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Abstract— Here I discuss the series of events that led to the formation and evolution of our planet to examine why the Earth is unique in the solar system. A multitude of factors are involved: These begin with the initial size and angular momentum of the fragment that separated from a molecular cloud; such random factors are crucial in determining whether a planetary system or a double star develops from the resulting nebula. Another requirement is that there must be an adequate concentration of heavy elements to provide the 2% “rock” and “ice” components of the original nebula. An essential step in forming rocky planets in the inner nebula is the loss of gas and depletion of volatile elements, due to early solar activity that is linked to the mass of the central star. The lifetime of the gaseous nebula controls the formation of gas giants. In our system, fine timing was needed to form the gas giant, Jupiter, before the gas in the nebula was depleted. Although Uranus and Neptune eventually formed cores large enough to capture gas, they missed out and ended as ice giants. The early formation of Jupiter is responsible for the existence of the asteroid belt (and our supply of meteorites) and the small size of Mars, whereas the gas giant now acts as a gravitational shield for the terrestrial planets. The Earth and the other inner planets accreted long after the giant planets, from volatile-depleted planetesimals that were probably already differentiated into metallic cores and silicate mantles in a gas-free, inner nebula. The accumulation of the Earth from such planetesimals was essentially a stochastic process, accounting for the differences among the four rocky inner planets—including the startling contrast between those two apparent twins, Earth and Venus. Impact history and accretion of a few more or less planetesimals were apparently crucial. The origin of the Moon by a single massive impact with a body larger than Mars accounts for the obliquity (and its stability) and spin of the Earth, in addition to explaining the angular momentum, orbital characteristics, and unique composition of the Moon. Plate tectonics (unique among the terrestrial planets) led to the development of the continental crust on the Earth, an essential platform for the evolution of Homo sapiens. Random major impacts have punctuated the geological record, accentuating the directionless course of evolution. Thus a massive asteroidal impact terminated the Cretaceous Period, resulted in the extinction of at least 70% of species living at that time, and led to the rise of mammals. This sequence of events that resulted in the formation and evolution of our planet were thus unique within our system. The individual nature of the eight planets is repeated among the 60-odd satellites—no two appear identical. This survey of our solar system raises the question whether the random sequence of events that led to the formation of the Earth are likely to be repeated in detail elsewhere. Preliminary evidence from the “new planets” is not reassuring. The discovery of other planetary systems has removed the previous belief that they would consist of a central star surrounded by an inner zone of rocky planets and an outer zone of giant planets beyond a few astronomical units (AU). Jupiter-sized bodies in close orbits around other stars probably formed in a similar manner to our giant planets at several astronomical units from their parent star and, subsequently, migrated inwards becoming stranded in close but stable orbits as “hot Jupiters”, when the nebula gas was depleted. Such events would prevent the formation of terrestrial-type planets in such systems.  相似文献   
Beginning in 1990, 2,588 wells were sampled within the Inner Coastal Plain of Georgia in an effort to assess the quality of ground water in this major farm belt. The project was one aspect of an EPA-sponsored program to assess ground-water quality statewide. Several variables were measured, including pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. In some wells sulfate, chloride, potassium, iron, and manganese contents were also determined. Particular emphasis was placed, however, on pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and nitrite/nitrate content. Generally, pH was between 6 and 8, and temperatures were within a range of 18° and 24°Celsius. Measurements of specific conductivity varied, but averaged 250–275 microsiemens/cm. Nitrite contamination was negligible, and nitrate contamination of the ground water within the shallow aquifers did not appear to be significant. In fact, 56% of the wells sampled showed no detectable signs of nitrate or nitrite contamination. There were, however, a few isolated wells where nitrate as nitrogen measurements exceeded the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Standard of 10 ppm. The general lack of contamination may be the result of the nature of the agricultural practices used in this region and/or the effect of natural denitrification.  相似文献   
Miller field of the North Sea has had high concentrations of natural CO2 for ~70 Ma. It is an ideal analog for the long-term fate of CO2 during engineered storage, particularly for formation of carbonate minerals that permanently lock up CO2 in solid form. The Brae Formation reservoir sandstone contains an unusually high quantity of calcite concretions; however, C and O stable isotopic signatures suggest that these are not related to the present-day CO2 charge. Margins of the concretions are corroded, probably because of reduced pH due to CO2 influx. Dispersed calcite cements are also present, some of which postdate the CO2 charge and, therefore, are the products of mineral trapping. It is calculated that only a minority of the reservoired CO2 in Miller (6–24%) has been sequestrated in carbonates, even after 70 Ma of CO2 emplacement. Most of the CO2 accumulation is dissolved in pore fluids. Therefore, in a reservoir similar to the Brae Formation, engineered CO2 storage must rely on physical retention mechanisms because mineral trapping is both incomplete and slow.  相似文献   
Aircraft, radiosonde, surface-flux, and boundary-layer windprofiler data from the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study's 1997 field project, CASES-97, are combined with synoptic data to study the evolution of the vertically-averaged mixed-layerpotential temperature []and mixing-ratio [Q] onthree nearly-cloudless days from 1000 CST to 1200CST (local noon is approximately 1230 CST). This was achieved through examination of the terms in the time-tendency (`budget')equations for []and [Q]. We estimate three of the terms –local time rate of change, vertical flux divergence, andhorizontal advection. For the [Q]-budget, vertical flux divergence usually dominates, buthorizontal advection is significant on one of the three days. The [Q]-budget balances for two of the three days to within the large experimental error. For the -budget,vertical flux divergence accounts for most of the morningwarming, with horizontal advection of secondary importance.The residual in the -budget has the same sign for all three days, indicating that not all the heating is accounted for. We can balance the []-budgets to within experimental error on two of the three days by correcting the vertical-flux divergence for apparent low biases in the flux measurements of one of the aircraft and in the surface fluxes, and accounting for direct heating of the mixed layer by radiative flux divergence allowing for the effects of carbonaceous aerosols. The [];-budget with these corrections also balances on the third day if horizontal gradients from synoptic maps are used to estimate the horizontal advection. However, the corrected budget for this day does not balance if the horizontal gradient in the advection term is estimated using CASES-97aircraft and radiosondes; we suggest that persistent mesoscale circulations led to an overestimate of the horizontal gradient andhence horizontal advection.  相似文献   
The abundance and structural diversity of bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) was examined in three marine pelagic environments that are characterized by strong vertical redox gradients and water column suboxia or anoxia. The abundance and, in most instances, structural diversity of BHPs was highest at depths where conditions were suboxic or anoxic. However, the majority of the BHP structures that were identified are environmentally cosmopolitan and their biological sources are presently not well constrained. An isomer of bacteriohopanetetrol (denoted BHT II) was observed at all three study sites in association with anoxic and suboxic conditions within the water column. Based on the absence of BHT II from terrigenous and oxic marine environments studied to date, and its strong association with suboxic and anoxic marine pelagic environments, we propose that BHT II is a promising candidate biomarker for water column suboxia and anoxia in the marine geologic record. The molecular fingerprint of BHPs in suspended and sinking particles and core-top sediments indicates that hopanoids produced within the water column are exported to marine sediments and that their biological source is most likely associated with settling particles and not the free-water phase. Based on our observations, BHPs likely represent an important input to the sedimentary hopanoid inventory, particularly in upwelling environments characterized by pelagic oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) and anoxic marine basins.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediment cores from Lake Lucerne, Lake Zürich, and Greifensee, Switzerland, and Lake Washington, northwest U.S.A., have been isolated, identified and quantified by glass capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Surface sediment layers are greatly enriched in PAH—up to 40 times—compared to deeper layers. In addition, concentration increases in upper sediments generally correspond to increasing industrialization and urbanization in the catchment basins of the lakes. Few PAH could be detected in pre-industrial revolution sediments, indicating that background levels for most PAH in aquatic sediments are extremely low.These results are consistent with an anthropogenic source for most of the aromatic hydrocarbons present in the modern sediments. A comparison of PAH distributions in the sediments and in possible source materials shows that urban runoff of street dust may be the most important PAH input to these lacustrine sediments. There is evidence that a significant contribution to the PAH content of street dust comes from material associated with asphalt.  相似文献   
Increased sediment loads from accelerated catchment erosion significantly degrade waterways worldwide. In the South East Queensland region of Australia, sediment loads are degrading Moreton Bay, a Ramsar listed wetland of international significance. In this region, like most parts of coastal Australia, sediment is predominantly derived from gully and channel bank erosion processes. A novel approach is presented that uses carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and elemental composition to discriminate between these often indistinguishable subsoil sediment sources. The conservativeness of these sediment properties is first tested by examining the effect of particle size separation (testing for consistency during transport) and the effect of sampling at different times (testing for temporal source consistency). The discrimination potential of these sediment properties is then assessed with the conservative properties, based on the particle size and temporal analyses, modelled to determine sediment provenance in three catchments. Nitrogen sediment properties were found to have significant particle size enrichment and high temporal variance indicative of non‐conservative behaviour. Conversely, carbon stable isotopes had very limited particle size and temporal variability highlighting their suitability for sediment tracing. Channel erosion was modelled to be a significant source of sediment (μ 51%, σ 9%) contrasting desktop modelling research that estimated gully erosion is the predominant sediment source. To limit the supply of sediment to Moreton Bay, channel bank and gully erosion must both be targeted by sediment management programs. By distinguishing between subsoil sediment sources, this approach has the potential to enhance the management of sediment loads degrading waterways worldwide. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
There have been several claims that seismic shear waves respond to changes in stress before earthquakes. The companion paper develops a stress-sensitive model (APE) for the behaviour of low-porosity low-permeability crystalline rocks containing pervasive distributions of fluid-filled intergranular microcracks, and this paper uses APE to model the behaviour before earthquakes. Modelling with APE shows that the microgeometry and statistics of distributions of such fluid-filled microcracks respond almost immediately to changes in stress, and that the behaviour can be monitored by analysing seismic shear-wave splitting. The physical reasons for the coupling between shear-wave splitting and differential stress are discussed.
In this paper, we extend the model by using percolation theory to show that large crack densities are limited at the grain-scale level by the percolation threshold at which interacting crack clusters lead to pronounced increases in rock-matrix permeability. In the simplest formulation, the modelling is dimensionless and almost entirely constrained without free parameters. Nevertheless, APE modelling of the evolution of fluid-saturated rocks under stress reproduces the observed fracture criticality and the narrow range of shear-wave azimuthal anisotropy in crustal rocks. It also reproduces the behaviour of temporal variations in shear-wave splitting observed before and after the 1986, M = 6, North Palm Springs earthquake, Southern California, and several other smaller earthquakes.
The agreement of APE modelling with a wide range of observations confirms that fluid-saturated crystalline rocks are stress-sensitive and respond to changes in stress by critical fluid-rock interactions at the microscale level. This means that the effects of changes in stress and other parameters can be numerically modelled and monitored by appropriate observations of seismic shear waves.  相似文献   
Intensive field monitoring of a reach of upland gravel‐bed river illustrates the temporal and spatial variability of in‐channel sedimentation. Over the six‐year monitoring period, the mean bed level in the channel has risen by 0·17 m with a maximum bed level rise of 0·5 m noted at one location over a five month winter period. These rapid levels of aggradation have a profound impact on the number and duration of overbank flows with flood frequency increasing on average 2·6 times and overbank flow time increasing by 12·8 hours. This work raises the profile of coarse sediment transfer in the design and operation of river management, specifically engineering schemes. It emphasizes the need for the implementation of strategic monitoring programmes before engineering work occurs to identify zones where aggradation is likely to be problematic. Exploration of the sediment supply and transfer system can explain patterns of channel sedimentation. The complex spatial, seasonal and annual variability in sediment supply and transfer raise uncertainties into the system's response to potential changes in climate and land‐use. Thus, there is a demand for schemes that monitor coarse sediment transfer and channel response. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Veins containing carbonates, hydrous silicates, and sulfates that occur within and between grains of augite and olivine in the Nakhla meteorite are good evidence for the former presence of liquid water in the Martian crust. Aqueous solutions gained access to grain interiors via narrow fractures, and those fractures within olivine whose walls were oriented close to (001) were preferentially widened by etching along [001]. This orientation selective dissolution may have been due to the presence within olivine of shock‐formed [001](100) and [001]{110} screw dislocations. The duration of etching is likely to have been brief, possibly less than a year, and the solutions responsible were sufficiently cool and reducing that laihunite did not form and Fe liberated from the olivine was not immediately oxidized. The pores within olivine were mineralized in sequence by siderite, nanocrystalline smectite, a Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate, and then gypsum, whereas only the smectite occurs within augite. The nanocrystalline smectite was deposited as submicrometer thick layers on etched vein walls, and solution compositions varied substantially between and sometimes during precipitation of each layer. Together with microcrystalline gypsum the Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate crystallized as water briefly returned to some of the veins following desiccation fracturing of the smectite. These results show that etching of olivine enhanced the porosity and permeability of the nakhlite parent rock and that dissolution and secondary mineralization took place within the same near‐static aqueous system.  相似文献   
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