface topography interact with elevation to influence short-term biophysical feedbacks.  相似文献   
Decay of the last Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) near its geographical centre has been conceptualized as being dominated by passive downwasting (stagnation), in part because of the lack of large recessional moraines. Yet, multiple lines of evidence, including reconstructions of glacio‐isostatic rebound from palaeoglacial lake shoreline deformation suggest a sloping ice surface and a more systematic pattern of ice‐margin retreat. Here we reconstructed ice‐marginal lake evolution across the subdued topography of the southern Fraser Plateau in order to elucidate the pattern and style of lateglacial CIS decay. Lake stage extent was reconstructed using primary and secondary palaeo‐water‐plane indicators: deltas, spillways, ice‐marginal channels, subaqueous fans and lake‐bottom sediments identified from aerial photograph and digital elevation model interpretation combined with field observations of geomorphology and sedimentology, and ground‐penetrating radar surveys. Ice‐contact indicators, such as ice‐marginal channels, and grounding‐line moraines were used to refine and constrain ice‐margin positions. The results show that ice‐dammed lakes were extensive (average 27 km2; max. 116 km2) and relatively shallow (average 18 m). Within basins successive lake stages appear to have evolved by expansion, decanting or drainage (glacial lake outburst flood, outburst flood or lake maintenance) from southeast to northwest, implicating a systematic northwestward retreating ice margin (rather than chaotic stagnation) back toward the Coast Mountains, similar in style and pattern to that proposed for the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. This pattern is confirmed by cross‐cutting drainage networks between lake basins and is in agreement with numerical models of North American ice‐sheet retreat and recent hypotheses on lateglacial CIS reorganization during decay. Reconstructed lake systems are dynamic and transitory and probably had significant effects on the dynamics of ice‐marginal retreat, the importance of which is currently being recognized in the modern context of the Greenland Ice Sheet, where >35% of meltwater streams from land‐terminating portions of the ice sheet end in ice‐contact lakes.  相似文献   
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