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The Port of New York/New Jersey is naturally shallow, and therefore dredging is required to maintain depths necessary for navigation. About six million cubic yards of material must be dredged annually to maintain navigation channels and berthing areas. Opportunities for disposal of dredged materials in the metropolitan region are limited. The existing ocean disposal site that has, until recently, received the majority of dredged materials is nearing capacity. Under the new, more stringent, guidance for ocean disposal, a large percentage of the dredged material is not considered acceptable for ocean disposal because of contamination. This paper explores nondredging alternatives to reduce the volume of materials to be dredged, thus reducing the disposal volume. These alternatives include short-term options (e.g., reprofiling operations, in which sediments from high spots in berths are dragged to depressions in lower spots) and long-term sedimentation minimization options (e.g., subsurface berms or air bubblers deployed around berths and interpier areas). These methods require an understanding of sedimentation/circulation patterns of the harbor as a whole and the local area in which the specific methodology may be employed.  相似文献   
We report new helium isotope results for 49 basalt glass samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 1°N and 47°S.3He/4He in South Atlantic mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) varies between 6.5 and 9.0 RA (RA is the atmospheric ratio of1.39 × 10−6), encompassing the range of previously reported values for MORB erupted away from high3He/4He hotspots such as Iceland. He, Sr and Pb isotopes show systematic relationships along the ridge axis. The ridge axis is segmented with respect to geochemical variations, and local spike-like anomalies in3He/4He, Pb and Sr isotopes, and trace element ratios such as(La/Sm)N are prevalent at the latitudes of the islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough to the east of the ridge. The isotope systematics are consistent with injection beneath the ridge of mantle “blobs” enriched in radiogenic He, Pb and Sr, derived from off-axis hotspot sources. The variability in3He/4He along the ridge can be used to refine the hotspot source-migrating-ridge sink model.

MORB from the 2–7°S segment are systematically the least radiogenic samples found along the mid-ocean ridge system to date. Here the depleted mantle source is characterized by87Sr/86Sr of 0.7022, Pb isotopes close to the geochron and with206Pb/204Pb of 17.7, and3He/4He of 8.6–8.9 RA. The “background contamination” of the subridge mantle, by radiogenic helium derived from off-ridge hotspots, displays a maximum between 20 and 24°S. The HePb and HeSr isotope relations along the ridge indicate that the3He/4He ratios are lower for the hotspot sources of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough than for the MORB source, consistent with direct measurements of3He/4He ratios in the island lavas. Details of the HeSrPb isotope systematics between 12 and 22°S are consistent with early, widespread dispersion of the St. Helena plume into the asthenosphere, probably during flattening of the plume head beneath the thick lithosphere prior to continental breakup. The geographical variation in theHe/Pbratio deduced from the isotope systematics suggests only minor degassing of the plume during this stage. Subsequently, it appears that the plume component reaching the mid-Atlantic ridge was partially outgassed of He during off-ridge hotspot volcanism and related melting activity.

Overall, the similar behavior of He and Pb isotopes along the ridge indicates that the respective mantle sources have evolved under conditions which produced related He and Pb isotope variations.  相似文献   

The frequency of flooding is often presumed to increase with climate change because of projected increases in rainfall intensities. In this paper, using 50‐plus years of historical discharge and meteorological data from three watersheds in different physiographic regions of New York State, USA, we find that annual maximum stream discharges are associated with 20% or less of the annual maximum rainfall events. Instead of rainfall events, approximately 20% of annual maximum stream discharges are associated with annual maximum snowmelt events while 60% of annual maximum discharges are associated with moderate rainfall amounts and very wet soil conditions. To explore the potential for changes in future flood risk, we employed a compound frequency distribution that assumes annual maximum discharges can be modelled by combining the cumulative distribution functions of discharges resulting from annual maximum rainfall, annual maximum snowmelt, and occurrences of moderate rain on wet soils. Basing on a compound frequency distribution comprised of univariate general extreme value (GEV) and gamma distributions, we found that a hypothetical 20% increase in the magnitude of rainfall‐related stream discharge results in little change in 96th percentile annual maximum discharge. For the 99th percentile discharge, two waterbodies in our study had a 10% or less increase in annual maximum discharge when annual maximum rainfall‐related discharges increased 20% while the third waterbody had a 16% increase in annual maximum discharges. Additionally, in some cases, annual maximum discharges could be offset by a reduction in the discharge resulting from annual maximum snowmelt events. While only intended as a heuristic tool to explore the interaction among different flood‐causing mechanisms, use of a compound flood frequency distribution suggests a case can be made that not all waterbodies in humid, cold regions will see extensive changes in flooding due to increased rainfall intensities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Over the last 2 years, more than seven million fish and 16,000 birds have died from drought-induced disease and suspected poisoning at Stillwater Lakes, Nevada. Correspondence analysis of water samples taken in June and September 1986, from lakes and reservoirs near Stillwater Lakes and four background lakes/reservoirs (not associated with fauna disease and death), is attempted to investigate the correlation among sites associated with fauna deaths. This analysis identifies high correlation between some Stillwater Lakes sites and boron. A correlation between boron and arsenic is also identified. Leaching and transport of toxins to the Stillwater Lakes system is one hypothesis to explain the wildlife deaths. Other hypotheses include the direct introduction of toxins by groundwater associated with geothermal activity. A natural cause for the wildlife deaths is also suggested, a cause not associated with the introduction of toxins.  相似文献   
Surface and sub-surface currents along the ocean boundary of Western Australia were simulated using Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) to examine the circulation within the Perth Canyon. Two major current systems influenced the circulation within the canyon: (1) The Leeuwin current interacted weakly with the canyon as the majority of the canyon was below the depth of the Leeuwin current and (2) Leeuwin undercurrent interacted strongly with the canyon, forming eddies within the canyon at depths of 400–800 m. The results indicated that within the canyon, the current patterns changed continuously although there were some repeated patterns. Recurrent eddies produced regions where upwelling or downwelling dominated during the model runs. Deep upwelling was stronger within the canyon than elsewhere on the shelf, but vertical transport in the upper ocean was strong everywhere when wind forcing was applied. Upwelling alone appeared to be insufficient to transport nutrients to the euphotic zone because the canyon rims were deep. Increased upwelling, combined with entrapment within eddies and strong upwelling-favourable winds, which could assist mixing, may account for the high productivity attributed to the canyon. The Leeuwin current is otherwise a strong barrier to the upwelling of nutrients.  相似文献   
Newly acquired, sequentially spaced, high-resolution near-infrared spectra across the central section of crater Copernicus’ interior have been analyzed using a range of complementary techniques and indexes.We have developed a new interpretative method based on a multiple stage normalization process that appears to both confirm and expand on previous mineralogical estimations and mapping. In broad terms, the interpreted distribution of the principle mafic species suggests an overall composition of surface materials dominated by calcium-poor pyroxenes and minor olivine but with notable exceptions: the southern rim displays strong ca-rich pyroxene absorption features and five other locations, the uppermost northern crater wall, opposite rim sections facing the crater floor, and the central peak Pk1 and at the foot of Pk3, show instead strong olivine signatures.We also propose impact glass an alternative interpretation to the source of the weak but widespread olivine-like spectral signature found in low-reflectance samples, since it probably represents a major regolith constituent and component in large craters such as Copernicus.The high quality and performance of the SIR-2 data allows for the detection of diagnostic key mineral species even when investigating spectral samples with very subdued absorption features, confirming the intrinsic high-quality value of the returned data.  相似文献   
Benthic community responses to thin-layer disposal of dredged material were assessed at three sites in Mississippi Sound, USA. Community composition differed between disposal and reference sites (ANOSIM) for each disposal event. Oweniid sand worms, Amphinomid fire worms, and brittle stars (Ophiuriodea) contributed the most to community distinctions between disposal and reference sites (SIMPER), with higher abundances at the disposal sites. Total infaunal abundance was similar to pre-disposal and reference conditions within 3-10 months of thin-layer disposal. Distinctions in community composition between disposal and reference sites (nMDS) persisted throughout the 16-month study period, but were less pronounced at the site where sediment composition was unchanged by disposal. Size distributions of some taxa (e.g., gastropod and hemichordate) suggest adults recolonized the newly deposited sediments either through vertical migration or lateral immigration from adjacent areas. Thin-layer disposal offers a viable alternative to conventional open-water disposal practices and warrants further exploration for other areas with deeper bathymetries and different hydrodynamic regimes.  相似文献   
We introduce a technique for U–Pb dating of baddeleyite using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in situ analysis of ng-mass crystals that cannot be efficiently extracted by conventional mineral separation techniques. Average 207Pb/206Pb ages for Precambrian baddeleyite crystals are within < 0.3% of the respective isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) ages. 206Pb/238U ratios are corrected for instrumental fractionation calibrated through linear regression in a Pb/U relative sensitivity vs. UO2+/U+ calibration plot. Calibration is performed on separated baddeleyite crystals (~ 100–200 μm in maximum dimension) mounted in random crystallographic orientation. 206Pb/238U ages for baddeleyite from Duluth gabbro (FC4b) and Kovdor are accurate within 1–2% when averaging 15–30 individual spot analyses and relative sensitivities calibrated on Phalaborwa baddeleyite. The relative difference of 206Pb/238U between large crystals and micro-baddeleyite from FC4b is within ~ 1%. Comparison between silicate glass and baddeleyite, as well as replicate analysis of the same grains in different orientations relative to the incidence direction of the primary beam support previous evidence for bias in Pb/U sensitivity in baddeleyite due to variable crystal orientations. We successfully utilized oxygen flooding and a UO2+/U+-based calibration to significantly reduce orientation dependent bias.  相似文献   
An in situ U–Pb SIMS (IN-SIMS) method to date micro-baddeleyite crystals as small as 3 μm is presented with results from three samples that span a variety of ages and geologic settings. The method complements ID-TIMS geochronology by extending the range of dateable crystals to sizes smaller than can be recovered by physical separation. X-ray mapping and BSE imaging are used to locate target grains in thin section, followed by SIMS analysis on a CAMECA ims 1270, using the field aperture in the transfer column to screen out ions from host phases. Internal age precisions for the method are anticipated to range from 0.1% for Precambrian rocks to 3–7% for Phanerozoic rocks. Results establish a 2689 ± 5 Ma age for mafic dikes in the Wyoming craton, USA, a 1540 ± 30 Ma age for a subaerial lava flow from the Thelon Basin of northern Canada, and a 457 ± 34 Ma age for mafic dikes in the platform sequence of southeastern Siberia. The method is ideal for relatively non-destructive dating of small samples such as extraterrestrial rocks and precious terrestrial samples.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of 10 years of water quality monitoring in the Indian River Lagoon Florida, with special emphasis on the relationships between trends in climatic conditions and the distribution, composition, and abundance of the phytoplankton community. The Indian River Lagoon, which spans 220 km of Florida’s east coast, is a region of particular concern because of the rapid rate of human development throughout the region and the hydrologically restricted character of the lagoon, which heightens the potential for algal bloom. Water sampling was carried out on a monthly to twice-monthly basis at six sites located in the northern and central lagoon. The 10-year study included both extended periods of below and above average rainfall. A number of ecologically distinct regions exist within the lagoon, which differ considerably in water exchange properties and watershed inputs. The northern lagoon is characterized by longer water residence times, lower phosphorus concentrations, higher nitrogen concentrations, and more stable salinity conditions than the central lagoon. Mean phytoplankton biovolumes were substantially higher at the sites in the northern lagoon than at the sites in the central lagoon, and algal blooms were more common and intense in the former region. Inter-annual patterns of phytoplankton biovolume were also different in the northern and central lagoon. In the northern lagoon, phytoplankton biovolumes were lowest during the drought period, from the autumn of 1998 to the spring of 2001. By contrast, algal bloom events in the central lagoon were not only less frequent but were not tied to periods of high rainfall. The most widespread and common bloom formers were the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. bahamense and two centric diatoms, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus and Cerataulina pelagica. Many of the biovolume peaks observed over the study period were attributable to these three species. The results of time series modeling of phytoplankton dynamics further highlighted the disparities between the two regions of the lagoon in terms of the suite of parameters that best predict the observed trends in the biomass of phytoplankton. Overall, the outcome of this initial modeling effort in the Indian River Lagoon suggests that time series approaches can help define the factors that influence phytoplankton dynamics.  相似文献   
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