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Petrogeneses of impure dolomitic marble and enclosed eclogite from the Xinyan area, Dabie ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, central China were investigated with a special focus on fluid characteristics. Identified carbonate-bearing UHP assemblages are Dol + Coe ± Arg (or Mgs) ± Ap, Dol + Omp ± Coe ± Ap ± Arg (or Mgs), Phen + Omp + Coe + Dol ± Arg and Dol + Coe + Phen + Rt ± Omp ± Arg ± Ap. Retrograde assemblages are characterized by symplectitic replacement of Tr–Ab and Di–Ab after omphacite, and Phl–Pl symplectite after phengite. The P–T conditions of UHP metamorphism were estimated to be P > 2.7 GPa and T > 670 °C by the occurrence of coesite inclusions in garnet in enclosed eclogite and garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer. The P–T conditions of initial amphibolitization were estimated to be 620 < T < 670 °C and 1.1 < P < 1.3 GPa by calcite–dolomite solvus thermometer and mineral parageneses. Phase relations in P–T– X CO 2 space in the systems NaAl–CMSCH and KCMASCH were calculated in order to constrain fluid compositions. Compositions and parageneses of UHP-stage minerals suggest the presence of fluid in UHP and exhumation stages. Occurrence of retrograde low-variance assemblages indicates that fluid composition during amphibolitization was buffered. A metastable persistence of magnesite and very restricted occurrence of calcite, magnesite and dolomite suggest a low fluid content in the post-amphibolitization stage.  相似文献   
Kokchetavite, a new polymorph of K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8), has been identified as micrometer-size inclusions in clinopyroxene and garnet in a garnet-pyroxene rock from the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure terrane, Kazakhstan. Kokchetavite has a hexagonal structure with a =5.27(1) Å, c=7.82(1) Å, V=188.09 Å3, Z=1, and is found to be associated with phengite + /-cristobalite (or quartz) + siliceous glass ± phlogopite/titanite/calcite/zircon, occurring as multi-phase inclusions in clinopyroxene and garnet. It is concluded that kokchetavite could not be an exsolution phase in host minerals. Instead, it might be metastably precipitated from an infiltrated K-rich melt during rock exhumation. Alternatively, although less likely, kokchetavite might be derived from dehydration of K-cymrite, which, in turn, was formed at high pressures. In either case, kokchetavite is a metastable polymorph of K-feldspar.  相似文献   
Aircraft, radiosonde, surface-flux, and boundary-layer windprofiler data from the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study's 1997 field project, CASES-97, are combined with synoptic data to study the evolution of the vertically-averaged mixed-layerpotential temperature []and mixing-ratio [Q] onthree nearly-cloudless days from 1000 CST to 1200CST (local noon is approximately 1230 CST). This was achieved through examination of the terms in the time-tendency (`budget')equations for []and [Q]. We estimate three of the terms –local time rate of change, vertical flux divergence, andhorizontal advection. For the [Q]-budget, vertical flux divergence usually dominates, buthorizontal advection is significant on one of the three days. The [Q]-budget balances for two of the three days to within the large experimental error. For the -budget,vertical flux divergence accounts for most of the morningwarming, with horizontal advection of secondary importance.The residual in the -budget has the same sign for all three days, indicating that not all the heating is accounted for. We can balance the []-budgets to within experimental error on two of the three days by correcting the vertical-flux divergence for apparent low biases in the flux measurements of one of the aircraft and in the surface fluxes, and accounting for direct heating of the mixed layer by radiative flux divergence allowing for the effects of carbonaceous aerosols. The [];-budget with these corrections also balances on the third day if horizontal gradients from synoptic maps are used to estimate the horizontal advection. However, the corrected budget for this day does not balance if the horizontal gradient in the advection term is estimated using CASES-97aircraft and radiosondes; we suggest that persistent mesoscale circulations led to an overestimate of the horizontal gradient andhence horizontal advection.  相似文献   
Summary A set of the inhomogeneity factor for high-level clouds derived from the ISCCP D1 dataset averaged over a five-year period has been incorporated in the UCLA atmospheric GCM to investigate the effect of cirrus cloud inhomogeneity on climate simulation. The inclusion of this inhomogeneous factor improves the global mean planetary albedo by about 4% simulated from the model. It also produces changes in solar fluxes and OLRs associated with changes in cloud fields, revealing that the cloud inhomogeneity not only affects cloud albedo directly, but also modifies cloud and radiation fields. The corresponding difference in the geographic distribution of precipitation is as large as 7 mm day−1. Using the climatology cloud inhomogeneity factor also produces a warmer troposphere related to changes in the cloudiness and the corresponding radiative heating, which, to some extent, corrects the cold bias in the UCLA AGCM. The region around 14 km, however, is cooler associated with increase in the reflected solar flux that leads to a warmer region above. An interactive parameterization for mean effective ice crystal size based on ice water content and temperature has also been developed and incorporated in the UCLA AGCM. The inclusion of the new parameterization produces substantial differences in the zonal mean temperature and the geographic distribution of precipitation, radiative fluxes, and cloud cover with respect to the control run. The vertical distribution of ice crystal size appears to be an important factor controlling the radiative heating rate and the consequence of circulation patterns, and hence must be included in the cloud-radiation parameterization in climate models to account for realistic cloud processes in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The direct and semi-direct radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the radiative transfer and cloud fields in the Western United States (WUS) according to seasonal aerosol optical depth (AOD) and regional climate are examined using a regional climate model (RCM) in conjunction with the aerosol fields from a GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model (CTM) simulation. The two radiative effects cannot be separated within the experimental design in this study, thus the combined direct- and semi-direct effects are called radiative effects hereafter. The CTM shows that the AOD associated with the anthropogenic aerosols is chiefly due to sulfates with minor contributions from black carbon (BC) and that the AOD of the anthropogenic aerosol varies according to local emissions and the seasonal low-level winds. The RCM-simulated anthropogenic aerosol radiative effects vary according to the characteristics of regional climate, in addition to the AOD. The effects on the top of the atmosphere (TOA) outgoing shortwave radiation (OSRT) range from ?0.2?Wm?2 to ?1?Wm?2. In Northwestern US (NWUS), the maximum and minimum impact of anthropogenic aerosols on OSRT occurs in summer and winter, respectively, following the seasonal AOD. In Arizona-New Mexico (AZNM), the effect of anthropogenic sulfates on OSRT shows a bimodal distribution with winter/summer minima and spring/fall maxima, while the effect of anthropogenic BC shows a single peak in summer. The anthropogenic aerosols affect surface insolation range from ?0.6?Wm?2 to ?2.4?Wm?2, with similar variations found for the effects on OSRT except that the radiative effects of anthropogenic BC over AZNM show a bimodal distribution with spring/fall maxima and summer/winter minima. The radiative effects of anthropogenic sulfates on TOA outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the surface downward longwave radiation (DLRS) are notable only in summer and are characterized by strong geographical contrasts; the summer OLR in NWUS (AZNM) is reduced (enhanced) by 0.52?Wm?2 (1.14?Wm?2). The anthropogenic sulfates enhance (reduce) summer DLRS by 0.2?Wm?2 (0.65?Wm?2) in NWUS (AZNM). The anthropogenic BC affect DLRS noticeably only in AZNM during summer. The anthropogenic aerosols affect the cloud water path (CWP) and the radiative transfer noticeably only in summer when convective clouds are dominant. Primarily shortwave-reflecting anthropogenic sulfates decrease and increase CWP in AZNM and NWUS, respectively, however, the shortwave-absorbing anthropogenic BC reduces CWP in both regions. Due to strong feedback via convective clouds, the radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the summer radiation field are more closely correlated with the changes in CWP than the AOD. The radiative effect of the total anthropogenic aerosols is dominated by the anthropogenic sulfates that contribute more than 80% of the total AOD associated with the anthropogenic aerosols.  相似文献   
An introduction to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to mineralogical and structural readjustment of supracrustal protoliths and associated mafic-ultramafic rocks at mantle pressures greater than ∼ 25 kbar (80-90 km). Typical products include metapelite, quartzite, marble, granulite, eclogite, paragneiss and orthogneiss; minor mafic and ultramafic rocks occur as eclogitic-ultramafic layers or blocks of various dimensions within the supracrustal rocks. For appropriate bulk compositions, metamorphism at great depths produces coesite, microdiamond and other characteristic UHP minerals with unusual compositions. Thus far, at least seven coesite-bearing eclogitic terranes and three diamond-bearing UHP regions have been documented. All lie within major continental collision belts in Eurasia, have similar supracrustal protoliths and metamorphic assemblages, occur in long, discontinuous belts that may extend several hundred kilometers or more, and typically are associated with contemporaneous high-P blueschist belts. This paper defines the P-T regimes of UHP metamorphism and describes mineralogical, petrological and tectonic characteristics for a few representative UHP terranes including the western gneiss region of Norway, the Dora Maira massif of the western Alps, the Dabie Mountains and the Su-Lu region of east-central China, and the Kokchetav massif of the former USSR. Prograde P-T paths for coesite-bearing eclogites require abnormally low geothermal gradients (approximately 7°C/km) that can be accomplished only by subduction of cold, oceanic crust-capped lithosphere ± pelagic sediments or an old, cold continent. The preservation of coesite inclusions in garnet, zircon, omphacite, kyanite and epidote, and microdiamond inclusions in garnet and zircon during exhumation of an UHP terrane requires either an extraordinarily fast rate of denudation (up to 10 cm/year) or continuous refrigeration in an extensional regime (retreating subduction zone).  相似文献   
PREFACE Garnet peridotites and ultrahigh-pressure minerals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Although the linear quadtree is popular in both image processing and GIS, most linear quadtree coding methods need in representation a bit length that is proportional to the resolution of images; the proportionality factor is replaced with a constant bit length that induces a more compact linear quadtree. We propose a linear quadtree coding scheme named constant key length quadtree coding (CKQC) that has advantages of easy implementation and decreased memory requirements. The proposed CKQC scheme is developed on the bases of node classification, order of traversal with breadth first and the Morton sequence. The major characteristic is to apply a constant bit length to construct quaternary codes. The bit length of each quaternary code is constant, either four or eight bits, no matter what the resolution of a raster image. In terms of memory space required and duration complexities, the overall performance is analyzed and compared with other methods to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed CKQC scheme. Several experimental results validate the applicability of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
由50余个测点的大地电磁测深资料,讨论了该区的地壳-上地幔电性横向变化特征。按照上地幔第一低阻层顶面埋深,将测区划分为四类地区:浅埋深(55-90公里)、中浅埋深(90-110公里)、中深埋深(110-160公里)和深埋深(160-250公里)。讨论了本区六次大震例的深部电性背景。指出了上地幔顶部的梯度带地区、地壳内电性横向变化剧烈的地区和地壳内存在局部特殊增厚的低阻层地区将可以作为潜在震源区的深部电性判据之一  相似文献   
Corundum-rich garnetite occurs as an isolated lens in a garnet peridotite body in the Donghai area of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane. This rock consists of garnet and corundum, along with minor crack-related zoisite, pargasite, Mg-staurolite, Mg-chloritoid, sapphirine and chlorite. Pyropic garnet (Prp54–63Grs26–36Alm10–12) exhibits a sinusoidal REE pattern, positive Ta, Pb, and negative Nb, Ti anomalies due to metasomatism. Reddish corundum contains 1.1–1.7 wt% Cr2O3, and shows three oriented sets of exsolved rutile needles. Both garnet and corundum contain inclusions of apatite, Mg-allanite (MgO>4 wt%), and Ni-Fe sulfides formed as trapped Ni-Fe-S melt. The protolith of the corundum-rich garnetite could have been spinel websterite formed in the upper mantle. Both the websterite and the host garnet peridotite were subjected to subduction-zone UHP metamorphism at 800 °C and >4 GPa. Crack-related hydrous phases were formed by fluid infiltration during exhumation.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   
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