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Only a few Paleocene radiolarian assemblages have been reported, while the Early Paleocene zonal schemes remain poorly delineated. The Early Paleocene on-land radiolarians were described in the Hidaka melange belt of Japan and the North Island of New Zeal…  相似文献   
本文在深入调研上海市集中测绘成果管理系统的基础上,通过对系统的建立与长期维护的总结,简要的介绍了系统实现的功能与系统架构,总结了系统建设过程中的思路与做法。着重阐述了系统在整合测绘处理与成果管理、保持基础数据的现势性方面所取得的成果,总结了系统在建设与使用过程中的优缺点,为其它地区建立或改造测绘成果系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Based on the sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS) 1,5.8 S,and ITS 2,the molecular phylogeny was analyzed on Ulvaceae species collected from Qingdao coasts in summer of 2007,including 15 attached Ulva and Enteromorpha samples from 10 locations and 10 free-floating Enteromorpha samples from seven locations.The result supported the monophyly of all free-floating Enteromorpha samples,implying the unialgal composition of the free-floating Enteromorpha,and the attached Ulvaceae species from Qingdao coasts were grouped into other five clades,suggesting that they were not the biogeographic origin of the free-floating Enteromorpha in that season.  相似文献   
河北平原水系密度与隐伏活动构造的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以1926年出版的比例尺为1:5万的顺直地形图作为基础图件,用地理信息系统技术对河北平原作水系密度计量分析,揭示隐伏在第四纪巨厚的沉积物之下活动构造的信息,研究结果证实水系线密度统计图与使用其它地球科学方法获得的成果,例如基底活动断块图,地貌类型图和第四纪厚度图都有很好的对应,特别与布格重力图对应更好,研究结果发现水系密度图与布格重力异常图在总体一致性较好的前提下,多处反向异常区均为近代强震发生的区域,提出这种地表水系密度统计研究的成果不仅可以揭示深部隐伏的活动构造,而且具有较明确的时间含义。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION One of the most intriguing phenomena in the late Neoproterozoic (~750 to 543 Ma) is the globa occurrence of thin carbonates that directly overlie glacial deposits in almost every continent (Kennedy 1996; Hoffman et al., 1998; Hoffman and Schrag 2002; Brasier and Shields, 2000; James et al., 2001 Jiang et al., 2003; Nogueira et al., 2003). These “cap carbonates”, commonly several to tens of meters thick, have attracted enormous interests because o their unusually negati…  相似文献   
Rayleigh wave dispersion signals are significant to underground investigation.Tradition-ally,uniformed trace spacing is employed in surface wave surveys.In some cases,however,uneven trace spacing is often encountered because of the limitations of the site condition.In order to study the influence of uneven trace spacing on the dispersion data construction of Rayleigh waves,data acquisi-tion is performed based on a 2.5D field layout with a linear array of geophones fixed and a mobile source.The observation d...  相似文献   
近年来的一些研究表明,由于地震前孕震区地下介质的电性结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。通过对地震前后的地磁短周期转换函数的参数的计算、分析和研究,有可能提取出可靠的地震短临前兆异常(曾小苹等,1990)。为了进一步开展对该方法研究工作并使其在我区地震预测预报研究中得到应用,我们使用了静海台的地磁记录资料,分析计算了该台地磁短周期转换函数在地震前后的变化情况,确立了该方法应用天津地区地震预报的短临异常特征及指标,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
本博士论文在前人构建的陆面水文过程模型TOPX和区域气候模式RIEMS的耦合模式的框架基础上,针对耦合模式中RIEMS对降水和蒸散发的模拟精度较低,RIEMS和TOPX模式之间尺度不匹配等几个核心问题进行了深入细致的研究:对天气雷达资料的定量估测降水方面的研究获得了对沂沭河流域最佳的Z-R关系,并通过雷达雨量计联合校正法得到较高精度的面降雨量;采用集合卡尔曼滤波同化算法对雷达反演的面雨量及区域气候模式RIEMS的降水输出进行了数据同化方案研究,获得了更好的降水模拟效果;在RIEMS和水文模型TOPX构成的耦合模型中加入同化方案,实现了流域降水的实例模拟研究,结果表明使用同化方案明显改善了水文模拟效果。  相似文献   
In this paper the authors classify saline lake sediments into the cold, warm and eurythermal phases, reveal the consistency between the zoning of hydrochemical types of modern saline lake water and climatic zoning and give climatic parameters under the conditions of typical cold phase (mirabilite and natron), warm phase (thenar-dite) and slightly warm phase (bloedite) saline lake deposition.  相似文献   
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