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在山东半岛东南端的乳山海阳所,角闪岩和长英质片麻岩呈互层产出.在某些角闪岩层的中心残留有弱变形的麻粒岩和强变形的过渡榴辉岩(斜长石榴辉岩)团块.在弱变形的麻粒岩团块中发育有窄的(<1cm)剪切条带.沿着这些剪切条带和在强变形过渡榴辉岩团块中,原麻粒岩被转化为含斜长石的过渡榴辉岩.变形和流体在这一转化过程中加速了元素扩散和迁移的速度,在变形强和有流体加入的部位麻粒岩向榴辉岩转化的程度明显增强.麻粒岩相矿物组合(Cpx-Ⅰ+Opx+Pl-Ⅰ+ Hbl-Ⅰ + Grt-Ⅰ+ Ilm)及其花岗变晶结构被完好地保存于弱变形的麻粒岩中,其矿物成分显示出0.8~0.9 GPa和780℃~830℃的麻粒岩相变质条件.榴辉岩相叠加在麻粒岩中形成了一系列的环边状矿物和结构:环边状石榴石(Grt-Ⅱ)形成于麻粒岩相斜长石(Pl-Ⅰ)和暗色矿物(如Cpx-Ⅰ、Opx和Hbl-Ⅰ)的交界处,细粒石榴石(Grt-Ⅱ)、富钠单斜辉石(Cpx-Ⅱ)和石英形成于麻粒岩相角闪石(Hbl-Ⅰ)的外缘.同时榴辉岩相叠加造成麻粒岩相单斜辉石边缘钙契尔马克组份的降低和硬玉组份的升高.但在弱变形的麻粒岩中,麻粒岩相单斜辉石(Cpx-Ⅰ)的外缘并无榴辉岩相单斜辉石形成.沿着弱变形麻粒岩中的剪切条带和在过渡榴辉岩中,榴辉岩相矿物[Grt-Ⅱ+ Omp/Di(Cpx-Ⅱ)+ Ab(Pl-Ⅱ)+ Qtz + Hbl-Ⅱ+ Ky + Zo + Rut]广泛发育,它们的定向排列形成了明显的面理.其形成的温压条件为1.0~1.4 GPa和560℃~680℃,为过渡榴辉岩相变质.虽然其中仍然残留有被拉长的麻粒岩相单斜辉石,但它们含有很高的硬玉组份,且其外缘环绕有细粒的钠质透辉石或绿辉石(Cpx-Ⅱ).海阳所榴辉岩相变质的温压条件远远低于位于海阳所东南和东北的苏鲁超高压变质带中柯石英榴辉岩变质的温压条件.因此海阳所地区代表一条不同于超高压变质带的冷榴辉岩带,它可能与大别山南部的冷榴辉岩带相当.苏鲁超高压变质带的南部边界位于海阳所以北.  相似文献   
The measurements of the vertical transport of CO2 were carried out over the Sea of Japan using the specially designed pier of Kyoto University on September 20 to 22, 2000. CO2 fluxes were measured by the eddy correlation and aerodynamic techniques. Both techniques showed comparable CO2 fluxes during sea breeze conditions: −0.001 to −0.08 mg m−2s−1 with the mean of −0.05 mg m−2s−1. This means that the measuring site satisfies the fetch requirement for meteorological observations under sea breeze conditions. Moreover, the eddy diffusivity coefficient used in the aerodynamic technique is found to be consistent with the coefficient used in the eddy correlation technique. The present result leads us to conclude that the aerodynamic technique may be applicable to underway CO2 flux measurements over the ocean and may be used in place of the bulk technique. The important point is the need to maintain a measuring accuracy of CO2 concentration difference of the order of 0.1 ppmv on the research vessels or the buoys.  相似文献   
Abstract Drilling was carried out to penetrate the Nojima Fault where the surface rupture occurred associated with the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. Two 500 m boreholes were successfully drilled through the fault zone at a depth of 389.4 m. The drilling data show that the relative uplift of the south-east side of the Nojima Fault (south-west segment) was approximately 230 m. The Nojima branch fault, which branches from the Nojima Fault, is inferred to extend to the Asano Fault. From the structural contour map of basal unconformity of the Kobe Group, the vertical component of displacement of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault is estimated to be 260–310 m. Because the vertical component of displacement on the Nojima Fault of the north-east segment is a total of those of the Nojima Fault of the south-west segment and of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault, it is estimated to total to 490–540 m. From this, the average vertical component of the slip rate on the Nojima Fault is estimated to be 0.4–0.45 m/103 years for the past 1.2 million years.  相似文献   
We constructed a prototype of the basin and crustal structure model for the Kinki area, southwest of Japan, for the simulation of strong ground motions of hypothetical crustal and subduction earthquakes. We collected results of the deep seismic velocity profiles obtained by the reflection experiments and seismic imaging results, which were conducted in the Kinki area. The obtained profiles give underground velocity structures of the crust, from the surface to the subducting slab. We also gather the basin velocity structure information of the Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Ohmi basins. To examine the applicability of the constructed velocity structure model to the ground motion simulation, we simulated waveforms of an intermediate size event occurred near the source area of the hypothetical subduction earthquakes. Simulated ground motions using the basin and crustal velocity structure model are fairly well reproducing the observations at most of stations, and the constructed basin and crustal velocity structure model is applicable for the long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   
滇西兰坪盆地五茂林剖面下白垩统景星组沉积相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实测了云南西部兰坪盆地东部下白垩统下部景星组的五茂林剖面,建立了曲流河、三角洲和湖泊3种沉积序列,其中三角洲序列在云南下白垩统中属首次建立。分析了粗碎屑岩的组成,将该剖面上出露的砾岩分成4类。早白垩世时兰坪盆地属丹那沙林-高黎贡弧的弧后盆地,景星组自下而上为曲流河沉积、三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积,且随湖侵发生,湖泊向西扩大。  相似文献   
Spinifex-like textured metaperidotites from the Higo Metamorphic Rocks (HMR), west-central Kyushu, Japan, may be formed by high-pressure dehydration of antigorite, and may indicate deep subduction of serpentinite reaching a pressure–temperature condition of 1.6 GPa and 740–750 °C. Three rock types have been identified based on mineral assemblage and rock texture: Type I (L) consisting of medium-grained (1–5 cm long) olivine + enstatite + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc and anthophyllite that occurs in low-grade metamorphic rocks of the biotite zone, Type I (H) of coarse-grained (up to 10 cm long) olivine + enstatite (with clinoenstatite lamella) + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc that occurs in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the garnet-cordierite zone, and Type II composed of Al-spinel + chlorite + olivine + apatite + ilmenite with minor sodic gedrite in the garnet-cordierite zone together with Type I (H). Olivines in all rock types are mostly serpentinized during exhumation. The chromite-olivine thermometer gives 560–690 °C for Type I (L) rocks, and the spinel-olivine thermometer gives 610–740 °C for Type II rocks. The peak metamorphic pressure will be higher than 1.6 GPa based on the location of the experimentally determined invariant point (P = 1.6 GPa and T = 670 °C) of antigorite + forsterite + enstatite + talc + H2O. This estimate is consistent with the occurrence of chlorite in Type II rocks, which is stable up to 890 °C at 2.0 GPa. The spinifex-like textured metaperidotites occur as small bodies in the low P/T type gneisses, implying tectonic juxtaposition of them probably during exhumation of the HMR. Recent findings of medium pressure (0.9–1.2 GPa) granulites and gneisses from the HMR may indicate that the HMR has a deep root into the wedge mantle from which the spinifex-like textured metaperidotites have derived.  相似文献   
We investigated the molecular composition (methane, ethane, and propane) and stable isotope composition (methane and ethane) of hydrate-bound gas in sediments of Lake Baikal. Hydrate-bearing sediment cores were retrieved from eight gas seep sites, located in the southern and central Baikal basins. Empirical classification of the methane stable isotopes (δ13C and δD) for all the seep sites indicated the dominant microbial origin of methane via methyl-type fermentation; however, a mixture of thermogenic and microbial gases resulted in relatively high methane δ13C signatures at two sites where ethane δ13C indicated a typical thermogenic origin. At one of the sites in the southern Baikal basin, we found gas hydrates of enclathrated microbial ethane in which 13C and deuterium were both highly depleted (mean δ13C and δD of –61.6‰ V-PDB and –285.4‰ V-SMOW, respectively). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C2 δ13C–δD classification for hydrate-bound gas in either freshwater or marine environments.  相似文献   
The rotational temperature of the airglow hydroxyl emissions arising from various schemes of vibrational transitions was obtained by using spectroscopic data from six observational sources. The rotational temperature was found to depend systematically on the quantum number (ν') of the upper vibrational level from which the relevant band originates. It has a doubly degrading characteristic with respect to ν' taking maximal values at ν' = 6 and 9, which exceed considerably the atmospheric temperature. It drops off quickly as ν' decreases from 9 to 7, and then from 6 to 3 after making an abrupt rise at ν' = 6. This ν'-dependence of the rotational temperature is in favor of the hypothesis that there are two routes of excitation of the hydroxyl airglow: O3 + H = OH(ν ? 9) + O2, and HO2 + O = OH(ν ? 6) + O2. The present result implies also that the relaxation time of rotation of OH in the upper mesosphere is as long as 0.1 sec; a value an order of magnitude larger than that inferred in earlier laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
In variational problem, the selection of functional weighting factors (FWF) is one of the key points for discussing many relevant studies. To overcome arbitrariness and subjectivity of the empirical selecting methods used widely at present, this paper tries to put forward in optimal objective selecting method of FWF. The focus of the study is on the weighting factors optimal selection in the variation retrieval single-Doppler radar wind field with the simple adjoint models. Weighting factors in the meaning of minimal variance are calculated out with the matrix theory and the finite difference method of partial differential equation. Experiments show that the result is more objective comparing with the factors obtained with the empirical method.  相似文献   
Intensive hydrographic observations were carried out in the western part of the Gulf of Thailand and the east coastal sea of Peninsular Malaysia in September 1995 and April–May 1996. The characteristics of seasonal variation of oceanic condition in that area are discussed basis of an analysis of observed water temperature, salinity and density distributions in these cruises and NAGA cruises (Yanagi and Takao, 1998a). Stratification is most developed in March–May mainly due to large sea surface heating and weak sea surface wind, which weakened until September–October, vanishing in December–January. The horizontal distribution of bottom cold, saline and heavy water masses, which are found during the stratified season, is governed by the tidal mixing and the water depth. Water exchange between the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea becomes large in March–May due to a coupled effect of the intensified estuarine circulation and the Ekman transport by the southwest monsoon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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