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Morphological changes in coastal areas, especially in river estuaries, are of high interest in many parts of the world. Satellite data from both optical and radar sensors can help to monitor and investigate these changes. Data from both kinds of sensors being available for up to 30 years now, allow examinations over large timescales, while high resolution sensors developed within the last decade allow increased accuracy. So the creation of digital elevation models (DEMs) of, for example, the wadden sea from a series of satellite images is already possible. ENVISAT, successfully launched on March 1, 2002, continues the line of higher resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging sensors with its ASAR instrument and now also allows several polarization modes for better separation of land and water areas. This article gives an overview of sensors and algorithms for waterline determination as well as several applications. Both optical and SAR images are considered. Applications include morphodynamic monitoring studies and DEM generation.
Andreas NiedermeierEmail:
Upper Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Vocontian Basin (southeastern France) have been investigated in a cross-section from the proximal deposits exposed in the lower Rhône Valley to the distal part of the basin in the Southern Subalpine Ranges north of Nice. The stratigraphic interval studied in detail spans the uppermost Turonian and Coniacian.Palynofacies patterns were used to detect eustatic signals at a third-order scale and are the tool for correlation of proximal and distal platform deposits. The organic constituents observed in the studied samples have been grouped into a continental fraction, including higher plant debris (phytoclasts) and sporomorphs, and a marine fraction with dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, prasinophytes, and foraminiferal test linings. The main factors influencing the stratigraphic and spatial distribution of land-derived, allochthonous, and marine, relatively autochthonous, organic particles are the proximity of land, the organic productivity, the degree of biodegradation and the hydrodynamic conditions of the depositional system. Palynofacies parameters used for the sequence stratigraphic interpretation are: (1) the ratio of continental to marine constituents (CONT/MAR ratio); (2) the ratio of opaque to translucent phytoclasts (OP/TR ratio); (3) the phytoclast particle size and shape; and (4) the relative proportion and species diversity of marine plankton. Ternary diagrams illustrating significant proximality changes were used to decipher transgressive-regressive trends within the succession.High amounts of translucent phytoclasts and decreasing values of the CONT/MAR ratio occur during the phase of relative sea-level rise in the upper Turonian. The stratigraphic interval of maximum flooding around the Turonian/Coniacian boundary is marked by the highest abundance and species diversity of dinoflagellate cysts, and by high percentages of opaque, equidimensional particles within the phytoclast group. The OP/TR ratio is still high within the lower Coniacian representing the early highstand deposits, whereas the relative abundance of marine constituents is again decreasing. Sedimentary organic matter of the upper Coniacian is dominated by large, blade-shaped, mainly opaque phytoclasts, which are a characteristic palynofacies signature of late highstand deposits.The present study demonstrates the high potential of palynofacies analysis in high-resolution stratigraphy and correlation of sedimentary series of shallow epeiric seas.  相似文献   
This paper examines the dynamics of energy investments and clean energy Research and Development (R&D) using a scenario-based modeling approach. Starting from the global scenarios proposed in the RoSE model ensemble experiment, we analyze the dynamics of investments under different assumptions regarding economic and population growth as well as availability of fossil fuel resources, in the absence of a climate policy. Our analysis indicates that economic growth and the speed of income convergence across countries matters for improvements in energy efficiency, both via dedicated R&D investments but mostly through capital-energy substitution. In contrast, fossil fuel prices, by changing the relative competitiveness of energy sources, create an economic opportunity for radical innovation in the energy sector. Indeed, our results suggest that fossil fuel availability is the key driver of investments in low carbon energy innovation. However, this innovation, by itself, is not sufficient to induce emission reductions compatible with climate stabilization objectives.  相似文献   
The ANICE (Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs into the Coastal Ecosystem) project addressed the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to the North Sea, with emphasis on coastal effects. ANICE focused on quantifying the deposition of inorganic nitrogen compounds to the North Sea and the governing processes. An overview of the results from modelling and experimental efforts is presented. They serve to identify the role of the atmosphere as a source of biologically essential chemical species to the marine biota. Data from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (UK) are used to evaluate the effect of short episodes with very high atmospheric nitrogen concentrations. One such episode resulted in an average deposition of 0.8 mmol N m−2 day−1, which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 5.3 mmol C m−2 day−1. This value is compared to long-term effects determined from model results. The total calculated atmospheric deposition to the North Sea in 1999 is 948 kg N km−1, i.e. 0.19 mmol N m−2 day−1 which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 1.2 mmol C m−2 day−1. Detailed results for August 1999 show strong gradients across the North Sea due to adjacent areas where emissions of NOx and NH3 are among the highest in Europe. The average atmospheric deposition to the southern part of the North Sea in August 1999 could potentially promote primary production of 2.0 mmol C m−2 day−1, i.e. 5.5% of the total production at this time of the year in this area of the North Sea. For the entire study area the atmospheric contribution to the primary production per m2 is about two-third of this value. Most of the deposition occurs during short periods with high atmospheric concentrations. This atmospheric nitrogen is almost entirely anthropogenic in origin and thus represents a human-induced perturbation of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
We compare measurements from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) experiment to the NOAA-17 solar backscatter ultraviolet (SBUV/2) instrument during the 2007 Northern Hemisphere polar mesospheric cloud (PMC) season. Daily average Rayleigh scattering albedos determined from identical footprints from the CIPS nadir camera and SBUV/2 agree to better than ~5% throughout the season. Average PMC brightness values derived from the two instruments agree to within ±10%. PMC occurrence frequencies are on average ~5% to nearly a factor of two higher in CIPS, depending on latitude. Agreement is best at high latitudes where clouds are brighter and more frequent. The comparisons indicate that AIM CIPS data are valid for scientific analyses. They also show that CIPS measurements can be linked to the long time series of SBUV/2 data to investigate long-term variability in PMCs.  相似文献   
The growing penetration of GPS equipped smartphones allowing users to constantly share geographic information on their current whereabouts has led the way to an augmentation of existing Social Network Sites with location‐based features or the creation of new ones exclusively around geographic information. Within these Location Based Social Networks vast amounts of geographic information are allocated, which attracted the attention of researchers with various scientific backgrounds. This article presents a comprehensive definition of this special type of Social Network Site and an overview of research activities, which are currently conducted using the data. Finally, a research agenda for GIScience is drawn from existing research directions.  相似文献   
We compared in-situ and satellite-derived measures of the biological carbon pump efficiency at the two seemingly similar subtropical North Atlantic gyre time series sites, the Bermuda time series (BATS, Bermuda Atlantic time-series study and OFP, ocean flux program) in the western gyre and the ESTOC time series (European station for time-series in the ocean, Canary Islands) in the eastern gyre. Satellite-derived surface chlorophyll a was slightly lower at Bermuda compared to ESTOC (annual average of 0.10±0.04 vs. 0.14±0.05-mg-m?3), as was satellite-derived primary production (annual average of 380±77 vs. 440±80-mg C-m?2 d?1). However, export production normalized to primary production (export ratio) was higher at Bermuda by a factor of 2–3 when estimated using mesopelagic traps moored at 500-m depth and by a factor of 3–4 when estimated using surface-tethered drifting traps. When averaged seasonally, flux at BATS was highest in spring (March, April, May) at all depths followed by summer (June, July, August) and decreasing towards fall, but this seasonality was less visible at ESTOC. Seasonal comparison showed the fastest flux attenuation at Bermuda in winter and spring, coinciding with the highest POC flux. POC/PIC ratios derived from the moored traps were significantly higher at BATS than at ESTOC in fall and winter, but this difference was not significant in spring (p>0.05). This study shows that while the western and eastern Atlantic subtropical gyres have similar rates of primary production, the biological carbon pump differs between the two provinces. Higher new nutrient input observed at Bermuda compared to ESTOC might explain part of the difference in export ratio but alone is insufficient. Greater winter mixed-layer depths and higher mesoscale eddy activity at Bermuda resulting in pulsed production events of labile organic matter might explain both the higher export flux and export ratios found at Bermuda.  相似文献   
Exploratory synthetic spectra were computed for carbon-rich long-period variables. We used dynamic model atmospheres of Höfner &; Dorfi (1997) and calculated partial pressures, absorption- and scattering coefficients as input for the spectral synthesis code of Jørgensen et al. (1992). First ISO SWS-observations of the carbon-Mira T Dra are compared with our synthetic spectra.  相似文献   
Garnets from the Zermatt-Saas Fee eclogites contain narrow central peaks for Lu + Yb + Tm ± Er and at least one additional small peak towards the rim. The REE Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy are depleted in the cores but show one prominent peak close to the rim. These patterns cannot be modeled using Rayleigh fractionation accompanied by mineral breakdown reactions. Instead, the patterns are well explained using a transient matrix diffusion model where REE uptake is limited by diffusion in the matrix surrounding the porphyroblast. Observed profiles are well matched if a roughly linear radius growth rate is used. The secondary peaks in the garnet profiles are interpreted to reflect thermally activated diffusion due to temperature increase during prograde metamorphism. The model predicts anomalously low 176Lu/177Hf and 147Sm/144Nd ratios in garnets where growth rates are fast compared to diffusion of the REE, and these results have important implications for Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology using garnet.  相似文献   
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