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An improved Ewing heat probe frame   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The standard Ewing heat probe frame has been improved through the design of a new takedown model whose parts are held together by lynch pins. When a 600 lb (272 kg) unit of this type is taken apart, the heaviest single piece of the dismantled unit weighs only 75 lb (34 kg).This makes it feasible for one person to handle, transport, and assemble the new unit. A central, main support member of a heat probe using this frame can be suspended over the side of a research vessel while the heavier temperature recorder and ballast weights are attached by means of the quickaction lynch pins. This makes it possible to use this device on relatively small vessels which are not designed for coring work, having a minimum of free deck space and without launching platforms or hydraulic A-frame booms.  相似文献   
Early Holocene sediments from a continental Antarctic lake (Ace Lake, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica) contained abundant fossil rotifers of the genus Notholca. The fossil is similar to specimens of Notholca sp. present in modern-day Ace Lake and other fresh and brackish lakes of the Vestfold Hills. Cyanobacteria and protists (chrysophyte cysts, dinoflagellate cysts, and rhizopod tests) were also recovered from the core samples. These sediments were deposited early in the freshwater phase of Ace Lake, soon after deglaciation of the area. The occurrence of this trophically diverse assemblage of organisms at an early stage in the evolution of the lake suggests either that they were part of an endemic Antarctic flora and fauna which pre-dated the last glacial maximum and survived in glacial refugia or that efficient intercontinental dispersal had occurred.  相似文献   
Spinifex-textured sills (i.e., veins) characterized by komatiitic magmas that have intruded their own volcanic-piles have long been recognized. For instance, in the early 1970s, Pyke and coworkers, in their classic work at Pyke Hill in Munro Township, noted that not all spinifex-bearing ultramafic rocks formed as lava flows, rather some were clearly emplaced as small dikes and sills. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain spinifex-textured sills: intrusion into a cold host, filter pressing, or drainage of residual liquid. However, these do not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon. Field and petrographic observations at Pyke Hill and Serpentine Mountain demonstrate that spinifex-bearing komatiite sills and dikes were emplaced during channel inflation processes when new magma was intruded into a cooler, semi-consolidated but permeable cumulate material. Komatiitic liquids were intruded into the olivine cumulate rocks near the boundary between the spinifex and the cumulate zones of well-organized to organized komatiite flows. Spinifex-textured sills are generally tabular in morphology, stacked one above another, with curviplanar contacts sub-parallel to stratigraphy. Some sills exhibit complex digitated apophyses. Thinner sills typically have a random olivine spinifex texture similar, though generally composed of coarser crystals, to that of komatiite lava flows. Thicker sills exhibit more complex organization of their constituent crystals characterized by zones of random olivine spinifex, overlying zones of organized coarse spinifex crystals similar to those found in lava flows. They have striking coarse dendritic spinifex zones composed of very large olivine crystals, up to several centimetres long and up to 1 cm wide that are not observed in lava flows. Typically, at the sill margins, the cumulate material of the host flow is composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals that are larger than those distal to the contact. Many of these margin-crystals have either concentric overgrowth shells or dendritic olivine overgrowths that grew from the cumulate-sill contact toward the sill interior. The dendrites grew on pre-existing olivine cumulate at the contact in response to a sharp temperature gradient imposed by the intrusion of hot material, whereas the concentric overgrowths formed as new melt percolated into the unconsolidated groundmass of the host-flow cumulate material. Spinifex-textured sills and dikes occur in well-organized to organized flows that are interpreted to have formed by “breakouts” above and peripheral to lava pathways (channels/conduits) as a result of inflation that accompanied voluminous komatiitic eruptions responsible for the construction and channelization of komatiitic flow fields. The spinifex-textured dikes and sills represent komatiitic lava that was originally emplaced into the channel roof during periods of episodic inflation that resulted in lava breakouts and was subsequently trapped in the “roof rocks” during periods of channel deflation. Accordingly, the occurrence of spinifex-textured sills and dikes may indicate proximity to, and aid in the identification and delineation of lava channel-ways that could potentially host Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization within komatiitic lava flow-fields.  相似文献   
The present paper examines the complex politics of gay/lesbian belonging through a case study of Daylesford, Victoria, an Australian country town. It contributes to two research bodies: gay/lesbian rural geographies and the politics of belonging. Daylesford hosts ChillOut, Australia's largest rural gay/lesbian festival, which provides a telling context for investigating gay/lesbian belonging in rural Australia. We use qualitative data from the 2006 ChillOut Festival, including interviews with local residents, newspaper commentaries, and visitors’ surveys, to explore how Daylesford has been constructed, imagined, and experienced as a ‘unique’ site of gay/lesbian belonging in rural Australia. We find that ChillOut crucially contributes to its wider reputation as a gay-friendly country town, but also, we argue, to the contested nature of gay/lesbian belonging. This was most powerfully demonstrated by the local council's refusal to fly the gay-identified rainbow flag on the Town Hall during the 2006 Festival and its subsequent banning of the display of all festival flags from that key public building. Because ChillOut was the catalyst for this protocol, the resolution was viewed as homophobic. Indeed, the homophobic and heterosexist rhetoric that ensued in the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper revealed some residents’ underlying antagonism towards ChillOut and the local gay/lesbian community. Moreover, appealing to a shared ‘Australian identity’ and associated normative ‘family values’, these letter writers deployed a multi-scalar politics of belonging, where a sense of gay/lesbian belonging to Daylesford at the local scale was contested by the assertion of a ‘more meaningful’ national scale of allegiance fashioned by heteronormativity.  相似文献   
Apatite fission track thermochronology (AFTT) and paleomagnetic (PM) results have been used to constrain the Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic landscape evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) around the Northparkes copper-gold deposit in east-central New South Wales. The present-day landscape of this region of the LFB is relatively flat with little expression of the underlying rock and has previously been interpreted to indicate long-term stability of the region since the end of LFB orogenesis in the Early Carboniferous. This was presumably borne out by PM analyses from thick weathered horizons within open pits at the mine, which suggested that significant periods of weathering, and hence relative landscape stability, prevailed during the Early to middle Carboniferous and at some time during the Cenozoic. Results from AFTT analyses, however, indicate that the region must have experienced significant episodes of cooling/denudation during the mid-Permian to mid-Triassic and during the early Cenozoic, as well as episodes of heating/burial during the Late Carboniferous to mid-Permian and during the late Mesozoic. When combined, the AFTT and PM results are in fact consistent and indicate that since the late Paleozoic the landscape of the LFB around the Northparkes deposit has evolved through multiple episodes of denudation and deposition as well as periods of relative stability during which the thick weathering horizons formed. Together these results establish a complementary chronological framework that constrains the Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic landscape evolution of the Northparkes region and highlights the importance of using dual data sets in elucidating the long-term landscape evolution of similar "stable" terranes.  相似文献   
Tony WALTHAM 《中国岩溶》2009,28(4):355-369
“峰丛”和“峰林”是在中文文献中使用的两种主要的喀斯特地貌术语。而在其他国家,这两种地貌通常被定义为“锥状喀斯特”和“塔状喀斯特”,但峰丛、峰林与锥状喀斯特、塔状喀斯特并不完全相同。中国喀斯特分布广泛,本文把西方和中国的喀斯特专业术语连接起来,能让西方地貌学家更好地了解中国的喀斯特。本文是朱学稳教授近期发表于《中国岩溶》第28卷第2期上的 “我国峰林喀斯特的苦干问题讨论”论文的英文附加篇。 峰丛喀斯特地貌遍及贵州省及其临近省份大部分地区,其锥体石山较爪哇、牙买加和菲律宾群岛的更高更陡。尽管后者为西方所熟知,但贵州的峰丛可以说是峰丛和锥状喀斯特的典型代表。不过广西的峰林仅在中国以外东南亚的小部分地区可以看见。许多被西方认为是塔状喀斯特的地貌并非真正的峰林。问题产生的原因在于西方学者通过山体形状来区分锥状喀斯特和塔状喀斯特,而中国的学者是根据石峰之间是否存在喀斯特平原来区分峰林和峰丛。 峰丛喀斯特是一种发育成熟的石灰岩地貌,具有深厚的包气带、完整的地下排泄系统,以及发育时间长并免遭更新代冰川破坏的山体形貌。峰林喀斯特是一种极端地貌,仅在横向夷平持续时间比较长的特定环境中形成。峰林形成条件是:(1)石灰岩质纯;(2) 石灰岩层厚;(3)喀斯特平原上有冲积层发育;(4)地下水位变化幅度不大;(5)冲积平原有外源沉积物的流入补充;(6)缓慢构造抬升与喀斯特平原表面剥蚀相适应;(7)具有使石灰岩快速溶蚀的炎热湿润气候;(8)周围喀斯特平原下降时,地面蚀低和石灰岩山体边坡后退平衡。如果构造条件合适的话,峰丛可以演化为峰林。但如果有其他因素起作用,峰林和峰丛似乎可以并行发育。二者的起源仍然备受争论,并且峰林的起源恐怕是多种的。建议国际学术文献中应更加广泛地应用“峰丛”和“峰林”术语,“锥状喀斯特”和“塔状喀斯特”则主要用于对形态方面的描述。  相似文献   
The c. 2.97–2.71 Ga Witwatersrand Basin located in the Kaapvaal craton of South Africa represents a remnant of a large Late Archaean sedimentary basin that hosts the world's premier gold deposit within a series of conglomerate horizons. Evidence of postdepositional gold mobility within these conglomerates associated with hydrothermal–metamorphic activity has led to speculation about the Late Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic geothermal gradients in the basin. We use surface heat flow and heat production data from rocks in the basin and its environs in order to calculate detailed temperature profiles for the central Kaapvaal craton that show that the steady state crustal geotherm during the Late Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic was relatively cool at 15–20 K km?1. The geotherm in the upper crustal strata is also largely unaffected by substantial increases in the heat flow into the base of the crust. Consequently, regional greenschist facies metamorphism of the basin sediments could only have been achieved during a transient thermal event that advected heat into the upper crust. The most likely candidate for this is the Bushveld magmatic event at 2.06 Ga.  相似文献   
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