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We study the rotation rates and electric dipole emission of hydrogenated icosahedral fullerenes under the physical conditions of the dark cloud (DC) LDN 1622. The abundance of fullerenes is estimated by fitting theoretical photoabsorption spectra to the characteristics of the ultraviolet (UV) bump extinction in DCs. The UV bump appears to be well reproduced by a mixture of fullerenes following a size-distribution power law, which gives progressively lower abundances as the radius of the fullerene increases. We infer abundances of the order of  0.2 × 10−6  n (H 2)  for C60. A significant fraction of these molecules are expected to be hydrogenated. We compute the electric dipole rotational emission from these fullerene hydrides, taking into account rotational excitation and damping processes. The recent detection of anomalous microwave emission (5–60 GHz) in LDN 1622 by Casassus et al. can be explained as the result of electric dipole radiation from hydrogenated fullerenes. The bulk of the emission (10–30 GHz) appears to be associated with 60–80 carbon atom fulleranes with a degree of hydrogenation of C:H ≈ 3:1. A small contribution (∼10 per cent) of these molecules residing in the surrounding cold neutral medium and/or photodissociation region of the cloud is required to fit the high-frequency tail (40–60 GHz) of the emission.  相似文献   
We investigate the physical conditions of the material around massive protostars by modelling the so-called hot molecular cores. We present a model for the spectral energy distribution (SED) as well as the ammonia line emission of the G31.41+0.31 hot core. We find that the best fit to the SED is achieved by assuming a density distribution corresponding to the collapse of a magnetized logatropic sphere. On the other hand, the line emission is reproduced by adopting a gas phase ammonia abundance increasing towards the center of the core, as a result of the release of the ammonia molecules trapped in ice grain mantles.  相似文献   
Chromitite pods in the Mayarí-Cristal ophiolitic massif (eastern Cuba) were formed in the Late Cretaceous when island arc tholeiites and MORB-like back-arc basin basalts reacted with residual mantle peridotites and generated chromite-rich bodies enclosed in dunite envelopes. Platinum-group minerals (PGM) in the podiform chromitites exhibit important Os-isotope heterogeneities at the kilometric, hand sample and thin section scales. 187Os/188Os calculated at the time of chromitite crystallization (~90 Ma) ranges between 0.1185 and 0.1295 (γOs = −7.1 to +1.6, relative to enstatite chondrite), and all but one PGM have subchondritic 187Os/188Os. Grains in a single hand sample have initial 187Os/188Os that spans from 0.1185 to 0.1274, and in one thin section it varies between 0.1185 and 0.1232 in two PGM included in chromite which are only several millimeters apart. As the Os budget of a single micrometric grain derives from a mantle region that was at least several m3 in size, the variable Os isotopic composition of PGM in the Mayarí-Cristal chromitites probably reflects the heterogeneity of their mantle sources on the 10–100 m scale. Our results show that this heterogeneity was not erased by pooling and mingling of individual melt batches during chromitite crystallization but was transferred to the ore deposits on mineral scale. The distribution of the Os model ages calculated for PGM shows four main peaks, at ~100, 500, 750 and 1,000 Ma. These variable Os model ages reflect the presence of different depleted domains in the oceanic (Pacific-related) upper mantle of the Greater Antilles paleo-subduction zone. The concordance between the age of crystallization of the Mayarí-Cristal chromitites and the most recent peak of the Os model age distribution in PGM supports that Os in several grains was derived from fertile domains of the upper mantle, whose bulk Os isotopic composition is best approximated by that of enstatite chondrites; on the other hand, most PGM are crystallized by melts that tapped highly refractory mantle sources.  相似文献   
The application of a new liquefaction constitutive model, based on the endochronic theory applied to densification of sandy soil, to a set of centrifuge tests from the University of British Columbia, is presented in this paper. The model employed herein takes into account, in a unified formulation, contractive and dilative behaviours, and considers the soil collapse as well. First of all, the model is calibrated by means of undrained cyclic simple shear stress test data. The constitutive law of the soil is implemented in the bidimensional coupled finite element code CMLIQ (Cyclic Mobility and LIQuefaction), developed by the authors. Three centrifuge tests are analysed, the seismic loading and the geometry being the same for all of them, namely an improved slope with drain devices or denser soil at some locations. Comparisons between the data provided by the numerical model and the experimental measurements are shown, and, as a result, the accuracy of the model is explored and evaluated.  相似文献   
The abiotic disturbance of urban wastewater discharge and its effects in the population structure, plant morphology, leaf nutrient content, epiphyte load and macroalgae abundance of Zostera noltii meadows were investigated in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, southern Portugal using both univariate and multivariate analysis. Four sites were assessed, on a seasonal basis, along a gradient from a major Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) discharge to a main navigation channel. The wastewater discharge caused an evident environmental disturbance through the nutrient enrichment of the water and sediment, particularly of ammonium. Zostera noltii of the sites closest to the nutrient source showed higher leaf N content, clearly reflecting the nitrogen load. The anthropogenic nutrient enrichment resulted in higher biomass, and higher leaf and internode length, except for the meadow closest to the wastewater discharge (270 m). The high ammonium concentration (158–663 μM) in the water at this site resulted in the decrease of biomass, and both the leaf and internode length, suggesting a toxic effect on Z. noltii. The higher abundance of macroalgae and epiphytes found in the meadow closest to the nutrient source may also affect the species negatively. Shoot density was higher at the nutrient-undisturbed site. Two of the three abiotic processes revealed by Principal Component Analysis were clearly related to the WWTW discharge, a contrast between water column salinity and nutrient concentration and a sediment contrast between both porewater nutrients and temperature and redox potential. A multiple regression analysis showed that these abiotic processes had a significant effect on the biomass-density dynamics of meadows and on the overall size of Z. noltii plants, respectively. Results show that the wastewater discharge is an important source of environmental disturbance and nutrients availability in Ria Formosa lagoon affecting the population structure, morphology and N content of Z. noltii. This impact is spatially restricted to areas up to 600 m distant from the WWTW discharge, probably due to the high water renewal of the lagoon.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the geochemical processes taking place in the acid drainage in the Ribeira da Água Forte, located in the Aljustrel mining area in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The approach involved water and stream sediment geochemical analyses, as well as other techniques such as sequential extraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Ribeira da Água Forte is a stream that drains the area of the old mine dumps of the Aljustrel mine, which have for decades been a source of acid waters. This stream flows to the north for a little over than 10 km, but mixes with a reduced, organic-rich, high pH waste water from the municipal waste water pools of the village. This water input produces two different results in the chemistry of the stream depending upon the season: (i) in the winter season, effective water mixing takes place, and the flux of acid water from the mine dumps is continuous, resulting in the immediate precipitation of the Fe from the acid waters; (ii) during the summer season, acid drainage is interrupted and only the waste water feeds the stream, resulting in the reductive dissolution of Fe hydroxides and hydroxysulfates in the stream sediments, releasing significant quantities of metals into solution. Throughout the year, water pH stays invariably within 4.0–4.5 for several meters downstream of this mixing zone even when the source waters come from the waste water pools, which have a pH around 8.4. The coupled interplay of dissolution and precipitation of the secondary minerals (hydroxides and sulfates), keeps the system pH between 3.9 and 4.5 all along the stream. In particular, evidence suggests that schwertmannite may be precipitating and later decomposing into Fe hydroxides to sustain the stream water pH at those levels. While Fe content decreases by 50% from solution, the most important trace metals are only slightly attenuated before the solution mixes with the Ribeira do Rôxo stream waters. Concentrations of As are the only ones effectively reduced along the flow path. Partitioning of Cu, Zn and Pb in the contaminated sediments also showed different behavior. Specific/non-specific adsorption is relevant for Cu and Zn in the upstream branch of Ribeira da Água Forte with acid drainage conditions, whereas the mixture with the waste water causes that the association of these metals with oxyhydroxide to be more important. Metals bound to oxyhydroxides are on the order of 60–70% for Pb, 50% for Cu and 30–60% for Zn. Organic matter is only marginally important around the waste water input area showing 2–8% Cu bound to this phase. These results also show that, although the mixing process of both acid and organic-rich waters can suppress and briefly mitigate some adverse effects of acid drainage, the continuing discharge of these waste waters into a dry stream promotes the remobilization of metals fixed in the secondary solid phases in the stream bed back into solution, a situation that can hardly be amended back to its original state.  相似文献   
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