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平均经圈环流在大气角动量和感热收支中的作用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文研究相对座标系中近地表角动量的制造和自由大气中角动量的辐散之间的平衡机制,并与绝对参考系中的机制进行比较。 对1982年元月全球角动量和感热的收支分析证明,被激发的平均经圈环流具有下述特征:其下部水平支施加于大气的惯性矩与近地表角动量的制造相平衡,上部水平支反号的惯性矩与涡动角动量通量的辐合(散)相平衡;而其垂直支的绝热加热效应则平衡着自由大气中热通量的辐散和/或大气的非绝热加热。因而,无论动力上还是热力上,平均经圈环流在大气总环流中都起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
The thermo-elastic behavior of a natural epidote [Ca1.925 Fe0.745Al2.265Ti0.004Si3.037O12(OH)] has been investigated up to 1,200 K (at 0.0001 GPa) and 10 GPa (at 298 K) by means of in situ synchrotron powder diffraction. No phase transition has been observed within the temperature and pressure range investigated. PV data fitted with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EoS) give V 0 = 458.8(1)Å3, K T0 = 111(3) GPa, and K′ = 7.6(7). The confidence ellipse from the variance–covariance matrix of K T0 and K′ from the least-square procedure is strongly elongated with negative slope. The evolution of the “Eulerian finite strain” vs “normalized stress” yields Fe(0) = 114(1) GPa as intercept values, and the slope of the regression line gives K′ = 7.0(4). The evolution of the lattice parameters with pressure is slightly anisotropic. The elastic parameters calculated with a linearized BM-EoS are: a 0 = 8.8877(7) Å, K T0(a) = 117(2) GPa, and K′(a) = 3.7(4) for the a-axis; b 0 = 5.6271(7) Å, K T0(b) = 126(3) GPa, and K′(b) = 12(1) for the b-axis; and c 0 = 10.1527(7) Å, K T0(c) = 90(1) GPa, and K’(c) = 8.1(4) for the c-axis [K T0(a):K T0(b):K T0(c) = 1.30:1.40:1]. The β angle decreases with pressure, βP(°) = βP0 −0.0286(9)P +0.00134(9)P 2 (P in GPa). The evolution of axial and volume thermal expansion coefficient, α, with T was described by the polynomial function: α(T) = α0 + α1 T −1/2. The refined parameters for epidote are: α0 = 5.1(2) × 10−5 K−1 and α1 = −5.1(6) × 10−4 K1/2 for the unit-cell volume, α0(a) = 1.21(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(a) = −1.2(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the a-axis, α0(b) = 1.88(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(b) = −1.7(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the b-axis, and α0(c) = 2.14(9) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(c) = −2.0(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the c-axis. The thermo-elastic anisotropy can be described, at a first approximation, by α0(a): α0(b): α0(c) = 1 : 1.55 : 1.77. The β angle increases continuously with T, with βT(°) = βT0 + 2.5(1) × 10−4 T + 1.3(7) × 10−8 T 2. A comparison between the thermo-elastic parameters of epidote and clinozoisite is carried out.  相似文献   
The quaternary volcanic complex of Mount Amiata is located in southern Tuscany (Italy) and represents the most recent manifestation of the Tuscan Magmatic Province. The region is characterised by a large thermal anomaly and by the presence of numerous CO2-rich gas emissions and geothermal features, mainly located at the periphery of the volcanic complex. Two geothermal systems are located, at increasing depths, in the carbonate and metamorphic formations beneath the volcanic complex. The shallow volcanic aquifer is separated from the deep geothermal systems by a low permeability unit (Ligurian Unit). A measured CO2 discharge through soils of 1.8 × 109 mol a−1 shows that large amounts of CO2 move from the deep reservoir to the surface. A large range in δ13CTDIC (−21.07 to +3.65) characterises the waters circulating in the aquifers of the region and the mass and isotopic balance of TDIC allows distinguishing a discharge of 0.3 × 109 mol a−1 of deeply sourced CO2 in spring waters. The total natural CO2 discharge (2.1 × 109 mol a−1) is slightly less than minimum CO2 output estimated by an indirect method (2.8 × 109 mol a−1), but present-day release of 5.8 × 109 mol a−1 CO2 from deep geothermal wells may have reduced natural CO2 discharge. The heat transported by groundwater, computed considering the increase in temperature from the infiltration area to the discharge from springs, is of the same order of magnitude, or higher, than the regional conductive heat flow (>200 mW m−2) and reaches extremely high values (up to 2700 mW m−2) in the north-eastern part of the study area. Heat transfer occurs mainly by conductive heating in the volcanic aquifer and by uprising gas and vapor along fault zones and in those areas where low permeability cover is lacking. The comparison of CO2 flux, heat flow and geological setting shows that near surface geology and hydrogeological setting play a central role in determining CO2 degassing and heat transfer patterns.  相似文献   
Previous genetic studies showing evidence of past demographic changes in African drosophilids suggested that these populations had strongly responded to Quaternary climate changes. We surveyed nine species of Zaprionus, a drosophilid genus mostly present in Africa, in forests located between southern Senegal and Gabon. The mitochondrial COI gene showed contrasted levels of sequence variation across species. Populations of the only cosmopolitan species of the genus, Z. indianus, and of its closely related sibling species, Z. africanus, are highly polymorphic and appear to have undergone a continuous population expansion beginning about 130,000 years ago. Five less variable species probably underwent a population expansion beginning only about 20,000–30,000 years ago. One of them, Z. taronus, was significantly structured between forest blocks. The last two species were nearly monomorphic, probably due to infection by Wolbachia. These results are similar to those obtained in three species from the melanogaster subgroup, and may be typical of the responses of African drosophilid populations to glacial cycles.  相似文献   
Microwave radiances from passive polar-orbiting radiometers have been, until recently, assimilated in the Met Office global numerical weather prediction system after the scenes significantly affected by atmospheric scattering are discarded.Recent system upgrades have seen the introduction of a scattering-permitting observation operator and the development of a variable observation error using both liquid and ice water paths as proxies of scattering-induced bias. Applied to the Fengyun 3 Microwave Temperature Sounder 2(MWTS-2) and the Microwave Humidity Sounder 2(MWHS-2), this methodology increases the data usage by up to 8% at 183 GHz. It also allows for the investigation into the assimilation of MWHS-2 118 GHz channels, sensitive to temperature and lower tropospheric humidity, but whose large sensitivity to ice cloud have prevented their use thus far. While the impact on the forecast is mostly neutral with small but significant shortrange improvements, 0.3% in terms of root mean square error, for southern winds and low-level temperature, balanced by 0.2% degradations of short-range northern and tropical low-level temperature, benefits are observed in the background fit of independent instruments used in the system. The lower tropospheric temperature sounding Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer(IASI) channels see a reduction of the standard deviation in the background departure of up to 1.2%. The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A(AMSU-A) stratospheric sounding channels improve by up to 0.5% and the Microwave Humidity Sounder(MHS) humidity sounding channels improve by up to 0.4%.  相似文献   
The name Calabrian was introduced in the geological literature by the French stratigrapher Maurice Gignoux in 1910, and later described in his important monograph (633 pages) "Les formations marines pliocknes et quaternaires de l'ltalie du sud et de la Sicile "published in 1913. Detailed data were provided on several sections (Santa Maria di Catanzaro, Caraffa, Monasterace, Palermo) and on their fossil content. The Calabrian Stage has commonly been used for over fifty years as the oldest subdivision of the Qua- ternary, notably in the time scales of Berggren & van Cou- vering (1974) and Haq & Eysinga (1987). However, after the GSSP for the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (P/P) was approved by INQUA in 1982 and ratified by lUGS in 1984 at the Vrica section of Calabria, there was a decline in the usage of the stage name, and an increasing tendency by many Quaternary workers to question the boundary stratotype. This was because there was increasing evidence that it did not correspond to the beginning of the "ice age". In doing so, they were not complying with the recommendations presented at the 18th International Geological Congress (IGC) in London, 1948 (Oakley, 1950).  相似文献   
Unstable resonant orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem have increasingly been used for trajectory design using optimization and invariant manifold techniques. In this study, several methods for computing these unstable resonant orbits are explored including grid searches, flyby maps, and continuation. Families of orbits are computed focusing on orbits with multiple loops near the secondary in the Jupiter–Europa system, and their characteristics are explored. Different parameters such as period and stability are examined for each set of resonant orbits, and the continuation of several specific orbits is explored in more detail.  相似文献   
The analysis of relative motion of two spacecraft in Earth-bound orbits is usually carried out on the basis of simplifying assumptions. In particular, the reference spacecraft is assumed to follow a circular orbit, in which case the equations of relative motion are governed by the well-known Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations. Circular motion is not, however, a solution when the Earth’s flattening is accounted for, except for equatorial orbits, where in any case the acceleration term is not Newtonian. Several attempts have been made to account for the \(J_2\) effects, either by ingeniously taking advantage of their differential effects, or by cleverly introducing ad-hoc terms in the equations of motion on the basis of geometrical analysis of the \(J_2\) perturbing effects. Analysis of relative motion about an unperturbed elliptical orbit is the next step in complexity. Relative motion about a \(J_2\)-perturbed elliptic reference trajectory is clearly a challenging problem, which has received little attention. All these problems are based on either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations for circular reference motion, or the de Vries/Tschauner–Hempel equations for elliptical reference motion, which are both approximate versions of the exact equations of relative motion. The main difference between the exact and approximate forms of these equations consists in the expression for the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of the rotating reference frame with respect to an inertial reference frame. The rotating reference frame is invariably taken as the local orbital frame, i.e., the RTN frame generated by the radial, the transverse, and the normal directions along the primary spacecraft orbit. Some authors have tried to account for the non-constant nature of the angular velocity vector, but have limited their correction to a mean motion value consistent with the \(J_2\) perturbation terms. However, the angular velocity vector is also affected in direction, which causes precession of the node and the argument of perigee, i.e., of the entire orbital plane. Here we provide a derivation of the exact equations of relative motion by expressing the angular velocity of the RTN frame in terms of the state vector of the reference spacecraft. As such, these equations are completely general, in the sense that the orbit of the reference spacecraft need only be known through its ephemeris, and therefore subject to any force field whatever. It is also shown that these equations reduce to either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire, or the Tschauner–Hempel equations, depending on the level of approximation. The explicit form of the equations of relative motion with respect to a \(J_2\)-perturbed reference orbit is also introduced.  相似文献   
We present a model of bacterial sulfate reduction that includes equations describing the fractionation relationship between the sulfur and the oxygen isotope composition of residual sulfate (δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual) and the amount of residual sulfate. The model is based exclusively on oxygen isotope exchange between cell-internal sulfur compounds and ambient water as the dominating mechanism controlling oxygen isotope fractionation processes. We show that our model explains δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns observed from natural environments and from laboratory experiments, whereas other models, favoring kinetic isotope fractionation processes as dominant process, fail to explain many (but not all) observed δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns. Moreover, we show that a “typical” δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual slope does not exist. We postulate that measurements of δ34SSO4_residual and δ18OSO4_residual can be used as a tool to determine cell-specific sulfate reduction rates, oxygen isotope exchange rates, and equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange factors. Data from culture experiments are used to determine the range of sulfur isotope fractionation factors in which a simplified set of equations can be used. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the equations. We postulate that, during denitrification, the oxygen isotope effects in residual nitrate are also the result of oxygen isotope exchange with ambient water. Consequently, the equations for the relationship between δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual, and the amount of residual sulfate could be modified and used to calculate the fractionation-relationship between δ15NNO3_residual, δ18ONO3_residual, and the amount of residual nitrate during denitrification.  相似文献   
Flood and ebb currents provide different contributions to the initiation and evolution of tidal channel networks, generating diverse network structures and channel cross-sections. In order to separate the effects of these contributions, a physical model of a sloping tidal-flat basin was set up in the laboratory. Depending on the degree of tidal asymmetry imposed offshore, either flood or ebb currents can be enhanced. The experimental results show that the ebb current has a higher capability to initiate and shape tidal networks than the flood current. Headward erosion is mainly induced by the ebb flow. The slightly inclined flat surface tends to reduce the energy of the flood current and to enhance the ebb current, thus prolonging the duration of morphodynamic activity as well as sediment motion. Overall, flood-dominated tides favour the formation of small-scale channel branches in the upper basin zone, while long lasting ebb-dominated tides result in more complex, wider and deeper tidal networks. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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