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Restoration of offshore marine habitats is a relatively new concept, with attempts in the European Union being largely instigated by requirements of various strategic directives. In this experiment, we investigate the practicality and effectiveness of gravel seeding, using a commercial aggregate dredging vessel, in order to recreate a gravel habitat. The experimental design consisted of a Treatment and Control site, both within an area of historic dredging characterised by an overburden of sand, and a gravel dominated Reference site. All sites were surveyed, using a combination of acoustic, camera and grab techniques, 2 months before, and then at 0, 12 and 22 months after the deposition of 4444 m3 of gravel dominated sediments within the Treatment site. Although financial and practical constraints limited replication of the Treatment to one area, and so precluded strong statistical conclusions, our results suggested that the technique was both practically feasible, and successful in terms of returning the physical and biological attributes at the Treatment site to a state more representative of gravelly substrata in the wider, un-impacted environment.  相似文献   
Effects of elevated seawater temperature show high spatial heterogeneity and variation within and among coral species. The objective of this study was to investigate how two coral species, Porites lutea and Galaxea fascicularis, from two high latitude reefs differently exposed to chronic disturbance, respond to elevated seawater temperatures. Corals were collected from reefs nearshore (i.e. subjected to high sediment load, higher chlorophyll α concentrations, turbidity etc.) and offshore (i.e. less exposed). The corals were exposed in the lab to gradually increasing temperatures (25.5-33.5?°C) for 72?h after which they were allowed to recover to ambient temperature (25.5?°C) for 24?h. Production and respiration were measured after 24, 48, 72 and 96?h. The results show that P. lutea from nearshore reefs suffered an initial decrease in gross primary production/respiration (GP/R) ratio after 24?h, after only a moderate temperature increase (+2?°C, from 25.5 to 27.5?°C), while there was no difference in GP/R ratio between heat-exposed and controls the other days, indicating that the chronic disturbance in the nearshore reef had no effect on their thermotolerance. Furthermore, P. lutea from the offshore reef showed a decrease in GP/R ratio both after 24?h and 72?h (33.5?°C) of exposure. In comparison, G. fascicularis showed a decrease in GP/R ratio after 48?h, 72?h and 96?h of exposure for the nearshore corals. Also, after 72?h these corals had withdrawn their polyps. There were no differences between heat-treated and controls for the offshore G. fascicularis. This implies that the chronically disturbed G. fascicularis had lower thermotolerance when exposed to a temperature increase. This study, hence, shows that the response of corals to elevated seawater temperature varies with species and environmental background history.  相似文献   
Dominant plagioclase (An59) and minor spinel form possible cumulates in alkali basaltic flows from the Southern Highlands, N.S.W. The mode of occurrence of the spinel, and the chemical composition of both the spinel and the plagioclase suggest the spinel originated by exsolution from plagioclase formed at high pressure.  相似文献   
Major- and trace-element and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositionsof garnet and clinopyroxene in kimberlite-borne eclogite andpyroxenite xenoliths were used to establish their origins andevolution in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneaththe central Slave Craton, Canada. The majority of eclogitescan be assigned to three groups (high-Mg, high-Ca or low-Mgeclogites) that have distinct trace-element patterns. Althoughpost-formation metasomatism involving high field strength element(HFSE) and light rare earth element (LREE) addition has partiallyobscured the primary compositional features of the high-Mg andhigh-Ca eclogites, trace-element features, such as unfractionatedmiddle REE (MREE) to heavy REE (HREE) patterns suggestive ofgarnet-free residues and low Zr/Sm consistent with plagioclaseaccumulation, could indicate a subduction origin from a broadlygabbroic protolith. In this scenario, the low REE and smallpositive Eu anomalies of the high-Mg eclogites suggest moreprimitive, plagioclase-rich protoliths, whereas the high-Caeclogites are proposed to have more evolved protoliths withhigher (normative) clinopyroxene/plagioclase ratios plus trappedmelt, consistent with their lower Mg-numbers, higher REE andabsence of Eu anomalies. In contrast, the subchondritic Zr/Hfand positive slope in the HREE of the low-Mg eclogites are similarto Archaean second-stage melts and point to a previously depletedsource for their precursors. Low ratios of fluid-mobile to lessfluid-mobile elements and of LREE to HREE are consistent withdehydration and partial melt loss for some eclogites. The trace-elementcharacteristics of the different eclogite types translate intolower Nd for high-Mg eclogites than for low-Mg eclogites. Withinthe low-Mg group, samples that show evidence for metasomaticenrichment in LREE and HFSE have lower Nd and Hf than a samplethat was apparently not enriched, pointing to long-term evolutionat their respective parent–daughter ratios. Garnet andclinopyroxene in pyroxenites show different major-element relationshipsfrom those in eclogites, such as an opposite CaO–Na2Otrend and the presence of a CaO–Cr2O3 trend, independentof whether or not opx is part of the assemblage. Therefore,these two rock types are probably not related by fractionationprocesses. The presence of opx in about half of the samplesprecludes direct crystallization from eclogite-derived melts.They probably formed from hybridized melts that reacted withthe peridotitic mantle. KEY WORDS: eclogites; pyroxenite xenoliths; mantle xenoliths; eclogite trace elements; eclogite Sr isotopes; eclogite Hf isotopes; eclogite Nd isotopes  相似文献   
In this article we craft process‐specific algorithms that capture climate control of hillslope evolution in order to elucidate the legacy of past climate on present critical zone architecture and topography. Models of hillslope evolution traditionally comprise rock detachment into the mobile layer, mobile regolith transport, and a channel incision or aggradation boundary condition. We extend this system into the deep critical zone by considering a weathering damage zone below the mobile regolith in which rock strength is diminished; the degree of damage conditions the rate of mobile regolith production. We first discuss generic damage profiles in which appropriate length and damage scales govern profile shapes, and examine their dependence upon exhumation rate. We then introduce climate control through the example of rock damage by frost‐generated crack growth. We augment existing frost cracking models by incorporating damage rate limitations for long transport distances for water to the freezing front. Finally we link the frost cracking damage model, a mobile regolith production rule in which rock entrainment is conditioned by the damage state of the rock, and a frost creep transport model, to examine the evolution of an interfluve under oscillating climate. Aspect‐related differences in mean annual surface temperatures result in differences in bedrock damage rate and mobile regolith transport efficiency, which in turn lead to asymmetries in critical zone architecture and hillslope form (divide migration). In a quasi‐steady state hillslope, the lowering rate is uniform, and the damage profile is better developed on north‐facing slopes where the frost damage process is most intense. Because the residence times of mobile regolith and weathered bedrock in such landscapes are on the order of 10 to 100 ka, climate cycles over similar timescales result in modulation of transport and damage efficiencies. These lead to temporal variation in mobile regolith thickness, and to corresponding changes in sediment delivery to bounding streams. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Kuruman Kimberlite Province is comprised of 16 small pipes and dikes and contains some of the oldest known kimberlites (>1.6 Ga). In this study, 12 intrusions are subdivided into three groups with distinct petrology, age, and geochemical and isotopic compositions: (1) kimberlites with groundmass perovskites defining a Pb–Pb isochron age of 1787 ± 69 Ma, (2) orangeite with a U–Pb perovskite age of 124 ± 16 Ma, and (3) ultramafic lamprophyres (aillikite and mela-aillikite) with a zircon U–Pb age of 1642 ± 46 Ma. The magma type varies across the Province, with kimberlites in the east, lamprophyres in the west and orangeite and ultramafic lamprophyres to the south. Differences in the age and petrogenesis of the X007 orangeite and Clarksdale and Aalwynkop aillikites suggest that these intrusions are probably unrelated to the Kuruman Province. Kimberlite and orangeite whole-rock major and trace element compositions are similar to other South African localities. Compositionally, the aillikites typically lie off kimberlite and orangeite trends. Groundmass mineral chemistry of the kimberlites has some features more typical of orangeites. Kimberlite whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopes show zoning across the Province. When the kimberlites erupted at ~1.8 Ga, they sampled a core volume (ca 50 km across) of relatively depleted SCLM that was partially surrounded by a rim of more metasomatized mantle. This zonation may have been related to the development of the adjacent Kheis Belt (oldest rocks ~2.0 Ga), as weaker zones surrounding the more resistant core section of SCLM were more extensively metasomatized.  相似文献   
Field relations and whole-rock geochemistry indicate that magma mixing has been important in the genesis of the late Mesozoic I-type igneous complexes at Pingtan and Tonglu in SE China. Morphological and trace-element studies of zircon populations in rocks from each of these complexes have defined several distinct growth stages [Mineral. Mag. (2001)]. In-situ LAM-MC-ICPMS microanalysis shows large variations in 176Hf/177Hf (up to 15 Hf units) between zircons of different growth stages within a single rock, and between zones within single zircon grains (up to 9 Hf units). These variations suggest that each of the observed magmas in both complexes developed through hybridisation of ≥2 magmas with different sources. Although this mixing has produced similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in the different rock types of each complex, the zircons have functioned as “tape recorders” and have preserved details of the assembly of the different magmas.

In the Tonglu complex the most primitive magma is a mafic monzonite (preserved as enclaves), whose isotopic composition suggests derivation from the lower crust; rhyodacites, rhyolites and quartz diorites reflect the mixing of the monzonite with ≥2 more felsic magmas, derived from older crustal materials. In the Pingtan complex, zircons in a quartz diorite enclave suggest mixing between a crustal magma and a more primitive mantle-derived component. Zircons from granites and granodiorite enclaves indicate mixing between the quartz diorite and more felsic melts with lower 176Hf/177Hf. Major changes in 176Hf/177Hf correlate with discontinuous changes in the trace-element composition and morphology of the zircons, in particular the development of sector zoning that suggests rapid disequilibrium crystallisation. We suggest that the magma mixing recorded by the changes in 176Hf/177Hf occurred during transport in magma conduits. The in-situ analysis of Hf-isotopic stratigraphy in zircons is a new and powerful tool for the detailed study of magma generation processes.  相似文献   

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