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OBS's were deployed for 26 to 29 days in the eastern Bismarck Sea to investigate the back-arc spreading. Hypocenters of 186 shallow earthquakes were determined using P- and S-waves from at least five stations. In the western survey area, a transform fault zone is marked by a linear micro-earthquake activity striking N65°W and less than 5 km wide. The predominant type of their focal mechanisms is strike-slip. In the eastern area, several intermittent zones of micro-earthquakes and their strike-slip type focal mechanisms suggest the location of short-length transform faults separating en-echelon spreading ridges.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionIt is well known that varying dietary fatty acidprofile affects the tissue fatty acid composition and e-ven the growth performance in fish ( Bell et al.,2002; Figueiredo -Silva et al., 2005; Harel andPlace, 2003; Schulz et al., 2005; Tocher et al.,2003). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an importantessential fatty acid for marine species, has the effectnot only on the fatty acid profile of fish body tissue,but also on biological and physiological conditions(Ishizaki et al., 2000; …  相似文献   
To estimate the influence of mercury emitted from submarine fumaroles, the horizontal and vertical distribution of mercury in sediment of Kagoshima Bay was studied. The fumaroles are located in the northern bay head area, and the sediment samples had been taken from 52 points throughout the bay with a gravity core sampler. The core samples obtained were cut at a thickness of 1–2 cm and used for measurements. The total concentration of mercury in surface sediment in the northern and central areas of the bay was 51–679 μg kg− 1 (average 199 μg kg− 1, n = 22) and 23–100 μg kg− 1 (average 55 μg kg− 1, n = 30), respectively. The highest value was obtained in the vicinity of the fumaroles. The mercury concentration in sediment near the fumaroles varied with depth, which may reflect the variation in fumarolic activity. A successive extraction method was applied to the speciation of mercury in the sediment. The results showed that sediment taken in the vicinity of submarine fumaroles contained a higher percentage of mercury bound with organic matter.  相似文献   
The fluxes of planktonic foraminifera (calcareous shell producing zooplankton) were examined in order to clarify temporal and regional variations in production in the upper ocean in relation to hydrographic conditions. Three time-series sediment traps were deployed in the central North Pacific along 175°E for about one year, beginning in June 1993. Trap sites were located in the subarctic, the transition, and the subtropical water masses, from north to south. The southernmost site was under the influence of the transition zone in January to May. Both temporal and regional fluxes of planktonic foraminifera showed large variations during the experiment. In the subarctic water mass, high total foraminiferal fluxes (TFFs) and high organic matter fluxes (OMFs) were observed during summer to fall, suggesting that food availability is the most important factor for the production of planktonic foraminifera. Furthermore, low TFFs during winter were ascribed to low food availability and low temperatures. The OMFs and TFFs correlated well and increased rapidly after the disruption of the seasonal thermocline during winter, peaking in late February to early March in the transition zone. In the subtropical water mass, both OMFs and TFFs remained low due to lower productivity under oligotrophic conditions. In general, TFFs show a positive correlation with OMFs during the trap experiment, suggesting that food availability is one of the factors controlling the production of planktonic foraminifera in the central North Pacific. Relatively low TFFs during summer to fall in the subtropical water mass may be caused by the thermal structure of the upper ocean. Low SST possibly reduces the production of foraminifera during winter in the subarctic region.  相似文献   
We installed a real-time operating regional observation network of Ocean-Bottom-Seismometers, connected to an electro-optical fiber communication cable, at the Sagami trough subduction zone, just south of the Tokyo metropolitan area, central Japan. The network, called ETMC, has six seismic observation sites at approximately 20 km spacing. In addition, there are three tsunami observation sites along the ETMC network to monitor the propagation process of tsunamis around the Sagami trough region.The on-line data from the ETMC has been improving the detection capability of smaller-magnitude earthquakes even at areas close to the margin of the trough. The ETMC data analyzing system, which has a function of real-time digital filtering for each seismic channel, can read the arrival times of P- and S-waves precisely, constraining well the automatic on-line hypocenter locations. The network has been providing useful information regarding the bending and downgoing process of the Philippine sea plate at the Sagami trough subduction zone.The pressure sensors of the installed network have a detection capability of tsunami wave trains with an amplitude of less than 1 cm. For example, the sensors recorded the full time history of tsunami wave trains, with mm order resolution, originating from a tsunami earthquake with 5.7 MW and the tsunami magnitude of 7.5 occurred near Tori Shima (Tori Is.) of the Izu-Bonin Is. arc on September 4, 1996. The maximum amplitude of the tsunami signals on the trough-floor was approximately 1 cm (P-P), in contrast with approximately 20 cm (0-P) at a coastal site on Izu-Oshima, near the trough. Also, the pressure sensors observed tsunamis due to a large tsunami earthquake (7.1 MW) at the northern New Guinea, on July 17, 1998.  相似文献   
The Mazhan Basin, Shandong Province, China, is located between the main faults, F3 and F4, of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone. It is an elongated basin more than 60 km in length and 8 km in width and contains a series of typical continental sediments (the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group). This series was divided into three sedimentary facies associations: conglomerate facies association; sandstone facies association of alluvial fan to lake margin environment; and siltstone facies association of lacustrine origins. Their zonal distribution pattern may represent a contemporaneous heterotopic facies due to a lateral facies change from margins to axis of the basin. Their stratigraphic sequence becomes younger northward along the boundary faults. This suggests that the depocenter of the fan–lake system tends to migrate northward along F3. From the asymmetric features (i.e. basin shape, lithofacies distribution, facies change) the Mazhan Basin can be explained by progressive subsidence at the Tangwu releasing bend of F3 with sinistral strike–slip movement. Judging from the fission track (FT) ages from the Wangshi Group, it was concluded that a sinistral strike–slip movement along the main fault, F3 of the Tan-Lu Fault in Shandong, has lasted until the Late Cretaceous. Its displacement is estimated to be larger than the migrated distance, 60 km, of the depocenter of the Mazhan Basin.  相似文献   
During the Meiyu period in June and July of 1998, intensified field observations have been carried out for the project “Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (HUBEX)”. For studying Meiyu front and its precipitation in Huaihe River basin, the present paper has performed analysis on the middle and lower level wind fields in the troposphere by using the radar data obtained from the two Doppler radars located at Fengtai district and Shouxian County. From June 29 to July 3 in 1998, the continuous heavy precipitation occurred in Huaihe River basin around Meiyu front. The precipitation process on July 2 occurred within the observation range of the two Doppler radar in Fengtai district and Shouxian County. The maximum rainfall of the Meiyu front was over 100 mm in 24 h, so it can be regarded as a typical mesoscale heavy precipitation process related to Meiyu front. Based on the wind field retrieved from the dual Doppler radar, we find that there are meso-γ scale vertical circulations in the vertical cross-section perpendicular to Meiyu front, the strong upward motion of which corresponds to the position of the heavy rainfall area. Furthermore, other results obtained by this study are identical with the results by analyzing the conventional synoptic data years ago. For example: in the vicinity of 3 km level height ahead of Meiyu front there exists a southwest low-level jet; the rainstorm caused by Meiyu front mainly occurs at the left side of the southwest low-level jet; and the Meiyu front causes the intensification of the low-level convergence in front of it. This research was supported by Project HUBEX (Project Number: 49794030) which is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).  相似文献   
Concentrations of 4-nonylphenol (NP) were determined by isomer-specific quantification of individual NP isomers based on relative response factor (RRF) quantification with GC–MS in combination with steam distillation extraction. Concentrations of NP in the Ariake Sea decreased with distance from the river mouth (St.A; 49 ng NP/l) to offshore areas (St.C; 11 ng NP/l). Even the least concentration in water from St.C in Ariake Sea was sufficient to have adverse effects on barnacles. The isomers, NP1–NP14 were separated by GC–PFC and identified structurally with NMR. The isomers varied in estrogenic activity with NP7 exhibiting the greatest estrogenic activity with a potency that was approximately 1.9 × 10−3 that of 17β-estradiol (E2) in recombinant yeast screen system. The coefficient of variation (CV) of NP isomer’s concentrations among three samples at St.A, B and C were 4–75%. This suggests that NP isomers might be independently degraded in aquatic environmental samples. The predicted estrogenic activity of measured concentrations of NP in Ariake Sea was 2.7–3.0-fold greater than the measured estrogen agonist activity.  相似文献   
The cataclysmic 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens radically reduced the infiltration characteristics of ∼60 000 ha of rugged terrain and dramatically altered landscape hydrology. Two decades of erosional, biogenic, cryogenic, and anthropogenic activity have modified the infiltration characteristics of much of that devastated landscape and modulated the hydrological impact of the eruption. We assessed infiltration and runoff characteristics of a segment of hillslope thickly mantled with tephra, but now revegetated primarily with grasses and other plants, to evaluate hydrological modifications due to erosion and natural turbation. Eruptive disturbance reduced infiltration capacity of the hillslope by as much as 50‐fold. Between 1980 and 2000, apparent infiltration capacities of plots on the hillslope increased as much as ten fold, but remain approximately three to five times less than the probable pre‐eruption capacities. Common regional rainfall intensities and snowmelt rates presently produce little surface runoff; however, high‐magnitude, low‐frequency storms and unusually rapid snowmelt can still induce broad infiltration‐excess overland flow. After 20 years, erosion and natural mechanical turbation have modulated, but not effaced, the hydrological perturbation caused by the cataclysmic eruption. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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