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We investigated the incidence of endozoochory in the semi-arid South African Karoo shrubland and Kalahari savanna by dissecting and germinating seed from dung samples from a wide range of wild mammals and domestic livestock. Intact seeds occurred at a mean density of 1575 seeds kg−1in livestock air-dried dung and 3613 seeds kg−1in air-dried dung of indigenous animals. Seedlings emerged from dung at an average density of 153 kg−1air-dry dung. Seeds of Aizoaceae, Mesembryanthemaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae were abundant in the dung of wild and domestic herbivores as well as such ant- and termite-eating insectivores as aardvark (Orycteropus afer) and bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). Seeds of fleshy-fruited shrubs occurred in dung of browsing herbivores and the bat-eared fox. Five non-indigenous weeds were found in the dung samples. Although the floras of the Kalahari and Karoo are considered to be largely wind and water-dispersed, endozoochory is a primary or secondary dispersal mechanism in many plant families and for many plant life-forms. Animals dispersed seeds of many species characteristic of fertile and disturbed habitats. In Mesembryanthemaceae, a family in which seeds are primarily dispersed very short distances by raindrops, endozoochory enables occasional long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   
Considerable debate revolves around the relative importance of rock type, tectonics, and climate in creating the architecture of the critical zone. We demonstrate the importance of climate and in particular the rate of water recharge to the subsurface, using numerical models that incorporate hydrologic flowpaths, chemical weathering, and geomorphic rules for soil production and transport. We track alterations in both solid phase (plagioclase to clay) and water chemistry along hydrologic flowpaths that include lateral flow beneath the water table. To isolate the role of recharge, we simulate dry and wet cases and prescribe identical landscape evolution rules. The weathering patterns that develop differ dramatically beneath the resulting parabolic interfluves. In the dry case, incomplete weathering is shallow and surface parallel, whereas in the wet case, intense weathering occurs to depths approximating the base of the bounding channels, well below the water table. Exploration of intermediate cases reveals that the weathering state of the subsurface is strongly governed by the ratio of the rate of advance of the weathering front itself controlled by the water input rate, and the rate of erosion of the landscape. The system transitions between these end‐member behaviours rather abruptly at a weathering front speed ‐ erosion rate ratio of approximately 1. Although there are undoubtedly direct roles for tectonics and rock type in critical zone architecture, and yet more likely feedbacks between these and climate, we show here that differences in hillslope‐scale weathering patterns can be strongly controlled by climate.  相似文献   
In this study, we combined grain size and geochemical analyses with radioisotope analysis of lead-210 (210Pb), caesium-137 (137Cs) and radiocarbon (14C) ages to reconstruct the sedimentation history of two urbanised coastal lagoons in south-east Australia. Towradgi and Fairy Lagoons were both found to exhibit slow initial sedimentation of less than 1 mm year−1 prior to anthropogenic influences. Land clearing in the catchments increased runoff and erosion in the creeks feeding into the estuaries, and has resulted in progradation of fluvial material into the estuarine systems with a marked increase in sedimentation to between 2 and 7 mm year−1. The upper 20–50 cm of the sediment column in both lagoons contained elevated concentrations of heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. This pollution trend was found to be consistent with the history of industrialisation and urbanisation in the region, which expanded rapidly post World War 2. The total metal concentrations were consistent with other urbanised/industrialised estuaries around the world. Despite the fairly disturbed nature of these coastal lagoons, the use of 210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dating in combination with bulk geochemical analyses allowed detailed reconstruction of sedimentation history.  相似文献   
Major elements, highly siderophile elements (HSE) and Re-Os isotope ratios were analysed in situ on individual sulfide grains in spinel peridotite xenoliths hosted by Miocene intraplate basalts from the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. The xenoliths represent texturally and compositionally different mantle domains, and the geochemical characteristics of the sulfides show changes in HSE distribution and Re-Os isotope systematics, produced as their host rocks were metasomatised by percolating fluids/melts. In prophyroclastic and partly metasomatised peridotites from the Kueipi (KP) locality, the sulfides have subchondritic to superchondritic 187Re/188Os and 187Os/188Os ratios. Many of these sulfides reflect fluid/melt interaction with residual MSS and/or crystallization of fractionated sulfide melts, which produced high contents of Cu and PPGEs and high Re/Os; inferred melt/rock ratios are low. In contrast, sulfides in equigranular and extensively metasomatised peridotites from the Tungchiyu (TCY) locality are mainly more sulfur-rich Ni-(Co)-rich MSS, with subchondritic to chondritic 187Os/188Os and subchondritic 187Re/188Os. These sulfides are interpreted as products of interaction between pre-existing MSS and percolating silicate melts. Melt/rock ratios were high and the percolating melt was less differentiated than the melt that percolated the KP peridotites. Sulfides in a TCY pyroxenite are mainly MSS; they have the lowest HSE contents, subchondritic to superchondritic 187Os/188Os and subchondritic 187Re/188Os, and may have precipitated from sulfide melts that segregated from basaltic melts under S-saturated conditions. In most sulfides melt percolation appears to have induced fractionation among the HSEs and disturbed Re-Os isotope compositions. Despite the metasomatic effects, rare residual MSS, sulfides that from crystallised sulfide melts and sulfides modified by addition of Re (with no evidence for Os addition) can still provide useful chronological information. Such sulfides yield TRD age peaks of 1.9, 1.7-1.6, 1.4-1.3 and 0.9-0.8 Ga, which may record the timing of melt extraction and/or metasomatic events in the mantle. These periods are contemporaneous with the major crustal events recorded by U-Pb dates and Nd and Hf model ages in the overlying crust. This close correspondence indicates that the sulfide TRD ages reflect the timing of lithosphere-scale tectonothermal events (such as melting and metasomatism) that affected both the lithospheric mantle and the overlying crust. The sulfide TRD ages, taken together with the crustal data, suggest that most of the Cathaysia block had formed at least by Paleo-Proterozoic time, and that some domains are Archean in age.  相似文献   
The analysis of Venus’ gravity field and topography suggests the presence of a small number of deep mantle plumes (~9). This study predicts the number of plumes formed at the core–mantle boundary, their characteristics, and the production of partial melt from adiabatic decompression. Numerical simulations are performed using a 3D spherical code that includes large viscosity variations and internal heating. This study investigates the effect of several parameters including the core–mantle boundary temperature, the amount of internal heating, and the mantle viscosity. The smallest number of plumes is achieved when no internal heating is present. However, scaling Earth’s radiogenic heating to Venus suggests a value of ~16 TW. Cases with internal heating produce more realistic lid thickness and partial melting, but produce either too many plumes or no plumes if a high mantle temperature precludes the formation of a hot thermal boundary layer. Mantle viscosity must be reduced to at least 1020 Pa s in order to include significant internal heating and still produce hot plumes. In all cases that predict melting, melting occurs throughout the upper mantle. Only cases with high core temperature (>1700 K) produce dry melting. Over time the upper mantle may have lost significant volatiles. Depending on the water content of the lower mantle, deep plumes may contribute to present-day atmospheric water via volcanic outgassing. Assuming 50 ppm water in mantle, 10 plumes with a buoyancy flux of 500 kg/s continuously erupting for 4 myr will outgas an amount of water on the order of that in the lower atmosphere. A higher level of internal heating than achieved to date, as well as relatively low mantle viscosity, may be required to achieve simulations with ~10 plumes and a thinner lid. Alternatively, if the mantle is heating up due to the stagnant lid, the effect is equivalent to having lower rates of internal heating. A temperature increase of 110 K/byr is equivalent to ?13 TW. This value along with the internal heating of 3 TW used in this study may represent the approximate heat budget of Venus’ mantle.  相似文献   
Carbonaceous matter (CM) from ca. 3.5 Ga hydrothermal black cherts of the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia and the Barberton Greenstone Belt of South Africa yielded transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images that are suggestive of microbial remains and possible remnants of microbial cell walls. These are compared to a potential modern analogue, the hyperthermophilic Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, derived from an active seafloor hydrothermal environment and cultured under similar conditions. A striking resemblance to the early Archaean forms was evident in wall structure and thermal degradation mode. Cell disintegration of the cultures occurred at 100 °C marking the limits of life. Complete disintegration, deformation and shrinkage occurred at 132 °C. A multidisciplinary approach to the characterisation of the CM was undertaken using organic petrology, TEM coupled with electron dispersive spectral analysis (EDS), high resolution TEM (HRTEM) to determine molecular ordering, and elemental and carbon isotope geochemistry. Reflectance measurements of the CM to determine thermal stress yielded a range of values corresponding to several populations, and pointing to different sources and processes. The δ13C values of Dresser Formation CM (−36.5 to −32.1‰) are negatively correlated with TOC (0.13–0.75%) and positively correlated with C/N ratio (134–569), which is interpreted to reflect the relative abundance of high Ro/oxidised/recycled CM and preferential loss of 12C and N during thermal maturation. TEM observations, inferred carbon isotopic heterogeneity and isotope fractionations of −27 to −32‰ are consistent with the activity of chemosynthetic microbes in a seafloor hydrothermal system where rapid silicification at relatively low temperature preserved the CM.  相似文献   
Concentrations of mercury (Hg) in fish were compared between two Florida estuaries, the Indian River Lagoon and Florida Bay. The objective was to determine if differences in Hg concentration exist and to attempt to relate those differences to sources of Hg. Five hundred and thirteen estuarine fish were collected and analyzed for Hg concentration. Fish species collected were black drum, bluefish, bonnethead shark, common snook, crevalle jack, gafftopsail catfish, gray snapper, Mayan cichlid, pompano, red drum, sheepshead, southern flounder, spadefish, and spotted seatrout. Analysis of variance of species-specific Hg data among the three defined regions of eastern and western Florida Bay and the Indian River Lagoon substantiated regional differences. Proximity to known anthropogenic sources of Hg appeared to be a significant factor in the distribution of Hg concentration among the fish collected. Sufficient numbers of crevalle jack, gray snapper, and spotted seatrout were collected to permit statistical analysis among regions. Hg concentrations in all three of these species from eastern Florida Bay were higher than those collected in the other two areas. A major fraction of the estuarine fish collected in eastern Florida Bay exceeded one or more State of Florida or U.S. Food and Drug Administration fish consumption health advisory criteria. In general, fish from western Florida Bay contained less Hg than those from the Indian River Lagoon, and fish from the Indian River contained less Hg than those from eastern Florida Bay. Crevalle jack from all areas and spotted seatrout from Florida Bay were placed on a consumption advisory in Florida. Detailed study of Florida Bay food web dynamics and Hg biogeochemical cycling is recommended to better understand the processes underlying the elevated Hg levels in fish from eastern Florida Bay. This information may be vital in the formulation of appropriate strategies in the ongoing South Florida restoration process.  相似文献   
Using Pioneer Venus line-of-sight gravity data and orbit simulation procedures, we have estimated apparent depths of isostatic compensation (ADCs) for twelve Venusian highland features: Asteria, Atla, Bell, Beta, Ovda, Phoebe, Tellus, Thetis and Ulfrun Regiones, and Nokomis, Gula and Sappho Montes. ADCs range from 50 km to 270 km; half of the values are less than 100 km. Using these ADCs, we estimate geoid to topography ratios (GTRs) for each area to allow comparison with convection calculations and with terrestrial data for oceanic hot spots, swells and plateaus. The geoid is estimated in the wavenumber domain from the isostatic formula, using the topography and ADC for each region. In the space domain, the GTR is equal to the least squares slope of the linear fit of the geoid to the topography. The resulting GTR range is 7–31 m/km, which is much higher than terrestrial oceanic values (−1 to 5 m/km). The features fall into two distinct groups, one with a GTR range of 7–13 m/km, and one with a range of 19–25 m/km. The exception is Beta Regio, which has a GTR of 31 m/km. A model for thermal thinning of a 100 km thick lithosphere fits all values in the lower GTR group to within one standard deviation. Airy compensation could also be present, but cannot fully compensate these features. Partial dynamic compensation of the lower GTR group in combination with lithospheric mechanisms is also possible, but not required to fit the data. The upper GTR range, 19–25 m/km, can be fit with an upper mantle, constant viscosity convection model. The large GTR values are inconsistent with the presence of a low viscosity zone. If more than one compensation mechanism is present in the regions in the higher GTR group, the GTRs will be underestimated in terms of a dynamic interpretation. We thus fit the convection models to the upper end of the GTR range, 25 m/km. Rayleigh numbers in the range 104–106 will produce a GTR of 25 m/km when combined with conductive lid thicknesses of 85–150 km. The 6 m/km range in both of the GTR groups is probably due to varying degrees of crustal and thermal compensation, combined with dynamic compensation in the upper GTR group. The difference between terrestrial and Venusian GTR ranges can be explained largely by the lack of a low viscosity zone on Venus.  相似文献   
Flow-through seagrass core microcosms were used to examine responses of species and processes to a logarithmic gradient of dosing with14C-labeled tributyltin-chloride (TBT-CI). Experiments involved delivery of TBT-CI to the water column of replicate cores of a treatment (n=16) once per week; one-half of the cores were sacrificed after 3 wk of dosing, the others were dosed for 6 wk. Initial water column concentrations for the three treatments averaged 0.205, 2.23, and 22.21 μg I?1, expressed as the TBT+ cation, but these concentrations dropped rapidly. Retained14C tracer, an estimate of total organotin species, was distributed to sediments, plants, and other biological tissues, all of whose tracer concentrations increased with time. Measures to indicate responses of both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms were made; in general, treatment effects were demonstrable statistically only at the highest dose level. Accumulation of chlorophyll and biomass on glass slides was highest when suspended for the entire experiment in the water of the highest treatment; this unexpected result was perhaps an indirect effect related to reduced grazing activity in the microcosms. The highest dose of TBT-CI resulted in virtual population mortality of a few macrobenthic species and decreased loss of plant material in litter bags, both demonstrated within the first 3 wk of dosing. Reduced litter loss was coincident with mortality of an amphipod (Cymadusa compta) capable of shredding plant material, and a causal relation between the two effects is plausible. Thus, if concentrated to similar levels in aThalassia bed, TBT+ may have direct species-level effects and process-level effects, potentially causing ecosystem change via disruption of a species-process linkage influential in seagrass detrital food web dynamics.  相似文献   
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