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Spectral properties of volcanic materials in the optical region (350–2500 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum are analyzed. The goal is to characterize air-fall deposits, recent lava flows, and old lava flows based on their spectral reflectance properties and on the textural characteristics (grain size) of pyroclastic deposits at an active basaltic volcano. Data were acquired during a spectroradiometric field survey at Mt. Etna (Italy) in summer 2003 and combined with hyperspectral satellite (Hyperion) and airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. In addition, air-fall deposits produced by the highly explosive 2002–2003 eruption have been sampled and spectrally characterized at different distances from the new vents. The spectral analysis shows that air-fall deposits are characterized by low reflectance values besides variations in grain size. This distinguishes them from other surface materials. Old lava flows show highest reflectance values due to weathering and vegetation cover. The spectral data set derived from the field survey has been compared to corrected satellite hyperspectral data in order to investigate the Hyperion capabilities to differentiate the surface cover using the reflectance properties. This has allowed us to identify the 2002–2003 air-fall deposits in a thematic image just few months after their emplacement. Moreover, the observed differences in the field spectra of volcanic surfaces have been compared with differences in the signal intensity detected by airborne LiDAR survey showing the possibility to include information on the texture of volcanic surfaces at Mt. Etna. The approach presented here may be particularly useful for remote and inaccessible volcanic areas and also represents a potentially powerful tool for the exploration of extraterrestrial volcanic surfaces.  相似文献   
Previous population estimates of the 0+ plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the Firth of Forth, east central Scotland, did not take account of the Forth estuary west of the Forth bridges. Previous work found plaice in the estuary grew as fast as, or faster than, the outer firth plaice. It was hypothesised that salinity may affect growth rates of early 0+ plaice. This hypothesis was tested in a laboratory experiment, by exposing juvenile plaice to three different, but naturally — experienced by the juveniles, salinities; 25, 30 and 35. Plaice fed a minimum ration did not grow in length. Mean weight decreased at all three salinities, however, the lowest weight loss was found at the lowest salinity (25) and the highest weight loss was found at the highest salinity (35). The minimum feeding ration was halted and plaice were then fed ad libitum. Consumption rates were not significantly different during the ad libitum feeding, while significant differences in mean weight change were found between the highest and lowest salinities.  相似文献   
We describe a measurement of the angular power spectrum of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at scales of 0&fdg;3 to 5 degrees from the North American test flight of the Boomerang experiment. Boomerang is a balloon-borne telescope with a bolometric receiver designed to map CMB anisotropies on a long-duration balloon flight. During a 6 hr test flight of a prototype system in 1997, we mapped more than 200 deg(2) at high Galactic latitudes in two bands centered at 90 and 150 GHz with a resolution of 26&arcmin; and 16&farcm;5 FWHM, respectively. Analysis of the maps gives a power spectrum with a peak at angular scales of 1 degrees with an amplitude 70 μK(CMB).  相似文献   
The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Q3 middle terrace alluvial sequence in the lower Tagus river valley, Portugal, were studied near the village of Alpiarça, approximately 40 km upstream from the estuarine area. Two main stratigraphic units were recognized, separated by an important uncomformity. The Lower Gravels unit (LG) consists of intercalations of medium to coarse gravel deposits, mainly quartzitic, with coarse sandy matrix, organized in tabular bodies. The overlying Upper Sands unit (US) consists of tabular sandy channel deposits and overbank fines, the latter containing well-developed paleosols and backswamp deposits, showing a general aggrading trend, apparently with varying rates; available data indicate that deposition of the US took place under temperate climatic conditions. Within US deposits are several paleolithic archaeological sites, the lower ones in the alluvial stratigraphy being Middle Acheulian, whereas those embedded in overlying deposits are, from bottom to top, Upper Acheulian and Micoquian. Some of these sites have been recently excavated. The quartzite artifacts were apparently abandoned by early humans on the flood plain surface during deposition of the US unit and were subjected to limited reworking during their incorporation in the alluvium. TL/OSL dating of sandy-silty sediments, though imprecise, support archaeological evidence pointing to an age of 150,000 to 70,000 yr B.P. for the US unit.  相似文献   
Continuum-subtracted dereddened images in the light of several atomic lines show the presence of an extended bipolar nebula surrounding η Carinae with size ∼100×45 arcsec2 (1.3×0.5 pc2). This feature is best delineated in [O  iii ] 5007. The geometrical disposition and mass of the shell suggest that it was formed by mass ejections from η Carinae. The dynamic age of the nebula is ∼13 000/ V 7 yr, where V 7 is the mean expansion velocity in 100 km s−1, and its mass is between 5 and 10 M. The nebula is photoionized and composed of unprocessed material. The major axes of the nebula and of the Homunculus are nearly perpendicular. We also report the discovery of elongated emission knots prominent in [N  ii ] located 64 to 100 arcsec away from η Carinae, which implies that they were ejected either centuries ago or at a more recent date but with extremely large velocities.  相似文献   
A crucial point in the analysis of tectonic earthquakes occurring in a volcanic area is the inference of the orientation of the structures along which the ruptures occur. These structures represent zones of weakness which could favor the migration of melt toward the surface and the assessment of their geometry is a fundamental step toward efficient evaluation of volcanic risk. We analyzed a high-quality dataset of 171 low-magnitude, tectonic earthquakes that occurred at Mt. Etna during the 2002–2003 eruption. We applied a recently developed technique aimed at inferring the source parameters (source size, dip and strike fault) and the intrinsic quality factor Qp of P waves from the inversion of rise times. The technique is based on numerically calibrated relationships among the rise time of first P waves and the source parameters for a circular crack rupturing at a constant velocity. For the most of the events the directivity source effect did not allow us to constrain the fault plane orientation. For a subset of 45 events with well constrained focal mechanisms we were able to constrain the “true” fault plane orientation. The level of resolution of the fault planes was assessed through a non linear analysis based on the random deviates technique. The significance of the retrieved fault plane solutions and the fit of the assumed source model to data were assessed through a χ-square test. Most of the retrieved fault plane solutions agree with the geometrical trend of known surface faults. The inferred source parameters and Qp are in agreement with the results of previous studies.  相似文献   
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