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数值预报产品在2002年汛期暴雨预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
周雨华  毛亮  何正阳  姚蓉  居晶琳 《气象》2003,29(11):41-44
为了解数值预报产品在暴雨预报中的作用,总结了欧洲中心、华盛顿、日本及中央气象台天气在线网站德国数值预报模式的高空、地面形势预报产品和降水预报产品在湖南省2002年几次典型暴雨预报中的应用情况。结果表明:数值预报产品在2002年湖南省中短期暴雨预报中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
旋转风螺旋度及其在暴雨演变过程中的作用   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:48  
利用中尺度有限区域模式MM4对1991年7月5-6日的江淮梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,在模拟结果可靠的基础上,用模式输出的细多格动力协调资料,根据螺旋度理论分析了这次过程中的暴雨演变以及对流层低层的中尺度低涡及地面气旋发生发展的原因。结果表明,正在旋转风螺旋度大值中心及其演变较好地应和反映了暴雨中心及造成暴雨的中尺度涡旋的发生益及演变,较大的螺旋度值是暴雨及低层中尺度低涡和地面气旋系统发生发展的  相似文献   
通过对无线通信塔雷电灾害的分析,采取有利措施,减少无线通信塔引发雷电灾害对周围环境造成危害。  相似文献   
Mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts were retrieved from three of the 88–86 Ma Buffalo Hills kimberlites (K6, K11, K14) for a reconnaissance study of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane (Alberta, Canada). The xenoliths include spinel lherzolites, one garnet spinel lherzolite, garnet harzburgites, one sheared garnet lherzolite and pyroxenites. Pyroxenitic and wehrlitic garnet xenocrysts are derived primarily from the shallow mantle and lherzolitic garnet xenocrysts from the deep mantle. Harzburgite with Ca-saturated garnets is concentrated in a layer between 135–165 km depth. Garnet xenocrysts define a model conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a heat flow of 38–39 mW/m2. The sheared garnet lherzolite lies on an inflection of this geotherm and may constrain the depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath this region to ca 180 km depth.

A loss of >20% partial melt is recorded by spinel lherzolites and up to 60% by the garnet harzburgites, which may be related to lithosphere formation. The mantle was subsequently modified during at least two metasomatic events. An older metasomatic event is evident in incompatible-element enrichments in homogeneous equilibrated garnet and clinopyroxene. Silicate melt metasomatism predominated in the deep lithosphere and led to enrichments in the HFSE with minor enrichments in LREE. Metasomatism by small-volume volatile-rich melts, such as carbonatite, appears to have been more important in the shallow lithosphere and led to enrichments in LREE with minor enrichments in HFSE. An intermediate metasomatic style, possibly a signature of volatile-rich silicate melts, is also recognised. These metasomatic styles may be related through modification of a single melt during progressive interaction with the mantle. This metasomatism is suggested to have occurred during Paleoproterozoic rifting of the Buffalo Head Terrane from the neighbouring Rae Province and may be responsible for the evolution of some samples toward unradiogenic Nd and Hf isotopic compositions.

Disturbed Re–Os isotope systematics, evident in implausible model ages, were obtained in situ for sulfides in several spinel lherzolites and suggest that many sulfides are secondary (metasomatic) or mixtures of primary and secondary sulfides. Sulfide in one peridotite has unradiogenic 187Os/188Os and gives a model age of 1.89±0.38 Ga. This age coincides with the inferred emplacement of mafic sheets in the crust and suggests that the melts parental to the intrusions interacted with the lithospheric mantle.

A younger metasomatic event is indicated by the occurrence of sulfide-rich melt patches, unequilibrated mineral compositions and overgrowths on spinel that are Ti-, Cr- and Fe-rich but Zn-poor. Subsequent cooling is recorded by fine exsolution lamellae in the pyroxenes and by arrested mineral reactions.

If the lithosphere beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane was formed in the Archaean, any unambiguous signatures of this ancient origin may have been obliterated during these multiple events.  相似文献   

北极地区地质构造及主要构造事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北极地区范围很广,北极圈面积达2 100×104 km2,区域地质复杂。通过对北极地区区域地质编图,笔者认为前寒武纪主要由波罗的、劳伦和西伯利亚三大克拉通,以及其间的微板块或地块组成。主要造山带包括新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔造山带、晚志留世-早石炭世的加里东造山带、晚古生代-早中生代的海西造山带、晚中生代的上扬斯克造山带、新西伯利亚造山带与楚科奇-布鲁克斯造山带。根据北极地区区域地质构造特征,显生宙以来经历的构造事件大致包括:新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔运动,致使波罗的古陆与斯瓦尔巴-喀拉地块碰撞造山;晚泥盆世-早石炭世的加里东运动,在劳伦古陆周边形成规模巨大的加里东造山带;晚古生代的海西运动,波罗的古陆与西伯利亚古陆的碰撞造山形成海西造山带;北极阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块裂离加拿大边缘,侏罗纪加拿大海盆开始张开;早白垩世,阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块继续与西伯利亚碰撞,阿纽伊洋(Anyui Ocean)消亡,形成上扬斯克-布鲁克斯造山带。受北极调查程度影响,许多问题有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔地区岩石圈热结构   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
岩石圈热结构是指地球内部热量在壳幔的配分比例、温度以及热导率和生热率等热学参数在岩石圈中的分布特征。岩石圈的热结构直接影响着岩石的物理性质和流变学性质,同时还控制了化学反应的类型和速度,从而制约着岩石圈的发展和演化。本文在前人CCSD主孔岩石主、微量元素研究基础上,利用Rybach生热率公式计算了钻孔岩石的放射性生热率,并结合岩石热导率的测定研究了CCSD主孔100-2000m岩石的热结构和主孔榴辉岩在不同退变质程度下生热率、热导率的变化:钻孔中岩石的平均生热率为0.95μWm-3,平均热导率为2.96mWm-1K-1。,其中片麻岩生热率高迭1.01-1.7μWm-3,热导率为2.76-2.96mWm-1K-1;基性超基性岩石生热率最低(<0.21μWm-3),热导率则高达3.20mWm-1K-1以上;新鲜榴辉岩生热率、热导率居中,分剐为0.16-0.44μWm-3和3.31-3.85mWm-1K-1。钻孔中榴辉岩生热率、热导率变化主要受岩性控制:从新鲜榴辉岩到完全退变榴辉岩,热导率总体上降低,但从强退变榴辉岩到完全退变榴辉岩,岩石热导率升高;而在此过程中岩石生热率总体上升高,仅当从中等退变质榴辉岩退变为强退变质榴辉岩时,岩石生热率出现降低趋势。在综合研究的基础上预测CCSD主孔5000m深度处温度为139℃,温度范围为131-151℃。根据区域深部地球物理探测成果对CCSD主孔地区岩石圈热结构进行了研究:上地壳底部温度为256℃,中地壳底部温度为492℃,Moho面温度为683℃,岩石圈底部温度为1185℃,来自地幔的热流为44.1mWm-2,对地表热流的贡献率为58%。研究结果表明,由岩石物理方法获得的CCSD主孔地区岩石圈地温曲线与石榴石-二辉橄榄岩包体推断的中国东部地温曲线十分吻合,本文从实验岩石物理学角度为CCSD主孔地区岩石圈热结构研究提供了重要约束  相似文献   
青藏高原多年冻土区高寒草甸土壤水分入渗变化研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在多年冻土区典型坡面上,将坡面划分为坡下(L)、坡中(M)和坡顶(H)三个坡位,每个坡位上各选取92%、60%和30%植被盖度为研究对象,用双环入渗仪测定土壤水分入渗过程,对影响土壤入渗过程的环境因子进行了分析,并基于土壤物理特性及土壤水分的测定进行模型模拟。结果表明:研究区不同植被盖度下土壤水分入渗性能在活动层冻融过程中差异明显,初始含水量和初始入渗率具有较好的负相关关系;稳定入渗率大小为:活动层融化期,92%(0.61 mm·min-1) > 60%(0.50 mm·min-1) > 30%(0.29 mm·min-1);活动层开始冻结期,60%(0.56 mm·min-1) > 30%(0.39 mm·min-1) > 92%(0.26 mm·min-1)。土壤水分入渗速率具有显著的坡位差异并与冻土的冻融循环过程关系紧密。主要表现为,稳定入渗速率随坡位高度的降低依次递减;同一坡位下,开始冻结期入渗速率小于融化期。在整个入渗阶段,坡顶的累积入渗量是最大的,体现了较好的入渗性能。影响高寒草甸土壤水分入渗的环境因子主要有容重,有机质含量及粒径<0.1 mm微粒。通过比较研究得出,在长江源地区,活动层融化期通用经验模型ft)=a+bt-n更适用于该研究区域高寒草甸土壤水分入渗过程的研究,而在开始冻结期Horton模型ft)=ic+(i0-ice-kt则具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   
为了研究航空物探(重、磁)及遥感在断裂构造研究中的关系,利用新疆哈密沙泉子地区开展的航空物探(重、磁)遥感调查数据,开展了该区断裂构造划分,共划分断裂构造18条。对划分的18条断裂进行了重磁遥特征及相关性分析,结果显示,区内所划分的一、二级断裂均为重磁遥相关,重磁遥相关的三级断裂也是与主体构造格架方向一致的断裂;重磁、磁遥相关断裂均为三级断裂,不相关断裂也是三级断裂。总体上,利用重磁遥资料进行大断裂或主体格架断裂划分时关联性更好。  相似文献   
We have used synchrotron-based soft X-ray core-level photoemission and adsorption spectroscopies to study the reaction of aqueous sodium chromate solutions with freshly fractured pyrite surfaces. Pyrite surfaces were reacted with 50 μM sodium chromate solution at pH 7 for reaction times between 1 min and 37 hr. Additional experiments were performed at pH 2 and pH 4 with 50 μM sodium chromate solutions and at pH 7 with 5 mM solutions. At chromate concentrations of 50 μM, all chromium present on the pyrite surface was in the form of Cr(III), while at 5 mM, both Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were present at the pyrite surface. Minor quantities of oxidized sulfur species (sulfate, sulfite, and zero-valent sulfur) were identified as reaction products on the pyrite surface. The amount of oxidized sulfur species observed on the surface was greater when pyrite was reacted with 5 mM Cr(VI) solutions because the rate of chromium deposition exceeded the rate of dissolution of pyrite oxidation products, effectively trapping Cr(VI) and oxidized sulfur species in an overlayer of iron(III)-containing Cr(III)-hydroxide. This work shows that pyrite, an extremely cheap and readily available waste material, may be suitable for the removal of hexavalent chromium from acidic to circumneutral waste streams. The reduced chromium ultimately forms a coating on the pyrite surface, which passivates the pyrite surface towards further oxidation.  相似文献   
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