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The Mayarí-Baracoa ophiolitic belt in eastern Cuba hosts abundant chromite deposits of historical economic importance. Among these deposits, the chemistry of chromite ore is very variable, ranging from high Al (Cr#=0.43–0.55) to high Cr (Cr#=0.60–0.83) compositions. Platinum-group element (PGE) contents are also variable (from 33 ppb to 1.88 ppm) and correlate positively with the Cr# of the ore. Bulk PGE abundances correlate negatively with the Pd/Ir ratio showing that chromite concentrates mainly Os, Ir and Ru which gives rise to the characteristic negatively sloped, chrondrite-normalized PGE patterns in many chromitites. This is consistent with the mineralogy of PGEs, which is dominated by members of the laurite–erlichmanite solid solution series (RuS2–OsS2), with minor amounts of irarsite (IrAsS), Os–Ir alloys, Ru–Os–Ir–Fe–Ni alloys, Ni–Rh–As, and sulfides of Ir, Os, Rh, Cu, Ni, and/or Pd. Measured 187Os/188Os ratios (from 0.1304 to 0.1230) are among the lower values reported for podiform chromitites. The 187Os/188Os ratios decrease with increasing whole-rock PGE contents and Cr# of chromite. Furthermore, γOs values of all but one of the chromitite samples are negative indicating a subchondiritc mantle source. γOs decrease with increasing bulk Os content and decreasing 187Re/188Os ratios. These mineralogical and geochemical features are interpreted in terms of chromite crystallization from melts varying in composition from back-arc basalts (Al-rich chromite) to boninites (Cr-rich chromite) in a suprasubduction zone setting. Chromite crystallization occurs as a consequence of magma mixing and assimilation of preexisting gabbro sills at the mantle–crust transition zone. Cr#, PGE abundances, and bulk Os isotopic composition of chromitites are determined by the combined effects of mantle source heterogeneity, the degree of partial melting, the extent of melt-rock interactions, and the local sulfur fugacity. Small-scale (μm to cm) chemical and isotopic heterogeneities in the platinum-group minerals are controlled by the mechanism(s) of chromite crystallization in a heterogeneous environment created by the turbulent regime generated by successive inputs of different batches of melt.  相似文献   
Laccase from the white‐rot fungus Pleurotus florida, produced under solid‐state fermentation conditions, was used for the decolorization of reactive dye Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR). RBBR was decolorized up to 46% by P. florida laccase alone in 10 min. In the presence of N‐hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT), the rate of decolorization was enhanced 1.56‐fold. Central composite design of response surface methodology with four variables namely, dye, enzyme, redox mediator concentrations, and time at five levels was applied to optimize the RBBR decolorization. The predicted optimum level of variables for maximum RBBR decolorization (87%) was found to be 52.90 mg L?1 (RBBR), 1.87 U mL?1 (laccase), 0.85 mM (HBT), and 7.17 min (time), respectively. The validation results showed that the experimental value of RBBR decolorization (82%) was close to the predicted one. The disappearance of C–N and C–X groups, and a small shift in N–H groups in Fourier‐transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy confirms the degradation of RBBR chromophore by laccase enzyme. The phytotoxicity of RBBR was considerably reduced after the treatment with laccase. RBBR decolorization kinetics; Km and Vmax were calculated to be 145.82 mg L?1 and 24.86 mg L?1 min, respectively.  相似文献   
At sub‐arc depths, the release of carbon from subducting slab lithologies is mostly controlled by fluid released by devolatilization reactions such as dehydration of antigorite (Atg‐) serpentinite to prograde peridotite. Here we investigate carbonate–silicate rocks hosted in Atg‐serpentinite and prograde chlorite (Chl‐) harzburgite in the Milagrosa and Almirez ultramafic massifs of the palaeo‐subducted Nevado‐Filábride Complex (NFC, Betic Cordillera, S. Spain). These massifs provide a unique opportunity to study the stability of carbonate during subduction metamorphism at PT conditions before and after the dehydration of Atg‐serpentinite in a warm subduction setting. In the Milagrosa massif, carbonate–silicate rocks occur as lenses of Ti‐clinohumite–diopside–calcite marbles, diopside–dolomite marbles and antigorite–diopside–dolomite rocks hosted in clinopyroxene‐bearing Atg‐serpentinite. In Almirez, carbonate–silicate rocks are hosted in Chl‐harzburgite and show a high‐grade assemblage composed of olivine, Ti‐clinohumite, diopside, chlorite, dolomite, calcite, Cr‐bearing magnetite, pentlandite and rare aragonite inclusions. These NFC carbonate–silicate rocks have variable CaO and CO2 contents at nearly constant Mg/Si ratio and high Ni and Cr contents, indicating that their protoliths were variable mixtures of serpentine and Ca‐carbonate (i.e., ophicarbonates). Thermodynamic modelling shows that the carbonate–silicate rocks attained peak metamorphic conditions similar to those of their host serpentinite (Milagrosa massif; 550–600°C and 1.0–1.4 GPa) and Chl‐harzburgite (Almirez massif; 1.7–1.9 GPa and 680°C). Microstructures, mineral chemistry and phase relations indicate that the hybrid carbonate–silicate bulk rock compositions formed before prograde metamorphism, likely during seawater hydrothermal alteration, and subsequently underwent subduction metamorphism. In the CaO–MgO–SiO2 ternary, these processes resulted in a compositional variability of NFC serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks along the serpentine‐calcite mixing trend, similar to that observed in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate‐rocks in other palaeo‐subducted metamorphic terranes. Thermodynamic modelling using classical models of binary H2O–CO2 fluids shows that the compositional variability along this binary determines the temperature of the main devolatilization reactions, the fluid composition and the mineral assemblages of reaction products during prograde subduction metamorphism. Thermodynamic modelling considering electrolytic fluids reveals that H2O and molecular CO2 are the main fluid species and charged carbon‐bearing species occur only in minor amounts in equilibrium with carbonate–silicate rocks in warm subduction settings. Consequently, accounting for electrolytic fluids at these conditions slightly increases the solubility of carbon in the fluids compared with predictions by classical binary H2O–CO2 fluids, but does not affect the topology of phase relations in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate‐rocks. Phase relations, mineral composition and assemblages of Milagrosa and Almirez (meta)‐serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks are consistent with local equilibrium between an infiltrating fluid and the bulk rock composition and indicate a limited role of infiltration‐driven decarbonation. Our study shows natural evidence for the preservation of carbonates in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks beyond the Atg‐serpentinite breakdown at sub‐arc depths, demonstrating that carbon can be recycled into the deep mantle.  相似文献   
Seeking a possible explanation for recent data indicating a space-time variation of the electron-to-proton mass ratio within the Milky Way, we consider a phenomenological model where the effective fermion masses depend on the local value of the Weyl tensor. We contrast the required values of the model’s free parameters with bounds obtained from modern tests on the violation of the weak equivalence principle and we find that these quantities are incompatible. This result indicates that the variation of nucleon and electron masses through a coupling with the Weyl tensor is not a viable model.  相似文献   
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C, δ1?N) were used to analyse food web dynamics of two of the main estuaries of the Portuguese coast: Tejo and Mira. The ultimate sources of organic matter supporting production of some of the most abundant and commercially important fish species were determined; and seasonal, inter- and intra- estuarine differences in the trophic relations among producers and consumers were identified. Stable isotope analysis was performed in different producers, primary consumers (main prey items for fish) and fish species (Solea solea, Solea senegalensis, Pomatoschistus microps, Dicentrarchus labrax, Liza ramada, Diplodus vulgaris and Atherina presbyter) of two areas in each estuary, in July and October 2009. Model calculations showed that the main prey for the fish species in the Tejo estuary used mostly salt marsh-derived organic matter as nutritional sources, with no marked differences between the sampled months. Trophic levels of fish species from the same estuary differed at multiple scales: inter-species, seasonally and spatially (both between and within estuaries). Significant differences in isotopic composition of fish species were more pronounced spatially (between the two sampled areas in the estuary) than seasonally (between sampled months). Trophic relationships in both estuaries demonstrated that organic matter is transferred to higher trophic positions mainly through benthic pathways. This shows the flexibility of these species to share resources and to exploit temporary peaks in prey populations. The present results showed that extensive disturbance in intertidal habitats from both estuaries may potentially change the balance of organic matter in the base of these complex food webs.  相似文献   
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have long been advocated as effective management vehicles for promoting long-term conservation of marine resources and biodiversity. However MPAs are failing in their conservation goals, impeded by insufficient funds and a heavy reliance by low-income populations on natural resources.Investigation into a potential payment for environmental services (PES) program for marine protection was conducted in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Surveys elicited tourists' willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce fishing pressure in Espíritu Santo Marine Park. Interviews with local fishermen investigated necessary levels of compensation in order to cease fishing, by proxy of required salaries in alternative employment outside of the fishing sector.Results indicated that required compensation values outweighed WTP by the tourist sector. Median WTP per trip amounted to US$12.50 and US$30, additional to pre-existing price, for day excursions and longer trips respectively. Median willingness to accept of fishermen was approximately US$135 per week, at time of survey, and required compensation was US$60 per week. Aggregated median WTP was able to cover annual compensation costs for approximately half of the fishing population. That fish stocks were not in collapse, thereby not creating sufficient scarcity and decreasing opportunity costs, and potential high transaction costs were identified as constraints of the proposed PES scheme.However, PES for marine protection should not be dismissed entirely; sites which are less productive and where fishermen's opportunity costs are low will be more suited to such a compensation scheme. Furthermore PES can work alongside existing markets.  相似文献   
Wang  Qiuxuan  Song  Li  Agusti  Susana  Duarte  Carlos  Christakos  George  Wu  Jiaping 《Ocean Science Journal》2021,56(4):395-405
Ocean Science Journal - Macrobenthos organisms are vital ecological components of intertidal wetlands. This work studied effects of non-native mangrove rehabilitation (Kandelia obovata) and salt...  相似文献   
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