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Zircon megacrysts from the Mud Tank carbonatite, Australia, are being used in many laboratories as a reference material for LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb dating and trace element measurement, and LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS determination of Hf isotopes. We summarise a database of > 10000 analyses of Mud Tank zircon (MTZ), collected from 2000 to 2018 during its use as a secondary reference material for simultaneous U‐Pb and trace element analysis, and for Hf‐isotope analysis. Trace element mass fractions are highest in dark red‐brown stones and lowest in colourless and gem‐quality ones. Individual unzoned grains can be chemically homogeneous, while significant variations in trace element mass fraction are associated with oscillatory zoning. Chondrite‐normalised trace element patterns are essentially parallel over large mass fraction ranges. A Concordia age of 731.0 ± 0.2 Ma (2s,= 2272) is taken as the age of crystallisation. Some grains show lower concordant to mildly discordant ages, probably reflecting minor Pb loss associated with cooling and the Alice Springs Orogeny (450–300 Ma). Our weighted mean 176Hf/177Hf is 0.282523 ± 10 (2s, n = 9350); the uncertainties on this ratio reflect some heterogeneity, mainly between grains. A few analyses suggest that colourless grains have generally lower 176Hf/177Hf. MTZ is a useful secondary reference material for U‐Pb and Hf‐isotope analysis, but individual grains need to be carefully selected using CL imaging and tested for homogeneity, and ideally should be standardised by solution analysis.  相似文献   
Groundwater availability is at the core of hydrogeology as a discipline and, simultaneously, the concept is the source of ambiguity for management and policy. Aquifer yield has undergone multiple definitions resulting in a range of scientific methods to calculate and model availability reflecting the complexity of combined scientific, management, policy, and stakeholder processes. The concept of an aquifer-yield continuum provides an approach to classify groundwater yields along a spectrum, from non-use through permissive sustained, sustainable, maximum sustained, safe, permissive mining to maximum mining yields, that builds on existing literature. Additionally, the aquifer-yield continuum provides a systems view of groundwater availability to integrate physical and social aspects in assessing management options across aquifer settings. Operational yield describes the candidate solutions for operational or technical implementation of policy, often relating to a consensus yield that incorporates human dimensions through participatory or adaptive governance processes. The concepts of operational and consensus yield address both the social and the technical nature of science-based groundwater management and governance.  相似文献   
Maldanid polychaetes can be important components of marine benthic communities, playing significant roles in particle subduction or sediment irrigation. Many maldanids are known to inhabit tubes consisting of sediments consolidated by mucus; the structure and composition of these tubes, and their potential impact on benthic environments, are poorly known. We examined the three-dimensional organization of Maldane sarsi tubes, using CT scanning together with analyses of sediment grain size and concentrations of Fe, Mn, organic carbon and bacteria in tube material. M. sarsi tubes consist of stacks of individual consolidated mud disks, surrounding a dense, continuous, inner tube. The tubes of M. sarsi contained fewer fine particles than surrounding sediments, and greater concentrations of Fe, Mn, organic carbon and bacteria, especially in the inner zone. These distributions suggest that tube irrigation affects Fe and Mn oxidation and precipitation in a narrow zone surrounding M. sarsi, and that mucous secretion and potential feeding activities (the hoeing of surface sediments) lead to increases in organic carbon and bacteria in the inner, and deepest parts of the tube. The finding of relict tubes, buried at up to 15 cm depth, indicates a relatively high longevity for these structures and suggests a potential importance in biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   
The young water fraction of streamflow (Fyw), an important hydrological variable, has been calculated for the first time, for a monsoon-fed coastal catchment in northern Vietnam. Oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) from six river sites in the Day River Basin (DRB) were analysed monthly, between January 2015 and December 2018. River δ18O signatures showed sine wave variability, reflecting the amount effect and tropical (dry-rainy) seasonality of the region. The δ18O composition of precipitation ranged from −12.67 to +1.68‰, with a mean value of −5.14‰, and in-streamflow signatures ranged from −11.63 to −1.37‰ with a mean of −5.02‰. Fractions of young water (Fyw) were calculated from the unweighted and flow-weighted δ18O composition of samples. Unweighted Fyw ranged between 29 ± 8% and 82 ± 21% with a mean value of 51 ± 19%, and was not significantly different from flow-weighted Fyw (range between 33 ± 25% and 92 ± 73%, mean 52 ± 36%). Both unweighted and flow-weighted Fyw were highest in the middle of stream and lowest in downstream sites, capturing the impacts of landuse changes, hydrology and human activities in the catchment. Our calculations imply that more than a half of rainwater reaches the DRB river mainstream within the first 3 months. The Fyw is much higher than the global average (of one-third) and insensitive to discharge due to the combination of a humid catchment with high rainfall, low storage capacity, flat landscape and an intensive drainage system in the DRB. Also the low discharge sensitivity of Fyw in the DRB implies that the regional hydrology is severely altered by humans.  相似文献   
Understanding the role of forest fires on water budgets of subarctic Precambrian Shield catchments is important because of growing evidence that fire activity is increasing. Most research has focused on assessing impacts on individual landscape units, so it is unclear how changes manifest at the catchment scale enough to alter water budgets. The objective of this study was to determine the water budget impact of a forest fire that partially burned a ~450 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield basin. Water budget components were measured in a pair of catchments: one burnt and another unburnt. Burnt and unburnt areas had comparable net radiation, but thaw was deeper in burned areas. There were deeper snow packs in burns. Differences in streamflow between the catchments were within measurement uncertainty. Enhanced winter streamflow from the burned watershed was evident by icing growth at the streamflow gauge location, which was not observed in the unburned catchment. Wintertime water chemistry was also clearly elevated in dissolved organics, and organic-associated nutrients. Application of a framework to assess hydrological resilience of watersheds to wildfire reveal that watersheds with both high bedrock and open water fractions are more resilient to hydrological change after fire in the subarctic shield, and resilience decreases with increasingly climatically wet conditions. This suggests significant changes in runoff magnitude, timing and water chemistry of many Shield catchments following wildfire depend on pre-fire land cover distribution, the extent of the wildfire and climatic conditions that follow the fire.  相似文献   
A cellular automata model is used to analyze the effects of groundwater levels and sediment supply on aeolian dune development occurring on sand flats close to inlets. The model considers, in a schematized and probabilistic way, aeolian transport processes, groundwater influence, vegetation development, and combined effects of waves and tides that can both erode and accrete the sand flat. Next to three idealized cases, a sand flat adjoining the barrier island of Texel, the Netherlands, was chosen as a case study. Elevation data from 18 annual LIDAR surveys was used to characterize sand flat and dune development. Additionally, a field survey was carried out to map the spatial variation in capillary fringe depth across the sand flat. Results show that for high groundwater situations, sediment supply became limited inducing formation of Coppice-like dunes, even though aeolian losses were regularly replenished by marine import during sand flat flooding. Long dune rows developed for high sediment supply scenarios which occurred for deep groundwater levels. Furthermore, a threshold depth appears to exist at which the groundwater level starts to affect dune development on the inlet sand flat. The threshold can vary spatially depending on external conditions such as topography. On sand flats close to inlets, groundwater is capable of introducing spatial variability in dune growth, which is consistent with dune development patterns found on the Texel sand flat.  相似文献   
We present an idealized network model for storm surges in the Wadden Sea, specifically including a time-dependent wind forcing (wind speed and direction). This extends the classical work by H.A. Lorentz who only considered the equilibrium response to a steady wind forcing. The solutions obtained in the frequency domain for the linearized shallow-water equations in a channel are combined in an algebraic system for the network. The velocity scale that is used for the linearized friction coefficient is determined iteratively. The hindcast of the storm surge of 5 December 2013 produces credible time-varying results. The effects of storm and basin parameters on the peak surge elevation are the subject of a sensitivity analysis. The formulation in the frequency domain reveals which modes in the external forcing lead to the largest surge response at coastal stations. There appears to be a minimum storm duration, of about 3–4 h, that is required for a surge to attain its maximum elevation. The influence of the water levels at the North Sea inlets on the Wadden Sea surges decreases towards the shore. In contrast, the wind shearing generates its largest response near the shore, where the fetch length is at its maximum.  相似文献   
The in situ vertical circulation column (ISVCC) is a cylindrical containment system consisting of an instrumented steel cylinder used for experimental ground water studies in sandy aquifers. Vertical flow is imposed inside the ISVCC. Although vertical wells are an option, the ISVCC installed in the Borden Aquifer is instrumented with horizontal wells and monitoring ports to avoid creating vertical preferential flow paths. The cylinder was driven downward into the aquifer using a small backhoe equipped with a vibrating plate. The ISVCC penetrates the 2.3-m-thic sand aquifer and is keyed 20 cm into the underlying clay aquitard. The cylinder was installed inside a 2 m X 2 m steel sheet pile enclosure so that the enclosed segment of aquifer could be conveniently dewatered and then excavated to allow installation of the horizontal wells. The dispersivity of the column was comparable to literature values for long sand-packed laboratory columns.
Pure phase DNAPL (tetrachloroethene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane) was slowly pumped into two ports in the center of the column. Following this DNAPL injection, an aqueous solution of vitamin B12 and reduced titanium was circulated through the column to promote degradation of the solvents. Processes observed in the ISVCC included DNAPL distribution, dissolution, and degradation, and geochemical evolution of the aquifer.
The ISVCC provides a convenient means for testing in situ technologies in the experimental stage or for selection of proven technologies to find the most effective at a specific site. It is inexpensive, easy to install, and maximizes control over flow distribution in a heterogeneous aquifer. Its application will be restricted where low hydraulic conductivity beds are present in the aquifer.  相似文献   
The seasonal and interannual variability in the phytoplankton community in Liverpool Bay between 2003 and 2009 has been examined using results from high frequency, in situ measurements combined with discrete samples collected at one location in the bay. The spring phytoplankton bloom (up to 29.4 mg chlorophyll m−3) is an annual feature at the study site and its timing may vary by up to 50 days between years. The variability in the underwater light climate and turbulent mixing are identified as key factors controlling the timing of phytoplankton blooms. Modelled average annual gross and net production are estimated to be 223 and 56 g C m−2 year−1, respectively. Light microscope counts showed that the phytoplankton community is dominated by diatoms, with dinoflagellates appearing annually for short periods of time between July and October. The zooplankton community at the study site is dominated by copepods and use of a fine mesh (80 μm) resulted in higher abundances of copepods determined (up to 2.5 × 106 ind. m−2) than has previously reported for this location. There is a strong seasonal cycle in copepod biomass and copepods greater than 270 μm contribute less than 10% of the total biomass. Seasonal trends in copepod biomass lag those in the phytoplankton community with a delay of 3 to 4 months between the maximum phytoplankton biomass and the maximum copepod biomass. Grazing by copepods exceeds net primary production at the site and indicates that an additional advective supply of carbon is required to support the copepod community.  相似文献   
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