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A numerical experiment of the M2 tide in the Yellow sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semi-diurnal tides in the Yellow Sea are calculated by integrating the shallow water wave equations with frictional and inertial terms.It is found that the results depend on the bottom friction. In the frictionless case the tidal range is unstably amplified because of the occurrence of resonance of the semi-diurnal tidal component in Inchon Bay. When the bottom friction is in the form of the square of velocity, the results agree fairly well with the observations.The following results are obtained. First, the tidal range is larger at the coast of the Korean Peninsula than at the China Coast. Second, resonance of the semi-diurnal tide occurs in Inchon Bay. Third, bottom friction is very important in the shallow ocean,i.e., when the bottom friction become large, the phase lag is retarded and the tidal range decreases.The amplitude and the phase lag calculated in this study agree well with the observations in the case of b =b 2 V¦V¦, b 2=0.0026, especially in the coast of the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   
The formation mechanism of a cold sea-fog case observed over the Yellow Sea near the western coastal area of the Korean Peninsula is investigated using numerical simulation with a one-dimensional turbulence model coupled with a three-dimensional regional model. The simulation was carried out using both Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches; both approaches produced sea fog in a manner consistent with observation. For the selected cold sea-fog case, the model results suggested the following: as warm and moist air flows over a cold sea surface, the lower part of the air column is modified by the turbulent exchange of heat and moisture and the diurnal variation in radiation. The modified boundary-layer structure represents a typical stable thermally internal boundary layer. Within the stable thermally internal boundary layer, the air temperature is decreased by radiative cooling and turbulent heat exchange but the moisture loss due to the downward vapour flux in the lowest part of the air column is compensated by moisture advection and therefore the dewpoint temperature does not decrease as rapidly as does the air temperature. Eventually water vapour saturation is achieved and the cold sea fog forms in the thermal internal boundary layer.  相似文献   
A succession of foliations defined by different sillimanite-bearing structural fabrics suggests that the macroscopic, isoclinal synform that dominates the geometry of the Cannington Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, northwest Queensland, Australia formed during D2. The five foliations in this succession, S1 to S5, are defined by aligned sillimanite with habits ranging from individual crystals in S1 through S4 to clusters of fibrolite in S5 in both the matrix and as inclusion trails within garnet and gahnite (Zn-rich spinel) porphyroblasts. S1, S3 and S5 formed as sub-horizontal foliations, whereas S1a, S2 and S4 formed sub-vertically. Foliation intersection/inflexion axes (FIAs) within garnet and gahnite porphyroblasts preserve a succession of trends that shifts from W-E to N-S. This succession indicates that this region experienced N-S followed by W-E bulk crustal shortening. N-S shortening occurred during D1and D1a, and W-E shortening occurred from D2 to D5. Prismatic and rhombic sillimanite produced during D1-D4 accompanied prograde metamorphism to ca. 634 62°C and 4.8 1.3 kbar. The coexistence of fibrous, prismatic and rhombic sillimanite resulted from post peak metamorphic reactivation of the early foliations during D5. The synformal D2 fold was intensified during D4 by W-E bulk shortening. Local partial melting occurred after D1 in the appropriate bulk rock compositions, based on calculation of P-T pseudosections in the chemical systems KFMASH, KFMASHTO, NCKFMASH and MnNCKFMASH. Zn mineralization related to gahnite growth occurred during D3 through D4, and was redistributed by partial melting into structural and rheological sites during D4 and D5shearing.  相似文献   
Quantitative compositional and microstructural analysis of garnet porphyroblasts in kyanite–staurolite–garnet grade rocks from the northeastern flank of the Pelham dome, north central Massachusetts, distinguishes the effects of Acadian deformation and metamorphism from extensive overprinting Alleghanian shearing. The P–T conditions and the metamorphic path during the Acadian were determined using samples preserving well defined stages in a lengthy tectonic history revealed by a succession of five foliation intersection axis trends preserved within porphyroblasts (FIAs). This Acadian succession extends at least 120 km to the north into rocks where no evidence has been found of an Alleghanian overprint. For each sample where garnet first nucleated during one of these stages in the tectonic history, the PT of core growth was determined by plotting the intersection of the Mn, Fe and Ca isopleths calculated for the core composition on a P–T pseudosection for that sample using THERMOCALC. Combining the PT data from all these samples indicates that the temperature and pressure increased throughout Acadian orogenesis, causing episodic garnet growth. During the Alleghanian, locally intense shearing, especially against the margin of the Pelham dome, formed the dominant schistosity, which truncated all foliations defined by inclusion trails in porphyroblasts and obliterated all remains of Acadian deformation and metamorphism in the rock matrix. Shearing was accompanied by near complete homogenization of the compositional zoning in garnet porphyroblasts and an associated apparent increase in the temperature of the matrix to 700°C in those rocks lying directly adjacent to the Pelham dome, and resulted from the rocks of the Northfield syncline being thrust a large distance southwards over the gneisses in the dome.  相似文献   
Feldspar grain-size reduction occurred due to the fracturing of plagioclase and K-feldspar, myrmekite formation and neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase along shear fractures of K-feldspar porphyroclasts in the leucocratic granitic rocks from the Yecheon shear zone of South Korea that was deformed under a middle greenschist-facies condition. The neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase was induced by strain energy adjacent to the shear fractures and by chemical free energy due to the compositional disequilibrium between infiltrating Na-rich fluid and host K-feldspar. With increasing deformation from protomylonite to mylonite, alternating layers of feldspar, quartz and muscovite developed. The fine-grained feldspar-rich layers were deformed dominantly by granular flow, while quartz ribbons were deformed by dislocation creep. With layer development and a more distributed strain in the mylonite, lower stresses in the quartz-rich layers resulted in a larger size of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains than that of the protomylonite.  相似文献   
Cheomseongdae is known to be the oldest astronomical observatory in Asia. According to historical records, the Gyeongju area, where Cheomseongdae is located, suffered from numerous medium‐scale earthquakes. Cheomseongdae has a masonry structure, which is apparently vulnerable to horizontal dynamic loads such as earthquakes. However, despite its appearance, features such as the filler of the lower half, inner irregular‐shaped stones which can induce high frictional resistance, eight long horizontal tie stones inside the artefact, and a grid of interlocking headstones increase its resistance to horizontal dynamic loads. Dynamic centrifuge model tests were performed on Cheomseongdae in order to evaluate the seismic response characteristics of this architectural heritage structure. Model tests were executed on two 1/15‐scale models: one which was an exact duplicate of the original Cheomseongdae and the other without the long horizontal tie stones and grid of interlocking headstones. On the basis of the amplification patterns in the time and frequency domains, the differences in seismic behaviour between the two Cheomseongdae models, and a broken stone at the 19th layer during tests, the long horizontal tie stones and headstones were found to increase the seismic resistance within Cheomseongdae and provide a glimpse of the ‘seismic design’ of our ancestors. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
<正>In the developed world, governance of marine ecological environment is the important part of the national ecological and economic outcome. The Yellow Sea is one of large marine ecosystems in the seas of East Asia, which is an extension of one of the largest continental shelf areas, and forms a huge but shallow sediment body in its south area which is geographically unique in the world. As a region with the most fragile natural environment, unparalleled global ecological significance and...  相似文献   
Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   
Year-to-year variation of bottom cold waters around the Korea Strait was investigated based on bottom temperatures measured by submarine telephone cable between Pusan, Korea and Hamada, Japan from 1982 to 1992. The characteristics of bottom temperatures could be divided into three different groups: the Korean side, the middle, and the Japanese side. Temperature drops in summer appeared in all the three regions implying the intrusion of cold waters into the Korea Strait. Significant decreases in the Korean side were observed in 1983, 1986, 1990, 1991, and 1992 when bottom temperatures were high in the middle. In contrast, bottom temperatures significantly decreased in the middle in 1985, 1988, and 1989 when the temperature drops in the Korean side were relatively small. This tendency for a negative relationship was also shown in the second mode of an EOF analysis. In the years when bottom temperatures significantly decreased in the Korean side, the cold water along the east coast of Korea expanded offshore and its temperature was low. On the contrary, cold water in the southern region of the Ulleung Basin developed in the years when bottom temperatures decreased considerably in the middle.  相似文献   
The extractable organic matter of sediment samples from six sampling sites in Lake Perdana, Kuala Lumpur, was analyzed to characterize the source inputs. The analysis of aliphatic homologous series indicated that terrestrial higher plant waxes can be assigned as the major sources of the identified aliphatic components in the lake sediments. The presence of an unresolved complex mixture of branched and cyclic compounds and a series of hopanes ranging from C27 to C35 reflected the contamination by petroleum residues from urban vehicular emissions brought in by runoff and fallout. The steroids present included stenols and stanols and showed an input of organic matter from higher plants. The detected pentacyclic triterpenoids comprised oleanane, ursane, lupane and friedelane skeletons including unsaturated oxygenated, mono-, di- and triaromatic counterparts. They are recognized as biomarkers for angiosperms. The presence of des-A-triterpenoids and their aromatized derivatives as the major diagenetic products of triterpenoids reflected the degradation of natural organic matter in the sediments occurring under mainly anoxic conditions. In addition, the presence of tetrahymanol and ββ-bishomohopan-32-ol indicated a minor algal/plankton and bacterial input to the sediments.  相似文献   
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