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Near-infrared (J, H and K bands) spectra of nine dark asteroids (chosen among a sample of supposed primitive objects between C and D classes) have been obtained at the Mauna Kea Observatory (Hawaii) with the 2.2-m telescope using KSPEC as spectrograph. The aim of this work was to search for evidence of the presence of organic materials in these objects as found in other planetary bodies as 5145 Pholus, and in some cometary nuclei. A careful analysis of the data has revealed flat or slightly redder spectra than the solar one for all observed asteroids. No evidence of distinct absorption features was found.  相似文献   
含煤层地质环境下地震波场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对含低速煤层地质环境下弹性波场多波多分量地震资料进行了二维数值模拟研究,对人工边界反射进行了有效处理,频散效应得到了有效的压制,对几种不同激发与观测排列方式下的弹性波资料进行了模型计算与分析。  相似文献   
"Since the Russian economy recently has shown sings of stabilization, there now is evidence that demographic trends are beginning to improve somewhat. Although the population declined by 164,200, to 148.1 million at the beginning of 1996, the release of new statistical compendia by the Russian statistical agency (Goskomstat Rosii) in 1995 and early 1996 makes it possible to identify several positive trends.... Life expectancy increased for the first time since 1985. The infant mortality rate declined for the second year in a row. The crude death rate declined for the first time in a decade. The birth rate remained at about the same level for the third consecutive year. The rate of natural increase (births minus deaths), although still negative, recorded a moderate increase."  相似文献   
从假定类星体的红移属于运动红移出发,利用355个有色指数和红移资料的类星体,用统计平均方法消除发射线的影响,求得类星体连续谱,并可以用幂律谱分段拟合,由此求得新的更加合理的K订正值。  相似文献   
一、引言在类星体的研究中,对红移性质的认识,一直是关键问题之一。红移是宇宙学的?还是内禀的?还是二者都有?有待于人们通过更多的天文观测与理论分析加以确定。如果红移是宇宙学的,则视星等——红移关系,就应该符合哈勃图。但将所有类星体作哈勃图,会出现严重的弥散现象。为了揭示类星体红移的本质,对类星体进行标准烛光  相似文献   
Naturally acidic drainage associated with pyritic black shale has been observed in many locations in the Yukon Territory. While not necessarily linked to known mineral deposits, most of these natural acid rock drainage occurrences show elevated dissolved concentrations of trace elements, especially zinc, nickel, copper, cadmium and arsenic. Based on field observations, microbial investigation, chemical analyses and geochemical modeling, the fate and transport of potentially deleterious elements at two natural acid drainage occurrences with slightly different settings are examined. The Macintosh Creek is a small, acidic stream (pH 2.98-3.40), 2 km long, located in the Macmillan Pass area of east-central Yukon amidst known sedimentary exhalative massive sulfide mineralization but remains undisturbed by exploration activities. Its trace metal content is apparently derived from groundwater discharges, which gave as much as 5.0, 2.5, 0.7, 0.13 and 0.03 mg/L ofZn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Interaction and sorption reactions with algal mats, biofilms and iron oxyhydroxides appear to be the dominant mechanisms attenuating aqueous contaminant transport along the stream. Cryogenic precipitation further consolidates the ferricrete formation and reduces the mobility of the sorbed metals. The tributaries of the Engineering Creek along the Dempster Highway in northern Yukon drain through a series of dolomite, phyllite, argillite, limestone, black shale, sandstone and conglomerate with no known concentration of mineralization. In this area, the water chemistry fully reflects the local geology with acidic streams invariably associated with black shale occurrences. Groundwater seeps in the headwaters area of the km-180 Creek completely enclosed in black shale gave pH 3.0 and as much as 148, 39, 2.9 and 9.1 mg/L of Zn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Sorption with iron oxyhydroxide and organic matter appear to dominate the attenuation of contaminant transport along the stream. However, once entered into carbonate-dominated terrains, secondary carbonate minerals exercise additional geochemical control on the local water chemistry as a result of neutralization.  相似文献   
俗话说:“万事开头难”。对于初学高中地理的学生来说,难就难在开头,即“行星地球”和“地球上的大气”两章。笔在多年的教学实践中发现,从高中地理的学习开始,往往形成“两极分化”的格局,一极是部分“开头”开得好的学生,领悟到了学习高中地理的方法和技能,以后的学习可以说“一路顺风”,成绩保持得很好;而另一极则是部分学生在开头就被迎头一棒,进而丧失了学习地理的信心和兴趣。如何帮助学生开好这个头,让学生迈过“门槛”,激发学习地理的兴趣,笔认为必须注重培养学生五个方面的学习能力。  相似文献   
滑坡是现代公路、铁路等交通基建工程面临的一个难题。尤其是在重丘、山地等地段修筑公路工程极易出现滑坡地质灾害。这些滑坡的成因以及相关的边坡稳定性分析目前处于半理论、半经验状态。文章基于学堂湾滑坡的地理位置及地质环境条件,从滑坡区地质环境条件、滑坡周界、滑坡体与滑带的物质结构特征、滑床、滑坡变形破坏迹象等,深入分析了学堂湾滑坡的变形特征。在此基础上探讨了滑坡成因,指出大量的雨水和不合理的施工扰动是滑坡发育的外因;坡体本身的地质条件如岩石的裂隙、岩土体的透水性以及水的疏导条件等是其内因。文章将宏观定性分析与定量计算相结合,对滑坡稳定性进行了分析和评价。结合工程实际对滑坡治理措施进行了初步研究,取得了一些满意的效果。  相似文献   
以泰安地区地下水做为研究对象,对其利用历史及现状进行了概述,对区域地下水位持续下降问题、地下水降落漏斗情况、地面沉降现象等环境问题进行了研究,并提出了相应的解决对策.  相似文献   
太阳活动与黄河流域降水关系分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
李春晖  杨志峰 《气象》2005,31(11):42-44
太阳活动对黄河流域降水有一定影响.引用Morlet小波分析技术,对黄河流域近50年来的降水与太阳黑子的小波系数变化进行分析,表明在1951~1997年期间,黄河流域年降水与太阳黑子在9年时间尺度上呈一定的负相关关系,且降水有1~2年的滞后现象.  相似文献   
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