Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) coexist in ambient air and contribute to adverse health effects in human populations. Thus, it is helpful to identify the contributions of air pollutants from different sources in order to design effective control strategies. Nevertheless, different sampling time schedules for VOCs and PM2.5 result in difficulties for conventional receptor modeling. Additionally, a receptor model is unable to link the retrieved factors directly with actual source locations. To address these gaps, this study integrated back-trajectory data into an improved source apportionment model suitable for multiple time resolution data to estimate the locations of the regional transport-related factor. Within six potential source regions (PSRs) outlined by the above method, PSR 5 was suggested the primary one located near the industrial regions in the northeastern China. Constrained model results showed that the source contribution estimates with back trajectories passing over the PSRs were 3 and 9% of the selected VOCs and PM2.5 mass, respectively. 相似文献
The multidisciplinary analysis of core sediments from Doñana National Park, south Spain, permits to delimitate both the paleoenvironmental changes and the geochemical evolution of this area during the Holocene. In a first phase (10–6.5 kyr cal), this area was occupied by freshwater/brackish marshes with periodical alternation of dry periods and humid intervals. In a second phase, these marshes were inundated during the Flandrian transgression (~6.5 kyr cal), with the deposition of bioclastic sands. The third phase (6.5–3.6 kyr cal) is characterized by the transition to an old lagoon, with unpolluted, bottom sediments. The geochemical concentrations of these clayey sediments can be used as a geochemical background for present-day and future environmental evaluations of this area. In the following 600 years approximately, two tsunamis caused the partial infilling of this area with bioclastic, marine sediments. In the interval comprised between these two tsunamis, this lagoon was polluted with heavy metals derived from historical mining activities. This environmental contamination represents one of the oldest evidences of mining pollution in the world (>3 kyr cal BP). 相似文献
The Cenozoic Krabi Basin in the southern part of peninsular Thailand contains about 112 million tons proven coal reserves. At present, coal is only produced from the Bang Mark mine located in the southern part of the basin, where the main lignite bed is 7-20 m thick. The lignite bed occurs in an overall paralic succession. The present paper investigates the depositional conditions of an approximately 8 m thick lignite bed (main seam) in the Bang Mark mine using organic petrography, including maceral ratios, and geochemistry. The results are further interpreted in a sequence stratigraphic context. The lignite is of low rank and is completely dominated by huminite indicating generally oxygen-deficient conditions in the precursor mire. Very low inertinite contents suggest rare occurrences of wildfires. The lower part of the lignite bed represents a topogenous fresh water peat mire with open water areas that in few cases may have experienced influx of saline water. The peat mire was subjected to periodic inundations and deposition of siliciclastics. Tissue preservation was relatively poor. The upper part of the lignite bed represents a slightly domed fresh water ombrogenous peat mire with a stable watertable and a balance between peat accumulation and accommodation space creation that favoured preservation of plant tissues. In general, the mire vegetation changed from less woody in the topogenous mire to more arborescent in the ombrogenous mire, where plants with suberinised wood cell walls also were more frequent. Decompacted, the lignite bed corresponds to a minimum ~ 11 m thick peat deposit that records from ~ 22,000 to 55,000 years of peat accumulation. Watertable rise in the peat mire was controlled overall by relative sea-level rise. In a sequence stratigraphic context, the lignite bed overlies a terrestrialisation surface (TeS; sensu Diessel, 2007) and the lowermost part records peat formation during a falling watertable and a decreasing accommodation/peat accumulation ratio (terrestrialisation). An accommodation reversal surface (ARS; sensu Diessel, 2007) indicates a change to paludification style of peat formation characterised by rising watertable and a high accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. Another ARS marks a gradual change to a situation with a balanced accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. The overall watertable rise throughout peat formation, but at a gradually slower rate from base to top, suggests that the lignite bed could be located in the late transgressive systems tract (TST). 相似文献
The Zhaima gold–sulfide deposit is located in the northwestern part of the West Kalba gold belt in eastern Kazakhstan. The mineralization is hosted in Lower Carboniferous volcanic and carbonate rocks formed under conditions of marginal-sea and island-arc volcanic activity. The paper considers the mineralogy and geochemistry of primary gold–sulfide ore and Au-bearing weathering crusts. Au-bearing arsenopyrite–pyrite mineralization formed during only one productive stage. Disseminated, stringer–disseminated, and massive rocks are enriched in Ti, Cr, V, Cu, and Ni, which correspond to the mafic profile of basement. The main ores minerals are represented by finely acicular arsenopyrite containing Au (up to few tens of ppm) and cubic and pentagonal dodecahedral pyrite with sporadic submicroscopic inclusions of native gold. The sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides is close to that of the meteoritic standard (δ34S =–0.2 to +0.2). The 40Ar/39Ar age of three sericite samples from ore veinlets corresponds to the Early Permian: 279 ± 3.3, 275.6 ± 2.9, and 272.2 ± 2.9 Ma. The mantle source of sulfur, ore geochemistry, and spatial compatibility of mineralization with basic dikes allow us to speak about the existence of deep fluid–magmatic systems apparently conjugate with the Tarim plume. 相似文献
As a result of structural–geological and metallogenic studies and taking into account earlier works, it is established that the Oka ore district formed mainly in the Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic under conditions of tectonomagmatic reworking of cratonic terranes and allochtonous oceanic (ophiolitic) terranes over them. The reworking was initiated by island-arc, accretionary–collisional, and plume-related igneous complexes, which arose due to opening and subsequent closure of marginal structures pertaining to the Paleoasian Ocean. Active Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanic and plutonic processes gave rise to the redistribution of ore matter and formation of new mineral deposits. 相似文献
The results of study of the deep sources of volcanic rocks from the Sea of Japan and the Philippine Sea with continental and oceanic basements, respectively, are presented. This problem is considered with the example of alkaline volcanic rocks of the Middle Miocene to Pliocene complex of the Sea of Japan and the Eocene–Oligocene Urdaneta Plateau of the Philippine Sea. The rocks have a similar geochemistry typical of OIBs, which indicates their deep (plume) origin. The presence of the Oligocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks, which were formed prior to the marginal sea volcanism in the Sea of Japan, however, is the main difference in volcanism of the Sea of Japan from that of the Urdaneta Plateau, and this is explained by the different basements of these seas. 相似文献
A natural montmorillonite containing radiation-induced defects was studied with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy (X- and Q-band). A first dominant native defect, namely native defect 1, is identified. It gives rise to an orthorhombic spectrum with gx= 2.004 ± 0.005 gy= 2.010 ± 0.003, gz= 2.065 ± 0.002. Simulation of the EPR spectrum at X- and Q-band reveals a second native defect with isotropic spectrum at g= 2.019 ± 0.005. Both are electron holes trapped on oxygen atoms of the structure. The native defect 1 is located on an oxygen-silicon bond or a non-bonding orbital parallel to the c* axis. These defects are annealed at 500°C and the half-life determined for native defect 1 is circa 3,000 years. Irradiations with beta rays produced two additional hole centers of lower stability and distinct EPR parameters. Artificial irradiations show that montmorillonite can be used as a dosimeter in a large dose range. 相似文献
The hypoxia of the bottom waters in the Razdolnaya River estuary was observed for the first time in September 2014 during the survey. It is formed as in the seaward part: oxygen is absorbed as a result of destruction of excessive phytoplankton biomass that settles to the bottom and is synthesized on the upper horizon. The high value of primary production in the riverine part of the estuary was caused by the pycnocline formed. Thus, phytoplankton “blooms” above and undergoes destruction beneath the pycnocline. Oxygen is distributed symmetrically in both parts of the estuary with respect to a bar: similar oxygen concentrations, which are maximum on the surface and minimum at the bottom, 300 and <60 μm/L, respectively, are recorded. The anomalies of hydrochemical parameters that have been formed during this process are sharply different in the two parts of the estuary, which most vividly manifests itself in the N/P value and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2. The causes of this unique situation are discussed.